Ricardo M. Road.

Lin Nian rubbed his face. Not to mention the strange-sounding English name, he seemed to understand the situation he was in now.

If everything goes as he imagined, it seems that he has nothing to say to Ricardo on the other end of the phone, because the other person is not the person he is looking for.

"It's okay. I just called to see if you are still alive. Since you are still alive, I will hang up first."

"What do you mean you're going to die while I'm still alive? Hello?"

On the other side of the ocean in Illinois, in the student union office of Cassel College, Lu Mingfei was sitting on the leather sofa and looked at the hung up phone in confusion, his eyes a little confused.

Someone from the Lionheart Club called him and asked him if he was still alive? Is this some kind of awkward relationship with Senior Brother Chu Zihang? Isn’t that right? Senior brother’s communication style has always been straightforward, isn’t it? Put good intentions and care into your throat, and ask you if you are okay while stuffing it. Even if you are not okay, you must be okay.

"Chairman, I heard you mention Chu Zihang's name outside." The door to the student union president's office was pushed open, and a capable girl with long light brown hair as bright as the sun walked in, holding a stack of documents in her hand. He walked toward Lu Mingfei with an ever-changing smile. When he came over, he didn't forget to hang the black Barbour windbreaker on the coat rack in the crook of his hand. When Lu Mingfei got up from the sofa, he put it on. .

"It's nothing. It seems that my senior brother is going to go out on the field again. He sent a teammate to tell me. In the past, when Boss Caesar was in office, would my senior brother do the same thing?"

"No, as far as I know, you are the only student union president who has a close personal relationship with the president of the Lion Heart Club. This is also due to your excellent social skills and personality charm, which can make that 'Chu Zihang' even Willing to surrender."

"I'm sorry, don't say such nonsense!" Lu Mingfei was so frightened that his windbreaker almost fell off his shoulders. He glanced at the man in the mirror who finally looked a little better after cutting off his hair and practicing again. The high-spirited man shook his head helplessly, "Senior brother used to protect me a lot. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to get out of the Nibelung roots in Bei'an. It's better not to say such things. I won't see you until you see me." Has Senior Brother Chu Zihang always been called Senior Brother?"

"The Sailing Department and the Mountaineering Department seem to have some objections to this year's activity budget. They are planning to apply for a temporary small meeting later today. However, due to your tight travel schedule, I have temporarily declined it, but Some documents also require your signature for approval.”

"You still understand me, Isabel, where is the document? I'll sign it right away." Lu Mingfei smiled brightly and took out the heavy Parker pen with a gold cap from the front breast pocket of his windbreaker. He pulled out the cap and quickly placed the pen at the end of the document. He left a fancy signature that he had worked hard on for a semester. After confirming that it was correct, he walked to the office door under the care of his secretary and prepared to leave.

"The call from the Lions Heart Club just now, do you need me to reply with a formal social statement? Regardless of the severity of the interactions between the Student Union and the Lions Heart Club, they always need to be treated seriously. This is the consistent style of your former president." Isabel followed. The distance of half a body behind him is neither alienating nor overstepping.

"You figure it out. I have to go back to the dormitory to catch up on my sleep. Minister Schneider asked Norma to send me an email and asked me to report to the execution department tomorrow. I really don't know what kind of trouble will come to me." Lu Ming Fei was walking in the corridor, yawning and feeling listless.

"Please tell me the phone number of the Lionheart Club cadre, and I will arrange the relevant receipt later."

"Let me take a look." Lu Mingfei took out his phone and looked for the previous call records. He was looking for it, and suddenly stopped, and he quickly swiped the screen with a raised eyebrow and a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Isabel also stopped and looked at Lu Mingfei in front of her and asked.

"It's nothing. I just can't find the call record just now. It's weird. Did you ask me to delete it?" Lu Mingfei scratched his head in confusion, but he put the matter behind him in the blink of an eye, "Forget it. , you don’t need a receipt, I’ll go to the Lion Heart Club in person some other time, I haven’t seen my senior brother for a while.”

As he said that, he picked up his cell phone and threw the inexplicable call away.

Is there anything more important than a sumptuous dinner in Norton Hall and a big, soft bed in the dormitory?

Oh, it's true. It seems that the girls from the Lace Girl Dance Troupe are planning to have a party late tonight. The content seems to be very exciting. I have to set an alarm before going to bed. Otherwise, I will tell Isabel and ask her to provide an alarm on time. morning Call.

Obviously, this is no longer the world he knows.

In the subway station, judging from Lu Mingfei's attitude after learning his name, Lin Nian almost instantly judged his current situation. He had reached the Nibelungen Line 8, and the checkpoint of Line 8 seemed to be Involved him in an incredible way.

"Illusion? Or a dream?"

Generally speaking, attacks involving "hypnosis" and "mind control" have minimal effect on Lin Nian. First of all, his mental resistance is very high, and his iron will describes people like him. Secondly, he is similar to " Just like the jinchuriki in "Naruto", he has a lodger in his belly. When he receives a mental attack, the lodger can knock him on the head to wake him up.

But it was obvious that the tenant in his belly was angry, and when he chose to step out of the car, it meant that he accepted the hypnosis of this illusion. The girl who only ate and did not work was now angry and naturally happy to see him suffer.

Is this what he deserved?

After hanging up the phone, he stood there with his head down and pondered for a while, picked up the phone and dialed another number. Maybe out of selfishness, he wanted to confirm something.

