"A cup of caramel alcoholic coffee and a cup of chocolate flavored Frappuccino."

After placing his order at the front desk, Lin Nian returned to his seat by the railing on the second floor of the coffee shop. The warm yellow chandelier shone on the walnut tabletop, and the wooden ashtray exuded a faint aroma of coffee grounds. LED The small lanterns hanging on the railings were not powered on.

He sat in his own seat, holding his hands and turning his head to look at the scenery downstairs. Sitting in this position, he could have a panoramic view of the first floor and the door. There was no obstruction at all. The decoration style of the glass curtain wall and the sunlight on part of the street outside the store provide a good afternoon atmosphere inside the store. Anyone who walks in from the front door at sunset cannot escape his eyes.

He just sat here without saying anything. From time to time on the street outside the store, boys in Shilan uniforms walked arm in arm, and occasionally girls held hands and pushed open the door of the cafe decorated with black cats to come in. Buy a Frappuccino and leave.

It wasn't until the two drinks he ordered before were brought up the stairs by the clerk that he looked away. He nodded slightly and thanked the clerk before taking his Frappuccino. The person sitting opposite picked up the coffee when it was placed in front of him. I just poured it into my mouth, and under the gaze of the dumbfounded clerk holding an empty plate, I quickly swallowed the cup of coffee with a low alcohol content into my stomach.

"Please give her another cup of the same thing. You can add a little more liqueur." Lin Nian looked at Su Xiaoqiang covering her face and rubbing her face hard after drinking the cup of alcoholic coffee and asked the clerk for an additional order.

"Okay, no problem." The clerk was a little strange. Before leaving, he couldn't help but look at Lin Nian and the girl who looked rich at first glance, but was somehow dirty and covered with dirt. He made up his mind. There are many plots of chasing husbands in the crematorium, such as the rich girl lying on the ground after being PUA, holding the man's ankle and begging hard not to leave me. As long as I can do it, I am willing to do anything.

Today is a working day. Even in the afternoon, there are not many people in the store, which just provides a good environment for chatting. Lin Nian took a sip of Frappuccino and looked at the person sitting opposite, leaning on the table with his elbows and clenching his hands. Su Xiaoqiang, who was deep in thought with her eyes pressed hard with the heel of her palm, said, "How about you ask the boss to give you a cup of vodka? I saw several bottles of vodka and white rum on their coffee table. They should be used to make free-ice Americano." use."

"No, I don't have the habit of drinking before night. I just (take a deep breath). I just need time to relax." Su Xiaoqiang spoke very hard, feeling a little weak, as if she was a frustrated candidate who didn't see her name when the results were released. This meant that she Her world collapsed, and the beliefs she had held on to in her life for the past ten years collapsed - her outlook on life had been reshaped, and it was somewhat unclear what was true and what was false.

"You're shaking." Lin Nian noticed that her legs were shaking uncontrollably under the table. The heels of her high heels were slightly off the ground, and her toes moved forward involuntarily to support her whole body. This was a sign of fear.

In fact, her reaction was relatively small. If it were any other person, she would have fainted on the spot after seeing the effect of a humanoid monster punching out a Tomahawk cruise missile. But Su Xiaoqiang was different. Hey, she could still crawl out of the mud and spit out the dirt in her mouth, and tremblingly wanted to get on the highway to see if she could hitch a ride and escape.

But it was obvious that she failed to escape, and was caught by Lin Nian. At the same time, the tattered Ferrari 488, which was indeed made of Italian craftsmanship, fell to the ground and was carried on the highway with one hand. After tearing off the cocked hood and right door, he actually drove the car back to the city. Now it was parked on the street outside the coffee shop, being watched and taken by a group of people, who were amazed by the rich kid. So it can be made.

"Huh..." Su Xiaoqiang took a few deep breaths. She didn't know if the alcohol in the cup of coffee just now had a little effect, allowing her to calm down temporarily, and her words would not be forced to swallow because of the vibrato. He looked at Lin Nian and asked, "Who are you?"

He was very strict. He didn’t ask who Lin Nian was, but what “thing” he was. The main reason was that “people” couldn’t change the terrain with one punch, like those in potato free novels and online novels about spiritual energy recovery. It was not that she had never heard of the fantasy scene in a listening book about the earth collapsing and the building about to collapse with two punches. She admitted that she was happy to hear it, but in reality, she saw someone actually interrupting the highway with one punch, and hundreds of people were killed. When the ground was plowed, she couldn't be happy anymore.

That person can interrupt the highway with one punch, and he can also beat her into a meat pie with one punch. That is violence that transcends the social system and makes anyone's sense of security under the protection of the law be blown away by the wind. A chilling violence.

"That's not the point." Lin Nian said.

"This is not the point, so what is the point?" Su Xiaoqiang grabbed the corners of the table with both hands. She was not trying to overturn the table, but to try to stabilize herself as much as possible and not shake like chaff. Having sat at the negotiation table many times, she knew that in a conversation like this, you should not show any timidity. If you show timidity, you will lose and you will not get any information you want.

Lin Nian silently picked up the Frappuccino on the table, otherwise the top of the snow would have been shaken off by the vibration frequency on the table. Sometimes too much fear cannot be completely suppressed.

"Now I just want to know how you did that exaggerated scene. Is that a movie special effect? ​​A fixed-point explosion? Are there some reality show prank directors and crew hiding in places I can't see? When you make that move, they will detonate the explosives hidden underground?" Su Xiaoqiang said quickly, staring at Lin Nian, trying to find any flaws. People can always find reasonable explanations for incomprehensible phenomena. This is normal and can be regarded as the thinking inertia of highly educated people.

