In mid-air, Lu Mingfei's shoulder was pierced by a pitch-black straight sword, and his movements were forced to freeze for a second.

This second was very short, but it seemed too long in such a fierce battle, long enough for the figure to reach the dome, lock him again, step on the rock wall to break through the sound barrier and air shock wave and attack!

A huge shadow covered Lu Mingfei's figure in the air. It was a heavy stone that fell from the dome and fell down, just across him and the figure to block his vision.

But it was useless!

Amid the sound of the stone bursting, the heavy and hard obstacle was directly broken by the figure like tofu, and the remaining force was not reduced!

The distance between the two was zero in an instant, and Lu Mingfei couldn't even dodge. In less than 0.1 seconds, the figure swung the ring-headed broadsword in his hand and chopped off his head. The blade cut through the armor, scales, flesh, and neck like a hot knife cutting butter.

After a moment of crossing, the figure fell to the ground and stopped moving, looking back at Lu Mingfei in the sky.

In the air, Lu Mingfei's head and body slowly separated, and bright red blood flowed from the broken neck and head, and the bones and muscles were clearly visible.

His body fell down due to the traction, splashing dust on the ground, and all the flames on his body were extinguished, including the fire snakes wrapped around him, the fire on his forehead, and the exaggerated flame clock behind him. Everything returned to darkness.

The temperature of the large void also dropped. Even though the coal slag on the ground was still emitting high temperature, the deterrent "field" had indeed dissipated.

The figure stood in place. After Lu Mingfei's body fell to the ground, he took a step to close the distance of 100 meters and came in front of him, raised the sword in his hand and began to chop the body into pieces as usual.

Lu Mingfei's spine was cut into pieces, his brain was cut open and crushed and trampled with coal slag, his heart was taken out and crushed, and then the remains were pierced with a black sword to ensure that he would not be reborn.

All the extreme means of slow slicing fell on the corpse. I am afraid that this is also the punishment that Lu Mingfei has to suffer every time he loses consciousness. It is a scorn for the loser and a respect for the opponent.

After all the work was completed, the figure finally stopped, ignored the blood on his body, and stood there in a "downtime".

His work was done.

The big hole fell into silence.


The sound of the hour hand moving.

On the precisely constructed flame clock, the second hand suddenly retreated one grid.

In front of the figure, the blurry bodies that were torn into pieces on the coal slag ground suddenly ignited a raging flame or turned into pure bright flames, and even the broken head and all the tissues on the ground that splashed out from Lu Mingfei's body burned up, becoming a clean and dazzling flame!

Behind the figure, a flaming clock appeared. The cracked flaming clock hand retreated one step, pointing from "12" to "11".

On the ground, a large amount of coal slag flew up, and Lu Mingfei was hidden underneath! The flaming clock collapsed after his figure appeared completely, and the complex and precise movement structure collapsed into sparks and fell to the ground.

[Word Spirit·Sun Clock

Discoverer and Namer: Unknown

Introduction: After the releaser releases the Word Spirit for the first time, a huge precision clock phantom will appear behind him. When releasing the Word Spirit for the second time, he can choose to turn the clock pointer. According to the forward or backward scale of the pointer, the releaser will leave a flaming phantom of the releaser's action trajectory in the past or future (depending on the pointer fluctuation scale) with the turning of the pointer as the reference point.

The phantom cannot be distinguished by any means (including modern scientific and technological means such as dissection, genetic comparison, psychological testing, etc.) to distinguish true from false. The phantom must act according to the releaser's past or future experience. When the scale ends, the phantom turns into flames and dissipates.

The essence of the Word Spirit is a clone, and it does not involve the field of time and space (when the rock fell, it blocked the sight of Lu Mingfei and the figure. Lu Mingfei took the opportunity to replace the prince with a cat, leaving the flame clone to fall and hide in the cinders), and it is usually used to mislead the enemy to guess in the wrong direction.

"My left hand holds the hour hand, and my right hand holds the minute hand. Time and life are controlled by me." - Amoros]

The figure who was originally in a downtime suddenly opened his eyes, without turning his head, and grabbed the long sword beside him at an incredibly fast startup speed, swung the sword and pulled out the air wave to cut back!

This knife was so fast that it was suffocating. The black airflow escaped from the knife and cut the land in the distance into two pieces!


Lu Mingfei breathed out flames from the corner of his mouth, and the molten golden eyes stared at the figure who turned around. The whole person almost leaned to the ground to avoid the knife. He predicted the opponent's attack and avoided it to the extreme!

If it were normal, he would definitely not be able to avoid this knife, but who asked the figure to have a momentary delay from downtime to startup? That's the BOSS's characteristic! And as a player, it's reasonable for Lu Mingfei to use the characteristic, right?

"Go!" He ordered coldly.

The fire snake with scales and feathers that had been wrapped around him shot out at lightning speed and bit the figure who just turned around. The snake's body quickly wrapped around the opponent's arms and neck, and continuously injected strange power into the black airflow that the snake's teeth penetrated! The speed of the figure slowed down visibly, and the movements were stiff like rusty machinery!

On the figure, the black airflow vaguely emerged with molten red lines, like vines crawling all over the figure's body, like a mysterious curse.

[Word Spirit·Quetzalcoatl (Kukulkan)

Discoverer and Namer: Apolinario

Introduction: The Releaser used his power to create a flame snake with a pair of tiny wings and a full body of fire feathers. Although it is a creature of fire, its scales and feathers are lifelike, and it has a certain amount of wisdom. It can act according to the Releaser's orders, and its movement speed can reach 2 times the speed of sound. Its attack method is biting, and it injects indescribable liquid flames through its fangs.

