The elevator door in front of me opened with a pleasant "ding" sound, and what came into view was the waiting room covered with red carpet on the executive floor and 17 chairs arranged neatly, which corresponded to 17 interviewers, no more, no less.

Chen Wenwen, Su Xiaoqiang, Zhao Menghua, and Liu Miaomiao are all there. There are also some people who have been seen in school but cannot name them, and there are also a few completely unfamiliar faces, but there is no doubt that they are all students from Shilan Middle School.

It's very reasonable. Looking back at this scene now, Lu Mingfei feels that Norma's arrangements are indeed very rigorous. If Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang were admitted separately by name, it would appear that Kassel College is very purposeful, but If a group of people from Shilan Middle School were brought over for an interview, and a back door was used to let Su Xiaoqiang and Lu Mingfei pass, everyone would just think that Lu Mingfei was lucky enough to please the interviewer and get this shocking leak. , and Su Xiaoqiang, the daughter of the mine boss, knows everything.

Lu Mingfei walked over, and everyone who knew him shouted out his name in surprise when they saw him. Lu Mingfei walked to the empty seat next to Su Xiaoqiang regardless, and picked up the seat under the stunned gaze of the little goddess. Table and pencil sit down.

"Lu Mingfei." Three seats away, Chen Wenwen gently leaned forward to greet Lu Mingfei, seeming a little surprised that he could appear on such an occasion.

Today, Chen Wenwen carefully matched her clothes, aqua blue skirt, white silk scarf, white socks with lace and flat black leather shoes. The mother-of-pearl hairpin on her head was shining, which perfectly matched the cute and obedient character in Lu Mingfei's mind. image of white moonlight.


But Lu Mingfei just responded to Chen Wenwen's greeting in a perfunctory manner. He glanced at the girl's smooth wrist from the corner of his eye without looking at her.

It’s not that I don’t want to see it, it’s that I don’t dare to see it.

He has not forgotten that the person he is looking for is still in unknown danger. Every time he glances at this Chen Wenwen, he is undoubtedly adding fuel to the anxiety that he has finally suppressed. The faster he gets, the slower he gets. He knows this truth. .

The waiter brought tea, a croissant with cheese and a cup of hot milk. Lu Mingfei picked up the milk and thanked the waiter slightly, then drank half a sip. His attitude was very natural, but the person sitting next to him was quite unnatural.

"Why are you sitting here with me? There are so many seats." Su Xiaoqiang twisted her body quite uncomfortably and glared at Lu Mingfei who was sitting next to her. Then she discovered that Shai Zai, who was usually cowardly to the core, not only did not fight to avoid her eyes this time, but instead stared into her eyes, which actually made her feel uncomfortable.

Inexplicably, she had the illusion that the Lu Mingfei sitting next to her seemed a little different from the Lu Mingfei she knew? He couldn't tell what the specific difference was. The bad guy in his memory was sitting there silently and didn't understand. Every detail in his eyes and movements would reveal how bad he was, making her not want to look at him again after just one glance. .

But now with the Lu Mingfei next to her, she always felt that this boy was "tight". It didn't mean that he was nervous and at a loss, but that he was "tight" like a bow. When the bow was full of strings, even if it was Even in the static state, you can feel the power that can crack mountains and crack rocks from the bow waist and string tendons.

The bow is drawn and the moon is full, ready to go. I'm afraid this is the state I'm talking about. Usually this boy should hide, bend down, and avoid people when he sees people, but now that he is sitting here, people can't help but want to avoid him. Lower your head to avoid his gaze, want to stay away from him so as not to be hurt? .

She didn't like Lu Mingfei looking like this, which made her very uncomfortable.

"One question." Lu Mingfei put down the milk and said, "Su Xiaoqiang, you really don't know Lin Nian? Have you no impression of this name at all?" After saying that, he stared at Su Xiaoqiang without saying a word, hoping to see something in the other person's eyes. Some kind of struggle, or reluctance.

