The black Ducati rushed out of the tunnel. The driver wearing a helmet tightened the accelerator to pass one car after another on the road. The police car with the siren beside him roared past and hurried towards the other end of the tunnel. When they rushed to the scene of arrest, no one realized that the fugitive had already escaped from them.

"Are you sure my senior sister is okay? His blond hair will not be regarded by the Metropolitan Police as a terrorist infiltrated from abroad, right?" Lin Nian, who was also wearing a helmet in the back seat, was a little worried.

"My family has a voice in the Metropolitan Police Department. The police, military and even political circles speak together. It is not a big problem to get a prisoner. Besides, our charges are probably all temporarily fixed by Princess Kaguya. We want to remove them. It was just a matter of a thought, and when the time comes, they can just use the excuse that there was an error in the internal system of the Metropolitan Police Department and they arrested the wrong person." Ryoichi, who was driving, said.

"I feel a little sorry, senior sister." Lin Nian couldn't help but think of Mandy sitting in the driver's seat in the tunnel with a confused look on her face, watching the two people waving goodbye and jumping out of the car with a shocked expression on her face. Mandy probably wanted to die at that time, but she really couldn't be of much help in the next actions. Being a scapegoat was probably the greatest help she could provide.

"We have some slack in our family. Besides, Mr. Lin, you also know that your senior sister can't do much to help us. To put it bluntly, she might even hold us back." Ryoichi hit the accelerator again and drove in the direction of leaving Tokyo. This car The motorcycle was temporarily snatched from the tunnel and was still full of fuel.

I have to say that Setsuna is very fierce in fighting, and he is also very sharp in robbing. At least the car and motorcycle disappeared before the motorcycle racing guy could react. I think a person sitting on the edge of a tunnel would doubt his life. A very long time.

"I really want to say, 'Mandy is not a stepping stone,' but unfortunately that's the truth." Lin Nian did not deny this. He also knew very well the danger of betraying his family this time to look for the Fierce Ghosts, which would kill people. For a girl whose biggest dream is to stay at home and watch endless TV series, the work is too much and does not match her style.

"I still don't understand why Mr. Lin came to Japan with a tow bottle." Ryoichi said: "At least in my family, team members of any task need to be strictly inspected and complete the test of various indicators to prepare for the response. In case of emergencies, each member performs his own emergency measures. With all due respect, it is difficult for me to see how much help Mantisang can provide in Jun Lin's mission."

"I had no hope that senior sister could be of any help - although it seems a bit hurtful to say so." Lin Nian wanted to scratch his head but scratched his smooth helmet and had to give up: "Senior sister will be short of credits after graduation. She heard her friend say You can get credits for field work, and I happened to be going out for field work, so I took her with me."

"Is that so?" Such a simple reason left Ryoichi speechless. Maybe it was because of his different views. In his opinion, every mission was a life-threatening danger. In such a situation where he could not protect himself, it was natural for his teammates to It was as harsh as choosing from thousands of people, but Lin Nian's attitude was just to "take the senior sister to earn credits". An 'S' grade can actually go out in the field with a 'B' grade. What is this, an 'SB' combination?

From the back seat of the motorcycle, Lin Nian could see that Ryoichi was in a very unstable mood. It was possible, but it was just possible. After encountering an irreversible tragedy, people would speculate on various 'what ifs'. At that time, Qian Aoshi was following The only person around me is Mandy. If Mandy is a genius and elite like Lin Nian, and if Mandy has studied Japanese hard before coming to Japan, she doesn't even need to have a good foundation, she just needs to understand the 'box', Then all tragedies can be undone, and the inner cracks in the heart can be healed like a broken mirror being reunited.

But there are so many ifs in the world.

"Ryoichi, things like anger will cool down." Lin Nian said softly, regardless of whether the noisy wind would drown out his voice.

"Some things will not be extinguished once they burn, unless they are completely burned out." Liang Yi said: "Lin Jun, this is a journey of nine deaths. In fact, your help to me is enough. On this road My biggest trouble is just escaping the pursuit of the Enforcement Bureau. The next thing basically has nothing to do with you, Mr. Lin. I think it is better to die alone."

