Chu Zihang arrived about half an hour later. The normal driving distance between Peacock Residence and Babao Mountain must have taken more than this time. I don’t know how many red lights and shortcuts were taken along the way to reach the destination so early. .

The Panamera braked and stopped in front of a small gray building. The brake calipers clamped the brake disc tightly. The tires that stopped suddenly rubbed against the cinder-covered ground and bounced up large black chips. After the door was opened, the car didn't even turn off. The boy Walking out of it, he looked up and saw Lin Nian sitting in front of the steps downstairs of the short gray building.

The rain in the sky had stopped, but there was still some water on the ground. Chu Zihang stepped on the puddles that reflected the gray sky, and walked quickly to Lin Nian, only to find that the other person was lowering his head and thinking, without looking at him. , but there was a photo and a rusty brass key marked with 062 on the steps beside him.

At just the first glance, Chu Zihang was attracted by the photo. He bent down and picked up the photo. There were some fluctuations in his eyes under the slightly damp forehead, as if a bird had jumped across the mirror lake. In the center. A circle of ripples lit up the center of the water, and the ripples swayed slowly and persistently toward the distance, silent and silent.

Crows cawed in the ruins of the factory. It was really surprising that the scavenger appeared here. It stood on an old tree with dead branches and pecked at black feathers. Its bright red eyes, which looked like weeping blood, reflected the dwarf. The big boy in front of the building may have thought that he had stood still for too long, so it stared at him intently, thinking that he was going to die and that he could finally have a full meal today.

Lin Nian finally stopped thinking silently. He grabbed the key on the ground and handed it to Chu Zihang, but did not raise his head to look at him. But when he was about to take the key away, he suddenly squeezed it tightly and said, Only when she caught his eye did she speak to break the silence: "Many people don't understand him, nor do they understand mixed races, but in fact we are no different from ordinary people. We are born ignorant, and we love ignorantly. Until we grow up and choose to leave.”

Chu Zihang listened to his words quietly, took the key from his hand, and put it together with the photo. The place where his fingers were stuck was the scrawled handwriting left by the man. When he saw them, he felt like Every word seemed to jump across his eyes as quiet as ice, leaving one stroke after another in his heart.

Of course he won't cry, because this is the man's instruction to him, but those ten words will make a shallow crack in his heart, and some bitter liquid will flow out uncontrollably, with every beating of the heart. It is transmitted to the blood vessels, allowing this pain and sorrow to be transmitted to every place in the body.

Lin Nian withdrew his hand and looked directly at Chu Zihang for a long time. Seeing that he was pretending to be strong to the end, he smiled softly: "As if you have really grown up, go find Chu Tianjiao. He will leave everything behind." In that basement."

After saying that, he stood up, patted the tail of his windbreaker, walked down the steps, and left the low building on foot under the dim light of the sky and the sound of crows' wings. Behind him, Chu Zihang rushed into the building. A short building, without looking back, just like running away on that rainy night, but this time he ran towards the back of the man at the same speed.

Lin Nian passed by the Panamera, turned off the engine, closed the door, and sat on the front hood. That boy really needed some alone space and time today. Fathers will always lead their children to grow up. They used to be He helped Chu Zihang uncover a corner of the real world on that rainy night. This kind of thing must have a beginning and an end. No one is more qualified than him to take this boy to take over everything that is heavy and full of fate.

A drop of rain fell on the side of Lin Nian's face. Sitting on the hood of the car, he stretched out his hand to wipe away the water droplets and looked up at the sky.

The rain finally started falling again and the crows were flying high.

One hour? Two hours?

Maybe even longer, until the sky darkens, neon lights and street lights light up in the city, and Babaoshan falls into deathly darkness.

The headlights of the Panamera parked in front of the small gray building cut through the night. The door next to Lin Nian, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was opened. He held the steering wheel with one hand and gestured to the co-pilot and the silent boy beside him. Said: "You take a rest and I will drive."

After closing the car door, Chu Zihang got into the passenger seat. It is worth mentioning that he came empty-handed and left with a silver box. Lin Nian just glanced at it and put down the handbrake. The preheated engine made a low noise. With a roar, Panamera drove the two of them towards the outside of Babao Mountain.

In the darkness, the heavy car made a tiny noise as it crushed the cinders on the ground, like a lone tiger trampling branches and shrubs in a dense forest. The road ahead was straight and smooth under the fish-eye headlights. Lin Nian held the steering wheel with one hand, leaning his left elbow slightly on the gap between the car window and the door frame, holding his cheek with a fist, looking flatly at the road outside the glass.

The on-board DVD in the car was paused, and no one spoke, only each other's breathing could be heard.

