"Mingfei, they said you're going to study abroad?" The newsstand man sat on a chair in the newsstand, found a place where the sun could get the sun and squinted his eyes. His left hand and right hand rested on his belly covered by a white undershirt. Chatting with Lu Mingfei outside.

"Yeah." Although the young man outside could not be seen from the angle where the beauty of the newsstand was lying drunk, you could still hear his perfunctory reply.

"It's good to study abroad. You will be a turtle when you come back from studying abroad. You can make a lot of money."

"Yeah." From time to time, the sound of turning books could be heard outside.

"Listen to my advice, study hard, and if you can study abroad, learn more about other people's core technologies and come back. Unlike me, who have no skills, I can only read newsstands, and I can't make a lot of money."

"Yeah." The boy outside was still perfunctory.

The newsstand man wasn't angry either. After all, he didn't really want to have a heart-to-heart with this young kid who wouldn't look up or down when meeting each other every day, and would swipe at his free magazines when they met. It's just that at his age, he would always break his tongue when he had nothing to do, and there were people around him. Just a listener is enough, no matter it is a good-for-nothing kid in the community or a stone mound with ears.

"Uncle, in addition to this "Grudge", do you have "Novel Painting" here?"

""Novel Painting"? I didn't get many tickets. If there's nothing on the stall outside, it's sold out. Don't all the young people now watch "Grudge"? Why are you watching "Novel Painting"! It's outdated. So, talking about people, it's also You have to keep pace with the times, otherwise you will be eliminated. Studying abroad is a clear choice for you. They say that foreign countries are many years ahead of us. You should study abroad and see more, travel more, and come back after graduation to build our country. We are also making progress, and if we fall behind, we will be beaten." The newsstand man was swinging his fan leisurely, and the topic was very divergent.

"Uncle, let me ask one more question, what year is this year?" asked the boy outside.

"It's 2018! Why, you're so stupid from reading that you can't even remember the date?"

Lu Mingfei on the curb did not pick on the old man, but closed the new issue of "Sprout" in his hand, looked up at the fragments of sunlight cast in the greenery, and felt that his own cognition was also affected by the sunlight. The cut was a bit fragmented, and the whole person seemed very disillusioned.

New energy vehicles with green plates roared away on the street, without a trace of exhaust, environmentally friendly and clean. The beautiful girls with a forest girl style disappeared on the road, replaced by hip-hop culture and cool boys and girls with dreadlocks. I walked past with my hands in my pocket, chatting about who was the most popular in yesterday's "Hip Hop" and who was eliminated the most unfairly.

2018. How could it be 2018!

Lu Mingfei, who was scratching his head crazily but unable to scratch his head, felt that either the world was crazy or he was crazy.

He stood up from the curb, looked left and right, looked up to the sky and shouted, "Lu Mingze! Come out!"

When a Jinchuuriki is hit by a genjutsu, the first thing he thinks of is to help the tenant in his belly, and Lu Mingfei is no exception.

But his voice was covered up by the roar of traffic on the highway. The spring breeze blew green leaves on his face, seeming to laugh at his panic. He pulled back the leaves and found that no one responded to him. The one who was always on call The little devil seemed not to be in the service area. The only "Lu Mingze" left in the world seemed to exist only in the old house in the community he just left, his cousin who was 160 in all directions.

That's true, if it was "Lu Mingfei" at that time, there was indeed no little devil named Lu Mingze around, and there was only him and his own shadow in the sun in the whole world.

"Are you leaving?" The newsstand man squinted his eyes and gently shook the cattail leaf fan, "It's 15 yuan and you can sweep it yourself."

"Scan? What are you scanning for?" Lu Mingfei turned around and asked subconsciously, holding the new "Sprouting" in his hand.

"Alipay and WeChat are both acceptable, here." The newsstand man pointed to the plastic sheet placed on the stall, which contained a QR code printed as a picture, "We don't accept cash, oh, it's not that we don't accept cash. Receive it, I can’t open it if I don’t have any change.”

