If I don't have money to go to college, I can only go to slay the dragon.

Chapter 1306: Thousands of red threads tied to lovesickness

The blood soaked through the gauze on both sides of the clavicle, and the blood from the two wounds on the inside of the legs also flowed out from the blood-soaked gauze, flowing down along the inner and outer extensions of the thighs, merging into the knee pits, and flowing diagonally from the arc of the straightened calves into the shoes. The white socks inside were now stained blood red, and there was a strange sound of blood being squeezed with every step.

Penetrating wounds are not so easy to deal with. After bandaging the wound, Zhao Xusheng did not forget to take out the corresponding tetanus injection from the medical bag picked up at the entrance. In order to ensure that the wound would not be infected, he also took antibiotics orally.

Unlike other mixed-bloods, Zhao Xusheng knew her physical condition. Once she got tetanus because of the rust on the steel bars, she would most likely die from the acute infectious disease with a mortality rate close to 100%. Even if she was not infected with tetanus bacteria, the inflammation and suppuration of the wound alone would be enough to make her lose her ability to move.

What a trouble.

Zhao Xusheng hated her bloodline more than once, because it always failed her at many times, but in the end, she wanted to do what she should do, and she could only rely on this bloodline to protect the people she should protect.

The amount of blood loss was a bit too much. Zhao Xusheng silently estimated her limit and looked back at the bloodstains left on the ground when she came. If she hadn't killed all the deadpools in the sewer, it would be a bit troublesome for her to deal with another group of deadpools smelling blood in her current state.

But in the end, Zhao Xusheng didn't regret attacking Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang at that time. Expelling irrelevant people was one of the top priorities. From the moment she entered the sewer, she realized that Xuxu was hiding at this level, and it was likely that he was in a bad state and was probably injured.

So her first action was to become a humanoid self-propelled bait, attracting as many deadpools in the sewer as possible to her side, and then solve them one by one, because she was not 100% sure that she could completely save the injured Xuxu from so many enemies. As long as there was a little risk, she would not take risks, and would rather be tired and kill all the dangers in the cradle before making the next move.

Anything that might threaten the next "Yue" would either be cleared out by her or completely away from this place. She could not tolerate any accidents. Sima Xuxu was the continuation of the orthodoxy and could not tolerate any accidents. Her existence was to escort the boy until the day when he could take on the responsibility. Before that, she paved all the thorns and waded through all the mud. This was the responsibility of a dead soldier and the pillar that supported her beliefs since childhood.

The medical bag was opened, and Zhao Xusheng found a yellow plastic medicine bottle inside. It looked like the small medicine bottle for painkillers in American families. After unscrewing the lid and sniffing the smell of the medicine inside, she determined the approximate composition and effect of the medicine. This was a purified substance mixed with "bone, blood, and horn", which could be taken orally for secondary bloodline refining.

Zhao Xusheng poured out a pill, scraped some powder on it with her fingernails in the palm of her hand, and then lowered her head and licked the powder clean with her tongue.

Due to the special nature of the "Hetu" mantra, Zhao Xusheng was forbidden by the Zhao family's clan leader to access any documents related to bloodline refining technology since she was born. The "Sky Lantern" technique circulated in the core circle of the five major clans was not available to her in this life.

She is the eldest daughter of the Zhao family. The inheritance of the clan can be said to be expressed vividly in her. If it weren't for her problem with the word spirit, she should have become a respected doctor instead of a death warrior who escorted the successor of "Moon".

Since birth, Zhao Xusheng should have been the inheritor of the secret art of "Moon". The eldest son of the Zhao family also trained her in this direction from the beginning, until she revealed her power, the ancient mantra called "Hetu" that only existed in the classics. The five eldest sons had a special discussion on this matter. The final result was that compared with the regulator of "Moon", Zhao Xusheng, who possessed the terrible mantra of "Hetu", was more suitable to be a death warrior of "Moon", living for "Moon" and dying for "Moon".

Zhao Xusheng did not refuse the clan's arrangement for her. When the clan leader stroked her head and pointed to the boy who was dozing and slacking under the locust tree with an ancient book on his face on a sunny day, and told her that he was the clan leader she would protect with her life, she made up her mind to accept her fate without regrets.

