The statue of Agni fell to the ground with a bang. Its four arms swung down heavy swords in unison as it landed. The slashing blows that broke the mountains and cracked the earth blew up four ash pillars around it. In the dust, a black shadow rushed out of the smoke and kicked Agni's protective layer of fire regardless of the high temperature!

A scene that was huge in size happened. Agni, who was at least 20 meters tall and whose whole body was melted by metal extracted from the earth, was kicked up from the ground. He flew a long distance with a terrifying sound of wind and fell to the ground!

This word spirit was indeed very powerful. Similarly, it was also full of momentum when it was hit.

Agni turned over and stood up, half-kneeling on the ground with his four arms crossed and slashed at the position where the figure stood with a flying flaming slash. Unexpectedly, the opponent stomped on the ground and lifted up the thick layer of ground to block it. He hid his body under the cover of the broken rocks and jumped directly to the top of Agni's head like a cannonball, which was exactly where Lu Mingfei was standing!

Capture the leader first?

Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes and adjusted his plan in his mind.

Agni moved his four swords and chopped them down accurately, intercepting the flying figure and colliding with each other. The huge impact force caused the ground under Agni's feet to collapse. After the giant weighing hundreds of thousands of tons stalemated with the figure in the air for less than a second, the four arms were lifted up in one breath, and the whole statue of the god and Buddha fell backwards!

Seizing the opportunity of the middle door being wide open, the figure used the rocks in the falling process as pedals in the air, stepped out of the air explosion circle to shatter the stepping stones into powder, and rushed towards Lu Mingfei above Agni with an unstoppable momentum!

The distance of 100 meters was almost zero in an instant. Lu Mingfei had already observed this scene. In order to avoid the situation where the physical speed could not keep up with the thinking, he made a prediction one second in advance and swung the "Rage" wrapped in black flames straight ahead!

Facts have proved that his judgment was right and wrong.

The right thing was that when his knife was swung, the black figure still rushed in front of him without bias.

The mistake was that his movements were too slow. Even if "Time Zero" was banned, the figure could easily avoid this knife purely relying on the strength of the abnormal body.

So at this time, Lu Mingfei had to make full use of some tricks.

The black flames on the "Rage" were suddenly detonated. The "Junyan" that was almost solidified and accumulated to the limit, with the entire blade as the point and the path of the knife as the surface, directly detonated a violent flame as violent as a mountain torrent! The huge roar ran through the entire large void, and the tsunami-like flames, high temperature, and impact force directly shot out the figure who was close to him!

The figure flew back at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, pulling a clear flame trajectory in the air, and hit the cinder ground heavily, which was almost visible to the naked eye. After landing, the impact caused the dark earth to roll up like waves. At this moment, the hard ground was like a water bed that was shaken out of countless rolling folds by the huge force.

When the figure climbed up from the deep pit on the ground, thousands of suspended fire swords had appeared on the ceiling of the large void at some point, and each fire sword emitted a sun-like light. It was the sword of Damocles, symbolizing restriction and divine punishment.

【Word Spirit·Sword of Damocles

Discoverer and Namer: Damocles

Introduction: The releaser constructs a domain and creates elemental weapons in the shape of fire swords. The number is determined by the releaser's bloodline. The trigger condition is the "line" emitted from the tip of the fire sword. The trigger method of the "line" is temperature perception.

The speed of the fire sword is faster than the speed of sound. The state of plasma is more like the "beam weapon" in science fiction works than the flame. It has incredible penetration, but due to the speed and penetration effect, the combustion transmission property is not good.

Once the fire sword is condensed, it cannot be destroyed or affected unless it is launched. Even if the domain is revoked, it will actively absorb the "fire" element between heaven and earth to maintain its existence. It is often used in tomb traps of dragons above the second generation. The despicable people who break into the tomb should be punished by the sword of Damocles falling from the dome.

"Look! Doomsday is hanging over your heads! Risk and power coexist! If you are not afraid of death, then charge at me! I will judge you!" - Damocles]

The tip of each Damocles sword is connected to the ground vertically to form a straight "line", and countless lines fill the space tightly.

The figure took a step forward and stepped on a "line". The fire sword hanging in the air above the "line" fell without warning, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch according to the predetermined trajectory.

But this sword still missed. The figure just turned his body to avoid the extremely fast attack. The fire sword penetrated the cinder ground and directly pierced a diamond-shaped molten red gap on the ground. You can imagine how terrifying the piercing power and the accompanying high temperature are.

The figure ignored the dangerous performance of the Damocles sword. He just thought for half a second, then began to bend over and accumulate strength, and finally jumped forward with force, pulling countless "lines" in one breath!

