On the beltway, the Mercedes-Benz S500 was running at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. The rainwater was patted on the window by the car, like slender and bone-like hands pulling hard on it, leaving long and winding water marks.

It is already eight o'clock in the morning, and the sky is still very dark. Looking across the highway to the horizon, blue opaque clouds spread to the end of the sight. This city is always so dark and rainy, which reminds me of comics. Gotham in the work is a shadow city that is shrouded in shadows all year round and cannot see the sun.

Lin Nian held the woolen velvet-wrapped steering wheel with one hand and pulled the car CD with his right hand to play songs. It felt like something would be missing if he didn't play some songs in this heavy rain weather.

This was his first time to drive. He had always watched others drive before, but now that he has actually gotten his hands on it, it feels just like that. In addition, this car has an automatic transmission, so there is no need to step on the clutch, so it is naturally better to play than in a video game. Need for Speed ​​is nowhere to be found.

The playlist pre-downloaded by the car owner, a middle-aged man who was left at the airport, is quite interesting. Most of it is jazz that was popular in the 1930s, and a few JAZZ-ROCK style songs that combine jazz and rock. That era was in full swing. It was the golden age of jazz. If you heard a song you had never heard before while walking on the street, there was nothing wrong with calling it jazz.

The song list continued to play along with the record played last time, "Sway" by Rosemary Clooney. It was rare for Lin Nian to have heard this song. I remember the location was the last time I met Lin Xian and Man in the college's Chun Coffee. When Ti was having afternoon tea, the jazzy accompaniment left a deep impression on him.

Should we say that good songs will always be loved by the world no matter how many years pass?

The Mercedes-Benz S500 continues to accelerate on the deserted highway, from 60km/h to 70km/h, then to 80, 90, and up to the speed limit of 120 kilometers per hour. If you open the window a little, you can hear the howling of the wind passing by your ears like a ghost. , but in the warm car with the doors and windows closed, only the melodious, swinging singing voice of the woman and the percussive jazz music that gradually intensified and waned could be heard.

Lin Nian nodded his head gently to the rhythm of the music, took out his mobile phone and drove the car at a speed of 120 while scrolling through the accumulated text messages (please do not imitate if you are not a seventh-level instant person). During this period, he received a total of Most of the forty or fifty text messages were sent from unmarked mobile phone numbers. Most of them were students in the academy who obtained his mobile phone number through various channels.

The text messages I receive on my phone every day are so diverse that I can't even read them. Some want him to join a club, some want to fall in love with him, some want to find an 'S' class to set up a time for another fight, and some want to find a fellow student from the same school. He found it outrageous that there were gay men, and what was even more outrageous, there were gay men looking for lesbians who could find him on his mobile phone.

Once he was so annoyed that he opened a post on the Night Watch forum to post about the outrageous text messages he received every day. That post has been refined by Fingel into a high-quality post and maintained at a high intensity every week. Updates are one of the rare regular sources of fun for the students in this department.

As usual, he filtered out all the spam messages with one glance and ten lines. After deleting them in batches, there were only a few text messages from acquaintances left on his phone. The first thing Lin Nian clicked on was the message from Norma at his headquarters, which reminded him that all his equipment and belongings were safe. It was stored in a special box in the execution department (it was also the metal box he lifted off the plane). This time it was a personal mission. Norma carefully reminded her that she would locate Lin Nian's mobile phone location in real time 24 hours a day, and that she could apply for tactical support from the headquarters at any time. All resources closest to the mission location would be given priority to him.

Mark Norma's text message as read, and clicked on the next text message, which was sent by Mandy. It also attached two photos. The content roughly said that she returned to her hometown in Spain to enjoy life. This month, Bally The sun is shining brightly every day on the Ari Islands, and there are so many handsome guys on the beach, all of them are macho guys with chest muscles that can open a beer cap. She lay down under the sun umbrella with a watermelon, and soon she couldn’t tell what the watermelon was full of. Fruit juice or her own nosebleed.

The accompanying picture is an artistic photo with a full depth of field. It is evening, and the afterglow of the sunset has dyed the other side of the ocean with the last touch of red. The blond girl is taking advantage of the twilight to sit on a chair by the beach, and the foaming seawater wraps around the chair. There was a fire burning beside her legs and chair, illuminating her half body. The boundary between light and brightness made the whole person appear mysterious and full of charm.

But the next picture is of a girl jumping out of her chair because of the wind and the fire. The cameraman captured this scene very accurately. In the photo, the jumping girl is flying like a frightened cat, with an expression on her face. It is also extremely rich and can be cut out and used as emoticons.

