"Why do you say this?" Lu Mingfei asked in a low voice.

He couldn't understand why Ling came to him and said these words to him, even though these words were really a quagmire hidden in the deepest part of Lu Mingfei's heart that had never been revealed. He had felt inferiority complex in front of Lin Nian and looked up at him unwillingly to mention it.

"Everyone is looking up to him, so you can hide your admiration and low self-esteem reasonably. It is not shameful to deceive." Zero said softly, "You have successfully hidden this low self-esteem because you know very well that this It's not a topic that can be brought up. Likewise, Lin Nian won't like that kind of person. In his eyes, you are his friend, not a so-called admirer or admirer. "

"But this inferiority complex is always there, isn't it? Lu Mingfei." She asked, her voice seemed to be piercing Lu Mingfei's soul.

"From what you said, it sounds like you really think 'Lin Nian' is real." Lu Mingfei said with a smile.

"If you think he exists, then he must exist." Zero said slowly, "So do we still have a meaningless 'ontological' debate? I thought we had skipped this link, or maybe in Chilan When I found you, this session was over, but I can still talk to you if you want."

Lu Mingfei never thought that Ling could speak such a long sentence in one breath. At the same time, he also understood why Ling never said so many words, because she was very cold when speaking, and every word seemed to be in the air. It was as if they had been frozen in the ice at the North Pole. When a large number of words poured out at the same time, they were greeted by the howling winter wind, making the person who endured it unbearable.

Fortunately, Lu Mingfei became the first person to withstand the howling winter wind, and he successfully withstood the pressure without turning his back to avoid or leave.

He opened and closed his lips several times, and finally pressed them together, keeping the carefully considered words in his mouth to keep them warm. He decided to spit them out only when they were warm, "No one can stand in front of Lin Nian without feeling inferior."

The Destined Dragon Slayer, with such a huge halo surrounding the person on the top of the mountain, how could anyone not feel admiration and inferiority complex when they look up at him halfway up the mountain? Even Caesar Gattuso, that man as proud as the sun, must have had similar emotions towards Lin Nian once upon a time. Lu Mingfei did not think it was shameful.

"You should feel ashamed," Zero said.

Lu Mingfei suddenly raised his head and looked into the girl's golden eyes as clear as a lake under her forehead. She said, "Do you think that 'Lin Nian' wants a follower, an admirer, or a peacemaker?" A companion who stands at the same level, a friend who can carry out important tasks?”

"Anyone can feel inferior in front of him, but you can't, Lu Mingfei." She breathed out softly, a bit like sighing. This was the first time Lu Mingfei saw this girl sigh. It turned out to be myself.

She said, "You are the only one who can't feel inferior. You killed two dragons under Baidi City. That's good. Everyone is proud of you, including me. But the way you look for Lin Nian is really good." "It's very embarrassing, as if the world is without that man named Lin Nian, and you have lost the courage to live and the confidence to cope with difficulties."

Zero's words didn't carry any strong emotions, they were so plain and straightforward, speaking like facts.

"No, I only came to Lin Nian because..." Lu Mingfei wanted to explain something, but his tongue was a little knotted.

He inexplicably felt huge shame and embarrassment. He had obviously thought about those things a long time ago, but when he said it in other people's mouths, especially when the girl in front of him said it himself, he felt Ling Chi's pain, and his whole body was exposed to the heat of the words. Under the scorching heat.

"You don't have the courage to face the crisis that may come. You need a backer, a mainstay to make you feel at ease." Zero lowered his head and looked calmly at the rippling red wine in his glass.

"You are very uneasy, Lu Mingfei. After you couldn't find Lin Nian, you have been living in uneasiness - you are not looking for Lin Nian because you really care about him. What you are really obsessed with is that strong peace of mind. It feels like as long as you have him, everything can be solved and all difficulties will be solved. He will give you time, and he will buy time for you. But is the time he fights for really yours? "

He wanted to retort, but he couldn't. His tongue was as heavy as a lead weight, and his mouth was full of astringency.

Because Zero was right.

She got it all right.

Although childish and his words were like nails, they successfully pierced into the flesh of Lu Mingfei's palms and nailed him to the cross.

Have low self-esteem? maybe.

Lu Mingfei still remembered the first time he met Lin Nian. It was probably the beginning of school in Shilan. He looked boredly at the scene on the playground on the windowsill on the second floor of the classroom and saw Su Xiaoqiang being pestered by people outside the school. That scene happened.