The snake venom produced by Quetzalcoatl is initially determined to be a highly toxic substance based on pure "fire" elements. The cells of the poisoned person will be irreversibly charred. Compared with burns, it is more like a flame-based virus with a certain degree of infectiousness.

The snake venom can be stored in storage materials made of alchemical materials. The activity of the snake venom can be preserved for 1 to 3 years at a standard 1000 degrees Celsius, 5 to 6 months at 500 degrees Celsius, 1 to 2 weeks at 100 degrees Celsius, and 1 to 3 hours at room temperature.

"You only know how to destroy, bloodthirst and fight. One day, when I come from the sea again, I will bring the antidote to cure your disease." - Quetzalcoatl]

The figure's movements became visibly slow, and he no longer had that terrifying explosive power. His bones, muscles, and nerves were carbonized at high speed. The injected snake venom quickly flowed through the blood vessels throughout the figure's body, turning him from the inside out into charcoal!

This process should have been completed instantly, but the snake venom was immediately blocked by the black airflow after entering the blood vessels, and the speed of the body's carbonization was greatly reduced, and even exceeded and offset by the terrible self-healing power!

But Lu Mingfei only wanted this momentary opportunity. The flames drifting in his elbows and ankles suddenly erupted and turned into propulsion, sending his speed to a terrifying degree and approaching the figure!

When the figure tried to reach out to capture Lu Mingfei, his right hand, which had been hidden behind his back, finally came out and spread out towards the dark figure.

In his hand was a ball of orange-red spherical light, which continued to burst out fine and violent thunder.

Word Spirit Yang Lei.

This Word Spirit needs no introduction.

This is a power that Lu Mingfei dislikes very much, but he has deeply engraved its power in his heart.

Its destructiveness surpasses that of "Jun Yan", and even more high-level Word Spirits can hardly match it in terms of pure destruction and explosive power!

At that time, that half-baked dangerous hybrid almost wiped out the entire student union with "Yang Lei" alone, and the Amber Hall was renovated again.

When he mastered this power, Lu Mingfei immediately knew that the "Yang Lei" in the Amber Hall at that time was not the limit of this Word Spirit, but the limit of that dangerous hybrid.

At that time, it was not that the dangerous hybrid was arrogant and did not want to destroy the entire Amber Hall in one breath, but that with a larger output, it might not require Chu Zihang to take action later, and the "Yang Lei" itself would be out of control and blow the releaser to pieces.

The essence of this word spirit is the explosive destructive power of the extreme blend of thunder and fire. Unlike the word spirit of "Jun Yan" that can control high and low power to achieve different effects, "Yang Lei" is released for explosion, a larger explosion! This is a deterrent force that is more dangerous than "Jun Yan", and even his users should be subject to lifelong supervision when they are discovered!

And this time, Lu Mingfei completed the chanting of all the dragon characters of "Yang Lei", and even compressed it with the soil and materials of "Jun Yan" method. This is theoretically the limit of the power that this word spirit can explode, far exceeding the one that blew up the Anbo Hall several times or even dozens of times!

Lu Mingfei pressed the orange-red "Yang Lei" in his hand, which was compressed to the center and even pale, hard against the chest of the figure, and in an instant, the arm of the figure broke through the carbonization limit and grabbed his wrist tightly! The hand armor made by "Heaven and Earth as Furnace" was flattened like paper and embedded in the flesh and bones of the wrist, indistinguishable from each other.

"Give it to you."

Under the gaze of the figure, Lu Mingfei did not hesitate to lightly touch the bend of his right arm with his left finger, and a tiny "Jun Yan" was directly generated inside his right arm. The small explosion separated the entire forearm from his body!

At the same time, he exerted force on his feet, and the "Jun Yan" with extremely fine force control exploded. The impact of the explosion sent him flying backwards and quickly opened up the distance!

While flying backwards, Lu Mingfei looked at the figure standing in place holding half of his arm, raised his middle finger with his left hand and made a mouth shape:


The orange-red lightning suddenly stopped moving, and then released white light that illuminated every gap in the entire large cavity, followed by a deafening roar, as if thunder in broad daylight, and the explosion range spread not only flames, but also destructive thunder!

More than ten firework platforms appeared in front of Lu Mingfei, erected as barriers. The platforms as hard as steel were destroyed one by one, and at the same time, Lu Mingfei's speed of pulling back was accelerated until he hit the edge of the big hole. After spitting out a large mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground, and the lava shaped his right arm to fill the gap. He slapped the ground with both palms, and used "Heaven and Earth as Furnace" to extract the metal components in the coal mine. The steel barriers rose from the ground one by one, crisscrossing and erected in front of him!

The aftermath of the extreme "Yang Lei" explosion came, and those steel barriers were torn and blown away like plastic. Lu Mingfei, who was at the end of the barrier, finally melted a big hole in the ground where his hands were pressed, and he drilled into it without hesitation!

The explosion swept through every corner of the large void. Light, thunder and flames continued to compose crazy music in this narrow space. This was the joy of a word spirit being released to the limit, symbolizing the wanton revelry after the power of words and language was explored to the end. The elemental turbulence detonated all kinds of bizarre phenomena, and colorful colors crisscrossed in the white light. What was left after this joy was destined to be the scars of the world.

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