Something is wrong.

Li Huoyue tilted her head slightly. Even if her eyes were bleeding and blind, it did not mean that she had become completely blind. Within her field, her sensitivity to moving objects was countless times better than her ability to capture them with her eyesight.

The "Sima Xuxu" that rushed out of the smoke and dust was much slower in her perception, and its forward speed became even, without any acceleration or turning, and it ran straight away in one direction.

Usually this kind of phenomenon only appears in people who are frightened out of fear, but Li Hueyue has never had this idea, because she taught Sima Xuxu, and she watched the boy reborn and chased her all the time. His steps have reached this point today. He can be afraid, frightened, or lose his bearings, but the only thing is that he will not run away in confusion.


Those silver torrents accelerated to the limit and instantly pierced the fleeing "Sima Xuxu". However, within the domain's perception, the target did not disappear or even slow down. The sharp blades stuck in place as if they had pierced the air.

Averted? No, it should be that his own methods were discovered.

Li Hueyue stopped chasing the target, and instead pulled her hand, intending to use "magnetic lines" to control the metal dust, but the feedback he received was as heavy as a mountain. The metal dust actually resisted the control of the 'Sword Control'. It rushed out of the domain in a straight direction and disappeared beyond her perception.


Li Huanyue understood that Zhao Xiaosheng had entered the scene after all. The half-dead girl could actually help Sima Xuxu escape. Now he should be hiding in the "Yu Leo" and waiting for the moment to fight back?

It should be difficult for her to speak and move with her appearance. The load of the power word "Hetu" is not very heavy for her. How many more times can she use it? once? It’s still twice, maybe three times is the most. So will the next attack be their last desperate attempt?

"I can still use Power Word one more time, so we only have one chance."

In the jade leak, Zhao Xiaosheng was kneeling in a pool of blood. Sima Xuxu was half-kneeling next to her and supporting her shoulders. The blood on the ground was his own and Xiaosheng's. Mixed together, they reflected their scars. Kong’s body and unusually calm eyes.

"Can your body hold up? If not."

"We have to do it. This is our only chance and the only way."


"The only one that can cooperate with 'Hetu' to unleash its potential is 'Yulu'. You know this, just like we did before." Xiaosheng said.

"Okay." Xuxu nodded.

Xuxu and Xiaosheng?

Li Huanyue has always thought that these two children who look like juniors are a good match. Even if there are clan obstructions, they really fit together, whether it is the power of the power or personality, one is lively, one is calm, one is kind, and the other is tolerant. If it were the two of them, working together, they should be able to unleash unimaginable power, right?

They are the best partners in Lang Juxu, and they are also the best combination.

Xiaosheng should be the one who made the tactics, and Xuxu would trust her without any worries. This reminded her of those two people.

"Do you believe me? Xuxu." Xiaosheng asked softly, turning her head to look at the boy whose beautiful and handsome face was obscured by blood.

"Don't ask questions like this at this time, save your energy." Xuxu glanced at Xiaosheng helplessly.

"No, what I want to say is, Xuxu, if what I ask you to do later may lead to your death, will you do it?" Xiaosheng asked, staring into Xuxu's eyes.

Xuxu glanced at her, then raised his somewhat broken thumb with difficulty, and the answer was yes.

"Okay." Xiaosheng said.

Li Huanyue stopped thinking, strangled those unnecessary thoughts and emotions, and exhaled softly with an expressionless face. The real secret hands began to prepare for the counterattack that would suddenly come at an unknown time.

She was thinking about what kind of tactics Zhao Xunsheng would use to deal with her. If it was just the 'Yulu' mantra, she had already thoroughly studied all Sima Xuxu's counterattacks and offensive methods. But the 'Hetu' is different. She also knows little about this power word technique. She only knows that the effect is to forcefully control the "direction" of objects. Many secrets about the "Hetu" have been blocked by the clan elders.

'Hetu' plus 'Yulu', the two words and spirits blend together, and the possibilities are endless. She has privately read the operational reports of the two people in the 'Jiuzhou' files, and she probably expected that Here are the next few ways they can cooperate.

Then there is only one question left, where will they come from.

Li Huoyue moved her fingers slightly, and in a circle of space with her as the center, the silver light refracted each other.

The last struggle to the death was probably also the most vigorous counterattack.

Before people die, they will burst out with tremendous strength to protect what they love, even if they still have to face the painful ending in the end.

It's always been like this, always.

Li Huoyue gently picked up the "Qingwu" seized from Sima Xuxu, and she heard a pleasant sound of bells. She was startled for a moment, turned her head subconsciously, and realized that there was a small bell tied to the hilt of the bronze sword. She had never noticed it before, but it was also in line with the child's character.

But just when she turned her head, she found that her field of vision gradually recovered. It was very little, and she could only see blurry outlines. The previously injured pupils began to be repaired by the dragon's blood. Once the repair was completed, Sima Xuxu and Zhao Xinsheng will never have another chance.