"Didn't I tell you before? I don't know Lin Nian. Don't tell me about these things. I'm warning you!" Su Xiaoqiang grabbed Lu Mingfei's sleeve and forced him to bend over. He came down to talk small talk, and at the same time, he glanced towards Zhao Menghua from the corner of his eye, as if he was worried that there would be some misunderstanding over there when he heard the conversation here, "Shouldn't you sit over there with Chen Wenwen? It's just your head to come and harass me. Got a fever?"

"It seems that you are indeed not the Su Xiaoqiang I know." Lu Mingfei still couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his eyes when he looked at the little goddess who was so close.

This girl and the little goddess he knew were not Su Xiaoqiang who liked Zhao Menghua at all. Don't be too ridiculous. In the world without Lin Nian, did the little goddess's eyesight become so low? That guy Zhao Menghua is a prodigal who loves the new and hates the old! Even if Lin Nian disappears, you should too.

Lu Mingfei closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and stopped the dissatisfaction and resentment growing in his heart. These emotions should not be vented towards this strange Su Xiaoqiang. The other person is indeed another person, a person from parallel time and space. But he just can't bear it. Just thinking about the fact that Su Xiaoqiang didn't like Lin Nian's liking for others, he felt disgusted and had the desire to fight to bring order to the chaos.

If the Su Xiaoqiang in this world is not the Su Xiaoqiang he knows, then where is the original little goddess? Are you also in a similar paradoxical world like him?

"Are you sick? What the hell are you talking about?" Su Xiaoqiang let go of Lu Mingfei in confusion and sat up straight. She couldn't understand what this guy was talking about. "Keep your voice down, the interviewer is coming out."

"Is Liu Miaomiao here?" The door of the conference room opened, and a tall and thin boy walked out. He spoke fluent Chinese, had sharp eyebrows and a typical Chinese face.

"Senior Ye Sheng? Isn't the interviewer Nuonuo?" Lu Mingfei stared at Ye Sheng who came out and couldn't help whispering, feeling a little surprised.

"Do you know the interviewer?" Su Xiaoqiang heard Lu Mingfei's whispers and couldn't help asking.

She was actually quite interested in Kassel College. Although even if this foreign school didn't send her an interview notice, she could still go to Stanford with her father's relationship, but who wouldn't want to strive for a better future through their own efforts and excellence? She was arrogant and naturally wanted to prove her ability to her family.

"I know him, but I don't know if he knows me." Lu Mingfei stared at Ye Sheng in the spring school uniform of Kassel College and answered.

Even though he knew that this little goddess was not the one he knew, he still kept the habit of chatting with Su Xiaoqiang. In Kassel College, the students from Shilan High School were very close to each other. Occasionally, Su Xiaoqiang would invite Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei to the coffee shop for a drink or something. In addition, they were all members of the Lionheart Club, so they were quite familiar with each other.

"Is he strict in screening people? Do you have any information about his interests and hobbies?" Su Xiaoqiang decided to get some information. Maybe the usually unknown little loser really knows some connections? Who can say for sure about interpersonal relationships.

"I don't know if the screening is strict. He is a graduate of Kassel College. He graduated a few years ago and is in charge of field work in the executive department. His partner is senior sister Aki. Did senior sister Aki also come to this interview?" In Lu Mingfei's memory, Ye Sheng and Aki basically appeared together. Since the bronze plan, their identity as a couple was exposed. Minister Schneider cruelly split them into groups according to the rules of the executive department, but this still did not affect their relationship and daily contacts. I heard that they will get married in a year or two. I don't know if they will send me wedding invitations.

"You haven't even enrolled yet, and you've called seniors?" Su Xiaoqiang expressed contempt for Lu Mingfei's shameless behavior of getting close.

"." Lu Mingfei didn't say anything, but just stared at Ye Sheng silently, as if he wanted to see some clues from him.

Ye Sheng, who was looking at everyone in the waiting room, seemed to feel the piercing gaze in the corner of the waiting room. His training marks made him turn back reflexively and meet the eyes of the bold boy.

Is it him? Ye Sheng recognized Lu Mingfei, the "S"-level preparatory student in the information Norma distributed.

