"How do you know Shao Yifeng? Who is the senior sister he just mentioned?"

The Ferrari was speeding on the road. Because it was in the city, the speed was not fast, but the impatient driver was still looking for various angles to overtake. This behavior was probably the type of driving that the old drivers on the street cursed as "rushing to reincarnate."

"I don't need to know Shao Yifeng, I just need to know his senior sister. His senior sister is my schoolmate and his secret crush. As long as it's about his senior sister, his IQ will drop to about 5 years old." Lin Nian held the steering wheel with one hand, looking at the rearview mirror to find an opportunity to continue overtaking. The city section couldn't go fast because of the road conditions. If you want to hurry, you have to take the viaduct or the ring road.

For some reasons, he didn't plan to take Su Xiaoqiang on the expressway of the viaduct. It might be better to take a detour and take the ring road.

"He has a crush on his senior sister? And that senior sister is your schoolmate?" Su Xiaoqiang felt a little disillusioned. The legendary playboy Shao Yifeng, the boss of the Black Prince Group, is actually a love-brained person? ! Isn't it said that once a man has money and becomes bad, he will no longer be sincere? This consistent pure and innocent character doesn't match Shao Yifeng at all.

"There are always some people who have a piece of wood in their heads. No matter how long it has been, that wood will still take root and sprout when it meets spring rain."

"Are you and Shao Yifeng's senior sister both students of Kassel College? Just like Lu Mingfei." Su Xiaoqiang was sure that Lin Nian was most likely from Kassel College, otherwise there was no way to explain this extremely strong network of people. Moreover, he saw that this boy had a different temperament from ordinary people in his every move. It was not a "aristocratic temperament" but a more elusive and cold temperament.

She remembered that the last time she saw this temperament was on the middle-aged man who got off the Volkswagen Passat. It was only that time that the top leader in their city was replaced. People with this kind of temperament generally don't look elegant and luxurious. Maybe they are poor, but they usually carry a sharp knife that can chop off the heads of nobles.

"Go to the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, right?" After getting a nod from Su Xiaoqiang, Lin Nian turned the steering wheel and turned onto the ETC channel of the highway. If he paid normally, he really couldn't afford the toll of more than ten yuan. "We are all alumni and friends who see each other every day, so it's understandable to help a little. It's just borrowing a car, and it's not even a favor."

"You can't just leave me on the side of the road like you did just now." Su Xiaoqiang complained.

"There are only two seats in this car, and I'm worried about you sitting in the passenger seat."

"What do you mean you're worried about me? You and I are not like that." Su Xiaoqiang was pressed on the racing chair by the strong push on her back. Her hands couldn't help but grab the seat belt in front of her, her face tense. Facts have proved that although Ferrari's straight-line acceleration has never won, it depends on who is in the hands. In the hands of the right person, a broken Sylphy can also beat a Pagani.

Lin Nian's pale golden eyes spread invisible mental fluctuations, and the lowest output "Time Zero" enveloped the entire Ferrari, making him a red ghost on the highway. The Ferrari's speedometer clearly only reached 110, but when passing a Toyota that maintained a cruise speed of 120, the owner of the Crown only felt that something "whooshed" past him. When he looked at it, he couldn't even catch the license plate number. Finally, he took a look at the 120 speed limit sign and couldn't help but sigh that only young people dare to drive.

"You're driving so fast! Are you crazy? There are speed cameras on the ring road. Aren't you afraid of having your driver's license revoked?" Su Xiaoqiang held the seat belt tightly, her adrenaline soaring. The blurry shadows speeding past the window made her feel like she was on a plane about to take off. The dashed lines on the road on the ground were almost turning into a straight line. Just looking at the scenery outside, she could directly feel the power brought by speed. If this super sports car turned a little wider, it would inevitably be a fatal car crash.

"It's only 110." Lin Nian said casually, "Aren't you in a hurry?"

Su Xiaoqiang glanced at the speedometer, and the result was really a weird 110, but it was not like she had never driven fast before. Her own convertible Bentley had also reached 130 or even 140 on the expressway. She dared to guarantee that this car would definitely start at 200!

