At 7:50 in the morning, Lin Nian opened his eyes on the hotel bed.

The white gauze curtain in the bedroom was blown up by the wind, and the cold and rainy wind penetrated through the gaps in the quilt and took away the body heat. Lying on the pillow, he looked sideways. The sky outside the window was still hazy, with light rain falling in the porcelain-blue sky. Another moist embrace enveloped this coastal city into the dim sky. Everything seemed chaotic, like a person who hadn't woken up.

He stared out the window in a daze for a while. This city, which had always been so gray and gray in his memory, was always raining heavily or lightly, as if to wash away some dust stuck on the ground that could not be cleaned. As long as If you look for it carefully, you can always find it. Even if it is washed by the rain countless times, it will leave traces of persistence.

The screen of the newly bought mobile phone beside his pillow lit up. Lin Nian had already turned off the alarm clock just before the alarm went off. He sat up from the bed and took a long breath, as if he wanted to keep the smell of blood in his dreams. I spat out all the rain vapor, but when I breathed in again, the new smell of rain filled my nose, making me feel like my whole body was covered with a sense of moisture while my mind was awake.

Get out of bed, put on shoes, get dressed, and wash up.

In a series of routine actions, Lin Nian did one more thing today, which was to make two insignificant phone calls.


The first call goes through.

"This is Chu Zihang."

"There is no need to come to us today. You live with your family. Going out frequently may attract suspicion. Please stay at home with your mother. I will notify you in advance at a suitable time in two days."

"Okay, nothing else?"

"Yes." Lin Nian said, "Please tell me the story about the elevated road on the night of the typhoon that you told me on the balcony that day."

The person on the other side was silent for a while, and then said, "Okay."

Familiar stories were told over the phone again. There were no excessive rhetorical words, only the most direct and blunt facts that made people feel sad and desperate.

Lin Nian listened to his story without saying a word, memorizing every word from beginning to end. After finishing the period, he nodded and said, "Thank you very much."


After hanging up the phone, the conversation between the two of them was always so concise, with no unnecessary nonsense or gossip except for business matters, and their words were as clean as their faces.

After hanging up the first call, Lin Nian started to make a second call. Paganini's customized piano ringtone rang across the street, but no one answered the call yet.

Lin Nian put his cell phone on the sink and started gargling. Two minutes later, the phone automatically hung up and no one answered. He was not too disappointed or depressed. He just pressed the replay button and continued washing.

One minute into the second call, the call was finally connected.

"Hello? Lin Nian?" Su Xiaoqiang's voice sounded from the opposite side, with a hint of uncontrollable joy.

"Su Xiaoqiang?" Lin Nian wiped his face with a towel, took the phone, turned off the speakerphone and put it to his ear, "Just woke up?"

"I'm sorry that I slept a little late last night and didn't receive your call just now."

"No, I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep." Lin Nian hung the towel on the railing, left the sink and walked into the bedroom.

"Don't bother me. I woke up right away even if you didn't call. There is a tutoring class this morning." There was constant noise on the other side of the phone, and various things were knocked to the ground, making a clatter. You can imagine the little goddess in a hurry when she got up.

"Anyway, good morning." Lin Nian said.

"Good morning. Lin Nian, that's why you called me."

Su Xiaoqiang's words on the other side of the phone suddenly became tense. It was understandable that a girl who was always lively and hot would end up like this when the person she liked suddenly called him to say good morning. There is a completely different side.

"I want to ask you something." Lin Nian said straight to the point.

"You want me to help you with something? Just tell me, if there is anything I can do to help, I will definitely help!" Su Xiaoqiang patted Simmons' bed to confirm.

"Please help me find someone, his name is Chu Tianjiao." Lin Nian said, "The only information I have right now is that this person has lived in this city for decades and has been making a living as a driver. Finally, he On July 3, 2004, Typhoon Dandelion disappeared on the blocked elevated road when it entered the country."

"Chu Tianjiao?" Su Xiaoqiang seemed to be shocked by the name, but after chewing the last name several times, a strange look appeared on her face as she sat on the bed wearing a black lace and satin pajamas.

"He is Chu Zihang's biological father." Lin Nian revealed the suspicion in Su Xiaoqiang's mind. His insightful words made Su Xiaoqiang shiver slightly. He hugged the quilt beside him and surrounded him. Showing a head holding a mobile phone.

"Why do you suddenly think of checking him, Lin Nian?"

"Interested." Lin Nian said, "I want to know what this man has done in this city for more than ten years, and who he has had deep interactions with, but the resources at hand are limited and I can only trouble you."

"No trouble." The joy in Su Xiaoqiang's heart was just like the black hair on her head that stood up from sleeping. A boy unconditionally chooses to ask a girl for help after encountering a problem. This sense of trust is simply happy. If it were In the past, Lin Nian would never ask her for help, but just after yesterday's incident, their relationship seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

"How long will the investigation take? After the investigation, let's find a place to chat in person. I don't like talking about these things on the phone." Lin Nian asked.

