Walking out of Chun Coffee, Mandy jumped up and down like a wind-up toy, holding a cup of calorie bomb (caramel condensed milk milk tea) she bought before leaving in her left hand, and a box of colorful horses in her hand. Caron, a sip of milk tea and a sip of macaron, my face was filled with happiness.

Lin Nian followed him out of the coffee shop. His face was still in a daze, holding an unfinished Chunbingle in his hand. He walked on the stone road like an egret pacing on the beach, with his right foot on the ground and his left foot on the ground. I just stepped out, and the overall walking felt like a robot.

Mandy looked back at her junior brother and raised her eyebrows. He had been stunned by the topic of 'ex-girlfriend' since the afternoon tea, and he probably didn't notice that she and Lin Xian were exchanging words before leaving. to pay the bill with his student card.

However, Lin Nian, who just returned from a mission in Japan, should not care about the money for an afternoon tea. The school board had already transferred the "rewards" for the settlement of the mission to their accounts, and they not only earned their grade points, but also received the money. Mandy, who was subsidizing the school, naturally knew how wealthy the school board was. She thought that Lin Nian, the main C, had much more money on her card than she did.

"Come back to your senses." Mandy bent the arm that was holding the milk tea cup and clamped the macaron box with her wrist. She picked up a piece from it with one hand and waved it around in front of Lin Nian for a few times.

"Crack." Lin Nian stretched out his head and bit into the macaron, making a sound with his good teeth.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you a dog? He grabbed it so fast!" Mandy was startled, and quickly retracted her hand to check whether her manicure had been rubbed off by Lin Nian's teeth.

"I don't know if I am a dog, but if you continue to eat like this, you must be a weight." Lin Nian licked the corner of his mouth and looked at Youyou and said.

"Then you are a bastard. You have been stunned for such a long time. You will never be mentioned to your ex-girlfriend and fall in love with you, right? How about Senior Sister give you a shoulder to cry on?" Mandy patted her shoulder and bickered before going back.

"Hey, the second pork knuckle in the cafeteria is half price, why should I buy your shoulder? Although you have thin skin and tender meat, it doesn't mean you are more delicious than the soy sauce pork knuckle."

"You won, didn't you realize that you could be so damaging when you spoke?" Mandy rolled her eyes and walked beside Lin Nian, eating macarons in small bites.

"Children without a father or a mother are usually very venomous. If someone takes advantage of you, just bite them. If someone calls you a son of a bitch, just say I was born with a mother but not a father. If you have a father, you are also your father. I raised him." Lin Nian looked back at Chun Coffee's store, then turned back and continued walking, "But when I grew up, I realized that when I could solve things with my fists, I stopped talking, which was degrading."

"Chinese is really broad and profound, so you were considered a hidden bully in school before? When Professor Manstein and I went to pick you up, we found that you were a good student with both good character and academic performance," Mandy said.

"Then have you investigated the fact that I have an ex-girlfriend?" Lin Nian said in confusion.

"You, the client, don't know how I can know better than you? With all due respect, you were an orphan at that time - a social orphan, no offense." Mandy shrugged and her cheeks were bulging with macarons. The drums are loud and the speech is a bit slurred.

"I can still tell whether the people around me are malicious or not." Lin Nian tilted his head and said it didn't matter. "I was really an orphan at that time. I only had two or three friends to hang out with. I seemed to be able to follow them in class. A lot of people talk, but it’s just limited to talking. There are only a handful of people in middle school and high school who can be called friends, so I’m curious when did I get an ‘ex-girlfriend’?”

"You really don't remember? I think your sister was very conclusive when she said this. Your sister's character doesn't seem like she would be serious about bluffing us to make fun of someone." Mandy took a sip of milk tea and swallowed it. macarons in.

"I don't know, I really don't know." Lin Nian shook his head and thought, "To be honest, I thought my sister was making fun of me at first, but she had a serious look on her face and didn't add the word 'bazingga' or 'bazingga' in the end. Cover your mouth and laugh twice. Did I really hit my head one day and forget about it?"

"It's outrageous to hit your head and forget about it. Do you really believe what your sister says? If she seriously tells you one day that you are an alien and your genes are not human at all, that's why you are so awesome. Would you believe it? ?" Mandy said, looking sideways at Lin Nian's head.

There were scattered students who were not taking classes sitting on the benches on the roadside. When they saw Lin Nian and Mandy walking side by side, their expressions were very subtle. Many female students even quietly took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Then I definitely don't believe it. Do you think I'm stupid?" Lin Nian said.