She actually thought that this was conservative. Lin Nian's low-level output "Time Zero" also had a 5x speed effect, which means that the real speed of the car was now 500 kilometers per hour and above. The Bugatti, known as the ground jet, had to eat the exhaust of this Pista even if he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

"I'm in a hurry, not in a hurry to reincarnate." Su Xiaoqiang said with some gritted teeth, but she didn't dare to touch Lin Nian in the driver's seat. If the car stalled and hit something at this speed, no matter whether it was fastened or not, the people in the car would become soft and rotten.

"What is the specific situation of uncle's hospitalization? Is he sick or injured?" Lin Nian didn't think about it and continued to talk about the topic of driving fast.

He was used to driving fast. His driving skills were not particularly good, at least much worse than the principal. In time zero, he could only drive 110, and there was still room for rescue in case of emergencies, but the principal was an old madman who would step on the accelerator to the bottom in time zero, a complete desperado.

"What does my father's illness have to do with you?" Su Xiaoqiang seemed to feel a little depressed when this topic was mentioned. She felt uncomfortable and her mood seemed to be getting lower.

"Cancer?" Lin Nian glanced at her and asked calmly, "Pancreatic cancer?"

Su Xiaoqiang paused for a moment, "How do you know?"

Few people knew that her father had cancer, even within the Su family. At most, everyone knew that Mr. Su was ill and seemed to be seriously ill, but no one thought it was cancer. This is why the uncles and aunts coveted her family wealth, but they did not privately chase her and launch an all-round attack.

"Uncle has had some problems with his pancreas." Lin Nian said, "What stage is it now?"

Su Xiaoqian was silent for a moment, her heart seemed a little tired, and she was too lazy to ask how Lin Nian knew so much inside information. She turned her head to look at the blurry scenery outside the window and said, "If the doctor's report is correct, it should be almost in the middle stage. The cancer cells have begun to spread to the surrounding tissues, but have not yet reached the lymph nodes and distant organs, so there is still hope. It depends on whether it will be in the A or B sub-stage next."

Lin Nian stepped on the accelerator lightly and increased the speed a little. Uncle had problems with his pancreas. In their world, this was discovered by the private doctor who brought the Laurent family with them when they contacted the Su Group.

According to the tradition of the Laurent family, when determining a partner for long-term cooperation on a large order, the partner will be reviewed first. This review includes mental state, personality analysis, physical health, etc. A partner with a stable life span and normal mental state is what the Laurent family really wants, and only then can they establish a good relationship. The partner died for various reasons, and the new successor was temporarily replaced because of his own reasons, which led to differences in the original agreement. The Laurent family did not see too many such troubles, so they had a complete set of plans and processes in selecting partners, and such troubles were naturally avoided.

The doctor who diagnosed the hidden dangers of my uncle's body was also a mixed-race, a German woman with short brown hair and a meticulous personality. She was the private doctor of the Laurent family and was usually responsible for the physical care of Elizabeth Laurent and several elders in the Laurent family. The words were rare "divine condensation" that could see through the structure of the human body and its defects and weaknesses. When she saw Su Dad for the first time, she saw that there were hidden dangers in his pancreas and solved the lesion early.

It seems that the uncle in other world lines did not have such good luck. The lesion was not removed, and the result of delaying it was that he suffered from the disease with the notoriety of "King of Cancer".

"Why haven't you transferred to a better hospital?" Lin Nian asked, "The medical conditions in Beijing and Shanghai should be better, and your family can afford the treatment."

"It may not be cured even if you go there, so it's better to treat it at home - this is what he said. He doesn't want to be hospitalized in other places. To put it bluntly, he is worried that I can't manage his company alone." Su Xiaoqiang said, "My mother and I have persuaded him countless times, but he just doesn't want to change hospitals, so we can only spend money to invite experienced experts and professors from other hospitals to come for consultation."

