The bearded man in a suit stabilized his steps and did not lose his composure to the point of falling and sitting on the ground. After standing upright leaning against the wall, he whispered to the people around him, "Get out, everyone!"

Under the pair of golden eyes at the door, even if they are fully armed, they may not be able to leave a whole body. When stepping on a big thunder, the most important thing to do is to reset their posture and do everything they can now. Do it all, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

The strong men of the mercenaries did not ask any more questions. They were all elites and knew what was happening now. They all turned around and quickly left the corridor, leaving only the man in a suit and a beard standing up holding the wall.

The bearded man stood upright again. He changed his previous image of being carefree and frivolous. He straightened the folds of his suit, pulled back the hem of his clothes to block the completely useless pistol, and took out a business card from the front pocket of his suit. What? Without saying anything, he resisted the pressure of those golden eyes, sweating profusely, lowered his head and handed his hands to Lu Mingfei at the door, "Unknown friend, I think we need to get acquainted again."

Lu Mingfei took the business card and took a look at it. He originally thought that this business card would be a personal business card for the other party to introduce themselves, but he did not expect that there was no name on the front and back of the business card, and nearly three-quarters of the structure was laser cut. The pattern forms a circular sun with a triangle in the middle. The space reserved at the bottom edge has a line of words and a pattern in silver on both sides:

The Wittelsbach family. A family crest with two lions.

What the hell?

Lu Mingfei looked at the business card repeatedly, not sure what it was, and then looked up at the bearded man, "Your name is Wittelsbach?"

"No, no, no, this is our family's business card. I am not qualified to be named Wittelsbach. It is a noble and ancient surname. My name is Bob Barry. Sir, just call me Barry. I I am one of the executors of the Wittelsbach family. I mean, I work for Wittelsbach!" The bearded man stood in a very low posture, standing one meter away from Lu Mingfei in the corridor, with his hands slightly open. He opened the stall and signaled that he would not make any threatening moves. At the same time, he bent slightly, lowering his head and not daring to look directly into Lu Mingfei's golden eyes. "At the same time, I want you to know that I am very sorry for the rudeness just now." ”

"The Wittelsbach family?" Lu Mingfei had never heard of this family, but still subconsciously asked, "So? What do you want to do?"

"As I said before, sir, we just want to get back what belongs to us. We have reason to believe that a shameless and despicable little thief slipped into your room and hid when you didn't notice. We I just want to catch her and take back what belongs to Wittelsbach from her." The bearded man named Bob Barry spoke slowly and cautiously, out of awe of Lu Mingfei and those golden eyes. Awe.

Lu Mingfei never reported his family status, or even told the other party his name. Those golden eyes alone were enough for him to get the awe and respect he deserved. In the mixed-race world, excellent bloodline is everything, cruel and cruel An unreasonable, harsh and insurmountable class system.

Lu Mingfei should really reconsider it now. He had never heard of the Wittelsbach family, but from what the other party said, it seemed that this family was pretty good. This guy was just an errand boy, a typical big guy. The family's thug.

Judging from Lu Mingfei's re-observation of his room just now, someone has indeed entered his room. They should be the thieves the other party mentioned. The main reason why they were not allowed in before was because this group of people had a very bad attitude. Even if he didn't show his arrogance and contempt, he still clearly felt it, so he chose to refuse.

But now that the other party's posture has been lowered again, and the Wittelsbach family has been mentioned as the backstage, it is necessary for him to consider whether he should continue to protect the unidentified thief in the room because of a temporary conflict of temper.

Just as Lu Mingfei was weighing the pros and cons, a familiar voice came from the other side of the corridor, "Lu Mingfei, who are you talking to?"

The person walking over the corridor was Lin Nian. He was carrying a backpack and glanced at Lu Mingfei, who was wrapped in a bathrobe and holding a business card, as well as the man in a silver suit standing on one side of the corridor who didn't look like a good guy. , after approaching, he looked at this guy and then looked at Lu Mingfei, "What's going on?"

"He said there was a thief in my room, and he wanted to go in and catch the thief. I didn't let him go, and then he handed me this." Lu Mingfei explained the situation quite concisely.

Lin Nian took the business card and looked at both front and back. His eyes mainly fell on the hollow pattern, with the sun in a triangle. The family name and family crest at the bottom gave him an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, and he wrinkled slightly. Frowning, "Are you a mixed race from North America?"

"Yes, I am here on behalf of the Wittelsbach family to work for the current representative of the family, Miss Eli von Wittelsbach. I dare you to ask the two gentlemen..." The bearded man tried to keep his posture as low as possible. At the same time, he is not humble. When he does not know the identity of the other party, the dignity and pride of the Wittelsbach family behind him still needs him to maintain stability - after all, he is doing things on behalf of the Wittelsbach family, even if Now that we have stepped on a landmine, we must maintain our dignity as much as possible.

"Do you know Henkel?" Lin Nian did not answer his question and asked in a normal tone, "Fidelis von Henkel."

"Of course I do. Everyone knows Mr. Henkel's name. He is yours." The strong man with a beard bent down lower. When he heard Henkel's full name, he was already sweating. He knew that he was The first time I stepped on a mine, I really stepped on an anti-tank mine.

"Hengao?" Lu Mingfei turned to look at Lin Nian, confused about the name, and thought it sounded familiar.

"Principal Ange's old friend." Lin Nian thought for a while and then introduced Lu Mingfei to some things about the mixed-race power circle in North America.

Fidelis von Henkel, the leader of the North American Mixed Race Family Alliance, was a name that shocked the mixed race world a long time ago. He was a brave pioneer in the wave of mixed race families immigrating to the United States from Europe. The leader suppressed many Deadpool groups and pure-blood dragon clans hiding in the North American continent.

