March 22, noon, sunny.

Lin Nian and Mandy stood at the door of Genji Heavy Industries. The hall of the building behind them had been renovated for more than ten days and no traces of the explosion were visible. The glass curtain wall, rotating glass door and interior decoration were completely new. Even the doorway was newly decorated. Two large potted plants were installed, their green leaves reflecting the sunlight.

The deportation letter is genuine.

Early in the morning, Lin Nian and Mandy were politely "invited" out of the first floor. They didn't even have time to say their final goodbyes to the sleeping Eri. All their belongings were packed into the VIP suite on the 33rd floor. I got two brand new suitcases with sticky notes with their names on them.

After checking the suitcase, from daily necessities to passports, the fashionable shoes, clothes and cosmetics that Mandy had unreasonably requested from me when she was under house arrest in the VIP suite were also packed in. They were all brand new and unopened. , but Mandy was so happy that she held the suitcase for fear of being robbed or exploded.

In addition to daily necessities and clothes, Lin Nian's suitcase also contained two big things. One was a long strip wrapped in high-strength and high-modulus polyethylene fiber. It was obviously the metal bat inside. I still want to face it. There is no such thing as this alchemy weapon under the evil heart, and the wealthy Sheqi family also has these things. It's just that a lot of thought was put into packaging this alchemical weapon. This baseball bat has a cutting edge from beginning to end. After cutting many specialists' hands, it was wrapped with polyethylene fiber used to make anti-cut gloves. Got it.

However, Lin Nian was a little surprised by the other big guy in the suitcase. Placed neatly at the bottom of the suitcase was a brand new PS3 manufactured by Sony. It also came with two black controllers. Lin Nian didn't remember buying it himself. I had never seen this thing before, but after taking it out and taking a glance, I understood everything.

There are white sticky notes attached to the PS3 box, which write in beautiful Japanese "Eriyi is for the monster".

At first, Lin Nian was stunned for a moment and didn't realize what the "monster" mentioned on the note was. Later, he realized that it was his PSN username, and he couldn't help laughing.

Although I also told the head of the Uesugi family my real name during this period, the word 'Monster' seemed to be the most profound impression on him. Maybe it was because of some resonance with this name. This gift was obviously a farewell. It had been prepared before. The girl had a premonition of Lin Nian and Mandy's departure and prepared the gift in advance, so it appeared in his suitcase without saying goodbye.

Lin Nian discovered PS3, and Mandy naturally also immediately discovered the gift Eri gave her - a bottle of POLA's Queen Bee Lotion, which made her extremely happy. She only mentioned this cosmetic during chatting. , at most they complained that it was too expensive, but Eriyi gave it as a parting gift. As expected of one of the eight family heads, although his movements were limited, the financial power in his hands was far beyond their imagination. .

Lin Nian looked up at the building standing in the sun at the door of Genji Heavy Industries. He also unconsciously wondered whether the girl in the back room would run to the balcony and look down to look for their shadow after getting up and finding them leaving without saying goodbye.

But from this angle, we couldn’t see the balcony on the first floor, so we naturally didn’t have the chance to say goodbye one last time.

Lin Nian lowered his head and threw away the sentimental thoughts in his mind. For Eriyi, he and Mandy were just two playmates who suddenly appeared. After more than ten days of getting along, they mostly just played games together without going deeper. Communication, this kind of experience cannot stand the test of time for anyone. Maybe everyone will forget each other after a while after separation.

A very interesting girl.

This was the impression left by the head of the Uesugi family on Lin Nian.

As time passed, a black limousine (no direct association) parked on the street. The driver with white gloves got out of the car, opened the back seat door, and made a gesture to Lin Nian and Mandy who were standing in front of the suitcase. It was obvious that this was the special car that came to pick them up.

The driver put the suitcase into the back of the car. As soon as Mandy got into the large and comfortable back seat, she lay down lazily. Her face was full of relaxation and satisfaction. She seemed to be happy that the exciting trip to Japan was finally coming to an end: "This Does the car go directly to the airport?”

"Let's go to the Tamamo-mae Club first. The head of the Inuyama family received us when we arrived. Naturally, we have to say hello when we leave." Lin Nian sat calmly opposite Mandy.

"It's a pity that Miyamoto-san can't go back with me. He's so injured that he can't leave the hospital for ten days and a half. We have to ask for leave for him when we go back." Mandy said lying on her seat.