A spectacular scene took place. The sword of Damocles fell like a rainstorm. Beams of fire shot out from top to bottom like lasers. The flickering light cast the shadow of the human figure on the huge rock wall of the big cave, like a mural left over from the mythological era!

Behind the road where the figure rushed forward, molten red pits appeared one after another. There was no explosion in the air, only the sound of fine air being torn apart. They were fast, but not as fast as the figure. Without "time zero", this monster could still break the sound barrier with his body! He could ignore the swords of Damocles in the sky! As long as the speed was fast enough, all traps were false!

Above Agni's head, Lu Mingfei continued to chant the prepared words calmly. The authority of the King of Bronze and Fire did give him the right to use a large number of words, but in order to release the full power of these words, chanting and construction were essential.

He couldn't really clap his hands and shout whatever he wanted. Some words must be chanted to prepare, and complete chanting can also increase the power of these words.

His lips kept opening and closing, quietly chanting a prayer of a word, so that the dragon text would not spread too noisily.

He didn't know if the figure had "intelligence", so he tried to conceal the purpose of each step as much as possible. Otherwise, if he read out the name of the card before playing it, wouldn't it let the opponent avoid it in advance?

The fire rain of the Damocles Sword could not delay the black shadow for long. His speed was enough to avoid it before the fire sword fell. If he couldn't avoid it, he would use the two black swords in his hands to block it head-on!

The two unknown swords were also quite troublesome. The high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius could not affect them. The seven deadly sins in Lu Mingfei's hand could also be blocked head-on without a single gap.

It can be imagined that it was an alchemical sword that was not inferior to the seven deadly sins. This can be inferred from the performance of chopping Lu Mingfei like killing a chicken before.

Before the figure was about to rush out of the range of the fire rain formed by the Sword of Damocles, Lu Mingfei gently patted the top of the bronze Buddha under him, and the Buddha stood up from a half-kneeling position. At the same time, Lu Mingfei also jumped away from its head. Every step in the air, his feet stepped on the flames that looked like a platform, allowing him to continuously rise on the flame stairs that condensed and dissipated in an instant.

[Word Spirit·Climbing the Ladder to Heaven

Discoverer and Namer: Unknown

Introduction: The releaser builds a burning platform in the form of flames. The platform can usually be maintained in the air as a ladder. The support provided is initially observed to be the driving force formed by the jet of the flame platform itself. The maximum number of flame platforms that exist is linked to the releaser's bloodline. The weight limit is 5 tons. The largest area in history is a circle with a diameter of 10 meters. The hardness is close to steel and will not be easily damaged.

"Layers and steps connect to the sky, and step by step, they rise to the clouds." - Mo Di]

"Stop him." Lu Mingfei, who climbed to a high place, turned around and gave orders to his servants.

Agni roared at the sky, and the huge bronze statue burning with flames actually let out a dragon-like roar. He rushed out with a step that shook the earth. When the figure was about to escape from the rain of Damocles swords, the three big mouths with angry, compassionate, or smiling faces opened and spit out three pillars of fire, knocking the figure back into the coverage of the Damocles swords!

The sword rain of Damocles swords instantly included the statue and the figure in the attack range! Like a storm of light, it penetrated all moving things in the field! Destroy!

Lu Mingfei was standing at the top of the big hole at this moment, stepping on the platform built by flames, speeding up the chanting of the powerful word spirit in his mouth, and the molten golden eyes kept locking onto the battle on the ground. The cluster of flames burning quietly on his forehead kept changing colors, and the complex and beautiful patterns in the depths of the flames slowly rotated, providing his mind with a tranquility that was opposite to the explosive element of flames.

【Word Spirit·Fuxi Divine Fire

Discoverer and Namer: Ge Xuan

Introduction: A cluster of flames burns on the forehead of the releaser. The color of the flame changes according to the mood, and it is normally maintained in orange-red. There are patterns in the depth of the flame.

When the flame is lit, the releaser's mind and emotions will reach a stable state, and there will be no more violent fluctuations. Fear, panic, escape and other negative emotions will be suppressed to a minimum. During the existence of the flame, it will also provide a certain amount of self-healing speed for the releaser, reducing the nerve reaction and pain when injured.

The releasers of all generations usually claim to feel the "wisdom" in the flame when their emotions are stable, and their insight and thinking ability will also be significantly improved, and there will be continuous "inspiration" bursting out, and the principle cannot be checked.

"Observing emptiness is also emptiness, and emptiness has nothing to be empty; what is empty is nothing, and nothing is also nothing; nothing is nothing, and it is always quiet; there is nothing to be quiet, how can desire arise? When desire does not arise, it is true tranquility." - Taiji Zuo Xian Gong]

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