The train has arrived.

The train that had been circling the loop line for too long finally arrived at the station. It slowly stopped and the door of the carriage opened silently.

Lu Mingfei stood at the door of the carriage without getting off the train, but leaned against the door with a bit of confusion.

Those memories, sleeping in the dream, the memories in the bubble that reflected the colorful colors, are fading like the tide. No, not fading, but blurring.

[Brother, after you return to reality, you will feel the decline of memory, which is a normal phenomenon. In the past year or so, I will help you clean up those trivial and complicated memories. A dream should look like a dream. When you wake up from a big dream, there is no need to cherish or regret. Just cheer up and move forward. 】

The words Lu Mingze said at the end were coming true. Large areas of memory in Lu Mingfei's mind were washed away again and again. The originally clear photo was constantly scratched, and cracks and white wrinkles appeared on a large area. Only some key information nodes were retained. Put together like a clip, it was a unique .CG corridor?

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth and made a retching sound, but nothing came out. This feeling really made him extremely sick but helpless.

He knew that this was a necessary move. The more blurred the memories in the dream were, the clearer his memories before entering the dream were. The little devil's methods were still unreasonable and magical. Every time he recalled, he would find that the gray sea of ​​memory was gone. Most of the blocks were eroding and weathering, and only the selected brightly colored parts were eye-catching.

Those were the "memories" that Lu Mingze thought were useful to Lu Mingfei in the dream, the conversations between midnight and Chu Zihang, the conversations between Anbo Hall and Qi Lan, the conversations between Anbo Hall and Ling, and the battles that had taken place. When he recalled them again, he could only remember these vivid parts.

Lu Mingfei patted the back of his head hard to speed up the process. This way of deleting memories was simply terrifying. Every time he actively recalled, he would find that he was forgetting. It would be better for him to forget everything when he woke up.

But he knew that this was the best way, to keep the useful ones and eliminate the useless ones, to maximize the use of the more than one year in the dream that was not sure whether it was true or false, to absorb the essence without affecting reality.

After enduring for a full ten minutes, the part of the memory in Lu Mingfei's mind gradually began to take shape, and finally formed a colorful but incomplete color block, and he didn't have the energy to review his glorious history again.

After the redundant memory deletion, the complex emotions and sense of crisis before entering Nibelungen came again like a tide, bringing him back to the state he should be in.

Chen Wenwen

Where is Chen Wenwen?

She is still in danger, and that is his responsibility.

Lu Mingfei forced himself to suppress the feeling of vomiting and nausea, and walked out of the train with his forehead pressed. Although his eyes were still dark and blurry, the tactile feedback from his foot on the ground instantly made him shrink, cold sweat spread all over his body, his breathing became tight, and black and red fluff quickly surged on his body!


While still unable to see the surrounding environment clearly, Lu Mingfei quickly bent down and reached out to grab a handful of coal slag on the ground. His hands were full of broken coal slag.

Lu Mingfei slapped himself in the face and woke up instantly. The memories that troubled him were immediately suppressed because he realized where he was!

"Lu Mingfei!"

But unexpectedly, before Lu Mingfei was almost so stressed that he was about to burst blood and pull the tank directly, a familiar voice called his name in the darkness in front.

It's okay to call Lu Mingfei, but if you call brother, then Lu Mingfei will perform a tantrum on the spot.

It's just this voice.

Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyes hard, but he didn't expect to use the hand that was used to pick up the slag, causing coal dust to enter his eyes and causing burning pain. He covered his eyes with a "wow" and heard footsteps coming from the front. The person who called his name had already walked up to him.

He looked up and tried to open his tearful eyes to look at the blurry figure in front of him. He tried to get closer to see more clearly, but the other party held his cheek and pushed him back to indicate that he should keep his distance. ".Are you so moved to see me? Look carefully, I'm not Chen Wenwen."

"You Su Xiaoqiang? Oh no, Su Xiaoqiang?" Tears washed away the dust in his eyes, and Lu Mingfei finally saw who was in front of him. It was a dirty little girl with wounds all over her body. She stood in the coal slag ground with one hand pressing her face and her upper body leaning back to distance herself.

Yes, Su Xiaoqiang, he has always acted with Su Xiaoqiang, so of course she should be here.

But where is this place?

"Are you crazy?" Su Xiaoqiang looked Lu Mingfei up and down, frowning, "Wake up, you've returned to reality."

"Reality." Lu Mingfei wiped his tears and observed the surrounding environment again after his vision recovered.

You don't know until you see it, and you will be shocked. The familiar big hole, the familiar cinders, the familiar train tracks, just one missing-

Lu Mingfei quickly pushed the little goddess in front of him to his back, and pulled out "Lust" with his backhand!