"Don't ask more." Lin Nian said.

"Why?" As expected, the spirit of the little goddess to get to the bottom of things came again. She was quite stubborn. Even if she was afraid, she had a force that made her never step back.

Lin Nian smiled helplessly, but he didn't plan to say much. If he said it, he would say too much. The purpose of his previous trip was just to test the unreasonable phenomenon he saw. Some tests cannot be completed by one person, so he brought Su Xiaoqiang with him to help him complete the test and get intelligence. And by the way, it can also make Su Xiaoqiang believe that there is still a little bit of "fantasy" in this world, so that she can believe more in what Lin Nian promised to do.

"Do you believe now that I can help you with the problem you are facing?" Lin Nian went straight to the core of the problem, "I am willing to help you, so are you willing to accept this help?"

"No, that's not the question." Su Xiaoqiang was a little entangled, and her eyes looking at Lin Nian were a little strange, "You have to tell me. How did you do it? I admit that if what happened on the highway just now is very. Fantastic, but what does this have to do with you being able to help me?"

"People's understanding of the 'fantasy' factor is that they can do things that cannot be done under the existing social system, break the rules, and make the impossible possible. This is the charm of the 'fantasy' factor. Just like those online novels In the novel, the author is always willing to add some "fantasy" elements to the daily themes of urban love, because it seems that adding these "fantasy" elements can rationalize things that cannot be tolerated by the real system such as polygamy and harem - the "fantasy" element has become a synonym for "rationalization", that is, its appearance seems to be able to do everything that is impossible in reality. "Lin Nian said, "This is also the reason why I took you with me when I did it just now, so that you can witness the existence of "fantasy" with your own eyes, so that the promise I made to you before will have more credibility. "

"I thought you wanted to open a harem." Su Xiaoqiang was stunned and said.


"You misunderstood what I meant. What I want to say is that you have to tell me more inside information." Su Xiaoqiang suddenly looked up at Lin Nian, "Does this have anything to do with the "mixed race" you mentioned when you called before? What is a mixed race? What blood is mixed? Aren't you a complete human being? "

"Don't be so sensitive about things that you shouldn't be sensitive about. "Lin Nian said.

"You don't seem to want to tell me more things?" Su Xiaoqiang didn't understand.

"Yeah." Lin Nian paused, then nodded.


"No reason." Lin Nian said, "It will be very troublesome."

Yes, he did not intend to go to great lengths to explain to her what a hybrid is, what a dragon race is, these questions cannot be explained in a short time. As long as he can make her believe that he can solve the problems she encounters, that is what he planned to do from the beginning.

This involves a factor, that is, Lin Nian cannot completely regard this seemingly true world as a "fantasy" or a "dream" for the time being, because everything here is too real, and the first person who appeared in front of him was Su Xiaoqiang, which made it even more difficult for him to completely ignore the moral laws of this world.

If he completely regarded this place as a game, he could indeed take the initiative to explain to Su Xiaoqiang about the hybrid and dragon race. After showing the "fantasy" factor on the highway before, he would let the other party accept that there is a social system in this world that is more civilized than the modern one. This system can solve many of your problems, and I have the resources and relationships within this system.

But after thinking it over, he still didn't plan to tell Su Xiaoqiang about this.

A voice deep in his heart told him that if he explained those things to the girl in front of him again, it was hard to guarantee that this pure, flawless and clean girl like a blank sheet of paper would fall into the same misfortune as the little angel over there. The one over there was full of dangers.

What am I doing?

"." He suddenly opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He looked up at the frightened Su Xiaoqiang in front of him, and was a little stunned.

"What's wrong?" Su Xiaoqiang looked at him in confusion.

Lin Nian stared at Su Xiaoqiang, who pretended to be calm and fearless, and was full of curiosity. He looked at her carefully for a while, looking at her ordinary people's fear of the unknown, that kind of pure and ignorant face, and finally exhaled a breath imperceptibly, nodded gently and said:

"So that's it. You can go back."

"What?" Su Xiaoqiang was stunned, not quite understanding what Lin Nian meant.

"It means you can go back now." Lin Nian said in a low voice, "I will find a way to deal with your father's matter. If someone comes to you to offer help in transferring to another hospital, just remember not to refuse."

"No, please explain it more clearly." Su Xiaoqiang was stunned and stood up to ask more questions, but she immediately met Lin Nian's eyes.

"Go back." He said.

Even though Lin Nian's golden eyes did not light up, the unquestionable emotions in those dark brown eyes were enough to make Su Xiaoqiang's whole body stiffen for a moment, and she couldn't help swallowing the words in her mouth.

"Go back and rest for a while. If there is anything, contact me later. I know your number." Lin Nian said in a low voice.

When he said this, his golden eyes lit up for the first time, and he gave the girl a "hint". This was something he would never do before, but now he has figured out some things.

Su Xiaoqiang stopped talking and mechanically got up and left. When he passed by the clerk holding coffee in the stairwell, the clerk was still at a loss whether to pack the coffee on the plate for people to take away.

Lin Nian sat on the second floor and watched Su Xiaoqiang push the door and leave silently.

He suddenly had some ideas about the meaning of the existence of this seemingly true world, but the specific verification of these ideas still needed to wait until the strange and familiar people he had contacted by phone before came to him.

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