Lu Mingfei reached out and grabbed the sharp teeth of the upper jaw of the living spirit at the entrance to fix his body in the water flow. After opening the door, there was no water pressure difference, which meant that the Bronze City was now flooded. "Senior sister, you don't have much oxygen, right? And the situation inside will be more dangerous than you think. If I take you with me, I will be a little restrained, so I still hope you can go back to the boat."

He said it very pertinently and directly. This is also Lin Nian's usual style. If he thinks that the people around him are in the way, he will say it directly, so as not to have to distract himself to take care of the burden when the real fight comes. Lu Mingfei used to be responsible for being a burden, but in the end he actually had the opportunity to say this to others, but there was no calm indifference from his mouth, only euphemism and apology.

Jiude Aki really encountered this situation for the first time. Halfway through the dive, his partner drove people away. What should be done in the regulations of the executive department when encountering such a situation? It seems that it is not written, because the trained divers will not make such an outrageous arrangement.

Seeing that Jiude Yaji seemed to want to refuse, Lu Mingfei stared at her and said, "Jiude Yaji, this is an order. I have taken over Ye Sheng's job, so I am now the leader of this diving team. As the leader, I order you to return to the ship and report to the captain." He couldn't bring Jiude Yaji into Baidi City. If I remember correctly, although Constantine is now in a cocoon state and hiding in the brass jar, there are two dragon servants hidden in this bronze city, noble second-generation species! He didn't know if those things were awake before the bronze city was activated. If so, the worst case scenario--Lu Mingfei suddenly heard a roaring bell. It was a bell from Baidi City, ancient and distant. The entire quiet blue waters were swept by the deafening sound waves, and unnatural ripples appeared on the water surface, which instantly hindered his and Jiude Yaji's hearing! What's going on? Lu Mingfei was stunned. Jiude Aki beside him suddenly pointed at the dark bronze city entrance beside Lu Mingfei and shouted something. Her voice instantly overwhelmed the sound of the bell and exploded in the private channel: "Fire! Fire! Fire!"

The moment Lu Mingfei turned around, he really saw the fire. Deep in the opening of the living spirit, in the originally dark passage, the magma-like fire column flowing in the crater was accompanied by a large number of bubbles. This was a rapid and destructive volcanic eruption, carrying hot and deadly bronze liquid. The extreme high temperature instantly boiled the water within a hundred meters. The fire illuminated the whole stunned face of Lu Mingfei under the diving suit floating in front of the entrance!

Word Spirit·Jun Yan.

"Fuck you——" Lu Mingfei's voice suddenly stopped in the private channel.

The lava column gushed out of the living spirit's mouth with the momentum of a torrent. The huge impact force stirred up the fierce current and instantly swept Jiude Yaji away. She was horrified to see that Lu Mingfei was almost completely wrapped in the sudden lava column while the world was spinning!

Her heartbeat stopped for a few beats. It was the "Jun Yan" fired from the front. Even with the cold river water cooling it down and the defect of too short chanting time, it was still a genuine "Jun Yan"! The power of bronze and fire that can melt steel!

And it's not over yet! In the next second, right below the horizontal lava column, at the bottom of the deep blue waters, a blazing light rose to the sky, and a column of fire like earth fire rose to the sky in a cross-shaped vertical and horizontal posture! Covering the position where Lu Mingfei was attacked!

The cross-shaped cross-shaped column of fire continued to spray for dozens of seconds, and the surging bubbles occupied the entire water area, and the water temperature soared rapidly!

Jiude Aki was swept away a hundred meters away. In a hurry, she fired the steel claw gun and stuck it in the crack of the rock wall to fix her body so that she would not be blown away by the turbulence. She was swaying like duckweed in the water, staring at the scene of the execution in the Bible in great confusion and fear.

Until the fire column finally dissipated, no human figure could be found in the foam.

The fire column extinguished slightly, and the fleeting bright white light gradually dimmed in the dark blue waters. Jiude Aki finally stopped, floating in the water with the steel claw gun in her hand.

She stared blankly at the direction where the fire column dissipated, numb all over.

Lu Mingfei died?

"S" level died?

He was killed by a sudden attack before he really entered Baidi City?

The temperature of the entire water area was raised to a warm level because of the "Junyan". A large number of bubbles kept rising around and obscured the sight, making it difficult for Jiude Aki to see Lu Mingfei's trace.

She was suspended in place, her whole body stiff, neither advancing nor retreating, her mind blank.

What happened.

Why were they attacked by "Jun Yan"?

What was the "bell" just now?

What should she do now?

Is Lu Mingfei really dead?

Suddenly, Jiude Aki looked up, and a deep laugh that froze her blood sounded, as if coming from all directions, covering the entire water area, teasing and mocking, making people's souls frost.

A bright light shone in the waters below Jiude Aki. After she caught the light with her peripheral vision, she subconsciously looked down and saw a scene she would never forget.

It was an indescribably great creature that was close to the size of a blue whale and 15 meters long. It was hidden in the surging bubbles and swam silently dozens of meters below the Jiudian Age. The black scales on the huge body are covered with a silent realm of monarch flames. Lava flows within the lines on each scale, forming a completely natural and mysterious pattern, making the blue-black scales all over the body look like lava. Red, that's where the light source comes from.

Ancient and terrifying.

The Dragon Attendant of the Bronze City, the next generation.

