When the water plane took off, Anna finally breathed a sigh of relief. She turned around and looked curiously at Li Huoyue who had just made the move. For a moment, she was really worried that Lin Nian and his group, who she regarded as a safety guarantee on the plane, would not make a move, but in the end, it was a girl she had never met who saved her.

It happened that her seat was diagonally opposite Li Huoyue. She immediately turned around and stretched out her hand to Li Huoyue, shouting loudly in the huge noise of the water plane flying, "Thank you for helping me."

Li Huoyue ignored her hand and just looked out the porthole silently. It was obvious that she had not made the move just now for Anna, so naturally there was no need to accept Anna's words of thanks.

Anna looked at Li Huoyue who had no reaction, and could only take back her hand with awkward panting and nodded, "Thank you anyway."

She looked up at Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian who were sitting in front of her. She felt a little regretful, but she still kept a polite distance and did not talk to them casually. She hugged her backpack tightly and turned her head to look at the sea view flying higher and higher outside the porthole. Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It takes about an hour to fly to the island by seaplane. Lu Mingfei was bored and couldn't chat with Lin Nian smoothly under the huge noise. He could only take out a travel guide inserted in the front seat, which recorded the specific location and introduction of most islands in the Maldives.

He easily found the geographical location of Andward in the Maldives on the first few pages. It must be said that it is really remote, almost on the outer circle of the entire coral reef. No wonder the label of "secluded paradise" is emphasized in the introduction. Hiding in such a place does feel like escaping the hustle and bustle of the whole world.

But does this mean that if there is any trouble on the island, it is a luxury to want to escape? Lu Mingfei responded with pessimistic thoughts.

He scanned the passengers in the seaplane, each one was more important than the other. The whole class was on this plane, so should he go through the process and crash one next?

"Wow, Junior Brother, look outside!" Mandy cheered loudly in a single row of seats nearby. Almost everyone on the plane was attracted and looked out the window of the seaplane.

Unlike normal passenger planes, the seaplane has a limited altitude, so the entire Indian Ocean and the atolls, islands and lagoons on the ocean can be seen clearly. In addition, the sun is particularly good today. There are basically no clouds near the Male Residential Island. The green plants on the sea surface of those large and small islands and the water villas and beaches extending outward are all in sight, which is refreshing at a glance.

Lu Mingfei stretched his neck to see the scenery outside the porthole, and at the same time he realized why Lin Nian had to sit on the inside by the window. Good boy, can't your altruism be reflected in such a small matter?

"Originally, there were more than these islands in the Maldives. Global warming and rising sea levels have caused a large number of islands to be submerged under the sea, and the high-quality white sand has also been taken away. In recent years, a large number of breakwaters have been built to extend the life of the island beaches." Lin Nian said as he looked at the beautiful scenery in the Indian Ocean under the sun.

"It's none of my business if it sinks, as long as it doesn't sink while I'm on vacation." Lu Mingfei complained.

Lin Nian didn't comment, but just leaned against the porthole with his arms folded and quietly looked at the rare scenery on the ocean.

During the long seaplane flight, Mandy held up her mobile phone and kept taking pictures, Shao Nanyin held her hands and looked at Lin Nian's direction vigilantly from time to time, and Shao Nanqin fell asleep. People are easily tired and sleepy under the repetitive noise. The beautiful Russian girl, the big star and Anna who boarded the plane late also fell asleep like her.

The monotonous noise repeated in the seaplane was also a kind of silence. Lu Mingfei looked at the deep blue ocean outside the porthole boredly. The sea was full of white waves, one after another like... uh, plastic garbage bags. The floating clouds in the distance were also blown by the sea breeze at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is probably the reason why the weather on the island is changeable.

The seaplane occasionally passed through the clouds. When passing through the clouds, the sunlight was hidden, and even rain splashed on the porthole. The weather was sunny and rainy at times, which made Lu Mingfei see what it meant to have no weather forecast in the Maldives. There was only when this cloud would leave and when the next cloud would come.

Just when Lu Mingfei was about to nod his head for the monotonous noise and the repeated beautiful sea view, the seaplane under his butt suddenly vibrated violently in a daze!

This sudden abnormality woke up everyone on the plane. They looked out of the porthole at a loss, but all they saw was darkness. The sun and the sunny day were all covered by the clouds, and the shadows hit the wings and kept splashing the big raindrops.

The seaplane had entered a huge rain cloud at some point, and the strong wind made the wings vibrate continuously. The seaplane, which was originally light in load, could not help but swing wildly in such a strong wind.

The instruments in the cockpit began to alarm, and the faces of the two pilots gradually began to change. It was obvious that the situation was beyond their expectations.

They had observed this rain cloud a long time ago, but they misjudged the wind force in the rain cloud. No, it should not be a problem of wind force, but the balance of the seaplane itself is a little unbalanced? Communication interruption and navigation failure, what kind of magnetic field is this? But they are above the vast ocean, where does the magnetic field come from? This is not the Bermuda Triangle!

Lin Nian raised his hand to support the inner wall of the cabin and looked at the ocean outside the porthole. He was distracted for a moment, and the whole ocean suddenly changed its color, dark and deep. The beautiful scenery under the sun before had disappeared. Now all he could see were rolling waves. The whole ocean was shaking wildly, as if something was hidden under the water and stirring up the entire water area!

Before he made any move, the water plane had suddenly stalled and plunged downward. Everyone felt the terrible weightlessness. The cockpit could only hear the driver's dirty curses. The main driver turned around and shouted, "Seat belt!"