"Let's meet and let's talk. What do you think of the restaurant? I know a newly opened, very delicious restaurant is in the CBD area. We can go there at noon!" Su Xiaoqiang coughed twice, suppressed his joy and asked Lin Nian very seriously. Views.

"Noon? So soon? I can do it here." Lin Nian was a little surprised by Su Xiaoqiang's confidence in her own intelligence network, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. The Su family's local industry was considered one of the best, whether it was mining or Ming Dynasty. The network of connections, both on the surface and on the dark side, is very wide. Once you want to investigate a person, half a day is enough.

Moreover, what Lin Nian was looking for was only the 'traces' left by the man named Chu Tianjiao in this city. It was hard for him to imagine that a group of laymen could find clues of a suspected 'S'-class hybrid like them. What a person wants to hide will be impossible for a layman to find in his lifetime.

But fortunately, Chu Tianjiao has disappeared for several years, and he will not start to eliminate his traces just because someone is investigating him. Perhaps only now will Lin Nian have a chance to truly find everything about this man.

"Send me your address and time at noon, and I will arrive on time." Lin Nian said.

"Okay! See you in the restaurant then." Su Xiaoqiang nodded and waited for the person on the other end to hang up the phone first.

She sat on the bed and stayed for a while, then she finally got excited and stretched out her hands to hammer the bed surface. She shook off the quilt and ignored the smell of rain and breeze blowing in from outside the gauze curtain. She stepped out with her long and strong legs and ran towards the bed. To the washroom.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Nian hung up the phone and the door was knocked open. Wan Boqian was stunned when she saw Lin Nian wearing a windbreaker and sneakers: "Are you going out?"

"I have something to go out to check in a while." Lin Nian calmly arranged his belongings, inserted the dagger into the built-in scabbard in the cuff of his windbreaker, and filled the steel core bullets on the bed sheet one by one into the Cole He inserted the gun into the magazine of the special revolver and stuck it on the lower back under his windbreaker.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Wan Boqian smelled a 'serious' aura about Lin Nian that was completely invisible yesterday. Being an 'S' class in this state puts a lot of pressure on people, at least as far as Wan Boqian is concerned. She didn't even dare to look into the other person's eyes, for fear of being frightened by the fleeting golden meaning inside.

"You stay in the hotel and keep an eye on the hostage. It's best to tie him up and prevent him from running away. Then ask him to call his secretary to send over the invitation to the charity dinner two days later. Write the lines for him to read, so as not to Use the secret code you agreed on when you were kidnapped. After his secretary arrives, open the door but don't let her in. Remember to throw a few pieces of clothing on the floor. The secretary outside the door will self-righteously misunderstand his current situation when he sees it. , they won’t care even if he disappears for a few more days." Lin Nian said lightly.

"Got it." Wan Boqian nodded. Her preparations were almost the same as Lin Nian's plan. They were rigorous to the core to prevent any accidents from happening.

"I'm leaving first." Lin Nian was ready for everything. Wan Boqian also noticed that he did not choose to bring the alchemical knife in the equipment box. He only brought a Colt revolver with limited lethality and two daggers. With these weapons, no one in the city can threaten him.

"Have you found any information about the mission?" Wan Boqian couldn't help but ask.

"No, it's something unrelated to the mission. I'm very concerned about it, so I have to make a trip. Unless I die, it won't affect the overall mission. You don't have to worry about me implicating you." Lin Nian walked past Wan Boqian Left the bedroom.

".Do I need to report to the execution department?"

"No need." Lin Nian said, "If you are worried, you can even take the initiative to report my decision to the director of the execution department."

Wan Boqian said nothing. Everyone knew that the 'S' class was now Minister Schneider's most convenient knife. There was probably no one in the entire executive department who could replace such an efficient 'S' class. Strength is the smallest unit of freedom, and now Lin Nian has been strong enough to have a certain degree of freedom since he entered school.

"While I'm out, if I don't come back for more than twenty-four hours, please help me keep in touch with Norma." Before opening the door to leave, Lin Nian paused as if he thought of something. pace.

"Your mobile phone." Wan Boqian remembered that every specialist's mobile phone was accurately located by Norma, but she suddenly remembered that Lin Nian had just changed his mobile phone and there was no supporting positioning system on it. As long as he turned off the mobile phone signal, it would basically be Can disappear from Norma's monitoring.

"I said, this is a private matter." Lin Nian said lightly.

"I understand." Wan Boqian nodded lightly and said wisely, "I will not inform the execution department."

Lin Nian turned to look at her, but said nothing. He turned and walked into the corridor and closed the door. The footsteps quickly disappeared.


In the living room of the room, Wan Boqian breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the sofa and sat down. The white gauze curtain was blown by the wind. Outside the window was the raining city. She turned her head and glanced at the sound of small struggles that kept coming. He took out his mobile phone from the cubicle, but the contact displayed on the mobile phone was not the executive department, but the school board of directors.

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