"Are you trying to persuade me to get out of the car?" Lin Nian shook his head: "This is no longer your problem alone. I am also responsible for your sister's death - don't think that I am comforting you. I am telling the truth. You I know very well that the ones the fierce ghosts are looking for tonight are not you and your sister, but the commissioner of our headquarters."

"It does make people feel better to express their anger." Ryoichi tugged at the corner of his mouth, but in the end he didn't show any expression: "Please don't lower my temperature any more. The blood dripping on my sister's tombstone should be the blood of the enemy, not me. Tears of mourning.”

Lin Nian said nothing more, and the Ducati roared and accelerated, heading deeper into the night.


Deep in the mountains outside Osaka.

The big house in the mountain is located halfway up the mountain. A few early February cherry blossoms are floating in the water on the small bridge in front of the big house. The stream flowing down from the mountain and gathering at the bridge reflects the lights in the big house and the cool spring scenery in the mountains in early spring. Everything seemed to be as clean as a painting, pure and without dregs - there was still some, and that was the gradually bustling crowd at the head and end of the bridge.

Successful guests in black suits and leather shoes got off the luxury cars by the stream. Most of the guests held large cigars in their mouths and puffed away at this picturesque mountain retreat with a leering gaze. The cold-looking bodyguards beside him were carrying metal suitcases full of cash without saying a word, and their waists were slightly bulging under their suits, hiding their sharpness.

January is the first day of the month, and today is the trial day of the Kukakukan. Those who know about this place must be the top figures in the wealthy circles of Osaka, Tokyo and even Japan. Like a pilgrimage party, they will receive a call on this day of every month. The female manager inside gently invited them to come to the feast.

Everyone regards this feast as a symbol of recognition of their own power. Here they can also get the indulgence and depravity that matches their status, so they come as scheduled every month. On this day of every month, there are always girls in kimono in front of them. Standing in a row at the other end of the stone bridge with smiles, the red costumes dressed up the stone bridge into a bright flower garden like a mandala in bloom. The guests stepped on the stone slabs with their leather shoes and strode towards the bridge. On the other side of the border, there is no turning back.

Sakurai Kogure watched this scene quietly. She knelt down by the fourth-floor window of the Kukakukan building and looked carefully at the bright white moonlight on the woman's face, and the golden light falling on the man's shoulders. The man's hot breath, sweat, and the woman's rouge and perfume merged into a visibly hot "tide" that reached to the sky. Even the cold wave of the spring night was washed away by the intoxicating smell.

She just stood and looked, as if waiting for something.

There was silence in the top floor pavilion with tatami mats behind him. There was a bouquet of peach blossoms in a porcelain vase on the table, and a photo was placed quietly on it.

At this time, a withered and strong hand slowly reached out from the darkness, picked up the photo on the table and put it in front of his eyes to look at it. After a long time, he sighed:

"What a wonderful couple of young people!"

His words were full of gratification and emotion. After hearing this, Sakurai Kogure by the window subconsciously turned her head slightly and came back, seeing the photo that the old man was gently touching.

It was in the hall of a hospital. Countless sick and wounded people were gathered together. People in black were running back and forth to maintain order. Everything seemed so chaotic. In the corner of the hall, a boy and a girl were sitting on a bench. They were talking and laughing as if they were chatting about something. Both of them had smiles on their faces as if they had escaped from their lives and were reborn.

If Lin Nian is lucky enough to see this photo, he will definitely be familiar with it, because the boy holding the photo is looking at him. This is probably the only photo in the North and South Hospital incident in Chicago where the secret party has tried its best to block information. The photo that survived, and in this photo, he and Helena were laughing and talking to each other, like a warm couple surviving the disaster.

Sakurai Kogure knew the ending of this photo. It was a destined and sad ending. One person wanted to say it eagerly, but the other person waved the knife and didn't want to hear it. It wasn't until the knife edge penetrated the chest and the bullet passed through the forehead that everything happened. The dust has settled, but the words of the old man looking at the photo now seem to be as joyful as the early spring breeze, which is simply chilling.

"Obviously everyone is so eager to kill each other with a knife, but they are so affectionate and want to hug each other for warmth." The old man looked at Lin Nian in the photo and smiled, then looked at Sakurai Kogure and said A word she didn't understand:

"He looks exactly like him before, doesn't he?"

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