Deep in the vividly opened entrance, the dissipated firelight illuminated a dark iron surface. Through the iron surface, the molten red dragon eyes stared at the foamy water outside the bronze city that was engulfed by the fire. There was no doubt that that It's another dragon hiding in the city.

Pure blood dragons, two.

Shutoku Aki finally understood what happened.

He and Lu Mingfei were ambushed. The underwater earthquake was not an accident, but a deliberate trap. The two dragons inside and outside the city had long discovered the Monyach on the water, and they were also eyeing it. The two people who dived, when they followed the crack into the rock formation, they jumped into the dragon's esophagus and fell into their stomach pouches.

When Lu Mingfei was arguing with her about how to explore Baidi City, deep in the living entrance, the "Junyan" in the ferocious dragon's mouth was already ready to go, and he sent it to the trespassers outside the entrance. A "Jun Yan" salute as a welcome was enough to wash away the steel into molten iron, which was solidified by the cold river water and sank into the mud. Under the cover of Hong Zhong, the dragon roar accompanied by the jet of Jun Yan instantly brought Lu Mingfei into the attack range. At the same time, the second generation species that escaped from the exit below Baidi City also successively carried out Lu Mingfei's escape. Blockade of hope!


The fear in Shuudoku Aki's heart finally exploded, not only because of Lu Mingfei's death, but also because of her current lifeless situation. She could not even contact the Monyach to warn them! This will inevitably lead to Professor Manns not knowing the situation below, and thus making a decision to dive for rescue! If you go down to the Baidi City through that crack, no matter how much you save, you will be killed in the mouths of these two terrifying dragons in an instant!

This is a complete trap, and it is also the only time the guards of this royal city have taken the initiative in hundreds of thousands of years!

But what's the use if she knows now? She could no longer escape from here. She was "locked" by the dragons swimming under her feet. It was as if the thick black clouds in her brain were rotating. All the words and spirits that originally poured into her mouth were rolled into pieces. She could not even release her own... When Yan Ling came to escape, the crack in the rock formation was only a hundred meters away from her, but this distance became an insurmountable chasm.

The sharp tail of the huge great creature created a whirlpool in the water. It wandered below Shuode Yaji, not anxious or angry. After killing Lu Mingfei with a sneak attack, he suddenly became settled down. This does not mean that he is no longer angry because of the prying eyes of these arrogant people, but after the biggest threat is dealt with, he has the time to tease and play with this weak food.

Shude Aki quietly put her finger on the retraction button of the steel claw gun in her hand. Because the other end was stuck in the crack, she was instantly pulled over as long as she pressed the retraction button with the rope in her hand!

She was ready to escape. No matter whether she was dead or not, she could no longer sit back and wait for death.

There were two pure-blood dragons, and this was the biggest threat she faced under her feet. If she waited until another one emerged from the Bronze City, she would really have no hope of survival.

Just when she was about to press the button, she suddenly heard a huge wailing sound. It was such a painful roar, as if it directly touched the soul, making the skull and brain tremble with the tragic roar!

Shutoku Aki lowered her head while pressing the button. She saw an unimaginable scene. Under a hundred meters of water, a human figure covered in flames stood on the forehead of the huge fifteen-meter-long creature. He clasped his hands The huge iron face, the high-temperature palms penetrated the red dragon pupils and burned the complex visual nerves inside. The blue-black scales on the arms flowed with hot lava, and at the same time, the ancient Aolong script burst out from the mouth. Singing, forest and solemn!

The painful dragon twisted its body crazily because its dragon pupils were burned and perforated, which is reminiscent of a snake creature writhing in severe pain after its body was pierced by a steel bar. The heavy steel body of tens of meters and hundreds of tons is recreating this scene. The movement caused more than just huge waves!

Countless whirlpools were born and destroyed under the swing of the dragon's tail, and the unparalleled power had nowhere to vent with the swing of the dragon's body! The person holding his iron mask was furious and ferocious, and the dragon scales all over his body were opening and closing as if venting his explosive Khorne emotions!

The man's back slowly cracked, and the blood-stained white bone wings rushed out of his back. The moment the black shadow broke open, pain and strength came to him like a torrent!

Bloodline refining technology·Three times of violent bloodshed.

A field expanded instantly, with a diameter of about one kilometer. Within the field, Shude Aki suddenly discovered that the infinitely extending bronze wall had irregular spots of light - it was the red-hot metal phenomenon after static heating to the extreme! They melted like a fluid, began to solidify after contacting the warm river water, and began to fall and project under the influence of the unknown realm! It formed a fiery meteor shower covering an area of ​​nearly a kilometer!

Yan Ling·Meteor and Fire Rain.

Before Jude Aki swam madly into the crack above, the last scene she looked back at was the birth of a sky full of fire meteors, just like the fire that fell on Sodom in the Bible, hitting the dragon servant head-on and piercing countless charred holes!

The man holding the iron mask tore off the mask welded on the dragon scales, smashing the skull of the great creature with scales and blood, and responded to the other's violent roar with a more fierce and violent roar, like an opera of evil spirits fighting in hell transmitted and sung in the medium of the river!


She heard the man scolding the great and noble creature like a king from afar, his words filled with bloody abuse and coldness.

There was no doubt that it was Lu Mingfei, who climbed out of the flames of hell with the majesty and fear of the next generation, and was bound to inflict fire and painful torture on these usurpers.

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