Her heart suddenly contracted, and Zhao Xusheng opened her mouth and coughed out a mouthful of dark red blood on the ground. The powder mixed with "bone, blood, and horn" had entered the metabolic organs through the stomach and penetrated into the limbs through the capillaries. For other mixed-bloods, it was just a shot of stimulant, but for her, it was a dose of real tiger and wolf poison.

For Zhao Xusheng, any excessive refining of bloodline was undoubtedly pouring fierce oil into the blood vessels. Her skin all over her body was slightly red, and her pupils were also stained with abnormal blood. This was already the limit of bloodline refining she could accept. If she went further, irreversible consequences would occur.

The benefits of the slightly refined bloodline soon appeared. The amount of bleeding from the clavicle wound gradually decreased, and the legs that were originally unable to exert strength began to regain consciousness, because the cold body temperature gradually warmed up as if he had drunk a sip of strong liquor, and the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow operated several times or even dozens of times. The wound soon had a tingling sensation. If you pulled away the gauze and looked at it under a microscope, you can see that the flesh and blood tissue that runs through the wound is growing, connecting, and repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhao Xinsheng closed the medicine bottle and put it into her pocket. She gently pressed the place where her eyebrows met with her left hand. The slight pressure made her recover a lot from her depressed mental state after opening her eyes, and she walked forward for a while. , she stopped and looked at the red door inlaid on the wall not far away. Black and yellow warning strips were affixed to the door hanging, and scattered wooden boards were nailed to the surface, highlighting its identity as a safe house.

Zhao Yansheng took two steps closer and then stopped. He saw the cracks and blood stains left by the explosion on the ground. He twitched his nose and smelled the strong smell of blood. The content of dragon blood genes in the ingredients was simply off the charts. No wonder those deadpools before He would completely ignore himself and rush towards this side crazily. According to the saying in the violent game that Xuxu played, this was a bottle of "bile" thrown here.

Now the deadpools in the sewers have been basically cleaned up. Even if there are still two or three kittens left, it would be best if Xuxu is really hiding in it. If she finds Xuxu, she can lead them all the way out of Nibo. Long Gen returned to the clan and completely stayed away from this place of right and wrong. In the current situation where the "moon" has not yet fallen, the Dragon King's battlefield is still too far away from Xuxu.

Zhao Yansheng stretched out her hand and placed it flat on the safety door, breathing gently, her golden pupils stabilized, her eyes were lowered, and the field of the mysterious mantra called "Hetu" quietly began to expand, reaching its limit, that is, covering her whole body when, and then began to shrink in front of her palm.

She pushed the safety door gently, and the door protected by the "rules" shook instantly. Within 0.5 seconds, the entire door trembled at a terrifying frequency. It was difficult for high-power cameras to clearly observe the amplitude of its tremors. Power Word River Map and the absolute "rules" of the Nibelungs given on this door were mutually exclusive until 0.5 seconds later, the mutually exclusive result came out.

The center line of the security door where Zhao Xinsheng's palm was pressed suddenly bent into a bow shape. The huge "squeak" sound of steel bending was accompanied by the roar of cannonballs. The entire door was launched by the unparalleled power, and the edge of the door frame was directly shattered. A hole was revealed.

Zhao Xuesheng canceled Yan Ling and walked in. Looking around the space inside the security door, there was no comfort at all. It was almost a closed space like a warehouse. There was a workbench against the wall on the right side, with guns, ammunition and one or two items placed on it. There was an opened medical bag, and on the other side was a wooden bed covered with gray linen. There were signs of someone sleeping on the bed, and there were blood stains and used gauze and syringes on the ground.

Zhao Xiaosheng walked to the wooden bed, lowered her head and picked up the bloody gauze on the ground, put it close to the tip of her nose and sniffed it gently. Her amazing sense of smell identified that the blood belonged to Sima Xuxu. Sure enough, he was injured, and he was briefly in this room. Stayed inside to treat injuries.