At that time, he was still very young and didn't know how to deal with this matter. He was the first person to discover that terrible scene. His mind was a little blank. He didn't know whether to call the teacher or yell at him. When he hesitated, At that moment, a brother next to him opened the window and jumped out like a diver. He fell directly from the second floor into the bushes below. He rushed in front of those outside the school without losing strength and kicked them away. One was lying on the ground a few meters away and couldn't get up.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Lu Mingfei's eyes at that time, the brave porcupine-like boy covered with bushes and leaves was simply extremely handsome. After he returned to the classroom, Lu Mingfei asked him why he jumped just now.

He replied that it would be faster to jump than to call the teacher.

Lu Mingfei said you misunderstood. I mean, aren't you afraid of broken bones?

He replied that even with broken bones he could beat those idiots, they were very good.

At that time, Lu Mingfei knew that some people in this world were born to be "awesome". They could do things that others couldn't do. When they rushed out without thinking, he was still thinking about what to do. , that strong sense of contrast, and the resulting sense of gap, will naturally take root in my heart.

It was the growth of that kind of emotion that made Lu Mingfei take the initiative to reach out to Lin Nian and say: Brother, you were really handsome just now, can you make friends? My name is Lu Mingfei.

He said his name was Lin Nian, and he could just call him if anything happened in the future, and he would definitely help his friends.

As he said, he and Lin Nian became friends, and Lin Nian spared no effort to help him in everything he could. It was as small as missing a question in the exam and he passed, or it was as big as being laughed at by Zhao Menghua's gang of brothers in front of the whole class. He stood up and kicked the table over fiercely, angering those little bastards, and dragged him outside to have fun. There was a fight.

Everyone in Shilan High School knows that Lu Mingfei is bad, but not many people dare to offend Lu Mingfei or laugh at Lu Mingfei. Even if they laugh at Lu Mingfei, it will only be in secret, because everyone sarcastically says that Lu Mingfei has a bad thing. There is a boss who is very good at beating up his backer. If he offends Lu Mingfei, he will be careful to get hammered.

Lu Mingfei was even complacent after learning about this statement. However, surprisingly, Lin Nian found the person who spread this statement, who was the senior (self-proclaimed) eldest son of Shilan Middle School at that time, and fought with him fiercely. There was a fierce fight, and the matter became so big that Lin Nian was almost expelled. The principal chose to make it a big deal out of a trivial matter because of his excellent grades.

But the school's problem was solved, but there was still a problem with the medical expenses. Lin Nian accidentally broke the guy's nose because he was a little too heavy-handed. In the past, he was very particular about his actions and rarely hurt others. Due to the condition of his muscles and bones, the medical expense claim this time is estimated to be more than 50,000 yuan. If Lin Nian's family cannot get the money, they may have to go to court.

After Lu Mingfei found out about this, he stole his parents' bankbook from his aunt overnight, went to the bank, withdrew 50,000 in cash in his own name and gave it to the student who claimed the claim, and then the matter was resolved.

Later, Lu Mingfei was beaten up by his aunt and uncle because he used the money to recharge games on the pretext of himself.

Regarding that conflict, Lu Mingfei didn't understand the reason. He quietly asked Lin Nian in private, why did you fight with that guy? Did he do anything wrong?

Lin Nian only said one thing to him: That idiot said you were my little brother and he looked down on you.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei was stunned and wanted to say, "Am I not?"

But after seeing Lin Nian's serious eyes, he swallowed those words back, forced a smile and said how could I be your little brother, we are friends.

Lin Nian smiled and said: Of course, we are good friends.

No one is anyone's younger brother, friends are friends and help each other.

That inferiority complex was hidden. He existed but was never revealed.

"Don't you deny this?" Ling turned to look at Lu Mingfei and asked, his side face covered with beautiful shadows with clear lines under the gentle light from behind the floor-to-ceiling windows in the balcony.

Lu Mingfei looked into her eyes, feeling confused for a long time.

Finally, he nodded silently.

He did not deny the inferiority complex that he had hidden in his heart for a long time, and the sense of security that he felt relying on Lin Nian.

"I did have low self-esteem before, that's a fact." He took a deep breath, "But so what?"

"Yes, but so what." Zero repeated the boy's words in a low voice.

"Have you ever thought about changing?" she asked.

"It's always been like this." Lu Mingfei said slowly.

When he knew that Lin Nian was going to the United States, he was at a loss for a while, so he worked hard to prepare for IELTS and TOEFL. But if you don't have talent in English, you have no talent. No matter how hard you try, your final mock test scores are disappointing. He was discouraged.