He went on a killing spree in the wilderness of the West and under the neon lights of Chicago, and was also a famous harmonica player. Many vampire novels of that era were directly or indirectly based on Henkel.

At that time, Chicago was the most prosperous city in the middle of the United States, a gathering of wealth and crime. Henkel designated Chicago as his family headquarters. Many small families that relied on him also opened their own businesses here, with Henkel as the core. A loose alliance was formed, and today it has gradually grown into a voice that cannot be underestimated.

Unlike the secret party, the mixed-blood family alliance headed by Henkel is generally not that hostile to the pure-blood dragons. For those fourth- and fifth-generation dragons who can restrain themselves, Henkel and the others don't even mind talking about cooperation with them. After all, Only the first-generation and second-generation species with noble bloodline have violent impulses to destroy the world. Therefore, they are regarded as secularists in the mixed race world, and their relationship with the secret party is not so harmonious.

"The hollow design of this business card should represent the mixed-race family alliance headed by Henkel, right? I remember that in the mixed-race power circle in North America, there should be a 'Centurion Association' composed of representatives of each family. In Henkel Most of the decisions are made by the representatives of the Centurion Council. There are also some good people in the outside world who call them the "Illuminati" and believe that they are the real decision-makers and the shadow government of the United States. Lin Nian casually inserted the business card into the front pocket of the bearded man in a suit, "The Wittelsbach family should be one of the North American mixed-race family alliances, right?"

"Yes," whispered Bob Barrie.

"Stay away from us. This is a piece of advice for you. If you think that the Wittelsbach family can declare war and provoke the secret party on behalf of the group headed by Henkel, I welcome you to check our room and see if there is anything in it. There is no one you are looking for." Lin Nian motioned to Lu Mingfei to move away from the door, making a gesture of invitation, and looked at the big family's thug calmly, "You can make your choice now. "

No matter how stupid this thug of the Wittelsbach family is, he still knows that he has really met someone extraordinary. When Lin Nian proposed the secret party, his mind exploded, and at the same time, he kept scolding and cursing this damn thing in his heart. Luck, the cunningness of the bastard little thief he was chasing—how dare she, how could she just pick such a tough nail in the lounge out of six rooms?

The word "Secret Party" is as breathtaking as a mountain. It symbolizes one of the top mixed-race forces in the world. The mixed-race group headed by Henkel always has some small incidents with the Secret Party. Friction, but every time it ends with the retreat of the mixed-race family alliance. There is no other reason, just because the person who is now talking about the Secret Party is the madman named Hilbert Jean Angers, and the Secret Party is now the world's most powerful person. The only one who killed the Dragon King, and two Dragon Kings, two terrifying organizations of the four legendary monarchs.

The current secret party is like the United States in the Gulf War. It showed the world for the first time what force and power are. All the mixed-race forces and groups with names have to shrink under the word secret party. There is no exception.

If Henkel comes forward in person, then the secret party will give this living legend some face. As for the Wittelsbach family? I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it and I don't know. If you want to talk to me and ask you to take charge, you are not qualified.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that these two are the secret party's commissioners. It's us who disturbed us. Sorry, we're leaving now." Bob Barry is a man who knows current affairs. After knowing that the organization represented by Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian is After saying something, he immediately bent down to apologize, turned around and left without any hesitation.

In his eyes, these two people are typical commissioners of the secret party's violent organization called the Enforcement Department. They are a standard two-person field operation. These ruthless people are running around the world catching dragons and dangerous hybrids. If they really want to fight with someone who is chasing after them, they will most likely suffer the loss.

Looking at the plump man with a beard and suit, Lin Nian waited until he was out of sight before turning to look at Lu Mingfei.

"Well, it seems real in my room." Lu Mingfei said hesitantly.

"I know." Lin Nian interrupted him and glanced into the private room. "This is not a question of whether there is anyone in your room. This is a question of stance. No matter what high-sounding reasons he has, he cannot let it go. He went to search the room of a secret party commissioner, even though the secret party commissioner is currently on vacation. If he really wants to do this, he must at least ask their family representative to talk to you, and it should be at a formal negotiation table, the Centurion Council. and the secret party arbiters are all present.”

Lu Mingfei didn't understand politics, so he had no choice but to give up. Lin Nian did know more than him in this regard.

"These are all small matters, at least they have nothing to do with us. Knowing our position and background, he should report it honestly. If the family behind him is not stupid, they will not come to us to trouble us again." Lin Nian made a simple conclusion.

"Ten minutes to wash up, solve the things you need to solve and get ready to board the plane. I'll wait for you in the lounge." After saying this, Lin Nian turned around and prepared to leave.

"You don't plan to come with me. Uh." Before Lu Mingfei finished pointing to the room, Lin Nian had already left.

It can be seen that Lin Nian really doesn't care about this matter, because in his opinion, this is just a small episode between trips, not worth his intervention. The Wittelsbach family? They are really not qualified to challenge him. Even ordinary executive department specialists can face this group of people head-on, let alone Lin Nian.

To be honest, even if Henkel came in person, if there was any conflict, Lin Nian would have to try whether this old guy would still mention the Holy Inquisition. In a sense, he is more difficult to deal with than Hilbert Jean Angers.

Lu Mingfei turned his head to look at the unfamiliar backpack on the bedside table in his room, and the gap under the bed covered by the sheets. He was a little confused as to what kind of thief had sneaked in when he was drunk and sleeping. At the same time, he was also very curious about who this group of North American mixed-race family were chasing and why they followed them all the way here.

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