"If it is really in the middle stage, maybe it can still be cured." Lin Nian stepped on the accelerator, overtaking one almost relatively stationary vehicle after another on the highway, and rushed out of the speed meter to leave a number that made the traffic bureau's eyes fall.

"You don't need to comfort me. The cancer cells have spread. This is what the doctor told me. It is likely that surgery and chemotherapy can only prolong life in the future." Su Xiaoqiang said.

Her tone was very calm, pretending to be calm. In front of a "stranger", she did not allow herself to show any weakness.

Or maybe she shouldn't discuss these family matters with this "stranger". Maybe she was under too much pressure. The narrow and enclosed space in the speeding car gave her the reason and environment to talk quietly, so she was willing to say so many things.

"It may not be hopeless." Lin Nian said, "We'll see how it goes when the time comes."

"You don't have to comfort me. I've been prepared for a long time." Su Xiaoqiang said in the same calm tone, "If it can't be cured, it can't be cured. I'll live a little longer. My dad is not a pessimistic person. He knew he had cancer, but he still happily played chess with those old men in the hospital every day. When he was happy, he promised to give him a Mercedes-Benz when he was discharged from the hospital."

"Those optimism are just for show." Lin Nian said, "No one can live happily every day when they don't know they are going to die."

According to normal medical technology, if it is early pancreatic cancer, the probability of cure after timely detection and resection is as high as 90%, which is also the lucky point of his uncle Su. But here, once it is delayed to the middle and late stages, there will no longer be a cure rate, but a survival rate within 5 years, which is even less than a pitiful 15%.

"What should I do? Cry? Like my mother? Is crying useful?" Su Xiaoqiang said coldly.

Under the speed of nearly 500 km/h, Lin Nian held the steering wheel with one hand and stretched out his other hand to Su Xiaoqiang, "Lend me your phone."

"Why, do you want to borrow 150,000 for me to upgrade my cabin?" Su Xiaoqiang did not hand him the phone, and glanced at this guy who could not comfort others. I really don't know what disease I had before, and I was willing to get on the car of such a strange guy!

"What do you mean by borrowing 150,000? The change you pay for the software must be more than 150,000." Lin Nian said, "I want to call some people and ask them to come and see me. It's just a coincidence. You are lucky to meet me."

"What do you mean I have better luck? What can you help me with?" Su Xiaoqiang smiled bitterly, looking at this brat with such a loud tone that he didn't know the heights of the world.

Although the other party may be a student of Kassel College, he is still just a student. Lu Mingfei is still a student, so he may not be able to see the sky with his hands and eyes. Is she, Su Xiaoqiang, short of money? Although it is not as good as the owner of this Ferrari, Su's Mining Company is one of the local snakes. The output of dozens of non-ferrous metal mines is enough to buy a private hospital for Su's recovery.

But now it is no longer a question of money, but a question of medical technology. Even the best doctors in the world cannot guarantee that they can cure patients with mid- and late-stage pancreatic cancer.

"Modern ordinary medical technology is indeed incapable of treating cancer. The special nature of the disease means that once it transitions to the late stage, it is basically a death sentence. However, there are just signs of entering the middle stage. Using some special medical methods can Maybe I can still be saved. If this were my own world, it would only be a matter of a phone call at most. But there probably aren’t many people here who know me, or none at all, but most of the people I know are probably still there. "Yes." Lin Nian said calmly, "Anyway, I want to find them and ask them all to come over. I can just solve your dad's matter together. The matter I want to talk to them about may be big, dealing with a cancer patient. It’s a smooth favor for them, so they shouldn’t refuse me.”

"What are you talking about? Chuunibyou? What is your world, our world?" Su Xiaoqiang was a little stunned, and at the same time, she once again deepened the impression that the boy in the driver's seat might have something wrong with his head.

Lin Nian turned his head to look at her, and one movement made Su Xiaoqiang freeze up. It wasn't that Lin Nian used his golden eyes to scare people again (he would never use golden eyes to intimidate Su Xiaoqiang or Su Xiaoqiang), but that he was driving at five speeds an hour. In this case, if you hold the steering wheel with one hand and don't look at the road, this is simply seeking death. "Give me the phone."

