"Waiting for Someone in Coffee" says that if you look at things now from the perspective of yourself ten years from now, you will find that maybe you won't care about these things at all.

But tonight, the little goddess still cares about this matter. She ran out of the house, rushed into the street in a light rain, stopped a taxi, and rushed to the Regent Hotel.

What a coincidence.

She saw the wrong rumor at the wrong time. She believed it was a rumor and thought it was a misunderstanding. She felt that she knew him, but after asking herself three times, she began to ask herself again, do I really know him? Some things, whether they are objects or people, will become distorted if you think about them too much.

Su Xiaoqiang often saw Lu Mingfei and his gang arguing in the class group. They said to each other, what would you do if you saw the goddess you liked checking out a room with someone else?

Xu Yanyan in the class said, I will go home and have a good cry, and then I will inspire myself to lose weight and become a handsome guy, so that I will be the next one to enter the hotel with the goddess.

Sports committee member Chen Zhijiang said, I will stop the man in front of the hotel, put a sack on him and give him a good beating.

And Lu Mingfei said, if I have time to cry, I might as well play two StarCraft games. I heard that StarCraft 2 is almost in development and will be released next year. If I practice more, I might be able to play professionally.

After various speeches, Su Xiaoqiang finally commented that he had no ambition, why he had no ambition, because after looking around, no one had the courage to say that he was going to the hotel to arrest people. Lu Mingfei and the others said, Su Xiaoqiang, you don’t understand, she I asked myself what I didn’t understand, but no one could tell me one, three, four, five. In the end, I just said, “You’ll know when the situation comes.” Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a prophecy.

Su Xiaoqiang suddenly felt ridiculous while sitting in the taxi. After thinking about it, she realized that her actions were funny. She seemed to have no position and rushed to the hotel to start the next action. In what capacity could she stand up? What about ringing that door?

Sometimes you need qualifications to do some things. She suddenly understood why boys were full of joy-in-pain atmosphere when they talked about that topic. The most uncomfortable thing in the world is not that your girlfriend cheated on you, but that your girlfriend cheated on you. The girl you like is not your girlfriend at all. She entered the hotel with someone else. You are not even qualified to rush into the hotel, so you can only feel sad alone. In the whole incident, you are simply a bystander and have no say in transparency. people.

And the real essence of this topic is not how much of a man you can be in that situation, but how sad things you will do after receiving a fatal blow - you are not qualified to be a man at all, you are angry Knock on the door of the goddess's room in a hurry. The boy who opens the door will wipe his wet hair and ask you who you are. If you want to squeeze in, he will push you against the wall and call the security guard. In the end, you will be the only one who is taken out. .

The greatest sadness in the world is not betrayal, but that everything has nothing to do with you.

Su Xiaoqiang looked at herself in the car window. Because she was in a hurry to go out, her hair was messy and stuck up. She tried to cut it down to make herself look normal, but the two tufts of hair stubbornly did not look like hair. Silk, I just can’t hold it down no matter how hard I try. The face reflected in the glass has no makeup and no time to put on makeup, but the current situation is worse than no makeup, because the light makeup in the morning was a little stained by the rain. At first glance, it looks like a resentful woman who just cried. But she didn't cry at all, she just felt uncomfortable and a little sad and angry.

In fact, if Su Xiaoqiang is smarter, she can find a reason for herself to set foot in the hotel, that is, to prove the innocence of the boy at the center of the rumor storm. She used to want to tell everyone that they had misunderstood, and that the boy was not who they thought he was. The action fell into place.

But she has never been one to find reasons, so her code of action is surprisingly simple and direct. It also seems a bit ridiculous, because the word "catch" refers to capturing the fact that the other party is unfaithful to the marriage, so as to obtain divorce claims. The evidence is that she and the boy are not even lovers. This word is really not suitable to be used in this situation. Even thinking about it in the head makes people feel ridiculous.

If you are an ordinary person, thinking of this, you will probably ask the taxi driver to stop, reflect on your ridiculous behavior of rushing out of the house, ask the driver to return, and lie on the sofa to cry all night.

Love is such a thing that can really make people powerless. It makes the brave and fearless knight throw away his armor, the gorgeous princess smashes her crown, and easily breaks the shell of everyone's armor.

But the little goddess is different. She is obviously different from ordinary pretentious girls. Even after figuring out some of the twists and turns, what comes to her mind is not retreat, but a stubbornness that no one can pull back. , her current thinking logic is extremely clear and simple.

——That means coming to see which bastard withered cabbage is trying to seduce the fat pig she has raised for so many years.

If something is false, then she will lash out at the bastards who spread false news in the group.

If what happened was true, then the worst she could do was run away and have a good cry.

Dare to love and hate, which is quite in line with the style of the little goddess that Lu Mingfei once evaluated.

The taxi stopped at the Regent Hotel. Su Xiaoqiang tied up the laces of her flat high heels, threw a big note to the driver without even thinking of changing it, and trotted into the hotel with the door open in the rain. The waiter wanted to come up and talk to her. Before I had a chance, I saw this gorgeously dressed but somewhat embarrassed girl running to the front desk.

"Looking for someone." Su Xiaoqiang said.

Sitting at the front desk was a woman wearing a work suit. She was a little surprised to see Su Xiaoqiang's appearance, but out of politeness and professional ethics, she asked patiently: "Who are you looking for?"

"my classmate."

"Classmate...?" The lady at the front desk was stunned for a moment. She looked up and down at the girl in front of her and found that she was indeed young. She was well dressed except for being caught in the rain, but she was just a little out of breath.

