Half a year didn't last long, but it was enough to make Lin Nian's impression of Class 1, Grade 2, undergo an earth-shaking change.

The topic was about exaggerating and admiring Lin Nian. Everyone deliberately exaggerated their words, as if when they meet an outstanding person, they will increase their shining points several times, and when they reach the level of admiration, Everyone can regard these words as a joke and throw them behind those excellent people.

But so what? Lin Nian is more open-minded. After all, children of their age, even if they are a little more out of the ordinary, don't have any real bad intentions. They love to show off and put on a show just to express themselves in front of the girl they like. Everything is understandable. It turns out that this is the case.

Lin Nian had no choice but to talk a lot about the internship abroad at the dinner table. He talked about it in a decent way, including the Kabukicho street in Japan, the eccentric Paradise Casino with flying gold foil, the rough waves of the Somali Sea, the tenderness of the sunset on the peninsula, everyone They all listened attentively, and their envy could be seen in their tut-tsk sounds.

It wasn't until Lin Nian took a sip of water that they let go of the topic and switched from Kassel College to normal chatting, which finally made Lin Nian breathe a sigh of relief.

"Is there any sketching intern at Kassel College?" Chu Zihang, who was sitting next to Lin Nian and had been a silent listener and diner, suddenly asked in a low voice while cutting into the bowl of Blue Angel shrimp and goldfish gelatin.

He has been silent during this period and has already eaten a lot of food. There are two or three shells of home-cooked round crabs on the table. It can be seen that this is also a hidden foodie, but he still can't compare with the food. The debris accumulated so high that it almost fell to the road gods on both sides.

"Just treat it as an intern sketching, but in fact it's all tasks." Lin Nian also lowered his voice and took advantage of the topic change to explain to Chu Zihang with a chuckle, "The alumni of mine you met are what you said. The girl named Wan Boqian probably didn’t tell you much about Kassel College, right?”

"She said she had neither the 'responsibility' nor the 'qualification' to tell me." Chu Zihang said.

"That's true." Lin Nian nodded, "It seems that she doesn't know about your situation. As I said before, I have two purposes for coming back this time, one of which is to find you. In other words By the way, the college has already taken the initiative to find you."

Chu Zihang was slightly shocked. Although his expression did not change, there was still a hint of disbelief in his eyes. Seeing his reaction, Lin Nian shook his head and said, "Even if you are prepared, the situation in this college There is still a big difference from what you imagined. After all, in the eyes of others, people who come out of Cassel College are genuine lunatics."

"I can see that." Chu Zihang nodded, and when he noticed that Lin Nian raised his eyebrows and looked at him inappropriately, he added, "I'm not talking about you, that girl named Wan Boqian, who was right when we first met. I fired."

"So cruel? Is there a misunderstanding between you two?"

"I found the school badge on her satchel on the bus and followed her."

"Then she found out and got so angry that she shot you?" Lin Nian clicked his tongue, thinking that this senior senior student didn't look very reliable. She was actually followed by a mixed race who was only a senior in high school. The Executive Department If I know it, I'm afraid I'm going to have to retrain her for a fourth grade and then release her to avoid embarrassment.

"The way she found me was very strange. It was like she had scanned me, and then she shot me." Chu Zihang said softly.

"Did you use the spirit spirit?" Lin Nian nodded and was not too surprised by this situation. When searching for mixed-race activities in the city, he would usually be accompanied by a specialist from the detection department. He remembered that someone from the logistics department revealed that this senior female student's speech spirit was indeed from the detection department.

"She also mentioned the word spirit. Can I know what it is now?" Chu Zihang asked very cautiously, and he was very sure about the appropriateness of the question, because he had already seen that Cassel College had a big problem. .

"It's a little trick. Almost everyone in Cassel Academy has this power, don't you?"

"I don't know." Chu Zihang said.

"I also have the same confusion period as you. This is normal. Don't worry. Just treat it as a talent." Lin Nian said, "People in the academy will rely on this talent to complete the so-called 'sketching and sketching'. In fact, To put it bluntly, it’s just a foreign assignment.”

Hearing Lin Nian's blunt words about mission, Chu Zihang quietly calmed down and listened carefully. If he guessed correctly, although he didn't know why, Wan Boqian, whom he met in Babao Mountain before, was speaking in Kassel College. The voice should be very low, but the boy in front of him now is the one who is truly qualified and able to speak.

"Didn't I say that I have been to many places? Like Japan, the Somali Sea, etc. They are all just missions." Lin Nian controlled his voice so that only he and Chu Zihang could hear it.

"Like an agent?" Chu Zihang said the closest word he could find, but he still felt something was wrong after saying it.

"Absolutely." Lin Nian directly agreed with this more appropriate word. The specialists in the execution department are really agents. They can do everything that agents can do. Didn't you see that in the daily courses of the academy, they are free to use the five kitchen props? Is it a bomb show? Poisoning, extracting confessions and handling crime scenes were all done to a fault.

"I attacked three pirate speedboats on the Somali coast and robbed some of their belongings. They were killed and returned afterwards. However, they all ran away as soon as the aircraft guns dismantled on the tugboat were swept away. Someone discovered it on the Indochina Peninsula. I was sent to negotiate on behalf of the college about an 'egg' of an unknown creature. I spent millions of dollars and signed a three-year cooperation that would help develop the local tourism industry before I brought the thing back. As for Japan. The mission there is to keep secrets secret."

Chu Zihang fell into silence after listening to Lin Nian's words. His brain was slowly processing and reviewing the words he heard. He felt that his outlook on life had been affected to a certain extent. What college would let students fight naval battles with Somali pirates? And there will be aircraft cannons on the tugboat?

"Brother, take your time." Lin Nian patted Chu Zihang's shoulder and said close to him, "Actually, this is still a small scene. The time I did an arms deal with the local gang at the Port of Chicago not long ago was the real one. It’s interesting. But I’ll tell you the details after you undergo the orientation training.”

It turned out that these were all small scenes. Chu Zihang finally understood why Wan Boqian said that what they met yesterday was not even a scene. At least there were no aircraft cannons or arms transactions in the church, right? The biggest hot weapon is Wan Boqian’s Glock pistol

Seeing Chu Zihang fall into silence, Lin Nian did not disturb him. He was happy to let him reflect on it and deepen his impression of Cassel Academy. Perhaps the other party accepted that Cassel Academy is a training camp for young agents. After making up his mind, it is better to slowly tell him that the truth is more outrageous than this. After all, step by step can always rebuild the three views step by step, so that the whole three views will not collapse in an instant.

"Then you came back this time for a mission." Chu Zihang's eyes showed a hint of caution for no reason, "Could something like what you met happen in this city?"

"It depends on the development. If the situation is good, then things will be kept small and no one will notice. If the situation is not good, then everyone will roll up their sleeves and see who is tougher." Lin Nian said in a very sparse and ordinary way. He said in a tone of voice, "There are some people in this city who touch things they shouldn't touch and try to use these things to make huge profits. The college means that these people should not stay. So I came."

"People will die." Chu Zihang said.

"If the situation is true, then people will die." Lin Nian said, "After all, those guys who have the courage to engage in mixed-race human trafficking will not stop if I come to them and give them a few words of advice."

Mixed breed.

Another intriguing new word.

Chu Zihang didn't ask any more questions, because what Lin Nian said now was enough for him to digest a meal. He also had to re-examine his 'friend'. It seemed that he had never really I've known this boy before.

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