Lu Mingfei touched his pocket and found that he had no change. He touched his pants pocket again and took out a touch phone. The screen was so much bigger than the iPhone 5 he used before, and the design was also full of beauty, which made him He once again doubted the reality of the world. Is this an electronic device he can afford?

Although he didn't know that WeChat could still pay, he knew how to use Alipay. He scanned the QR code for 15 yuan, and the AI ​​female voice immediately sounded in the uncle's newsstand to remind him: 15 yuan has been received from Alipay.

Lu Mingfei was stunned by all this. The date on his phone clearly showed May 2018, and it felt like what year it was today.

Everything seemed familiar yet strange.

Lu Mingfei was sitting on the curb at the entrance of the community, with his head in his hands and his head bowed in an autistic state. In his left hand was a box of discounted milk bags, and in his right hand was a plastic bag containing half a kilogram of Cantonese sausage and a book with the wrapping film removed. "Sprouting" is perfectly integrated into the row of stone pillars at the entrance of the community.

Okay, let's reorganize the situation.

Don't worry, Lu Mingfei, according to what is mentioned in the "Special Situation Countermeasures Guide" in the "Casel College Mission Manual Chinese Version", what should the commissioner do when he encounters a type A special situation while performing a mission?

"Calm down, calm down, calm the fuck down."

First of all, let’s be clear, is this still Nibelungen? Recall, where were you before you came here?

"On a subway train."

Great, where does the train go? What was your purpose at that time?

"The train leads to Line 8 of the Nibelungen. My purpose is to rescue Chen Wenwen who accidentally entered the Nibelungen, and to deal with the Dragon King."

Very good, there is no big problem with the memory, which means that the thinking and senses are still functioning normally. So do you have any idea how you got here? Are there any signs or special memory points?

"No, I rested for a while on the train with Su Xiaoqiang. I squinted and then opened my eyes and appeared here."

So, where do you think this is? What environment are you in now?

"This is my hometown, to be precise, it's my aunt and uncle's home. Although there are many details that are different, it's still the same place in general. I can't remember it wrong. The farmer's market 300 meters across the street from the community is still there. Otherwise, where can I buy my discounted yogurt and Cantonese sausage?”

But, you also feel something abnormal, right?

"Nonsense, anyone I meet will tell me it's 2018, it's already 7 years later, but I'm still 18 years old and in my senior year of high school! Isn't this abnormal enough? And the details of many things have changed. It seems so paradoxical. It feels like it is.”

Just like the concept of parallel universes mentioned by Professor Francis in the quantum mechanics course, in a possible universe, Lu Mingfei turned 18 in 2018, melancholy about studying abroad and a love that was about to end in vain, studying in the third year of high school The pressure and the eagerness of youth made his body and mind run wildly like a joy in that flying youth.

Then, in another world line, the battle-damaged version of Lu Mingfei, who was chased by Deadpool like a dog and howled like a dog in the Nibelung, fell from the sky and traveled to this parallel time and space.

Lu Mingfei raised his hand and slapped it on his face, a little disillusioned, "No, it shouldn't be possible. It's not like those popular time-travel novels! I haven't seen anything happen after time-travel. Fight me, Feng Mo Lang! This should be a hallucination-like scene. In reality, I should be attacked by some kind of hallucinogenic spirit when I'm still on the subway?"

He hypothesized based on his most acceptable guess to explain everything that was unreasonable. After a series of self-questions and answers, Lu Mingfei finally calmed down. He glanced at the discounted yogurt and Cantonese sausages next to him, and remembered He had often bought these things for his aunt and uncle, but that was all in the past, that is, during his high school days, every time Mingze ran errands, he would yell at him to remember to bring a copy of "Novel Painting" , but for some unknown reason, "Novel Painting" became "Sprouting", and he didn't even know there was such a magazine as "Sprouting".

Gather information first.

Lu Mingfei prides himself on being a member of the preparatory executive department who is getting better and better. Although he failed the assessment, the examiners said that he has a promising future. It is a certainty that he will join the executive department in the future, so he must use his executive department when encountering problems. The excellent qualities of the commissioner come out.