When he grasped the handle of the wakizashi behind his waist, his body paused slightly, and he tilted his head to look at the wakizashi stuck behind his waist, a little dazed.

It seemed that the memory had indeed been pieced together again. The position where he had missed the ribs was exactly where the knife was hidden in the lower back before entering the train. After being in a trance in that dream for so long, all the conditioned reflexes that he should have forgotten came back to him. .

"What's wrong?" The little goddess quickly backed away and jumped to a safe place when Lu Mingfei made a move. As a result, Lu Mingfei didn't catch anyone, and she was already hiding in the perfect position, quietly observing the big hole. Case.

Lu Mingfei pulled out his ribs and said nothing. He squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, looking towards the center of the big hole. He didn't see a familiar figure standing there. There seemed to be nothing in the big hole, only a piece of dead cinders. The ground seems to be a platform for the final battle that has not yet been set up.

But he did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he slowly inspected this huge hole in his memory that was so profound. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, because the details in many places were similar to the place in his memory where he had died countless times. It was exactly the same, he could almost point out where he lay in what state of death, where all the limbs on his body were thrown away, and where his stomach full of internal organs was spilled.

Although many unnecessary parts of the memory have been washed away, most of the remaining parts are in this big hole. It was a period of blood and tears, so profound that he may never forget it in his lifetime. As for when he saw some iconic places, he would feel a vague phantom pain, which made the dragon blood in his veins a lot more excited for no reason.

"Are there any enemies?" Su Xiaoqiang asked in a low voice when he saw Lu Mingfei's tense and almost hairy look.

"I don't know." Lu Mingfei was really unsure. He didn't find the black figure.

He forced himself to calm down, not to scare himself, and emphasized that the place he was in now was reality, and those bizarre scenes in the dream would definitely not be possible, so it was impossible for that figure to appear here to be his enemy!

It wasn't until the alarm bells ringing in his heart had calmed down a little that he took a long breath. Su Xiaoqiang even noticed that the rhythm of his breath was a little unstable, with a little trembling?

"When did you get here?" Lu Mingfei turned to look at Su Xiaoqiang and asked in a deep voice.

"It was earlier than you. When I woke up, you were still sleeping on the train. I couldn't wake you up and couldn't move you, so I could only get off the train alone to see what was going on outside." Su Xiaoqiang answered quickly.

"You are really brave. Have you ever considered becoming a heroine in a horror movie?" Lu Mingfei couldn't help but laugh.

But at this moment, a strange thought emerged in his mind. Su Xiaoqiang said that she "woke up" earlier than him. Does this mean that Su Xiaoqiang also had a strange dream?

Lu Mingfei saw in that dreamlike world what a world without Lin Nian, where would Su Xiaoqiang be? What kind of world will she experience? Is it the past or the future? Or a more bizarre world?

"You?" Lu Mingfei frowned and decided to ask, "Did you have any dreams when you fell asleep on the train?"

".I did it." Su Xiaoqiang nodded after a moment of silence, "It seems we are all the same."

Lu Mingfei immediately understood that they had encountered the same incident. That dream was definitely not a "small stove" created by Lu Mingze alone for himself.

"Then what kind of dream did you have?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Nightmare. A pretty terrible nightmare! I can't remember many details, but it's probably the kind of nightmare where the end of the world happens and everyone is doomed." Su Xiaoqiang's tone was full of strong rejection and fear, as if the mention of that nightmare made him nervous. She couldn't bear to recall those details.

"The end of the world? The feeling of "Mad Max 4"? Or the set of "Twilight Wolf"?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the script Su Xiaoqiang got was different from his. No matter how much you talk about it, it won’t lead to the end of the world!

"What is that? A movie or a cartoon?" Su Xiaoqiang didn't quite understand what Lu Mingfei said. "I haven't watched many entertainment works. Please express it in words I can understand."

Lu Mingfei knocked his head. He realized that these two entertainment works did not exist in the world here. Didn't he say that all the garbage memories were deleted? How come he still remembers these things so clearly? Is Mingze reliable this way?

"Pretend I didn't say it, but you are right. It seems that we are all the same. We had a nightmare. But now it seems that we have woken up." Lu Mingfei adjusted his breathing and felt the power flowing in his body. And those iron velvets of pleasure that surge under your skin.

To be honest, it was difficult for him to attribute it all to a dream, especially since he still remembered Lu Mingze himself telling him the terrifying theory about the "branch of the world". So speaking of it, what happened to Su Xiaoqiang might be worse than what happened to him. It's really hard for this girl to wake up from that kind of nightmare. She must have suffered a lot, right?

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