He actually felt a sense of "scrutiny" in Lu Mingfei's brown eyes, which was a commentary from head to toe, a sharp look like a scalpel. He only remembered seeing this kind of look in the iron-gray eyes of the Aryan, the head of their executive department.

He wanted to use the same look to return the same look to this fledgling boy, but the longer he stared at that look, the more a voice in his heart warned him not to do so. The correct way should be...Ye Sheng took the initiative to avoid Lu Mingfei's sight. He felt inexplicably heavy in his heart, and at the same time, some expectations and hostility emerged slightly?

It seems that the principal has really dug up something this time. I wonder what Professor Guderian's reaction will be?

Ye Sheng stabilized his mind, introduced himself to the people in the waiting room according to the script, and turned around and walked into the conference room with Liu Miaomiao, who was so nervous that she was a little timid.

Lu Mingfei looked at his back and kept silent, as if thinking whether he should take the initiative to create some variables to make his guess clearer.

In less than ten minutes, Liu Miaomiao was brushed out. The piano goddess' eyes were a little red, and she lowered her head and left with a pitiful attitude. Lu Mingfei saw from the corner of his eye that Zhao Menghua's sight seemed to follow him until he entered the elevator.

Oh, it turns out that some signs have started from now, brother Langli Baitiao, you haven't even eaten the bowl yet, but you're looking at whether the pot is a bit unethical?

Chen Wenwen, who was sitting next to Zhao Menghua, tilted her head to look at Lu Mingfei, but Lu Mingfei had already strayed from her sight and casually encouraged Su Xiaoqiang, who was named, to watch the little goddess being taken to the slaughterhouse by Ye Sheng.

Su Xiaoqiang was killed in five minutes. When she came out, she was extremely angry. After leaving behind the barking of the defeated dog, she left with her head down.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw Su Xiaoqiang leaving. In the world without Lin Nian, Su Xiaoqiang couldn't even pass the interview at Kassel College? What's the matter?

Zhao Menghua became the next person to be named, and walked in confidently. After he stood up and left, the seat between Lu Mingfei and Chen Wenwen was vacant.

The two sat three or four benches apart, without talking, and without changing seats to get closer.

Lu Mingfei was very able to sit still. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he still forced himself not to have any intersection with Chen Wenwen, whom he didn't know. This would make him feel an inexplicable sense of betrayal. Although he didn't know how he betrayed, his instinct told him that some people and things should not be touched, so he should think less, and it's best not to touch them at all.

Seeing Lu Mingfei sitting still so well, Chen Wenwen also lowered her head slightly and played with her fingers. She did feel that something was a bit strange, and she also noticed that Lu Mingfei today was different from usual. But before, Lu Mingfei took the initiative to come to her to talk about the topic, and it seemed that she was still a little unaccustomed to the feeling of taking the initiative to contact the other party.

The door of the conference room opened, and Zhao Menghua walked out with a confused look on his face. Ye Sheng read out Chen Wenwen's name with a smile.

Chen Wenwen stood up and walked to Ye Sheng's side. Before entering, she couldn't help but look back at Lu Mingfei who was sitting in the seat. She found that Lu Mingfei was also looking at her. The emotion in his eyes was very strange. It was a kind of distant, plain and unfamiliar look.

"Good luck."

Chen Wenwen saw the other party whispering, then this blessing was not a real blessing, but a polite blessing after their eyes met.

The door was closed, and only Lu Mingfei was left in the first row of seats. He quickly turned the 2B pencil between his fingers and silently thought about many things. Until fifteen minutes later when Chen Wenwen pushed the door out, he stood up and walked over, brushed past the girl, and walked into the meeting room without giving the other party a chance to say what she wanted to say.

Chen Wenwen stood in front of the door that closed with a "dong", staring blankly at the place where Lu Mingfei went in. She was forced to swallow back the interview questions she had just encountered when she wanted to take the initiative to reveal them.

Lu Mingfei seemed really strange today. She thought.

ps: The interesting parts will be written more, and the other parts will be skipped, but even if they are skipped, Lu Mingfei will experience that time leap normally until he finds the hidden question and the answer he wants.

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