Lu Mingfei took out the large-screen mobile phone, looked at the front and sides, and determined that this thing could not be a product of his era. This thing seemed to be a "concept phone" and was only used in some large manufacturers. I have seen it in the demonstration video of the pie, but in this world, he actually has a real phone in his hand, and if you think about it further, even he can afford this kind of phone, which means that this concept phone has been popularized in every household, and even It is not considered a high-end product.

Unlock the screen, click on Settings, and find the option about this machine. When I clicked on it, it turned out to be a brand that Lu Mingfei didn't recognize, "Redmi?"

It seems to be a Xiaomi brand? In 2018, have Xiaomi mobile phones evolved enough to compete with Apple? Or can domestic mobile phones really one day beat those smartphones produced in the United States?

Lu Mingfei felt that the person who designed this environment must be a patriot, but he did not ridicule and criticize this phenomenon. Who knows whether domestic products can get rid of the labels of "pirated" and "inferior" in the future and become an international trend? Hard currency? If you build mobile phones today, will you be able to build cars and computers tomorrow?

Oh, forget about the computer, the chip thing is indeed a bit difficult to conquer.

Electronic devices are the best way to obtain information. Lu Mingfei decided to start with this mobile phone that should belong to him. The first thing he clicked on was the chat tool. Fortunately, today, 18 years ago, Lu Mingfei is still the same in this world. I insist on using QQ, with familiar images and a fresh but still fresh interface. After clicking on it, many group chats and private chats pop up.

Then Lu Mingfei naturally saw the chat interface that was manually pinned to the top. In the circle representing the avatar on the left, the avatar of a girl wearing a baseball cap was gray. The chat bar contained the last chat record and the last message his account sent to the other party. A message:

[Are you going to the literary club event the night after tomorrow? [Curious emoji]]

Lu Mingfei raised his hands and covered his face. There was no need to think about the timeline. The memory that died after seeing this message jumped up and slapped him several times in the air, yanking the memory of blood and tears out of his mouth. After spitting it out, every pore in my body was opening and closing, and my toes were almost digging out the gullies in the curb.

Isn’t this what happened during that time? Just, in the cinema, confessing, what happened before the plane.

He endured the embarrassment and quickly browsed other chat records. It felt like he was peeking into other people's private lives, but it was clear that this account and these friends belonged to him, "Lu Mingfei."

Before the embarrassing cancer attack, Lu Mingfei turned off his cell phone and buried his head lower.

He was sure that the time period he was in was definitely the eve of being admitted to Kassel College. During that period, the group chat of the literature club discussed the content of the party, the teacher in the senior group chat nagging about the problem of volunteer selection, and

Lu Mingfei gently turned on the screen and saw the avatar that was still bright in color.

It was a mean big-headed panda avatar, and the note was "Old Tang".

Old Tang was still alive.

"Damn it." Lu Mingfei murmured.

He forgot where this swear word came from, but since it was a swear word, it fits the context now.

Sitting on the stone pier at the entrance of the community for a long time, basking in the spring sun in his memory, Lu Mingfei put his mobile phone in his pocket, picked up the box of discounted milk, and his right hand also pulled the sausages and literary magazines in his pocket and walked towards the gate of the community property. He still had a few important things to confirm.

Walking along the familiar neighborhood road in his memory, basking in the same sunshine, it was obviously home, but Lu Mingfei was like a stranger, walking and stopping to look, occasionally getting close to the red flowers in the flowerbed and taking a few deep puffs, then pinching himself weirdly, slapping himself, grimacing in pain, and then walking dejectedly to the property gate.

"Is there a letter for me? Mingfei Lu."

"Yes, it's from the United States." The guard threw out a letter.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself, as expected, took the thin paper, tore it open, and glanced at the contents of the printed paper inside: Dear Mr. Lu Mingfei, thank you for your interest in the University of Chicago, but you were rejected, God came to close the door and then open the door, our Kassel College is so awesome, elite professor Guderian will take a car to give you a scholarship and a contract, your president's professional lackey Norma.