"It can be regarded as recuperating at home. It is reasonable to skip school. If you, senior sister, also want to skip school, I can give you a knife." Lin Nian gestured to the position of his chest and said.

Mandy immediately lay face down on the seat and pretended to be dead. Lin Nian smiled and stopped teasing her. The black limousine started the engine and drove slowly onto the road.

There was no words all the way, and both of them fell into their own silence. Mandy played with her mobile phone and showed a bewildered smile from time to time. She was probably imagining that after returning to school, she participated in completing the 'S' level task and spent the time with excellent grades. After the school year, her classmates look up to her with admiration. Maybe this time she will become a famous figure in the college and be on the Hot List of the Night Watch Forum!

Lin Nian, who was sitting opposite Mandy, looked out the window without saying a word at the bustling high-rise buildings and dense crowds on the streets of Tokyo. His temperament was melancholy, as if he was hiding something as heavy as a mountain in his heart - at least until Lin Nian stopped. This was what Mandy thought before going to the car and buying two blueberry-flavored crepes.

So the two of them happily ate crepes in the car until the black limousine stopped in front of the Tamamo-mae Club.

The driver opened the car door for the two of them, took the leftover crepe bag and put it into his pocket. Someone had been waiting in front of the club's door. When he got closer, he realized that the person standing there was none other than his old acquaintance Okubo. Ryoichi.

Today, Okubo Ryoichi was dressed in a black formal suit, meticulous from beginning to end, quietly watching Lin Nian and Mandy approach.

"Promoted?" Lin Nian asked, standing beside Liang Yi and looking at his outfit.

"Why do you think so?" Ryoichi said.

"Although I've known you for a short time, you don't seem like someone who likes to dress up. You're just passing by dressed like you are today."

"I received the notice yesterday that today I was officially appointed as the leader of the Nishi-Shinjuku district group headed by the Inuyama family." Ryo nodded and acknowledged the promotion.

The power of the Inuyama family radiates outward in a circle with Shinjuku as the center to the customs industry throughout Japan. Being able to serve as a division leader in the bustling Shinjuku, the most central hinterland, is enough to show that the head of the Inuyama family has placed great hope in Okubo Ryoichi. I have high hopes. After all, after being promoted as the division leader, the next promotion is to the team leader of the entire Shinjuku district. Hasegawa Yoshitaka is just the team leader of Shibuya district, which is close to Shinjuku. If he goes further, he may have to compete for Inuyama. The head of the house has one right hand man.

This time, Okubo Ryoichi's status in the Inuyama family has made a rocket-like leap, but not many people can question whether the seat under his butt is suitable. This month, he destroyed the Osaka Kukakukan and raided Genji Heavy Industries but was stopped midway. He was partly responsible for killing the 'Holy Judge', and both of these huge feats were partially attributed to him. The Eight Sheqi Family believe in the strong, and those who can show strength and achievements are naturally strong. There is no such thing as moral incompetence. .

"Are you going to continue doing this in the future?" Lin Nian stretched out his hand and shook his hand in celebration.

"I originally wanted to quit, but now I've been forced to put it on the shelves. How can I still say not to do it? It's easy to get things stuck on your body, but it's extremely difficult to wash them off. This is the case in this industry." Ryoichi took it back. The hand whispered, "Kowtowing on the ground will leave a mark. No matter how many years pass, even if the road where I knelt is gone, that mark will remain in my heart."

"Who is not?" Lin Nian nodded.

"It's not appropriate to talk nonsense anymore. The master of the house has been waiting inside for a long time." Ryoichi looked at the time and stepped out of the way.

"Does this person seem to understand the purpose of my visit this time?" Lin Nian was a little surprised.

"The meaning is too obvious, Mr. Lin. I'm afraid your purpose of coming to Japan this time is to win the title of 'The Strongest Moment Today', right?" Ryoichi opened the door for him.

"Who knows?" Lin Nian did not look back after walking through the door. Except for the old man Kuro Yuzhi sitting behind the long table in the bustling hall, no one could see whether his expression was serious or smiling at this time.


Mandy, who was walking behind, stretched out her hand to Liang Yi, but the latter did not respond to her. She could only retract her hand in embarrassment, clasped her fists and shook them twice, then she laughed and followed Lin Nian's footsteps. Got in.

Ryoichi looked at Mandy's back with indifferent eyes, but at the end when the door closed, he glanced sideways and sighed.

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