Everyone held the seat belt tightly against the back of the seat, while Lin Nian quietly unbuckled the seat belt.

"It's really going to crash!" Lu Mingfei raised his hand and pressed the cabin ceiling, and couldn't help but yelled.

This was the second time he had crashed in his life. Isn't it said that the probability of encountering a plane crash is smaller than buying a lottery ticket? He has never won the lottery!

"It won't crash." Lin Nian said in the chaos.

The next moment, the originally stalled water plane suddenly tilted upwards, and everyone experienced the feeling of weightlessness at that moment. Adrenaline was secreted like money, and the entire trembling fuselage gradually stabilized and began to fly straight forward under the dark clouds.

The cabin was dead silent, and only the noise of the propeller and the wind and rain outside could be heard. The two pilots also looked at the suddenly quiet instruments with doubts on their faces. The previous stall and loss of balance seemed to be an illusion. The entire water plane somehow recovered its normal flight state, as if it was helped by God.

Lu Mingfei immediately realized what happened and turned to look at Li Huoyue in the seat next to him. The other party's right hand, which was clasped, had quietly raised his straight sword finger, and the black pupils were calm.

Beside him, Lin Nian, who stood up from his seat, also quietly faded the light gold in his eyes. Obviously, at the moment when everyone had difficulty reacting just now, two fields had been released. The entire rescue process could only be experienced by the person who released the field. From the perspective of others, the plane suddenly regained balance.

Someone in the front seat whistled. Lu Mingfei looked up and saw Mandy giving Lin Nian a thumbs-up. She didn't seem to worry about the water plane falling into the roaring sea below.

Shao Nanyin also raised her hand and pressed the cabin ceiling to stand, bending over with a strange look to look at the sea outside the porthole, as if looking for something.

The users of "Time Zero" and "Sword Control" were sitting on the plane. If this small water plane wanted to crash, they had to ask them if they agreed. Besides, what they were facing now was only stalling and losing balance, not power system failure or other more troublesome problems. It was easy to save it.

"Shao Nanyin." Lin Nian called the woman in front of him across the aisle.

"I know." Shao Nanyin waved her hand without looking back, and another field expanded. The strong wind and rain near the water plane were suddenly separated, as if a barrier appeared with the water plane as the center, and any wind and rain would be blown away by this barrier.

"Three rules?" Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched and he looked at Lin Nian.

"You can let the plane fall like this." Lin Nian looked at the heavy rain and strong wind outside the porthole and said, "Or, you can hurry up and prepare now. If something happens later, it will be your turn to release the "Sword Control" to take over."

Special cases should be handled specially, and the three rules should be made slightly before the crash.

"Then forget it." Lu Mingfei admitted it, and at the same time began to build Li Huoyue's panel. But suddenly he was surprised to find that he couldn't build Li Huoyue's panel! ?

What the hell is going on, what happened to this woman?

"Can you fly a plane?" Until the plane stabilized, the father of the Russian family of three was obviously in a bad mood. While protecting his daughter, he raised his head and yelled at the cabin.

The big star and her agent were also scared to death, their faces turned pale, and they couldn't speak.

The co-pilot and the pilot didn't dare to say a word, and they were wiping their sweat. To be honest, they thought they were going to crash just now. Although the seaplane could still glide to the water surface and wait for rescue, the wind and waves under the dark clouds made it difficult to guarantee that the seaplane would not be knocked into the water before rescue arrived. At that time, it would be really difficult for gods to save it.

"Hey, look, is that the island we are going to land on?" Mandy in front suddenly raised her hand and pointed out of the porthole and asked loudly.

Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian looked in the direction of Mandy's finger outside the window. Sure enough, in the distance of the sea with huge wind and waves, they saw an island that was even larger than all the islands they had seen before. It stood on the sea surface with huge wind and waves. Due to the cover of dark clouds and distance problems, the seaplane could only see the outline of a shadow from a distance.

"Why does it look like there is a mountain on this floating island?" Lu Mingfei looked at the island. Although it was not clear, there was obviously a mountain-like convex outline on the island. Compared with the traditional floating islands in the Maldives, it was more like an undeveloped wilderness island.

"Is there an island there?" In the cockpit, the co-pilot looked at the island in the distance and asked in confusion.

They have flown this route hundreds of times, why have they never seen that island? And how could there be a mountain range on the island? The average altitude of Maldives is 1.2 meters, making it the lowest country in the world, and the highest place is only 5.1 meters above sea level. Where did the mountain come from? This is basic knowledge written into the national geography!

"It may be a mirage." The pilot glanced at it and said hesitantly in a low voice, "It's none of our business. Let's fly out of this rain cloud first. We'll reach our destination soon. After landing on the island, check if there is any problem with the plane."

No one noticed that Anna, who had been quiet all the time, was now clinging to the window and staring at the huge shadow of the island in the distance. Her lips were even trembling with excitement.

But in the end, the plane successfully drove out of this rain cloud, leaving the storm behind. The sun shone on the wings and the sea. The whole world was clear again, and the sea was blue. Beautiful coral reefs and dark lagoons could be seen. Everything before seemed like a dream.

Most people on the plane cheered. Li Huoyue put down his sword finger and sat in the chair with a slight breathlessness, but soon returned to silence. He stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest.

Lin Nian and Shao Nanyin turned their heads and looked out the porthole at the huge dark cloud they had passed before. They didn't know what they were thinking. They looked at each other for no reason, but didn't say anything. They just sat down and fastened their seat belts again, as if the previous incident had never happened.

ps: Yesterday's, it's been a bit late recently

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