The contents were roughly the same. Lu Mingfei glanced at them and sighed. He felt like he was just a revolving lantern. It was not like there had been a deadpool or a dangerous hybrid hiding on a train in Nibelungen who had been tricked by him. Now, everything he saw and experienced was just a revolving lantern before death.

"Is there another package?" Lu Mingfei folded the letter in half and stuffed it into the back pocket of his jeans.

"Yes, sign for it." The guard threw out a list and a large FedEx envelope.

Lu Mingfei casually left his well-trained cursive signature on the list, which was praised by the guard. After tearing open the large envelope, a mobile phone was indeed poured out from it, but it was not the Nokia N96 he imagined, but a brand new iPhone. He seemed to be used to these minor changes, but he couldn't help but take a look at the system's About This Machine and found that it was an "iPhone X"! Damn it, he was still using iPhone 5, but he was using X here!

There was only one contact in the phone book of iPhone X, "Prof. Guderian", Professor Guderian.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the phone number. Strangely, the number matched the phone number of Professor Guderian in his memory. Many details changed, but things that shouldn't have changed didn't change. Does this mean that he was distracted, opened the dial pad, entered a phone number that he knew by heart, and then clicked to dial!



"Click." He looked up.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not available. Please check before dialing." A cold broadcast came from the phone.

Lu Mingfei was stunned and looked at the phone.

Did he dial the wrong number?

He re-entered it and dialed, and then the mechanical broadcast in the phone sounded again, "Sorry, the number you dialed is not available. Please check before dialing."

Lu Mingfei did not enter it for the third time, but opened the phone book and first searched for the letter "L", but he didn't find the person he wanted to find.

"What the hell?" Lu Mingfei frowned and looked at the phone screen, and found that he didn't have Lin Nian's contact information on his phone. Not only the phone book, but even the chat software didn't have the other party's friends. His original QQ also set up special care for Lin Nian! Now even his "flying into the blue sky" QQ number can't be found! A precise search of the QQ number also found no such person.

The phone number and QQ number are not correct, so that's fine, but there is no contact information. Could it be that this version of Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian have broken up? The two have never contacted each other and deleted each other's contact information?

Unable to find Lin Nian on his phone, Lu Mingfei flipped through the phone book again, selected the first letter "S", and saw the number of "Su Xiaoqiang" at a glance, and clicked to dial.

When encountering an unreasonable situation, if you can solve it yourself, solve it, but if you can call someone, Lu Mingfei will definitely call someone without hesitation. Go to the West to ask the Buddha Lin Nian. Do you think this sentence is a joke? Why didn't he call Lin Nian if he could?

If you can't find Lin Nian, just look for Su Xiaoqiang, this is common sense. If he remembers correctly, during this period of his senior year, Lin Nian should have entered Kassel College in advance to study in the advance class for half a year, and then went to the first grade with Chu Zihang. Now he is probably abroad. It is understandable that all the numbers are empty when dialing the phone. What if other people's phone numbers have not changed but Lin Nian's has changed? It's not like there is no such possibility.

"Click" This time the call was connected in less than a few seconds. The familiar voice of the little goddess came from the other end, but it sounded a little strange and impatient, "Huh? Lu Mingfei? Why are you calling me?"

"Su Xiaoqiang? What's going on over there?" Lu Mingfei asked hurriedly, hoping that if he was inexplicably in such an environment where he couldn't figure out the situation, would Su Xiaoqiang who was in the same car with him be in the same situation? That way, at least he could find a reliable comrade to think about a way out together.

"What do you mean by what's going on over here? What are you talking about?" Lu Mingfei was disappointed. Su Xiaoqiang on the other end of the phone seemed very impatient, and seemed not very happy to answer the call. "Are you okay? If not, I'll hang up."

"What are you doing now? Do you have time to meet?" Lu Mingfei noticed that the call quality on the other end seemed a bit poor, as if he was in a noisy environment.

