Mandy sat in the lecture theater with a confused look on her face, looked at the test papers distributed in the classroom with a confused look on her face, and then looked at Lin Nian beside her with a confused look on his face as he held the ballpoint pen with his lips helplessly. He looked at Principal Angers with a slight smile on his face in front of the podium, holding a suit pen holder in his hand.

My heart illuminates the moon, and the bright moon illuminates the ditch.

From heaven to hell, this is probably the best portrayal of what happened to Mandy in half an hour.

You said, a handsome, cute, sweet and wild boy grabbed you and said: Senior sister, senior sister, I like you so much, will you accompany me to a place to do something? What would happen if this kind of thing happened to a hot-blooded (?) single girl?

Mandy Gonzalez can tell you that this would be tolerated by other girls, but by a player like her who has been playing solo for more than 20 years, she can grab this boy and pin him down on the table for ten minutes. times, and the other party asks for mercy ten more times.

But unfortunately, the place where this sweet and wild boy brought him was not a private grove or an uninhabited dormitory, but the examination site for the "Dragon Genealogy" of Kassel College in 2008.

Exam papers, written, printed, and distributed by Hilbert Jean Angers, a professional professor of dragon genealogy, were being rolled into the hands of students with Sima faces on the beach at the speed of waves crashing on the shore.

You can audit any course at Kassel College. This is a well-known fact. No professor hates students who love to learn and slay dragons. The full attendance rate of every class also reflects the professor’s personality. Due to the teaching level and popularity, there is no problem for Mandy to sit in the lecture theater now, so there is no problem for Mandy to have the test papers handed to her now (emphasis added).

In order to motivate the auditors, Principal Angers said when announcing the exam that the results of this weekly examination will not only be recorded in the total score of the freshmen, but once the auditors get good grades, they can still get the final grade point bonus, but at the same time If your grades are not satisfactory, you may have to come back and retake the dragon genealogy course.

There are rewards and punishments, which is very reasonable.

No! Reasonable hammer! Damn you! Why!

Mandy stared blankly at the still warm papers in her hands, and Lin Nian, who was lying on the table next to her with two sleeves on the table and two hands on the table, playing with her mobile phone. Her eyes were filled with tears that were about to overflow. The grief and indignation that came to turn into voices were shouting silently: Junior Brother! Damn you! What did I do wrong that you want to harm me like this?

Mandy thought that the enlightened Lin Nian was going to take her on a day trip to the Garden of Eden, but she turned around and stepped into the Lost Paradise. The examination paper that was slapped on her face was a suicide note detailing the sins of her life.

Mandy was not the only one who was given a death certificate. At least she had deserted in every class. Students who had slept with her saw this paper as a death certificate. It was obvious that a certain golden retriever of the same species as Mandy was also among them. a member of.

The seats in the lecture theater are in rows, so during the exam, each student only needs to move an empty seat between them and start working on the questions directly. Lin Nian and Mandy sit in the last row, and the last row excludes them In addition to the two people, there is another regular visitor - the new president of the student union, Caesar Gattuso. At this time, he is staring at the papers on the table with his arms crossed in deep thought.

[Please give an example of three signs related to the awakening of the Dragon King before the fall of the Burgunten dynasty in the Germanic epic "Niebelungenlied". (12 points)]

[Please sort out the three periods from awakening to awakening of the ancient dragon king Attila, and briefly describe the answer using the three subtitles of cocoon, sign, and awakening. (12 points)]

[What impact did the First Emperor's battle of Pingyuanjin have on the formation of the dragon-slaying family in later generations? How many of the 'eggs' that were missing after the burial of the First Emperor were possibly buried at Longmaikou? Please explain your opinions and reasons, no less than 800 words. (24 points)]

"Okay." The President of the Student Union fell into thinking for a long time.

Nibelungenlied? He remembered that he went to the Sydney Theater to attend the opera and listened to it, but the Nibelungenlied in the title should be referring to the book of the Germanic epic and not a staged opera, right?

Attila, he had an impression of this. Someone in the student union group had posted a game picture with Attila in it, but she seemed to be a girl and she was dressed in a risqué way.

First Emperor Pingyuanjin? He knew Qin Shihuang, where is Pingyuanjin? I don’t know, I don’t know. As for the dragon-slaying family, should the Gattuso family be considered a pretty awesome one?

After looking over and over, raising his head and thinking, Caesar finally understood.

——As expected, I can’t even solve a single question.

There are no multiple-choice questions, no fill-in-the-blank questions, and no listening questions. This means that when students answer questions, they don’t even have room to copy the question stems and materials they want to copy from other questions. This is the principal’s style of examination questions, which is very straight-forward, without listening to the lecture or Don’t expect to get half the marks if you don’t listen carefully to the lecture.

