If I don't have money to go to college, I can only go to slay the dragon.

Chapter 1308 Zhao Xusheng vs. the Emperor (Part 1)

Amidst the overwhelming dust, the Yanling knife was lifted from the huge ravine that cut off the cross-section of the passage. The breeze brought by the blade created a circular gap in the dust. Zhao Xiaosheng, with bright golden eyes, stood among the ruins. , the road behind and in front of him was blocked by collapsed rocks, and the sewer was isolated into an independent space about fifty meters long.

"Being able to extend the 'River Diagram' onto a dead object can be considered a type of gifted person among mediocre people." The emperor's figure appeared in the gradually settling dust, and Zhao Xinsheng's eyes fell on his shoulder. His eyes dropped slightly.

The feeling of the falling knife just now was indeed a hit. According to the characteristics of the 'Hetu', the current emperor should have at least one of his arms broken off even if he did not become a puddle of flesh. However, his current body is intact, and even that The black casual shirt he wore from Uniqlo was not damaged, and he didn't look like he had been injured.

"Let me guess, judging from the power of the black thunder just now, your grasp of the 'River Map' only reaches the level of 'direction', right?" The emperor raised his head and glanced at the death battle battlefield that had been opened up. Said, "Is the purpose of restricting space to better reach the target? But have you ever considered that this also compresses your living space in both directions? Shortening the distance without knowing the enemy's methods is a very dangerous behavior."

Zhao Xunsheng did not answer the emperor's question. He landed with his right foot forward and in a lunge position. He held the knife in his right hand and lowered it to the side of his right hip. His upper body was upright and his center of gravity was stable. This was the posture of lunging and hiding the knife. When the left palm was pushed out, the thumb of the inner pocket was in the right position. The top is aimed at the emperor's neck, only a head is exposed.

She certainly knew that the danger of compressing the battlefield space was two-way, but based on her knowledge of her own power, she was certain that when the battle space was compressed to a threshold, the danger would always come from herself rather than from the enemy.

As long as she can meet the other person, no matter who the other person is, she can guarantee one thing.

One touch wins.


The smile on the emperor's face gradually calmed down. He calmly looked at Zhao Xinsheng's posture and took a slight step back with his left foot.

When the soles of his shoes rubbed against the dust and gravel on the ground, making a subtle "click" sound, Zhao Xinsheng, who was facing him, moved.

In the emperor's observation, it was a rather unreasonable method of acceleration. There was no preparation or warning for accumulating power. She accelerated from zero to a speed that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. If she did not know her mantra, it would be a process that was omitted. The magic is "River Map", I'm afraid anyone will mistakenly think that her power is "moment" or "time zero".

The strong wind passed by, and the sword strike was really hard and urgent. Zhao Xinsheng's sword slashed out at least ten meters!

The straight blade of the Yanling Saber is hidden in the moon-like light, and a long tail shadow is dragged behind the moon arc. It is the violent wind carried by the sword. She is clearly swinging the sword in the air, which is visible to the naked eye. The effect is like dancing a sword in the water. The traces of the air being cut open like a viscous solid are clearly visible, and what remains in those cut places?

Fierce murderous intent.

The emperor dodged the knife. Without any warning, he squatted down and "collapsed", spread his legs, and bent his hands to support the ground. At the moment of completing this action, the bloodline refining has been completed. Through Lancelot's body, his "violent blood" jumps directly from the second level, and the rapidly increasing body temperature spurts out when the dragon scales scream and break out of the skin. White steam was emitted, and those dazzling golden eyes looked like some kind of quiet beast in the white mist.

The storm passed over the emperor. Zhao Yansheng, who was dressed in black clothes, passed almost face to face with the emperor. When she saw that she could not stop the car and was about to strike at the collapsed rocks that blocked the road, she held five sticks in her left hand. The slender and slender fingers gently swept through the air, as if they were gently playing with the strings of a piano, or as if they were playing with water on a clear lake. The ripples swayed in the air and then disappeared.

Along with this, her posture in the air was corrected by some kind of force. The original posture of her head facing the landslide was tilted back and rotated 180 degrees, and her feet were almost vertically stepping on the stone surface that was in contact with the landslide!

Normally, with the speed she was sprinting at, no matter what position she was in when she touched a hard surface, she would inevitably break a bone or die from a direct impact. But the moment her feet touched the collapsed stone surface, her kinetic energy returned to zero. There was no roar, no collapse, she just stood vertically on the stone surface, looking down at the emperor on the ground.