"Why do you care about me? Oh, it's Lu Mingfei's phone. I don't know why he called me. Hey, Lu Mingfei, what on earth do you want to do? You called me for no reason. Zhao Menghua and I are looking for the venue for the event of the Houtian Literature Society in the CBD business district. We are very busy. If you are free, I will hang up!" The other party replied in a very impatient manner, as if he didn't want to be misunderstood by the people around him?

"Wait, wait, who are you with?" Lu Mingfei was stunned and heard an incredible name.

"Zhao Menghua, aren't we the two who plan the activities of the Literature Society? What on earth do you want to do? I really want to hang up." Su Xiaoqiang spoke very quickly, and her impatience was about to overflow. It seemed that she was really going to hang up.

"Don't hang up yet, send me Lin Nian's mobile phone number first." Lu Mingfei felt a headache and was sure that this Su Xiaoqiang was not the little goddess he knew.

"Lin Nian?" The other end of the phone suddenly paused, "Who is that? How come I have his phone number?"

Lu Mingfei raised his head sharply and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Who is Lin Nian? Are you talking like a human? Su Xiaoqiang, are you crazy? Don't you have your boyfriend's phone number?" He asked quickly, forcibly denying the speculation that surged in his mind.

"You are crazy, right? Don't talk nonsense, what about my boyfriend? This girl is still single. It's okay, it's okay. Lu Mingfei is just crazy. He is a psychopath. He asked me if I have any 'Lin Nian's' phone number. Hello, Lu Mingfei, I'm hanging up. That's it. If you want to go crazy, find someone else to go crazy, don't find me. If the literature club can't find a place to hold the event the day after tomorrow, it's all your fault!" Su Xiaoqiang on the other side hung up the phone indignantly, making Lu Mingfei hold back a lot of words he wanted to say.

"Wait, Su Xiaoqiang, you fucking bastard" Lu Mingfei was so anxious that he cursed, but the other party hung up the phone faster than him, and only a monotonous "beep" sound was left in the phone receiver.

The bad premonition in my heart came true.

Lu Mingfei put down his phone and called again, but the other party didn't answer and hung up directly. He didn't believe it and called again, but found that he was blacklisted and the line was busy no matter how he called.

Standing at the door of the guard room, Lu Mingfei was like a madman, and began to frantically search for all the traces he wanted to see in the chat software, text box, and call records on his phone, but no matter how hard he tried, the result was the same in the end:

No such person.

In this world, the person named Lin Nian seemed to have evaporated, or never existed.

It's a ghost.

"Are you okay?" The guard seemed to notice that Lu Mingfei had been standing in the sun for a while and asked with his head out. It was not because he was afraid that he would get heatstroke, but mainly because the other party had been standing here for a while and occupied the road. If a car came in, he would have to honk the horn, which was annoying.

"I have something to do." Lu Mingfei didn't even raise his head and poked the phone frantically.

"If you want to play King of Glory, move to another place quickly, don't block the entrance and exit." The guard waved his hand impatiently as he looked at Lu Mingfei whose head was about to get into the phone.

"I said, I have something to do, can't you hear me?" Lu Mingfei turned his head and stared at the guard, then paused, turned his head and looked away, ". Sorry."

He took a deep breath, and the mobile phone in his hands dropped down. He ignored the discounted yogurt and sausages on the ground and hurried away.

In the guard room, the guard kept stretching his head in a daze. His whole body was stiff as if he had been dead for three days. It was not until Lu Mingfei left for a while that cold sweat "swished" from his back and wet his security uniform. His lungs, which were holding their breath to the limit, twitched wildly, and he inhaled air to make his purple face return to normal. It took him dozens of minutes to recover. He looked in the direction where Lu Mingfei left in a daze. His blank brain was filled with the hideous face of the boy when he looked into his eyes, and the inhuman molten red eyes that captured people!

ps: Su Xiaoqiang and Su Xiaoqiang should be distinguished.

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