In fact, Lu Mingfei had thought about who the person who called him was. Based on his experience in the Execution Department over the years, those who mentioned "bloodline refining technology" had some dangerous bloodline, just like those who only sold but did not take drugs were always beautiful legends. The real reality was that most of them were selling drugs to support their drug use. They would die quietly in their rental houses at any time, or their bloodline would go out of control and they would be arrested or shot on the spot by the righteous Execution Department Commissioner.

Lu Mingfei had personally arrested many similar people who possessed dangerous knowledge. They were extremely vicious, and some were forced into a desperate situation. As the sharp knife of the Execution Department, he basically had no choice in this situation. There was not much time for him to sympathize with the world, let him understand the past and mental journey of the prey he was chasing, and then understand and let go of each other like in traditional literary works and movies.

In most cases, Lu Mingfei broke into the door, and I was shocked! A long knife chopped over, dodged, and drew out the double-gun Desert Eagle, bang bang bang, I was shocked! This guy can dodge bullets, then pull out two short arc knives under his windbreaker, run and fight, and finally drag the opponent to exhaustion, turn around and shout, "Dog!" Dare you fight with your grandfather, the chairman, head-on! Kill back in the angry and desperate sight of the opponent, win in one breath, and the battle is over. Then the people from the executive department come to collect the body. The chairman rubs his sore calf and cries while falling into the arms of the soft girl from the logistics department.

Basically, there is not so much time in reality for everyone to sit down and talk, to make things clear. You say: Hey, is there something wrong with you this time! It's bloodline refining, and it's selling "bone, blood, and horn"! Your crime is unforgivable! He said: Yes, oh, oh, it's my fault! I'm sorry to the party and the country! You say: Since you admit that you have done something wrong, then come with us, be nice and try to get a lighter sentence! He said: Woo woo woo, sir, I also have my own difficulties. The following self-explanation of the tragic past is omitted by 10,000 words. After listening, you say: Ah! It's so touching. I will report it to the executive department. We must understand each other!

Then everyone made dumplings together and had a great time.

Reality is not like this. In reality, when you push the door open, people won't say a word to you. They will just pick up the submachine gun taped under the table and shoot you. They will tell you your dream while shooting.

So, Lu Mingfei thought about the worst case scenario when he went to the appointment, because the person on the other end of the phone must be a vicious person in his opinion, which can be seen from the fact that the other party took hostages!

In the more than ten seconds after he received the call, the first thing he thought about was why the hell this guy would call from Su Xiaoqiang's phone. Does this mean that Su Xiaoqiang has become his hostage? But why Su Xiaoqiang? To threaten him, Lu Mingfei, kidnapping Chen Wenwen is better than kidnapping the little goddess!

Secondly, why did the guy on the other end of the phone set the location opposite Shilan Middle School? Does this mean that the other party has completely studied him?

From his alma mater to his family, everything he cares about, that sentence "at your own risk" is a metaphor that if he acts rashly, he will make a big move in his hometown that will make him regret it? How bad can it be, such as sending bomb mail to his aunt and uncle's house? Or it is more straightforward to kidnap his aunt and uncle. Knowing that his alma mater is Shilan, it is reasonable to know the location of his aunt and uncle's house.

The more Lu Mingfei thought about it at that time, the more cold sweats he broke out. He packed up his things and flew directly to his hometown overnight. At the same time, he was very cunning and left a secret code in the office of the student union president in case of emergency. He was not sure whether the person on the other end of the phone had any way to monitor him, so as to prevent him from being killed by the other side right after he reported to the executive department. After working in the executive department for a few years, he still learned something, such as using special secret codes to set up a delayed backup.

He did not inform anyone when he came back to his hometown in China, which meant that the students would have to attend the morning meeting the next morning. Oh no, during the morning meeting, Isabel would definitely notice that their chairman was lazy. She would only need to go around the office to find the code left by Lu Mingfei. After deciphering it, she would immediately notify the executive department to bring a large number of people to support.

After all, the person on the phone said that you should not notify anyone when you come, otherwise you will bear the consequences. So he did not notify anyone when he came. The code he left after he came was notified afterwards. You can't blame me for this, right?

Lu Mingfei was very proud of his cleverness. If he could handle this potential big trouble alone this time, the executive department would have to give him credit, right? In the executive department where personal heroism prevails, his deeds this time will definitely become a model for publicity, and the legend of the "tiger of the executive department" that his juniors and juniors have read a lot of will have one more.

As soon as Lu Mingfei landed, he bought a set of camouflage clothes at a street sale. He put on a hat to hide his handsome face and golden eyes, and restrained the "noble" cultivated in the student union.

As usual, he sighed that the decoration of Shilan Middle School was luxurious again. He found the right place and stepped into the agreed coffee shop. He looked around, tensed up, ready to go, and then was ordered by a Spanish beauty in black silk hip skirt who came out of nowhere to make coffee.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei was a little confused at the time, and then realized that he seemed to be too low-key and was mistaken for a waiter in a coffee shop.

It seems that after the "nobleness" that he had cultivated with great difficulty in the student union was restrained, he seemed to be left with only bad air. It was normal for him to be treated as a servant.

Although he felt a little wronged, it also facilitated his actions. He said yes repeatedly and went directly into the coffee shop, observing the situation here to see if there was any murderous intention hidden.