After dialing the phone and waiting for a few seconds, Lin Nian suddenly looked up, because his hearing suddenly caught a mobile phone ringing almost synchronously from the noisy subway station. It was Adele's "Set Fire to the Rain", without a prelude, and started directly from the chorus.

He turned around and found the source of the ringing in the crowd, and saw a beautiful, familiar, but now seemingly a little strange beautiful girl suddenly stopped in the crowd, lowered her head and took out a wide-screen mobile phone from the Hermès chalk white handbag. The phone case was a very cool girl cartoon head wearing a pair of sunglasses-like three-dimensional bracket.

It was an illusion or maybe not an illusion.

The girl seemed to have matured a lot, whether in her dress or her appearance. The original immaturity had faded away. She wore water drop earrings on her earlobes, and her long black hair was parted on the side with bangs. The flowing slightly curly hair was no longer youthful, but mature. Her clothes were no longer youthful and trendy, but a gray suit jacket with jeans with cuffs. Her Mary Jane high heels were dazzling, and she was full of the competence and toughness of a strong woman.

Lin Nian quietly pinched the receiver of the mobile phone with his thumb, put the phone close to his ear, and watched the girl in the crowd raise her phone. At the same time, he heard the girl's somewhat suppressed and impatient voice coming from the receiver: "Who are you?"

He was silent for a few seconds and said, "Su Xiaoqiang?"

"I am, and I asked you who you are? Can't you hear? How did you know this phone number? Haven't I told the public countless times! I don't answer any official business on my private phone on Sundays! I don't care if you are from the Industrial and Commercial Taxation Bureau or the Environmental Protection Bureau, or any messy angel investor who is soliciting venture capital, make an appointment with my secretary on the working day of the statutory law before talking to me!"

What I didn't expect was that the other party started with a series of questions, which were full of aggressiveness.

The girl on the phone seemed particularly angry in her toughness, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with this call disturbing her weekend.

"I am Lin Nian." He introduced himself.

"Lin Nian? Who?"

As expected, this Su Xiaoqiang didn't know him.

"If you look back at 11 o'clock, you should be able to see me," Lin Nian said.

Although he knew that everything had changed strangely, something still prompted him to do some unnecessary actions.

Su Xiaoqiang stood in the crowded subway station with her handbag and mobile phone, turning her head left and right with annoyance, trying to find the location of the bastard who was making fun of her in her mobile phone.

She was already unlucky today. She had a headache when she got up early in the morning. It was probably because she caught a cold last night when she was sleeping in the office. At noon, she rushed to deal with the Hongmen Feast of her uncles and aunts. After escaping the business dinner where every word was like a knife to cut a piece of meat from her family, the examination report of her father from the hospital finally came out.

The attending doctor told her on the phone that her father's condition was not optimistic. The cancer cells in his lungs tended to spread, which was also the reason for his recent headaches and vomiting. He must consider chemotherapy again to relieve the symptoms or directly undergo surgery as soon as possible. After knowing this news, my mother will definitely cry again, and she can't help much.

This afternoon she had to rush to the hospital to talk to the dean of the department about the consultation with the experts invited from abroad. As a result, there was a traffic jam on the way, and her Maybach was hit by a "chopped pepper fish head" that ran a red light. It took a while to solve the problem, so she could only let the driver wait for the traffic police on the spot, and she took the nearest subway to the hospital first.

So now she is like a powder keg. No matter who is on the other end of this unknown call, she will definitely not be happy as long as she answers the phone. Not to mention that this person may be making fun of her!

If it were before, she would have hung up the phone long ago, but now she can't do it, because she can't guarantee that the person on the other end may really be someone sent by the Industrial and Commercial Taxation Bureau to contact her privately to ask for bribes. Those damn bureaucrats always like to pick out some minor issues from their company's tax reports to annoy her, and hint from various aspects that she needs to pay for expenses. If she really hangs up the phone without listening, the company's operation will definitely go wrong again.

Nothing can go wrong at this critical moment. The whole Su family depends on her. Her studies at Fudan University were interrupted because of these family affairs. After her father passed away, she was the only one who could support the whole old Su family.

She followed the instructions on the phone and finally found the guy who was also holding the phone in front of a subway map hanging on a pillar. She squeezed through the crowd and stepped on the pair of Mary Jane high heels to angrily ask the other party to give an explanation, but she suddenly stopped when she approached.

Standing in front of this unreasonable guy, she looked up and stared at his face, choking all the words she wanted to curse in her throat, and then swallowed them subconsciously.

She was a little dazed, standing in the crowd, all the other figures in her pupils, all the noisy sounds in her ears seemed to disappear, and she could only see the boy who was leaning against the pillar and raising his index and middle fingers to greet her.

"Who are you?" Su Xiaoqiang stopped cautiously two meters away, looking at this mysterious man or boy in a daze. She couldn't find any adjectives to better describe her sudden mood. A mess of confusion?

"Lin Nian, my name."

Lin Nian looked at Su Xiaoqiang, who suddenly looked a few years older than himself, more capable, and had a more unique figure, and said calmly, "If nothing unexpected happens, this should be our first meeting. I have something I want to ask you for help."

She should refuse, call the other party a psychopath, or even give him a slap in the face, and then turn around and leave. If the other party pesters her, she will take out the anti-wolf spray in her handbag and ask her own legal department to send him to court.

But the strange thing was that none of her rhetoric, mentality, and yin-yang skills that she had honed in business battles over the years could be used. Standing in front of the boy, looking at his pale golden eyes and the silhouette of his face illuminated by the white subway lights, she just replied blankly, "You say."

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