There was the smell of another person in the air. Zhao Xinsheng put down the gauze, turned around and bent down to find a pair of soaked socks under the bed. He must have accidentally stepped into the ditch. The necks of the socks were decorated with small bows. , very girly, there is no need to guess who its owner is.

Xuxu was indeed injured, but it seemed that the girl named Chen Wenwen who was following him took care of him for a while. She seemed to be good at the most basic bandaging and hemostasis. She should have attended the emergency first aid course offered by the Red Cross Society. It is said that some universities will count credits for getting a temporary first aid certificate, so there are not a few college students who go out of their way to study.

Judging from the amount of bleeding on the gauze, the injury seemed a bit serious. It should have damaged an artery. Xuxu's bloodline was not good enough to fight fiercely in a short period of time after the artery was injured, so she chose to find a safe house to recuperate. What? The traps at the door should have been set up by Chen Wenwen under his guidance, which indeed hindered others from finding them to a certain extent.

It is estimated that Sima Xuxu did not expect that Lu Mingfei would follow so quickly. Those traps accidentally helped Zhao Xiaosheng, allowing Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang to avoid one of the purposes of their trip.

It seems that he has listened to the usual warnings to be careful. The more extreme the environment, the more careful he has to be. Nothing will happen to him in a while. He has not been hiding in the same place for a long time. As long as there is If necessary, he would change his position and hide. This was indeed accepted.

Zhao Xinsheng walked out of the safe house and looked up at the entrances to the left and right sewers and the countless intersections along the road.

Okay then, where did Xuxu go?

Zhao Xinsheng raised his hand and placed it on his left chest, where his heart was. He gradually let go of his five senses and focused all his attention on his heartbeat. In the darkness, he slowly searched for the winding and fluttering extension connected to the other end of his heart. Wire.

On the heart in her chest, a gold and silver tangled silk thread that was almost invisible to the naked eye was wrapped in the flesh wall of the heart. As she gathered her thoughts little by little, the flesh wall of the heart was stretched out into a deep hole. Traces, when the rich capillaries on the outer wall of the heart were slightly ruptured, the blood soaked the entire gold and silver thread, and at the same time activated a strangely shaped realm.

Alchemy Field·Thousands of Red Threads Acacia

In the darkness of the deep sewer, an invisible, slender realm like floating catkins took shape. It continued to extend in the complex and tortuous passages, with a clear purpose and an unhurried speed, flying towards its designated end point. .

Tens of seconds later, Zhao Xinsheng opened her eyes and moved her left hand away from her left chest. Under her black clothes, the fair skin on her left chest now showed a circle of traces that were bent like an angry dragon. After her heartbeat gradually calmed down, Those traces gradually disappeared and disappeared.

She found the person she was looking for, so she turned around and walked to the left without hesitation.

But just as she stepped out, she stopped her foot that was about to step on the ground, and then bent her knees smoothly and smoothly to walk straight to the side, with the other leg bent. Her right hand stretched straight to make a palm before drawing a circle, and her left hand held the circle on the side of Dantian with the palm facing the sky, and a long snake was drawn from east to west, playing the posture of Tai Chi single whip to maintain stability. An invisible "domain" slowly opened with her posture as the center, waiting for the sudden enemy to kill.

Fifty meters away from Zhao Xusheng, on the road embankment on the left side of the canal, a handsome man with golden hair was standing there holding a quiet and taciturn beautiful boy and looking at this side.

He seemed to appear out of thin air, without footsteps, breathing, or heartbeat. When Zhao Xusheng saw him, he was determined to exist, so the breathing, heartbeat, and all the physical characteristics began to appear in Zhao Xusheng's five senses.

The blond man had a gentle smile on his face, a smile that was impeccable. With his hair color and handsome face, one would unconsciously think of the sunshine on the salt-drying land by the sea in Prosvan.

But in Zhao Xusheng's eyes, the other party's smile did not mean those beautiful and warm things. The pair of golden eyes that were as bright as spring days flowed with malice that was more rancid and sticky than mud!


Extremely dangerous.

Zhao Xusheng's whole body tensed up, and the Tai Chi field that originally flowed like water was also stagnant and blocked.

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