——Should I say that I am worthy of being a senior sister?

Lin Nian marked the text message as read and was about to click on the next text message from his elder sister Lin Xian. However, at this moment, a delicate white hand stretched out from the passenger seat to block the screen of his mobile phone, and the girl made a long reminder. Then: "Drive and watch the road."

Lin Nian looked up at the road. He didn't know when he drove the car to the edge of the emergency exit while looking at the photo. Not far away, a broken down car flashed red taillights. If Lin Nian didn't turn the steering wheel, it would be a few seconds. They would have collided together. At a speed of 120 per hour, the damage and death would be light. The person in the driver's seat would probably be smashed into thin pieces by this distance.

But thanks to someone's reminder, Lin Nian gently pulled the steering wheel and the S500 left the emergency exit, thus avoiding the tragedy. However, a drop of cold sweat broke out on Lin Nian's forehead, but before it could drip down, he was knocked by the co-pilot beside him for unknown reasons. The blonde girl who was sitting comfortably stretched out her hand to wipe it off: "You're welcome."

"Why did you come out?" After what happened just now, Lin Nian was naturally no longer in the mood to read text messages. He turned off the screen of his mobile phone and put it in his arms. He looked sideways at the side and squatted on the leather seat with his bare feet and legs in his arms. blonde girl.

"You can come up with it as soon as you think about it. Even in the United States, teenagers who are over 16 years old and get a driver's license still need to be accompanied by an experienced driver. Now I will accompany you." The blond girl said and pulled up the seat belt very strictly. Come down and tie it.

At this time, Lin Nian also discovered that the music floating in the car had changed its genre at some point. From jazz at the beginning to piano music, the genre was very recognizable. Lin Nian, who had taken several piano lessons in the Children's Palace, roughly My guess is Beethoven? He used to listen to Liu Miaomiao play this piece of music often when he was in high school.

In other words, the piano music he heard now was simply a section that the blonde girl excerpted from his memory, because when he heard the climax, he noticed one or two wrong notes. Liu Miaomiao always made wrong notes when playing here before.

"Chapter 3 of Beethoven's Tempest Sonata is a must-have piece for the grade exam. Many art candidates have calluses popping out of their hands just because they can play this piece. I have to say that the title of a talented piano girl is not just for boasting. She can play it in It's not easy to add your own feelings to the music. After all, the enthusiasm will soon be worn away after hundreds of boring repetitions." The blonde girl hugged her knees and rested her chin on them. Staring at Lin Nian in the driver's seat with a sullen face.

"Do you like this piece of music?" Lin Nian asked.

At the end of the highway, he was approaching the highway toll station, so he began to slow down, and the Mercedes-Benz S500 gradually slowed down in the heavy rain.

"No, I just think it's appropriate to play this song at this time." The blond girl looked at the heavy rain outside the window, "It rains a lot in this city as long as you can remember, doesn't it? It's like Xinghong lives in the dark clouds in the sky Dragon King, every time it rolls by, it will bring a pouring rain."

"It's just coastal and climate issues. Did you come out just to remind me not to get into a car accident?" Lin Nian took the time to look at the blonde girl again. He always felt that nothing good happened when this master came out. This time he returned to his hometown city. The task to be dealt with was indeed full of weirdness, but he hadn't entered the city yet and was just driving on the highway. What was the meaning of the blonde girl getting out? Did she really think that she would get into a car accident the moment she was distracted?

"Dangerous driving is still justified?" The blonde girl reached out and slapped Lin Nian on the forehead, causing the latter to grin.

".My fault." Lin Nian, whose mind was read, could only admit his mistake simply.

"Next time, go get your driver's license tested or you won't be allowed to drive."

"Why do you talk so much like my sister? How old are you when you start taking care of me?" Lin Nian rolled his eyes at her. This was not the first time he met this girl. He also basically understood her temperament. This girl felt When not in crisis, her mental age is the same as her appearance, about 13 or 4 years old. She likes to eat sweets, and her favorite sweets are blueberry flavor. She especially likes to read girls' comics. Every time she appears to cause trouble, she tells Lin Nian Duo read a few girls' comics to her. If he didn't follow his rules, he would definitely appear in his nightmares that night and cause trouble, just like a ghost haunting him.

"It takes fifty steps to laugh a hundred steps. You are not yet a minor yourself. When I scared your blond senior sister that you were actually under 16 years old, your senior sister turned pale with fright (American law requires that you arrive at the age of 16.' Agree Age')." The blonde girl sneered, crossing her hands.