"Then what if she continues to be serious with you and insists that you are an alien from the M78 Nebula and are destined to protect world peace?" Mandy tilted her head and asked.

".Let her produce evidence?"

"Hey, you better believe it now! Are you so unsteady? I've only heard of Mama's boy, not my sister's boy. Why did your sister abuse you when you were a child? How come you still listen to your sister like this when you grow up? if!"

Mandy laughed out loud and threw a hygiene ball to Lin Nian. Lin Nian caught it and threw it into a trash can on the street five meters away. Several senior students passing by suddenly saw it and applauded with admiration. Thumbs up again, it seems that the 'S' class did not throw the hygiene ball, but accurately inserted the nuclear bomb into the Dragon King's lair.

Damn it. Could you do it if it were you? Lin Nian looked at several seniors and waved hello, with an awkward yet polite smile like those in "Penny and Amy" (The Big Bang Theory Season 10E10).

"But I'm still curious. What's the origin of that 'Xia Mi'? If he can pick you up, are there such monsters in your school?" Mandy on the side finished eating the last macaron and put the box in her arms. Started licking his fingers.

"I said I don't remember. I only have a vague impression of the name 'Xia Mi', and it couldn't be her that I liked at that time, right?"

"Oh?" Mandy, who was licking her fingers, suddenly caught the flaw in her words with sharp eyes, "Then you still had someone you liked at that time?"

Lin Nian was stunned and didn't say anything for a long time.

"I won't ask you who you like. You won't tell me anyway, but if you like it, just go for it. It's the same in Kassel now, with so many beauties (Mandy stretched out her hand when talking about this) Flicking up her hair), your sister is not against you falling in love, she is just strictly guarding your girlfriend. I forgot that I asked her what her first reaction was when she found out you had a girlfriend, and she answered me What is it?" Mandy raised her eyebrows.

"." Lin Nian turned his head dejectedly and looked at the garden where the roses were burning and ignored her.

Lin Xian's original words were: After learning that Lin Nian was in love, it was as uncomfortable as losing a pig weighing more than 200 kilograms at home.

"Let's not talk about it. Anyway, there was absolutely no girl named 'Xia Mi' among the girls I had an emotional dispute with at that time. I can't even remember what she looked like. How could she be my girlfriend? I wasn't watching hypnosis - —" Lin Nian stopped the car instantly and shut up.

"You know very well, junior brother!" Mandy patted Lin Nian's back hard and raised her licked thumb, "Emotional dispute is a good word to use. After all, when I first met you, I saw you treating other girls. My son was dumped, he is a ruthless but cold-blooded hero! The execution department needs a strong man like you!"

This heavy slap did not make Lin Nian realize the secret of love, but instead it made his mobile phone text message alert sound. Lin Nian put Mandy aside and took out his phone from his pocket. He turned on the screen and took a glance at it and was stunned. .

"What? Did my junior sister, who saw you look so heroic today and couldn't contain her joy, send you a white text message?" Mandy saw that something was wrong with Lin Nian's appearance, so she reached over and glanced at the screen to see the content clearly. Later, he was also stunned.

After a few seconds when she came back to her senses, she licked the aftertaste of the macaron and said, "Am I really just a crow's mouth? What are you talking about?"

The content of the text message is very concise, as concise as the sender himself.

——Minister of the Executive Department von Schneider invited Lin Nian to report to the Office of the Director of the Executive Department three days later on April 9 (Sunday).

"What are you asking me to do? Another mission?" Lin Nian scrolled through the text message to make sure it only contained such a short line of words.

"Probably not. There will be at least one month of unbreakable rest time between the two missions of the commissioner. This is the suggestion that Teacher Masashi Toyama made to the school board of directors in 2008 and has been incorporated into the rules and regulations of the Executive Department. You have recently We have just solved a big thing. How urgent something comes up now. Unless the Dragon King riding on the face is related to the safety of all mankind, you will generally not be allowed to continue to work as a cow or a horse. You are an 'S' class, not a mule. I insist on saying that. It can be regarded as a giant panda-level exhibit, and the executive department can't even treat you like a mule." Mandy patted the back of Lin Nian's neck again and said.

"But it didn't go through Norma as a transit point. Instead, the head of the Executive Department himself sent a letter directly informing you. Presumably, he won't be the one to invite you to have afternoon tea - no one would like to have tea with Professor Frankenstein. of."

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