The emperor turned back, his eyes met Zhao Xuansheng's, the cuffs of his coat flicked, and a gilt sword handle fell into his hands. As he stood up, the dark golden samurai sword, which was the Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth (Laziness) ), and in the hands of the emperor, it seems to have evolved into a second form, without a sword. Compared with a sword, it is more like a sword in Chinese culture, with two edges.

When the Orthodox Tianji Pavilion created the new Seven Deadly Sins, it was based on the sword shape of the Seven Deadly Sins originally created by Norton. When re-smelting the second form, it referred to the most famous legends and myths in the history of the sword of this shape, symbolizing The most expressive thing about the Japanese katana is naturally the mythical sword. Its first holder in the myth is Izanagi, the father of the gods. He has defeated the ancient beast Yamata no Orochi. It can be said that it is A true and unquestionable god-killing sword.

Lazy·Ten Fist Sword.

Zhao Yansheng lowered her eyes and glanced down at the emperor who was holding a ten-fist sword in one hand. She stood vertically on the height of the collapsed stone barrier, quickly bent down and placed her left hand on the leggings on the side of her thigh, and lightly hooked the fingers of her right hand.

A blast resounded in the narrow space. It was a blast that broke the sound barrier. A sharp airflow hidden in the shadows passed in front of the emperor who was dodging sideways at high speed. A circular hole of unknown depth was directly penetrated in the middle of the ground. , if there are no accidents, this hole should be ready to appear in the emperor's heart.

The facial bones gradually pierced the skin and grew out, and blood flowed down the edges. The emperor glanced indifferently at the thigh gaiter hanging from Zhao Xinsheng's left hand. There was a circle of dark gold steel needles hanging there. The two ends were sharp and the surface was smooth without any traces. The bulge is probably made of pure gold and titanium alloy. The ultimate alchemical material that is hard to find is only used as a projectile to arm her body. It can be seen how reluctant Orthodox is to invest in her.

Zhao Xunsheng quickly moved the steel needles with her fingers. The steel needles were placed vertically against her thighs. After being weighed by her fingers, the needles were rotated 90° clockwise. The sharp needle points were aimed at the emperor, and a burst of energy shot out. The invisible force directly allows them to break through from standstill to an incredible 5 times the speed of sound. The cone-shaped shock wave in the air where the needle rotates can be clearly observed with a high-power camera!

When Zhao Xunsheng moved the steel needle, the emperor had already made an evasive movement. His body tilted to the left, his left hand and the right hand holding the sword naturally drooped. His legs shook the ground with force and tilted upward to the left. Jumping to dodge, the steel needles followed his high-speed moving shadow and disappeared at the end of the punctured obstacle. No one knew how far these steel needles would fly, and no one knew whether there would be any unlucky people on their path. hit.

The emperor was forced by the attack trajectory of the steel needle to jump diagonally to the angle between the wall and the ceiling of this narrow space. The sharpened claws of his left hand directly dug into the dome of the sewer to fix his body. He quickly raised his ten-fist sword with his right hand and blocked it accurately. The position of his heart, and then his whole body was suddenly "stuffed" into the gap behind his back as if he had been hit by a car. It was covered with dragon scales, and his keel-strengthened back was firmly pressing against the gap. His whole body seemed to be hard. It was crammed into the gap like plasticine and squeezed into an angular shape!

The emperor lowered his eyes and glanced at the Ten Fist Sword.

Three dark golden steel nails were lined up and hit the horizontal sword surface of the Ten Fist Sword at a perfect vertical angle. The strange thing was that they kept maintaining an incredible thrust. This thrust also pressed the emperor and made it difficult to move in the gap. The truth was that the power showed no signs of declining at all, and even continued to increase in strength as time went on, pressing the Ten Fist Sword almost against the emperor's chest!

There will be no deviation in their path until the power given to them disappears. If the cast metal of the Ten Fist Sword and the metal of the steel needles were not the same, then it is foreseeable that anything that tries to block it will be drilled through by these three steel needles and penetrated by the things hiding behind!

Zhao Yansheng faced the emperor who was almost unable to move in the corner. She raised her right leg to the knee, held the sword in an arc and circled it with her spiral arm, flattening the sword. The sword was pointed directly at the emperor's neck. A gap was opened in the collapsed stone pile where she was standing, and her figure was like a star. Zhai Dou stabbed the emperor in the throat with a knife instead of a sword!

The crisis was approaching and actions were blocked. It seemed that in the blink of an eye the emperor was forced into a desperate situation.