"Have you seen what's inside?" Lin Nian was the first to speak, breaking the silence in the car.

"The basement is still the same." Chu Zihang's voice was a little dry and muffled, making people feel that his chest was blocked by something, like a blocked water pipe. Even though his face was still so quiet, he was a person who was not good at expressing himself. , but a sensitive person will empathize with him from all aspects to his emotions.

"Box." Lin Nian said, "If you want to cry, it's better to cry. We are not filming a tough guy drama where men bleed but don't shed tears."

"I'm sorry." Chu Zihang said softly. He felt sorry because he thought his emotions had affected the people around him.

"There's no need to say sorry to me. It's the people from the execution department who should say sorry." Lin Nian glanced at the silver box Chu Zihang put at his feet in front of him. "I didn't lock the box when I left. You should have seen After going inside, I also know what kind of person your father is."

"Nidhogg." Chu Zihang said, "Is that his goal?"

"It's the goal of all of us." Lin Nian said. Panamera pierced the road with traffic like a sword from the intersection. Many drivers honked their horns in panic, but they still couldn't stop the dark blue car. The monsters rampaged and cut their path into pieces, forcing their way into the flowing water.

"He's a mixed race."

"So you too."

"Nidhogg is the black dragon that gnawed the World Tree in Norse mythology."

"Our purpose is to kill him, or prevent his return."

"So our mission is..."

"Slay the dragon." Lin Nian said as he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

That's how it should be, their conversation shouldn't be too much about affection and old things. The man said to look into the distance. Standing in front of them, even if the previous generation has not yet settled the grand destiny, the new generation of young people should put on the last wishes of their fathers, carry hot weapons, and end this long period. , tragic, the fate of too many heroes and heroes.

The Panamera continued to accelerate, and Chu Zihang felt a push on his back for a moment. Everything around him flew by. He turned to look out the window, only to find that the cars on the road were frozen in place like snails, and they were like The stationary blue ghost overtook, accelerated, cut in, and left these vehicles behind neatly.

Lin Nian's eyes were filled with gold. Spending zero time on a drag car might be overkill, but his mood today was like racing, so he didn't mind playing with this big toy. Maybe that's the only way Only as a novice driver could he depress the accelerator to the bottom without causing a car crash or death.

There is no shortage of rich people in the coastal city. The favorite sport of the rich is racing at night. They drive top-notch cars on the road at night. When they are about to let out cheers caused by adrenaline secretion, the car speeds beside them at an incredible speed. The blue phantom of the past suppressed all their voices.

It was like a subsonic cannonball fired on the city highway. The Panamera_250km/h speed almost instantly surpassed super sports cars such as Ferrari and Lamborghini with the blessing of the lowest level time zero. In Lin Nian's eyes, these are all for speed. The luxury car is like a child riding a bicycle with training wheels. The owners of luxury cars can't even see the model and license plate of the Panamera, and the red taillight disappears at the end of the street.

In the car, Chu Zihang looked at the scenery outside the window. He recalled the instructor's bragging about his experience as a racing driver during driving practice. He said that when the speed reaches a certain limit, if you look at the city neon lights and street lights outside the window, you will see There is an illusion of being separated from this world. It seems that you can reach out and touch the gap in time. It is really an emotional and sad scene to touch the regrets and beauty of the past.

As the engine roared, Chu Zihang gently wiped away the sadness under his eyes and looked at Lin Nian beside him, who had created all this madness. He even drove with one hand and held an unfinished glass of whiskey in his hand. A drunk driver's license will be revoked, but he suddenly remembered that this boy didn't seem to have a driver's license at all.

But nothing seemed to matter tonight. It was okay to do something crazy on such a special night, so he also took out the newly opened whiskey from the slot and poured a little bit of liquor into the empty glass prepared for himself. , just like that man once did, he also walked on the road that men have walked. They clinked glasses in the car at a speed of nearly 500km/h, as if they were remembering the man who also rode on this road. past.

"Welcome to the world of mixed races." Lin Nian said to him as the strong drink fell into his throat. (Drinking is prohibited while driving, unless you are of ‘S’ level descent and can never get drunk after a thousand drinks)

"He was like this before?" Even though he had seen the basement full of men's atmosphere, Chu Zihang couldn't help but ask softly.

"You mean driving a good car and drinking strong drinks? Not every mixed race has such hobbies, but if it were him, he should have done something better than what we are doing now, right?" Lin Nian drank the strong wine in the cup and put the square cup aside.