"Look at the road! Look at the road!" Su Xiaoqiang shouted.

"Let me talk on the phone." Lin Nian was just observing the road conditions with his peripheral vision. He pulled the steering wheel slightly with his left hand to avoid the snail crawling on the fast lane in front of him. The swing of the Ferrari made Su Xiaoqiang's heart jump into her throat. , I quickly took out my mobile phone from my bag and took a picture of that palm.

Lin Nian turned back to look at the road. He glanced at the screen of his mobile phone and then typed in the wrong password. It was obvious that the password for Su Xiaoqiang's mobile phone did not use his birthday. He changed it to Su Xiaoqiang's own birthday, which was also a mistake. Su Xiaoqiang on the side Before I couldn't help but speak, I entered the password for the third time on my phone, and the password popped up correctly on the desktop.

"How do you know my password?" Su Xiaoqiang asked in shock.

"It's your dad's birthday. This situation is normal now." Lin Nian flipped through the phone book. What's rare is that the phone book still retains the classification of Shilan High School classmates, and Lu Mingfei's name happens to be in it. He remembered Lu Mingfei's phone number, and now he was looking through the phone book just to confirm whether the two parties had exchanged phone numbers, so that the call would not be out of the ordinary.

He dialed out, and the Bluetooth of his mobile phone automatically connected to Ferrari's central control system and turned on the hands-free mode. After waiting for a long time, the other end of the phone was connected, and at the same time, loud music and a name cheered by the crowd sounded. Ricardo, yes , it seems to be at a party over there, everyone is calling the name Ricardo, it looks like there is a celebration banquet.

Although he had called Lu Mingfei before, but now when he called again, Lin Nian couldn't help but sigh sincerely when he heard the movement on the other side, "You're doing well."

Although I don't know what Lu Mingfei's situation is here, judging from the previous chat on the phone, he has a secretary and has sneaked into the position of chairman of the student union, so he must be very prosperous.

The noise on the other end of the phone was a little quieter, as if it had entered the room through soundproofing, and then Lu Mingfei's rather puzzled voice rang out, "Su Xiaoqiang? Is it Su Xiaoqiang? Why did you call me?"

An old classmate whom you haven't seen for many years suddenly contacts you. It's either a scam or a phone call. It's extremely possible that he's asking you to hold a class reunion.

Lu Mingfei didn't understand the situation at all. Why did the little goddess, an old classmate of Shilan High School, suddenly call him.

"Lu Mingfei?" Lin Nian asked.

"Who are you?" Lu Mingfei was quite surprised to hear a man's voice on the other end of the phone, but suddenly he also felt that this man's voice sounded so familiar, but he had been teased less than half an hour into the party. The girls in the Girls Dance Troupe drank two bottles of Bordeaux, and now they were a little drunk. They couldn't remember who the voice was.

"I have a business I want to discuss with you. I'll ask your secretary to book you a red-eye flight ticket to China as soon as possible and come back to your hometown to meet me." Lin Nian said.

"No, who are you? Why are you holding Su Xiaoqiang's phone number? Where is Su Xiaoqiang?" Lu Mingfei smelled something strange, slapped his forehead hard to sober up, and tried to think about what was happening now.

"Just think of me as his boyfriend. Just come over if I ask you to come over. Don't talk so much." Lin Nian said, "The deal I want to discuss with you is about 'bloodline refining technology' and further progress." 'Dragon-like human bloodline transformation technology' and some documents related to lost alchemy in the library of Lord of Bronze and Fire Norton. I'm not sure if your world line has these things. If you are interested, just go. Come and take a trip in person, the location is about——"

He paused, looked at Su Xiaoqiang and asked, "Is that coffee shop near the school still open? It's the multi-story coffee shop with a Christmas tree planted in the middle."

"Still here, but the boss has changed." Su Xiaoqiang replied subconsciously. Her mind was still overloaded with Lin Nian's natural tone of pretending to be her boyfriend. She was a little shy and angry, but more helpless - you can't follow It is basic common sense to be a human being to argue with a madman in the driver's seat while driving you at 500 hours.