The emperor's right hand suddenly let go of the hilt of the Ten Fist Sword, and then he grasped the right arm again. The muscles and dragon scales of his right arm swelled abnormally, and the muscles and bones gave birth to huge power amidst a series of abnormal noises. He raised his arm and slammed it against the person behind him. wall!

Amidst the explosions and flying stones, the wall behind him was smashed through, exposing the space of the sewer channel on the other side. This also gave him room to move. His body leaned into the smashed hole and leveled. The knife and three steel nails lost their resistance and disappeared instantly, piercing the wall.

The emperor fell naturally, and there was no room for him to dodge in mid-air. Zhao Xiaosheng's bayonet was already in front of him. The emperor's golden eyes swept across the tip of Zhao Xiaosheng's Yanling sword in less than a tenth of a second, and then the ten-fist sword Naturally, he hit the back of the Yan Ling Dao with a moderate force, deflecting her thrust.

At the same time, without looking, the emperor suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhao Xunsheng's left forearm, which had been hanging by his side until he was close to him. Then he pressed it to his chest like lightning. The open left palm did not look threatening, but the emperor But he used most of his strength on this grasp, and he was not allowed to let this palm touch him at all!

Zhao Xunsheng twitched his left hand holding the sword, and the crooked Yan Ling Dao suddenly broke away from the Ten Fist Sword, and swung the sword upwards towards the emperor with an extremely fast and extremely fierce movement. The emperor glanced at the blade from the corner of his eye and made no attempt. Use the Ten Fist Sword to block, grab Zhao Xiaosheng's forearm with his left hand, and use Zhao Xiaosheng as the fulcrum to use his whole body to half-rotate to the side to avoid the sword. At the same time, he chanted an ancient and profound song in mid-air. Longwen!

Zhao Xunsheng slashed the air with one strike, leaving a ferocious mark on the wall and dome. He bent his lower body with force and kicked the emperor in the abdomen like a rabbit kicking an eagle. This kick was almost inevitable!

The emperor fell from the sky like a cannonball. He flew out at such a speed that his body broke the sound barrier. Zhao Xinsheng's seemingly simple kick was like a truck hitting the red line with its speedometer and hitting him head-on!

The outcome is decided.

Zhao Xinsheng fell to the ground, half-crouched to relieve her strength, raised her head to look at the swelling smoke, and lowered her eyes to sense the stable connection established by the power, which meant that she had indeed hit.

Just to be on the safe side.

The five fingers of the left hand hanging by the side are bent inwards, and the fingertips are gently pinched together.

"South," she said.

But at the moment when she made the gesture, she suddenly raised her head, staring at the invisible smoke, her eyebrows gradually tightened, and she lowered her handprint.

In the smoke and dust, the blurry figure on the ground slowly climbed up from the ground.

The clothes on his body were torn into pieces by the impact and violent body movements, and he casually raised his hand and tore them with his sharp claws and threw them aside, revealing his upper body that was completely transformed into dragon scales. The beautiful body was supported by the proliferating dragon bones, which looked graceful and wild. The sharp bone spurs at the elbows extended backwards, and the corners of the forehead also grew dragon horns with the coverage of the facial bones, which meant that the bloodline of this body had reached the deepest bloodline refinement that a hybrid could reach, and the third degree of blood burst.

He bent down and reached out to grab the Ten Fist Sword that was firmly stuck in the hard ground. Before touching the hilt, he glanced at Zhao Xusheng, smiled lightly and made a gesture of invitation, and only picked up the Ten Fist Sword after seeing the other party put down the handprint.

Did he escape by blocking his attack with the Seven Deadly Sins·Laziness?

Zhao Xusheng calmly observed the other strange phenomena around the emperor who walked out of the pit with a sword. The air around him had unnatural disturbances at some point, just like looking at the scenery behind him that was distorted by the temperature through a high-temperature flame.

Not only that, the distorted air flow around the emperor began to "disintegrate" for some reason as he walked. The air that was originally impossible to grasp seemed to have solidified and crystallized, but now it fell to the ground like broken tiles on the wall. There was no sound, but it could make people hear the crisp sound of broken glass.

I remember that the word spirit of the hybrid body that the emperor parasitized was "Dustless Land", the spherical absolute domain formed by the flow of pure wind elements. This word spirit was unable to block her "River Map" attack in terms of composition, but the word spirit released by the other party now did not match her impression of Dustless Land at all, and even did not match any word spirit in her memory.

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