"Then it's not your turn to teach me a lesson." Lin Nian sighed, slowed down in front of the toll station and lowered the window. He was not afraid that the blond girl next to him would be seen by anyone, except for himself. Even if the girl walked without clothes No one around him would notice.

But the strange thing was that after Lin Nian stuck his head out of the car window, he found that there was no one in the toll booth, and the empty lights inside were not turned on. The entire highway exit was silent in the heavy rain.

"You haven't gone to work yet?" Lin Nian has never been on the expressway and doesn't know the specific operation of the toll station. But now it seems that no one is stuck, and there are fewer possible incidents. It's just that no one is charging. If the checkpoint in front doesn't rise, It seems extremely troublesome. Should he really run into it? The car owner would probably feel distressed and fight him with his golden eyes, right?

"Didn't you say you know more? What should I do in this situation? Should I get out of the car and lift him up manually or just run him over?" Lin Nian turned to look at the blond girl for casual advice, but he found that he was sitting in the passenger seat. The blond girl suddenly stopped talking and sat there quietly, staring at the heavy rain outside the toll booth.

He also followed the girl's gaze. In the dim vision, the strong wind was blowing the rain on the green road, and the street trees were bent in the same direction by the strong wind. At first glance, the black figures on both sides of the road curved inexplicably like a bowing Deadpool, inviting vehicles coming out of the toll station from the expressway to step onto the road ahead.

In the dim dawn with extremely low visibility, a gray "rainbow bridge" stood in the heavy rain, extending along the gray sky to the end of the sky, drawing an infinite arc.

It is an elevated road in the wind and rain. There is no light or shadow on the road. The deeper you look into it, the more you will be swallowed up by the dim skylight. The rolling clouds in the heavy rain are like the scales of a black dragon, without lightning. After weaving, you can't even see the intricate patterns on it.

"What's wrong?" Lin Nian, who was holding the steering wheel in the car, asked her.

"Nothing." The blonde girl said calmly.

"What's wrong? You make me feel very uncomfortable." Lin Nian seemed to have noticed something. His muscles gradually tightened, and the sound of rain outside the car window quietly surrounded the entire empty toll station.


After a moment of silence, the blonde girl finally spoke again. She just opened her mouth and let out an unreasonable sigh. She looked at Lin Nian with a hint of guilt in her eyes: "I really wanted to warn you, but I didn't expect Him to come so quickly. .”


Warning for what?

Who is "He"?

Before Lin Nian could ask, a dazzling light suddenly shone from the rear view window of the Mercedes-Benz S500. The white light shot from the rear view mirror and instantly took away his vision. He subconsciously raised his head to block the light and looked up. Looking in the rearview mirror, he only saw a pair of headlights like divine eyes approaching him at high speed in the black rainstorm!

It was a black car speeding down the highway. The engine roared like a monster. The multi-ton body rushed down the highway at full speed. When it turned on its lights, it was already less than fifty meters away from the Mercedes-Benz S500. !

At this moment, Lin Nian's pupils shrank and he entered the third level without hesitation, ready to open the car door and escape, but the blond girl next to him sighed again and slowly closed his eyes, not wanting to witness what was going to happen next.


Lin Nian didn't get what he wanted and opened the car door.

The entire Mercedes-Benz door was completely locked from the inside for unknown reasons.

At the moment before the car accident, Lin Nian finally realized that he had made a mistake.

If he had entered the fifth level or even higher when he realized that the car accident was about to happen, he would still have had a chance to escape through the window when he found that the door was locked, but now he was in the first level. In an instant, 2x speed was obviously not enough for him to complete this series of decisions and actions.

A moment's misjudgment caused him to lose his best chance of escape, and also opened the door for his subsequent "visit".

The black car hit the rear of the Mercedes-Benz. The huge thrust pressed Lin Nian against the steering wheel. All the airbags deployed instantly, and the Mercedes-Benz S500's horn rang through the silent toll booth!

Everything was so sudden that people had no time to react, just like the sound of thunder that resounded through the sky in summer. There was no warning of lightning, only the heavy and crushing roar of thunder!

In the driver's seat of the Mercedes-Benz S500, Lin Nian pressed the airbag and suddenly looked back to see who hit the rear of his car. His golden eyes were so bright that he looked through the dazzling white car lights. In the vast whiteness, he could only see one logo clearly, which was the car logo made up of two M's.

The car he was rushing out of the toll booth angrily against a Mercedes-Benz S500 turned out to be an expensive Maybach, with no one in his driver's seat.

ps: no more

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