He didn't learn much in the student union, but he had learned a little about making coffee. His full-time secretary Isabel made coffee perfectly. He was interested in learning a few tricks and planned to make it for Nuonuo to show off next time he had the chance, but he hadn't had the chance to see the little red-haired witch again.

Nuonuo had been missing for a long time, and no one knew her whereabouts. I heard that she had dropped out of school. This also made him feel confused when he sat in the office of the student union. He didn't know what all his efforts and gradual changes were for, and who was he doing it for?

Lu Mingfei, who was a little distracted, successfully made a pot of coffee. Fortunately, there was no boss to supervise him, otherwise he would definitely scold him for wasting coffee beans, so he hurried to work again. While making coffee, he sneaked around the coffee shop, but couldn't find Su Xiaoqiang. He couldn't go up to the second floor for the time being, so he could only concentrate on hearing downstairs and quietly listen to the noise upstairs.

Chairman Lu has no problem with anything, but his memory is still good. The voice he heard on the phone yesterday is still fresh in his memory. He heard the chat on the second floor as soon as he entered the store, and he was sure that the man's voice was the grandson who threatened him on the phone.

The grandson seemed to be chatting with a foreign beauty upstairs. The chat was also very meaningless. It was pure English, occasionally mixed with a few words of Spanish. After taking office, the chairman took a lot of foreign language cram school, whether it was English or Spanish, he could speak a few words easily, so he could barely understand.

While making coffee and eavesdropping, after listening to the whole thing, Lu Mingfei commented that it was like watching a British drama about the apocalypse of the middle and upper classes on HBO, full of lines full of love and metaphors. The screenwriter must be a white woman who drinks red wine while writing, otherwise she couldn't write such a showy and twisted dialogue, but people nowadays seem to like this tune.

He was so fascinated that he almost burned his coffee again. After much persuasion, he made a cup of iced American coffee for the Spanish beauty. He went upstairs to see who the thug who asked him to meet was, under the pretext of ordering. He put his Desert Eagle with the safety off on his back and hid the short arc knife in the sleeve of his shirt, ready to capture the thief first.

After going upstairs, Lu Mingfei walked in the pace of (deleted) Assassin style, quietly approaching the table of the man and woman who were concentrating on the conversation like a cat, trying to make his presence as light as possible, and the golden pupils under the brim of his hat were slightly bright. Just when he was close to the attack range, he saw the woman sitting at the table, and he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Because he recognized that it was the current leader of the chess world, Mandy Gonzalez. He often saw this Spanish girl in various magazines and TV shows. I remember that the undefeated queen accepted the invitation of the University of Chicago to the next friendly match. The people from Kassel College also went. A few buddies from mathematics class said that they wanted to capture the queen and capture her heart at the same time, but they still returned in defeat. In the forum, they insisted that the other party was also a mixed-race, so he was so good at chess. Many brothers and sisters laughed at him for being tougher than chess.

How could such a famous person appear here? Still playing chess with a potentially dangerous mixed-race thug? Lu Mingfei couldn't help but take back the knife he was about to hand over, because he really didn't dare to take the risk of hurting this big star among big stars. Mandy Gonzalez's international influence is no joke. Such people in the spotlight are often the most troublesome for the secret party when carrying out tasks. It's not that they are big names, but it's very troublesome to deal with them afterwards, and the report is particularly difficult to write. And Lu Mingfei doesn't like writing reports.

When Lu Mingfei hesitated, the man on the table had already noticed his arrival. The other party didn't turn around, but the slightly adjusted body movements had told Lu Mingfei that his stealth had failed. He could only bite the bullet and walk over to ask if he wanted to order. The hands behind his back silently grasped the handle of the short arc knife and the handle of the Desert Eagle gun, ready to capture the thief first and win with one blow when the situation is the worst.

At the same time, after walking to a certain range, Lu Mingfei also took the initiative to look up to see who this mysterious and dangerous thug is. When he met his eyes with the other party, he was shocked. The blood that had been preheated to boiling hot instantly stagnated and flowed, and the temperature dropped rapidly until it was icy cold. A cold tremor crawled from the back of the spine and spread to the back of the head, and the whole body was stiff and unable to move.

For a moment, he recalled a dead person, a person who died in his dusty memory, the evil ghost named Fengjian Liuli, with red sleeves fluttering. Hidden in the plain shell of red makeup was a fierce ghost capable of killing the Yamata no Orochi. He was like a puppet, who could set himself on fire at any time, dancing wildly and shockingly on the grand stage play. The burning sleeves would set the red curtain on fire, plunging the entire theater into a rolling fire, burning everything into ruins, and finally crawling out of the ashes of the ruins, reborn into a cocoon that is more beautiful.

Yes, compared to Fengjian Liuli, he is more like Yuan Zhinv! The younger brother of Yuan Zhisheng, who screamed and cried in the deep water and rushed towards the dragon-shaped Deadpool, the beautiful and tragic one. Before being completely occupied and devoured by Fengjian Liuli, he ignited himself and bet on Lu Mingfei to win, just because he said he liked Lu Mingfei's eyes when they first met, just because he liked it, so he bet everything.

In that moment, Lu Mingfei had a lot of unrealistic fantasies. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Just seeing this man's face, he felt an inexplicable pity and a sense of sadness, as if the other person was the same as himself.

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