If I don't have money to go to college, I can only go to slay the dragon.

Chapter 1489: Open the door and crack down on pornography

The door of the airport emergency passage was pushed open, and a girl wearing a baseball cap, brown long hair and a ponytail, carrying a large black backpack, rushed into the emergency passage. Her steps were a little stumbling, and her beautiful cheeks under the brim of her hat were covered with sweat after exercise. Her breathing was clear and rapid in the quiet passage.

In a hurry, the young girl wearing a baseball cap looked back at the gap left by the fire door before it closed automatically. The tiger-like and leopard-like strong figures chasing after her in the dark airport were running towards this side.

A man in a silver suit with strong arms full of sweat hair and tattoos got off the shuttle bus stopped at the airport behind. He had a brown-red beard and a rough face, and the wildness was neutralized by the elegant suit. He was walking towards this side slowly, rolling up his sleeves.

On that typical Celtic face, the beast-like green eyes looked through the night, locked onto the girl in the baseball cap through the last gap of the fire door, and met her eyes, full of calmness, which made people shudder.

Cursing the F-word in a low voice, the girl in the baseball cap turned around and ran away. In the long emergency passage, she ran like a professional athlete with a heavy backpack on her back. The black tight sports tank top was tight with muscle lines full of exercise marks, and the exposed skin was also full of wheat color after sun and rain. The running thighs also reminded people of the sense of power of cheetahs when hunting.

When she rushed to the end of the emergency passage, the gate connecting to the airport in the distance behind her was knocked open, and those wolf-like, well-trained men filed in. Everyone was wearing a wild and tough green military shirt, fat camouflage combat pants and Martin boots. The whole body was full of cold and military traces. The sound of the steel-soled Martin boots stepping on the floor of the passage was heavy and powerful.

They lowered their heads and muffled their voices. It took less than half the time for the girl in the baseball cap to rush to the end of the emergency passage. After pushing open the door, what came into view was the Doha International Airport, which never sleeps. There are 24-hour shops and lounges everywhere. The spotlights in the airport green garden area on the ground floor are extremely bright, and people come and go everywhere. At night, this is actually the time when the crowds are the most, because most international flights depart from the evening.

In the chaotic crowd, the leader, an Ansa man with slightly protruding eyebrows and eyes hidden in the grooves between eyebrows and cheekbones, glanced around and quickly locked his sight on the girl who was pulling the brim of her hat and secretly observing them on the escalator in the distance. He immediately stepped forward and waved to his companions. Everyone tacitly slowed down and followed without attracting the attention of airport guards and passers-by.

After the girl in the baseball cap found that she was exposed, she quickly quickened her pace and walked quickly forward from the reserved passage on the left side of the escalator. As she accelerated, the strong men wrapped in military green shirts on the ground also suddenly quickened their pace, attracting the strange eyes of some airport passengers. I don’t know what happened.

The two patrol guards seemed to have noticed the group of people who seemed to be chasing something and looked difficult to deal with. They pressed the taser on their waists and approached, and at the same time grabbed the intercom on their chests to call the main station.

But at this moment, the door of the safe passage was opened again, and the bearded man wrapped in a silver suit came out, and immediately put his hands around the shoulders of the two patrol guards, and greeted them in a powerful and friendly tone, "Hey my friends! Why are you so nervous?"

The bearded man had exaggeratedly broad shoulders, and the sleeves of his custom-made silver suit had exaggerated diagonal tufts. When he opened his arms around the chest of the suit and shirt, his chest was obviously bulging. You can imagine how bulging his body was under the clothes. The two patrol guards he hugged were wrapped in an inexplicable aura, and their bodies were so tense that they couldn't move, and their hands holding the baton and intercom couldn't move.

After clamping down on the two airport security guards, the security office in the distance seemed to have noticed the movement here. A team of airport security guards quickly rushed towards the bearded man. The bearded man looked up at the strong men in military green shirts who had already got on the elevator. He still had a fake smile on his face and slightly tilted his head to signal them to speed up. He was in control of the situation here.

After the baseball cap girl rushed to the second floor of the airport, she rushed to various corners and corridors in a panic. She ignored the enthusiastic questions of the airport staff she met along the way, and even bumped into a woman dressed as a ground staff.

Without having time to apologize to the other party, she got up and hurriedly ran into a corridor full of art exhibits. After she found that there was almost no one in the place where this corridor led to, she immediately wanted to turn around and hide in a crowded place. As a result, she saw the figure chasing her in the distance when she turned back, so she could only grit her teeth and drill to the bottom of the corridor.

