If I don't have money to go to college, I can only go to slay the dragon.

Chapter 225 The power of machine guns (two-in-one)

The white house is very large, covering an area of ​​about 400 square meters, which is the same size as a basketball court. After all, it is an underground space. The expansion of the equipment department does not need to consider the floor space at all, if it is not restricted by the principal's orders several times. With the expansion of the Equipment Department, one day they may have to hollow out the mountain where Kassel College is located.

The dummy, which was covered in blood by bullets, had been thrown out of the room. Now only Lin Nian, who was jumping on the spot to warm up with a bamboo sword, and ten m249 machine guns hidden in the wall were left in the room. .

Goggles, noise-canceling headphones, nasal plugs, and even a crotch protector were all the protection the equipment department gave Lin Nian. Lin Nian only wanted the first three and not the last one. This heroic act instantly impressed every equipment department. The members were in awe of him.

As for the bamboo sword, it is considered a hidden standard for this test. To others, cutting bullets with the sword is almost a movie or anime-level operation, but it is a common stunt for users of the speed-type speech spirit. Otherwise, Lin Nian really couldn't figure out how Principal Ange could survive for ten seconds under the suppression of ten machine guns. In that case, there was no living space in the room at all. If he wanted to survive, he could only forcefully create his own living space.

"Give me a thumbs up when you're ready." The voice of the thumbs-up star in the room came from the loudspeaker.

Lin Nian held the bamboo sword and nodded, giving him a middle finger to express OK.

As if to avenge Lin Nian's contempt, it started without any warm-up. A machine gun ejected from the corner of the wall behind Lin Nian and was aimed at his heart. The noisy gunfire filled the whole room. In the room, the explosion of bullets breaking through the sound barrier and the crackle of gunpowder were mixed together. The shells shot out like a torrential rain of bullets with huge kinetic energy, forming a barrage.

Level one.

Bright red circular marks exploded in pieces on the white wall. This was the regular shape that the tip of the Frigga bullet fired in the first round exploded after touching the wall, but none of the bullets hit the person wearing sportswear. Boy, because Lin Nian disappeared the moment the gun was fired.

The machine gun also went silent. You can imagine that the person manipulating the gun in the control room was staring at the screen looking for Lin Nian.

This delay lasted only four seconds. Only then did the people in the equipment department realize that Lin Nian had somehow gotten stuck in the corner of the wall directly above the machine gun. His left foot and right hand were supporting the wall and ceiling respectively, and he was stuck in the blind spot directly above the machine gun. At this angle, the machine gun cannot aim and naturally cannot shoot.

"You're so smart." Team Leader Liu sighed as he looked at Lin Nian on the screen, "Knowing that DC has no future, he jumped ship to Marvel. Come here, teach the 'S' class a lesson!"

The first level of difficulty was not a threat to Lin Nian, but after ten seconds, the second machine gun popped out diagonally. Lin Nian saw the two machine guns almost diagonally dividing the entire 500-square-meter room. I couldn't help but clicked my tongue.

Although the people in the equipment department were a little screwed up, they were not ambiguous at all at the critical moment. The two machine guns perfectly killed all the blind spots in the room. When it comes to shooting and explosions, these people are professionals.

As soon as the gunfire came out and the noise started again, Lin Nian disappeared from the angle of the ceiling and the bullets hit the ground. Two barrages swept across and sprayed blood on the ground. Lin Nian quickly retreated without any pressure, as if he was avoiding the high-pressure water line. The barrage line of whoever touches someone dies.

What was aimed at him in the room was a machine gun rather than a precision rifle. This meant that the biggest threat to him was not the speed and angle of the bullets, but the suppression of the barrage.

The machine gun itself is not designed to fire bursts. The best way to use this war machine is to pull the trigger and fire a barrage at the enemy. In this case, Lin Nian didn't need to dodge faster than bullets. He only needed to move faster than the machine gun muzzle aimed at him. This is why villains often appear in tough guy movies driving helicopters with anti-aircraft guns riding along. The reason why the main character on the motorcycle fired on the road behind him but couldn't hit anyone.

The barrage composed of two pieces of Frigga bullets staggered and fired in the room like thick water pressure lines. Lin Nian, who was moving between the two barrage lines, even only reached the second level in an instant, 4 With the double speed gain, you can easily dodge between two machine guns that fire continuously to avoid various situations.

But even so, Lin Nian didn't have any relaxed mentality. He was counting down the ten seconds in his heart while observing the walls of the room with his peripheral vision all the time, watching out for which corner the next machine gun would pop out.

It's easy to just avoid the barrages coming from the strafing fire, but once you are caught between two barrages and suppressed, you will face extreme danger. Even if Lin Nian activates the sixth level and goes all out, he still doesn't have much confidence. Can survive the barrage of three machine guns for ten seconds!