"The meeting place is at the coffee shop diagonally opposite the gate of Shilan Middle School. I want to see you in 24 hours." Lin Nian said calmly to the car Bluetooth, "Since the previous phone call If you say you don’t know me, then I won’t talk about friendship with you, just business. Remember to come alone and inform the execution department at your own risk.”

After saying that, before Lu Mingfei's brain was overloaded and could react to the huge amount of information, he hung up the phone.

In the living room behind the soundproof glass of Norton Pavilion, Lu Mingfei stood with his mobile phone under the laser light of the swimming pool outside for dozens of seconds, and then at a certain moment, cold sweat wet his whole body, and the glass The beautiful girls who were playing ball toss on the water outside only saw their "Chairman Lu" indoors who suddenly seemed to be crazy. He grabbed his coat on the sofa and ran out, running away as if his buttocks were on fire.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Nian hung up the phone under Su Xiaoqiang's incomprehensible gaze. At the same time, he made another blind call. This time, the waiting time was a bit long. It took about 50 seconds for the other party to get through.

After the call was connected, there was no movement in the car's Bluetooth, not even the sound of breathing. Lin Nian tilted his head and continued the thirty seconds of dead silence, and then said, "It took me so long to answer the phone. I was alone in the gymnasium." Do you want to take a shower after playing basketball? "Chu Zihang."

There was breathing on the other end of the phone, slow and even, followed by a voice that made Su Xiaoqiang's eyes widen, "Who are you."

"Lin Nian. You probably don't know me."

"It's true that I don't know you." Chu Zihang said, "But you know my habits very well. Are you from the academy?"

"That's true, not entirely. Since the target is you, I'll stop talking nonsense and go back to China, your hometown, the city where Chu Tianjiao stayed (the breathing on the other side changed, but soon returned Calm)." Lin Nian said, "I know about your father and the typhoon on the viaduct. I'm not sure if you know that Chu Tianjiao also left a safe house in the 'High-Tech Heavy Industry Zone' , which contains traces of everything about his past. If you don’t know and are interested, come back to China and meet me in the coffee shop diagonally opposite Shilan Middle School in 24 hours. Don’t notify the executive department, and don’t tell me either. Anyone, come alone.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party's reaction, and then made the next call.

On the other side where the phone was hung up, it was not the gymnasium of Cassel College as Lin Nian thought, but the ticket gate of the airport. Behind the huge glass curtain wall of the boarding building facing him was the Chicago International Airport late at night, and the plane was getting off the plane under black clouds. The red navigation lights were flashing. Chu Zihang was holding a black rucksack with the school emblem of the Silver Half-Dead World Tree in his hand and stood at the connecting passage where he was about to board the plane. As long as he walked into this passage, he could board the Boeing plane that would go directly to Russia.

Lin Nian wanted to miss one thing, that is, Chu Zihang in this world is not always in the college. He is already in his senior year and has entered the internship stage. His future plan is to be a specialist in the execution department. For a longer period of time in the academy, just like now, he was preparing to hold a ticket to fly to Russia and prepare to go to the Arctic to investigate some abnormal events that the executive department was concerned about.

But just after the unexpected phone call ended, Chu Zihang was silent for a whole minute, and finally tore up his ticket. He turned around and walked to the boarding station with his canvas bag in hand, ignoring the dissuasion and questioning from the ground staff at the ticket gate. Exit of the building.

Instead of going to the people he wants to see one by one, he might as well make phone calls after phone calls to get those people to come see him.

This is what Lin Nian thinks. He can be sure that the world he is in is not real. There are no friends here that he really cares about or are bound to, so his actions will naturally change. This will make his More efficient.

He didn't have time to waste in a place like this. The situation in Nibelung was in urgent need of a solution, and he needed a quick solution, so he had to make more than one or two phone calls.

ps: Lu Mingfei didn’t dare to play big, but Lin Nian was too brave.

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