Cheating? It is true that although the principal who invigilates the exam is the strongest user of Time Zero, Tiger also takes a nap. With hundreds of people taking exams in a whole classroom, it is inevitable that he will become the fish that slips through the net, right? But at least the people around you should be able to do it!

As for the final method, the ultimate trick for students to take exams is to go online to find answers?

All the students showed a broken smile. If this thing can be found on Google, then it will be a ghost, right?

Understanding his current situation, Caesar nodded without panic at all, not for any reason, just because he was the president of the student union.

——There is always a law in every school, that is, the leaders of student unions, fraternities and similar societies will never run out of homework.

And our student union president has naturally already found someone to excerpt and study.

In Kassel College, a place where students and professors are all crazy, it is very common to have one test every three days and one test every two days. How can you survive in a place like this without any support? Over the past few months, the President of the Student Union has found his golden finger that will ensure he does not fail the exam - Lin Nian.

The past few months in the academy have proven that the 'S' level is not a pervert in fighting, but a pervert in all aspects. As long as it is the course that Norma has chosen for him, he must start with an A+ in the exam. In the theoretical exam, as long as you It is a knowledge taught in class that the questions should not exceed the outline. He can move your words in the class to the answer area intact. As long as there is an answer in the textbook, he can write it out like a copy machine.

In the alchemy chemistry class, he could meticulously recreate the experiments once demonstrated in the professor's chemistry laboratory, and he could note down the shaking of Professor Parkinson's hands.

In the alchemy magic class, the professor disassembles the magic modified version of the movement and assembles it again. Thousands of movement parts can dazzle the eyes of hybrids who claim to be elites, but 'S' level can get started after just one look. Put it back on you, the professor said, "Fuck you."

With perfect scores in all subjects, he was the darling in the eyes of the professor. He felt that if Lin Nian bombed the school one day, they would be able to protect him and throw the blame on the head of the equipment department.

Those who get Lin Nian will get full marks in the exam. This is a constant truth that everyone knows.

Now, except for the seat on the right of Lin Nian, who must be the unshakable President of the Student Union (contracted), the seats on the left are almost sold for almost 500 US dollars. You can usually copy homework and handouts. During the exam, the price will double to ensure you get a B in the exam. Above, who doesn’t want to hug this golden thigh?

Dragon family genealogy? It's a bit arrogant to say it's trivial, so let's call it moderate. After all, no matter how fast Angers takes a peek, he will be caught. Cheating in this situation is also a technical job.

Caesar very naturally reached out and scratched his back and turned to look at Lin Xueshen beside him. Then he found that Lin Nian was immersed in the phone under the table, tapping the screen?


"Ahem." Caesar coughed twice to remind Lin beside him that the exam had begun.

Unfortunately, Lin Nian had no time to pay attention to him. Even in the middle of typing on the phone, he suddenly picked up the phone and clicked it to take a selfie with the gray Mandy next to him, and then continued to get into the table and type on the phone.

Wouldn't such arrogant behavior violate the rules of the examination room? Many people's eyes popped out when they noticed the actions of the 'S' class, and turned to look at Angers on the podium.

"The student in the third row and fourth column, I remember his name is Brown, right? Please pick up the note you just threw to the student Edward in the third row and fifth column when I turned to look to the left, and then take it Both of you have handed in your papers. Your exam is over today. Please go back to your dormitory and wait for Norma to release your results tomorrow." Angers, who was leaning on the podium, looked at a student on the right and waved.

The two boys who were caught cheating stood up in disgrace, placed the white papers on the podium, lowered their heads and trotted out of the classroom under the gaze of all the students who looked like they were going strong.

Only then did Ange look at Lin Nian, who was at the end of the classroom. The two looked at each other in the air. The latter was startled and showed an embarrassed smile, while the former looked like a gentle elder when he saw his junior. He smiled softly like a naughty one.


Many students' hearts are about to overflow, but no one dares to stand up and report such a slap in the face. Even in Kassel Academy, such things are despised and will be punished. All students were hung on a pillar of shame and whipped and hung repeatedly.

Avoiding Ange's gaze, Lin Nian shrank his head and continued to work on his mobile phone. Now Caesar finally saw the screen of his mobile phone, and found that he was chatting with someone online and took a selfie just now. I guess a photo of you was also sent to the other party, right?

Caesar withdrew his gaze, turned his pen and frowned at his paper, wondering if the student union had done something recently to offend the 'S' class to make them so reluctant to copy his homework? If he, the chairman, puts down his face and apologizes on behalf of the club, will he still be able to copy in this exam?

ps①: I touched it first today, I still owe two chapters, and I will guarantee three chapters tomorrow.

ps②: Write two chapters of daily life, and then go to pick up Chu Zihang.

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