Ten seconds passed quickly, and the third machine gun popped out with a click, and the barrage fell from the sky and hit Lin Nian's head!

Lin Nian quickly raised the level of Setsuna. The 16x speed gain of Level 4 Setsuna allowed him to narrowly avoid the only crisis when the barrage targeted him. Once he swung his bamboo sword to chop the bullet, he was blocked by the other two bullets. If the curtain is clamped, then his next test will end directly when the fourth machine gun pops up ten seconds later!

Several Frigga bullets missed him and exploded into bloody circles on the ground. Lin Nian avoided the barrage and continued sprinting to hide in the house.

Three-dimensional barrage suppression.

The three barrages poured hundreds of bullets every second. The red mist of Frigga's bullets almost filled half of the room. Lin Nian ran around the room at a faster or slower speed. Every time the three barrages surrounded him, he would always There is a gap for him to slip through and avoid. If a stray bullet accidentally shoots at him, the bamboo sword in his hand will slash out like lightning and blast the bullet into a blood mist!

Fortunately, Lin Nian had a stuffy nose, otherwise the consequences of inhaling a large amount of these mist during high-intensity exercise would not be much different from being hit by a bullet. When the third machine gun was turned on, the exhaust fan in the room also started to operate. A large number of The red mist was sucked out by the exhaust fan to ensure a clear view.

"There's not much pressure." In the monitoring room, Team Leader Liu looked at the figures on the screen dancing with ease in the barrage, tapped his pencil on the experimental report and finally made a decision, "Don't waste time, every level Delaying it for ten seconds will cause a huge drain on his physical strength, so for the sake of the accuracy of the test, just skip the level."

"How many levels do you jump to?"

"Double it."

In the room, three more machine guns ejected, rising from level three to level six out of thin air.

Lin Nian, who was moving at high speed, twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking that these gangsters were really up to something again. Are they going to stop playing him to death?

Fortunately, the people in the equipment department still had a conscience. When the three machine guns popped up, they did not immediately start firing black guns without respecting military ethics. Instead, they waited for Lin Nian to react for a full second, and then fired in an orderly manner. He began to aim at Lin Nian and fire barrages.

The three most dangerous initial barrages were all aimed at Lin Nian's figure. To be on the safe side, 'Snap' was raised to the fifth level at this moment. The exponentially doubled speed instantly made the bamboo sword in his hand... Dozens of Frigga bullets were exploded in the air. After landing, the whole person literally turned into an afterimage and flew across the room, using three-dimensional maneuvers to avoid the barrages.

The walls, floor, and ceiling have all become footholds. From the fifth level, the movement is no longer restricted by the terrain. The six machine guns at 32 times the speed cannot even catch him, and the barrage is completely unable to carry out effective tracking and strafing!

"Sure enough, this is what happens when you reach the sixth level. Just like the principal, individuals of the 'S' level are naturally born war machines." Team leader Liu held a pencil against his lower lip and looked at the screen with burning eyes, "Sixth level" The machine gun's firing range covers almost three-fifths of the safe area. Two-fifths of the safe area is too spacious for users of the Speedy Word Spirit. Upgrade to level eight and start random firing and manual aiming. It has no effect anymore, it’s better to leave it to random chance to win.”

The members who were controlling the machine gun aiming in front of the console all let go. In response, the six machine guns in the test room stopped operating. Just before Lin Nian could realize what happened, two more machine guns popped up, and then a total of eight more. The machine guns began to fire wildly in the white room like a swarm of demons dancing around!

Hundreds of bullets per second began to fire at the entire room without any target this time. The way of evasion suddenly changed from avoiding the torrent to being swept by the violent wind and rain from all directions!

Suppressed by diffuse scattering, Lin Nian stopped moving in an instant and appeared at the back side of the test room. Five red blood mists of different sizes exploded in one second at different heights in the front and back of his body. This meant that at that moment, He used his bamboo sword to blast five bullets flying towards him!

"This is so decent." Seeing the scene of blood bursting out one after another in the room, Team Leader Liu picked up the Coke and took a sip with satisfaction, "Don't just hide, slashing bullets from the front is a man's romance!"

If Lin Nian could hear these words, he would definitely turn around and call this guy a pervert. Only those who are actually under such barrage suppression will know how bad this situation is!

The room in the eyes of Lin Nian, a fifth-level 'moment', was completely different from what others saw. In his eyes, all the dark red bullets flew past at a speed of thirty centimeters per second. This speed was not fast but it was definitely Not slow, especially when hundreds or thousands of bullets are moving together, no less than eight bullets flew towards him at the same time!

Which bullets don’t need to be avoided? Which bullets should you avoid? Which bullets cannot be avoided and must be intercepted with a knife?