Like a headless fly, the girl in the baseball cap flew past various corners along the way. There were signs in Arabic and English on them, either indicating toilets or spas. The strangest thing was that there was a sign leading to a jacuzzi. But these places were not suitable for Tibetans. The jackals and tigers chasing her would not care about her personal privacy. As long as she had what they wanted in her hands, these guys would keep biting her to the end.

"Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck." The girl in the baseball cap was angry and anxious. Although she would not be threatened if she was caught by them, it would be better to let her die if the things she cared about were taken away by these robbers.

She ran around and when she turned a corner, she suddenly stopped and turned back to look at the slightly narrow but exquisitely decorated corridor. There were room numbers in Arabic numerals on both sides. It was obvious that this was a private lounge.

She flicked her fingers and took out the access card she had touched when she bumped into the ground staff before. She drew a cross on her chest and muttered "God bless you". She scanned the card on the card reader next to a random room door. As a result, a pleasant unlocking sound proved that this card happened to be the master control card of this private room lounge. After opening the door, she went in without caring whether there was anyone inside and closed the door.

The footsteps gradually approached, and then stopped at the corner. Two or three green-shirted sturdy men who followed the trail looked at the straight corridor in front, then looked at the only corner nearby, squinted their eyes and seemed to have guessed something and walked into this corridor.

There are private rooms on both sides here, a total of six, which are rooms with bathrooms that need to be booked in advance at Qatar Airport. They are equivalent to the configuration of hotel rooms. Although they are not as luxurious as five-star hotels, they have everything they should have. First-class passengers rest in them, and those who can rest here are basically rich or noble people.

But this group of well-trained green-shirted sturdy men basically did not show any fear. After a slight eye signal, they began to knock on the door separately. After the first three rooms were opened, the people who poked their heads out were stunned when they saw these mercenary-style sturdy men and asked about their purpose. Without exception, the sturdy men made excuses, "Room inspection."

I have never seen anyone come to the airport to inspect the room.

But the first-class passengers basically didn't want to cause trouble. They all stood by the door in their pajamas and let these strong men go in for a round of inspection. Anyway, the room was not big, so they basically looked around in two glances. There was no place to hide people. After confirming that there was no one they were looking for, they politely apologized to the owners and left. The owners just looked at these guys inexplicably before closing the door again and continued to check the next room.

Until they checked Room 6, which was also the room at the end of the corridor, almost all the strong men had arrived, about twelve or thirteen of them. They surrounded the corridor, and their shirts were tight and slightly congested. Muscles were about to burst. They stood there with heavy breaths waiting for the leading man with slightly protruding eyebrows to knock on the door.

"Knock, knock."

"Knock, knock."

After knocking on the door repeatedly, no one in the room answered. The man knocking on the door was also quite patient. He continued to knock on the door with a gloomy face until he finally heard impatient groans and dragging footsteps approaching from inside.

The door opened, and a young Chinese guy appeared. He was wearing a white bathrobe. He must have just woken up from sleeping naked, so he grabbed something and put it on to open the door. His hair was messy like a chicken coop. His left hand was holding the door handle, and his right hand was constantly rubbing his eyes. He smelled a little bit of alcohol.

"Who is it?" Lu Mingfei yawned. He was woken up after sleeping for a short while due to the alcohol, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Room inspection." The Angsa man outside the door whispered, "Please cooperate."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to press the edge of the door and pushed it in, but the next moment the person inside pushed the door hard.

Lu Mingfei finally sobered up a little. When he opened his eyes, he saw a green shirt that was a little burst by his chest muscles. He looked up and met the Angsa face that looked particularly gloomy and fierce under the high eyebrows and high cheekbones. He then looked around the corridor and saw dozens of figures densely packed outside the corridor, which made him a little stunned.

What the hell is this, Qatar's special forces? No, this is the Middle East. Even if they are troops, they should be Arab troops. What's the situation with these thugs who look like American special forces?

Lu Mingfei subconsciously changed to his second knife and asked in English, "Who are you people?"

"Room inspection, normal room inspection, check if there are any illegal or criminal behaviors." The strong man patiently explained.

"Can the anti-pornography campaign reach the airport?" Lu Mingfei understood, but still a little unconvinced.

The strong man frowned slightly, and began to exert force on the hand holding the door, trying to push Lu Mingfei who was blocking the door away instantly, but suddenly found that he couldn't push it open. The young Chinese guy just stood there, pulling the door with his left hand, scratching his cheek with his right hand, looking at him with a puzzled look. It was obvious that he shook the door with one hand. No matter how hard he tried, the door gap remained at this opening and closing degree, and it didn't move at all.

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