"We were having a party at Phoenix Residence, and he lost his cell phone. We found out when someone called him to find him." Su Xiaoqiang took out his cell phone and put it at the front desk.

The lady at the front desk turned on the screen and discovered that the screen saver was a photo from a sports meeting. The girl in front of her was taking a picture with the expressionless boy holding the trophy beside her, making a 'V' sign.

As long as it's not about catching an adulterer.

The lady at the front desk breathed a sigh of relief, but she also felt that she was a little sensitive. The girl in front of her was only a high school age at most, so there were so many twists and turns. Besides, she still has an impression of the boy on her phone. Isn't this the boy who stayed in the presidential suite an hour or two ago? There was a girl of about the same age with him, she must be his classmate too, right?

"Do you need me to call up and ask him to come down and get it?" Even if there was no doubt between the words, the receptionist still followed her professional ethics and did not tell Su Xiaoqiang the resident's information. Instead, she picked up the phone on the table and made this suggestion.

"Okay." Su Xiaoqiang hesitated and nodded.

The front desk lady called and signaled Su Xiaoqiang to wait, but half a minute passed, and there was still no one on the other end of the phone. This situation is rare. The room facilities at the Regent Hotel are maintained every three days, and there is almost no malfunction. No matter how much I call now, no one answers the phone.

"I'll go up and look for him. I just gave him a cell phone. Just tell me the room number." Su Xiaoqiang picked up the cell phone. "The people calling him on the phone are his family members. They are very urgent."

"This" the front desk lady hesitated for a moment. According to the rules, she couldn't hand over the customer's housing information, but now it seemed like a special situation, and there was nothing suspicious about the girl in front of her. The most important thing was that no one in the room answered the phone. .

"What's going on?" The lobby manager who was passing by not far away suddenly came over and asked.

"Manager, this girl said she wanted to find her classmate and asked me to tell him her classmate's room number. According to the regulations, I can't tell her." The front desk lady immediately left the matter to her manager. She didn't dare to take risks on this kind of thing. Even if there was nothing suspicious about the matter, she would not dare to joke about her job.

After all, the reason why a hotel customer didn't answer the phone could be because she was having a good time. If this happened and she let others go, she would have to be responsible for what she did.

"Who are you looking for? According to the hotel's regulations, we cannot disclose relevant information to you." The lobby manager looked at Su Xiaoqiang and looked at the girl up and down.

"Lin Nian, my classmate." Su Xiaoqiang looked at him calmly, without any dodge.

Hearing this name, the lobby manager suddenly paused, his face looked a little strange, but after a moment it returned to normal and asked again: "Are you from Cassel College?"

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment, but he immediately picked up the topic: "Yes, I have something to do with Lin Nian."

"Mr. Lin has checked into the hotel?" The lobby manager turned to the front desk lady and asked, "When did it happen?"

"When we ordered tonight, manager, you were still out handling things," the front desk lady said.

"Didn't I ask you to remind Mr. Lin to call me when he checked in?" After the lobby manager reprimanded in a low voice, he turned to look at Su Xiaoqiang and suddenly smiled broadly, "Miss Wan Boqian, right? You are finally here. , we have been notified over there that you will come to Mr. Lin Nian, he is in the presidential suite, he has been waiting for you for a long time, do you need me to take you up? "

The lady at the front desk was a little dazed, feeling that something was wrong. But she still didn't dare to interrupt. It seemed that the girl in front of her was indeed a distinguished guest. According to workplace rules, her boss, as a part-timer, should not interfere with the reception of distinguished guests.

"I can just go up there myself. Which room is it in?" Su Xiaoqiang couldn't help but froze when she heard the name Wan Boqian, feeling a little sour in her heart.

"Room 001, this is the elevator, please come this way." The lobby manager quickly led the way to the hotel and said as he walked, "We received your order earlier in the morning, and Mr. Lin said that he would take the first step. Check into the hotel, Miss Wan, you will probably come a little later. I went to deal with other things before. I didn't meet Mr. Lin when I checked in, but I met you, so I didn't miss everything. Haha."

Miss Wan.

When Su Xiaoqiang heard this title, she suddenly felt a little weak, as if her strength had been taken away, and the courage she had mustered before seemed to be exhausted. Her whole body felt numb and uncomfortable, but she still managed to hold on and walked into the elevator. , watch the lobby manager press the top button.

The Regent Hotel is considered the most luxurious hotel in the city. It is located in the current CBD area. The people the lobby manager interacts with are naturally rich or noble people. Su Xiaoqiang remembers that her father once brought her here. Then At that time, the lobby manager also called her Miss Su respectfully, so it seems that Miss Wan's identity is not much different?

Everything seemed excusable and reasonable, but it made her sad and unconvinced.

"The room has been cleaned. Mr. Lin must have been waiting for you inside for a long time. Do you need any other services?" the lobby manager asked.

"No, no need." Su Xiaoqiang said softly, then waited silently for the elevator to arrive.

She walked out, and the lobby manager behind her gave her a slight nod. The elevator closed and went down, leaving her alone in the corridor with crystal chandeliers, dazed.

She took off her clothes and walked to the door at the end of the corridor. She raised her hand to knock on the door, but before it fell, she stopped. She took a breath and turned around and walked back. She took two steps and then stopped. , turned around and suddenly walked quickly to the door and knocked twice, gently and not hard.

Every secret love is knocking on a door that is sealed by a wall. No matter how fiercely they knock, they will never have the courage to really push it open.

So the door opens from the inside.

But in fact, there is a saying in "Waiting for Coffee": Love requires more coincidences than you think.

ps: There is also

ps: I said I wanted to talk about interesting things (not stomach medicine)

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