These three questions became his biggest problems.

Thousands of bullets were fired every second in the entire room, and the chance of hitting the bullets in the air increased exponentially. The red mist filled the entire room almost instantly, and the exhaust fan was immediately turned to the maximum setting to suck away the red mist. Under the influence of the air flow, , the trajectory of each bullet is random and erratic in the second before it explodes.

This resulted in Lin Nian clearly catching a bullet flying lazily towards him not far away in the 'moment'. He was ready to explode this bullet first, and then the other one on the right, but the next moment, the first bullet flew towards him. A bullet was inexplicably exploded by a bullet flying diagonally. His swing of the knife was a useless effort.

Not far away, a bullet that was not a threat to him was accidentally carried by the airflow of the exhaust fan and aimed at his head. If he hadn't noticed it in time, he would have been hit by his head - this feeling made people want to die. .

At the eighth level of difficulty, which lasted until the seventh second, Lin Nian once again misjudged the bullet and swung the knife away. A bullet on his side was already close to his temple!

Jumping from the fifth level to the sixth level in an instant, the ultimate gain is 64 times speed!

All the bullets within one meter of Lin Nian exploded instantly, creating a vacuum zone!

"Okay." Team leader Liu in the monitoring room suddenly clapped his hands. The bullet storm that lasted for ten seconds stopped, and the ninth machine gun did not pop up again.

The exhaust fan stopped working, and the red mist around Lin Nian fell like frost. After he stopped waving the blood-red bamboo sword, he froze in place for a few seconds. The moment he breathed again, a huge amount of water poured out of the pores in his body as if it had opened. The sweat wetted his whole body, and was evaporated by the hot body surface into water vapor rising up!

"Can you still walk?" The door to the room was opened, and Team Leader Liu and several members walked in, handing over towels, salt water, and the long snacks from before. Now that I think about it, this last thing should have played a role. The effect of a high-efficiency energy bar, the amount of physical energy required for a test of this size is astonishing for a hybrid.

"You can walk." Lin Nian, who was sweating like rain, let go of his bamboo sword, took the towel and wiped the exaggerated sweat on his body. The floor of the entire room was covered with bullet casings, and only the place where Lin Nian stood was blank.

"It seems there is no need to test endurance." Team Leader Liu looked at Lin Nian's lack of breathing and estimated his cardiopulmonary function.

"Why did you stop suddenly?" Lin Nian took a sip of salt water.

"When I saw the same phenomenon as Principal Ange in you, I knew it was enough." Team Leader Liu said.

"What phenomenon?"

"Yuan." Team Leader Liu waved his hand, and the staff behind him brought over a PAD, which played the surveillance video from the previous room.

That was exactly the scene when eight machine guns were firing indiscriminately. In the sixth-level moment, Lin Nian's whole body was drawn into an inaccessible area by the edge of the bamboo sword. Any bullets before getting close would be beaten into red mist, and the red mist turned into red mist. The strong wind wielded by the bamboo sword blew outward and formed a bloody "ball" with Lin Nian himself as the center.

"This situation has also happened to the principal. This means that your speed has reached a level where you can ignore bullets. In the case of diffuse scattering, there is no difference between eight machine guns and ten machine guns." Team leader Liu said calmly. Said, "Unless you step into a trap surrounded by barrages and are directly hit by a torrent of bullets, it won't mean much to you how many people hold guns and what kind of guns they hold. Ordinary thermal weapons are already meaningless to you." No threat - no one can target you, and you can split the bullets."

"I passed this test just like the principal, should I be complacent?" Lin Nian asked.

Team Leader Liu glanced at Lin Nian with interest: "Want to compete with that old monster? I advise you to stop. The bullets you fired just now are considered stray bullets from the eight machine guns in the 500-square-meter venue. Wait. Let’s talk about when you can split all the bullets without moving under the precise suppression of the barrage of four machine guns, and hold on for ten seconds.”

"Can the principal do it?"

"With your speed, you can barely survive for ten seconds under two light machine guns. Even if you have the power of two machine guns, as for the principal." Team leader Liu smiled, "The principal is a powerful person with the power of five machine guns. Oh! How about it? Doesn’t it sound more cool than an ‘S’ class?”

God damn strong man with the power of five machine guns.

"The experimental report is almost complete." Team leader Liu patted his notebook and nodded with satisfaction.

"Isn't there another test?"

"It's just strength, but actually I feel that strength is nothing to measure for you. What kind of power can't be exploded under acceleration? And the instrument is nothing new (it won't explode). Just take a test and go through the cutscene."


People from the equipment department withdrew and poured into the room. Before Lin Nian left, he looked back at the mountain of bullet casings in the room. The old man known as the strongest hybrid could really stand still and withstand the violent typhoon. The barrage flooded for ten seconds?

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