"Her eyes."

In the jade leak, Sima Xuxu raised his hand and pointed at Li Hueyue's eyes in the distance.

"Well, she is about to regain her sight. We don't have much time." Xiaosheng said, "Are you ready? Xuxu."

"Ready." Sima Xuxu nodded.

"No matter what happens, rush forward, I will help you stop all threats and clear all obstacles." Zhao Xinsheng said.

This is my mission and this is what I have been doing.

"Okay." Sima Xuxu said.

The field of vision has not yet been completely restored, but the senses that can perfectly replace vision have been arranged. The next step is to wait and see.

This feeling of ease did not bring her any sense of security. She felt nothing, fear, expectation, excitement. Nothing. Just like an indifferent machine, she moved the plan that had been planned for decades. Complete the steps one by one.

The plan was almost successful, but it did not bring any sense of achievement or joy. In other words, when she saw the bodies of the five major clan heads, she did not feel that ecstatic feeling, and even subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. No action occurred.

The unwavering mask on her face is no longer a mask, but has grown into her flesh. This is what she is willing to do, otherwise, she will be afraid that she will not be ruthless at some point and make decisions that betray those around her.

Therefore, the quickest way to cut through the mess is to make the next thing end faster.

Before preparing to take action, Sima Xuxu suddenly found that his right hand was held by Zhao Xiaosheng. He was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Zhao Xiaosheng. He found that Zhao Xiaosheng just nodded lightly at him. He was silent for a moment and responded with a gentle nod. Nod.

"Let's go." Zhao Xinsheng said.

The hearts of the three people contracted at the same time, and then spurted out a large amount of blood throughout their bodies. The power of the dragon's blood gathered in the limbs and bones, and the golden eyes were fascinating.


There was no sound, no air flow, no killing intent.

This is what the user of the 'Jade Leak' should be, a perfect assassin, but none of this can be concealed from Li Hueyue's current perception.

The scariest thing about 'Yu Leo' is that once its user is about to do something, no one can interfere with it, because they can't capture his movements or his trajectory. He is like a ghost that jumped out of time. , In response to this, Li Hueyue developed his own method to capture this ghost.

There was a "clang" sound in the air, and Li Hueyue turned around and locked in that direction instantly.

This way?

It was a broken sharp steel wire. Countless steel wires were intertwined horizontally and vertically in the environment around Li Hueyue. It was a large airtight net, and the end of each steel wire was connected to two suspended handles. The sharp blades in the air are what stretched this steel wire network to protect the user of the 'Sword Control' at the center.

When the steel wire broke, the two sharp blades on the left and right shot at dozens of times the speed of sound. That was the limit that the 'Sword Control' could reach, and it was enough to catch up with the speedster even in the 'Yulu'.

Not to mention, Xuxu, you have slowed down.

Li Huoyue raised her eyes and stared at the dark blur in front of her. Can your 'Yu Leo' still be 40 times faster now? Or is it that you can’t climb even 30 times?

How can you catch up with me at this speed, let alone kill me?

The sharp blades are coming at each other at fifteen times the speed of sound. As long as the target can be locked, there is no way to dodge!

The two blades were so fast that only light and shadow were left in the middle of the running black figure. Then they bounced away! Shoot back into the endless dark cave in the opposite direction at the same speed!

"." Zhao Xinsheng concentrated on observing the dense silver net in front of her, which was as dense as a jungle. Her golden eyes lying on Sima Xuxu's back burned like a beacon.

"Here we go again! There are more!" Sima Xuxu growled.

There was more than one Sima Xuxu who rushed in, and there was also Zhao Xiaosheng on his back. No wonder his speed slowed down!

The method of using "Yu Liu" and "Hetu" in parallel is the strongest state of "Yu Liu" in orthodox observation.

Is this your plan?

Li Huoyue gently raised her left hand, and "Qingwu" and another bronze sword rose into her hands at high speed.

The bell hanging at the end of "Qingwu" sounded a nice crisp jingle.

Sima Xuxu carried Zhao Xiaosheng on his back and crashed directly into the intricate steel wire mesh in one breath. The steel wire mesh was stationary and contained no kinetic energy. In the "Yu Leak", Sima Xuxu crashed into the steel wire mesh at high speed, which contained the most scales on his body. A. The skin and flesh were cut to pieces, a large amount of blood and scars burst out from his surface, and even one eye was cut in half by the steel mesh, which still did not stop his explosive speed!

The biggest threat, those sharp blades connected with steel mesh, flying at dozens of times the speed of sound, have the power to completely kill Sima Xuxu. And Zhao Xiaosheng, who was on Sima Xuxu's back, relied on the deceleration of the 'Yulu', He accurately observed where they were coming from and released a river map with a reverse surface. Then he continuously moved this "refraction surface" to accurately catch every incoming sharp blade!

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