Chu Zihang took the cup away and did not continue to give him more wine. He was not sure about the boy's alcohol capacity and was afraid that he would be really drunk. But his worry was actually unnecessary. Even strong anesthetics could be passed by Lin Nian. His metabolism was accelerated and evaporated in an instant, and it was too difficult for the alcohol to anesthetize him.

"I thought you would ask me whether there really is a 'dragon clan' in this world." Lin Nian said, "But you didn't. You probably just want to know more about that man's life now, right?"

"You just mentioned the execution department? Is he from Kassel College?" Chu Zihang asked.

"Maybe, as far as I know, there are many real members of the Executive Department, not just students who have graduated from school. They are looking for qualified people from all over the world to train and use. Maybe your father was also found and recruited by the Executive Department. "Human." Lin Nian said, "His blood level is 'S' level, which also explains why he married an ordinary woman and gave birth to you, who can reach 'B' level blood. Mixed race and ordinary The union of human beings will dilute the bloodline, and the secret party has always recommended the marriage of people within the system to ensure the excellence of the bloodline, so as to stably produce excellent dragon-slaying reserves."

"Just like a stallion, it is bound to give birth to offspring with excellent value." Chu Zihang said.

"A super hybrid like your father should have been paired with an equally outstanding daughter of a hybrid family. But it's a pity that he is a maverick, so I got you."

"Is there a big difference between 'B' grade and 'S' grade?"

"Can't you really tell?" Lin Nian didn't want to answer this cruel question.

Chu Zihang turned around and realized that they were almost reaching their destination, the Regent Hotel, by the time they were talking. He even rushed through the red light and took a shortcut for half an hour to get there. It only took Lin Nian less than ten minutes to speed up. The entire car may not be able to accelerate a bullet, and this is just the tip of the iceberg of the 'S' class.

"Looking at it now, you are to ordinary people what I am to you." Lin Nian said, "Do you still remember when we were practicing swordsmanship in the Children's Palace?"

"We always tie." Chu Zihang said.

"That's what I asked you to do." Lin Nian nodded, "A real guy, you can't even stand in front of me."

Chu Zihang didn't refute, and after a moment of silence he said, "What should I do."

"How to do it?"

"Follow you and him."

Lin Nian was not curious that Chu Zihang would ask this question. This was also a question he had been thinking about for a long time. After a while, he answered: "If it were before, I would probably take the initiative to teach you some 'skills', but now that I understand I changed my mind after seeing the price of those 'skills', and now I will only recommend that you try to join the Lionheart Club after you enroll."


"An organization with a long history, our principal is also an old man of 'S' level descent and was also a member of the Lion Heart Club." Lin Nian said.

"You too?" Chu Zihang looked at him.

"No, I haven't considered joining any organization, at least for the time being." Lin Nian said, "The Lion Heart Club means nothing to me. It is more like a constraint than the benefits. You need this burden more than me to press you forward. If you perform well enough, you will be eligible to receive those benefits. I don’t want to harm you, so I need to know your true potential. .”

Sharing violent blood with Mandy was entirely because Lin Nian did not realize the danger of this technique at the time. Anger handed over the 'bloodline refining' technology to him because he believed in his potential and qualifications. After experiencing violent blood personally, he knew that he After experiencing the negative effects, he realized that the bloody words written in the parchment were almost equivalent to making a deal with the devil.

If you are strong enough, you can ignore the devil's threats and gain strength, but whenever you show your weak side, the things on the parchment will swallow you up until no bones are left.

He is willing to give Chu Zihang the key to power, but he needs to know Chu Zihang's potential and awareness.

Chu Zihang nodded and remembered the name of the Lion Heart Society, as well as the good enough conditions. What Lin Nian told him were all practical shortcuts that could achieve his goals.

"Could our target 'Jews' this time be something particularly dangerous?"

"No." Lin Nian slowly parked the Panamera on the side of the road. They had already arrived at the Regent Hotel. "It is not common for dragons to awaken. If it is confirmed, I will not be the only one to be sent, but a team of dragons will be dispatched." A well-trained army! This mission is just a case of half-breeds like you and me breaking the law."

Before Lin Nian got out of the car, he turned around and put his hand on the metal box that Chu Zihang picked up, looking directly into his eyes: "Pick up this box, your orientation training is over, you have joined the Kasetsart." Seoul College, but if you want to choose to join the executive department in the future, then I suggest you see more, learn more, and do more in this action. If you are willing, I will teach you how to become a qualified executive department specialist. Like your father."

Facing Lin Nian's gaze, Chu Zihang's eyes were full of hardness and determination. He nodded slowly and coldly and said, "Yes."

ps: The update is a bit late, but 4700 is enough for one chapter, and there are two more chapters.

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