But he still didn't give up. Until the day before Lin Nian came to find him and the day before he encountered those troubles, he practiced speaking with Old Tang on the Internet. Even though he knew it was useless, he was still trying hard to catch up with Lin Nian. At least, he must be qualified to be Lin Nian's friend and become the brother and friend who can help each other as Lin Nian said.

Just like today, he was working hard not to prove anything, not to surpass anything, not to become anything. He just wanted to stand next to that guy, hold his shoulders, and ask him a cool question, Hey, what else are you doing? Can you withstand it? I can't stand it, so it's my turn!

That scene really made him happy just thinking about it.

"So, what is your real request?" Zero looked into his eyes, "Walking the path he walked, bathing in the glory he bathed in, do you want to be him, or surpass him?"

"I don't want to be him, and I don't want to be better than him. He is my friend, not my rival. He is my target, not my enemy."

"Are you doing what he did to fill your inferiority complex?"

"I will no longer feel inferior, nor will I make meaningless compensation through such things. This is something that has already happened, and what I should do is something that has not happened yet in the future."

"Then what should you really do?" she asked, her pupils dizzy like glass.

". Become his true comrade-in-arms, face those shitty things with him, and do something big that everyone will admire." Lu Mingfei said, his eyes were involved in the glass, but he never got lost or dizzy.

"Okay, then remember this request, don't be misled and go the wrong way." Ling stretched out his hand, gently tapped Lu Mingfei's heart, and looked up to meet his eyes.

Lu Mingfei slowly raised his head and looked at the girl, his eyes were clear, and he no longer avoided.

"Very good, this is the boy I know." She said softly, "Don't forget what you said today."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, wanting to ask what this sentence meant, but the girl beside him suddenly fell down. He suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the heavy white evening dress to hold her, but the cumbersome clothes fell down with a tug, and what fell from it was a fiery red firework. It was another more fitted skirt hidden under the white evening dress, with wavy lace and the color of flames, swaying in the wind, forming a sharp contrast with the white skin.

The fiery red evening dress was probably prepared for the dance tonight, but unfortunately the people in Norton Hall had no chance to see her dancing, because the Russian girl in the dress fell lightly on the lawn, looked up at Lu Mingfei holding the white dress on the balcony, and left, without looking back, quietly walked into the night and disappeared.


Lu Mingfei looked at the white dress in his hand, feeling somewhat lost. He seemed to understand something, but he didn't dare to believe it easily, until the door of the balcony behind him opened again, and the drunken Finger came in. Seeing Lu Mingfei beside the marble railing, his eyes lit up and he shouted,

"Oh my god, Junior Brother, you are here! Everyone is looking for you like crazy! Aren't you going to dance? Caesar and Chu Zihang will give speeches later, and they will call on you to come on stage! Wouldn't it be very disrespectful to them if you don't go? What are you doing here, what are you holding in your hand?"

Finger came closer, and a strong smell of alcohol rushed to Lu Mingfei. After seeing the torn white evening dress in Lu Mingfei's hand, his originally flushed face turned pale in an instant, "Junior Brother, which Junior Sister's clothes did you strip? Oh my god, how could you do such a thing? What about the Junior Sister whose clothes you stripped? What did you do to her?"

As he said that, he looked for the non-existent Junior Sister everywhere, and it was unknown whether he really cared about the Junior Sister or wanted to see the scenery of the Junior Sister's spring light.

Lu Mingfei slowly put down the white dress that was still warm and fragrant, spread him on the guardrail, and looked up at the dark Kassel College in the distance. Some knots in his heart loosened, and he felt relieved and peaceful.

In the anxious urging of Finger, he said without looking back, "I'm leaving."

"What do you mean? You're not going to the dance?" Finger was stunned.

"I mean - the plot is going to speed up." Lu Mingfei pointed to the distance, where Ling disappeared, in the direction of the Kassel College library, brilliant flames shot up into the sky, sweeping towards the woods in all directions like waves, igniting those maple leaves, like a sea of ​​fire.

The alarm of Kassel College sounded. Amid the red light of the alarm, chaos broke out in Norton Hall. On the balcony, Finkel, who had not yet reacted, only felt the sound of wind around him. He then reached out to grab something, but missed. He could only watch Lu Mingfei jump off the balcony on the third floor, pull out the alchemical sword hidden in his sleeve, and rush towards the raging flames of the atomic bomb without hesitation.

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