"The next thing that will be filmed is the anonymous author's human skin book "The Blood Priest and Thirty-three Female Lambs Go to the Altar to See the Great God." This human skin book is the ultimate in biohide bookmaking technology. After DNA testing, the entire book has been confirmed. Made from the chest skin of thirty three people, the book contains 133 pages of appendices and text, totaling 100,000 words. The content is a biography. According to the seller's note, the book was unearthed during the ravages of the Black Death in the 13th century. There are a large number of bones of women and animals. If you are interested in further trading, you can meet privately after taking photos of this transaction."

"The starting price of this transaction is based on the auction price of US$330,000 in the contemporary literature "The Son of God Comes to Enlighten the World."" The trader on the stage scanned the audience and gently tapped the red wooden hammer. "The starting price is US$300,000. Each time The increase must not be less than $20,000."

Amid the din of the opera house, the auction of the fifth item tonight began. Like the previous four items, it was brought by the guests who rushed to the charity dinner. If a medieval human skin book fell into the hands of the black market or an antique dealer, such a mysterious thing would probably be thrown into the corner to gather dust without even being qualified for DNA identification.

After all, in the eyes of most people, age does not mean an increase in price. Antiques from the 13th century can only be sold at a good price if they are of good quality. It is no wonder that the saying goes, "A family with thousands of dollars is not as good as a piece of Ru Kiln" ', if what is on the stage now is not a human skin book, but a blue and white porcelain from JDZ of the Southern Song Dynasty from the same period, then the price will probably start from seven figures. After all, that thing was dug out of the skeletons during the Black Death. Guests who like the spooky won't be too tempted to buy this thing.

But obviously, there is someone in the opera house tonight who is willing to pay for such a weird thing, or everyone knows who will be the first to quote the price.

"One million." Buyer No. 66 held up a sign at the back of the opera house.

The starting price of a normal auction item will fluctuate around 30% of his transaction price. Unless there is serious looting, it will generally not exceed this limit. But buyer No. 66 obviously ignored this rule, and every time he quoted The starting price is doubled, or occasionally tripled or even quadrupled!

This scene happened for the fifth time tonight, and it still inevitably caused a moment of uproar in the opera house. Even though everyone was wealthy and wealthy, many people couldn't help but look at the boy who stood above them like a madman. It seemed that I want to find some signs of price gouging from this young man.

But in fact, every time this young man bids, he is not joking. The first four items of the trade fair have all fallen into his bag, and the total transaction price of 33 million has been nailed down with the sound of the wooden hammer. He died on this night, and no one had any reason to suspect that this young man was a 'trustee'. If he was really a 'trustee' in order to bid up a certain subsequent transaction, then it would be unavoidable for the first five bids to be used as a 'pavement'. It's too much to give up, but this situation is very rare.

If the 33 million that young people lost in just half an hour were exchanged for 100g gold bars, they could almost build a small gold mountain nearly as tall as a person on the stage. Such a huge amount of wealth would be transformed into a piece of gold while waving the number plates. This is a trading item, which makes many people who are involved in the torrent of money feel suffocated. They can't help but pull open the collar of their suit to bring more fresh air to relieve their stress.

"A million times."

"Twice a million."

"1.1 million."

Just when the trader raised the wooden hammer, someone raised the price. The sound came from VIP Room 3 on the second floor. It was obvious that the people inside believed that the human skin book was worth more and were willing to pay this price to buy it.

The VIP room No. 3 on the second floor has a single-sided glass. Looking up from the opera house, you can only see the reflection of the seats in the venue. No one knows what kind of people are sitting in the VIP room No. 3. When the price is called, the VIP room Someone used a loudspeaker, and the original sound was distorted. Of course, if you don’t like the sound, you can also apply to the organizer to customize other sounds. A grown man can also use the adjusted microphone to make sweet sounds. Female voice. This is the privilege of the VIP room, but the interesting thing is that many people can't get this boring privilege even if they break their legs.

"2.2 million." No. 66 was raised again in the opera house, doubling the price calmly.

"2.3 million." The guest in VIP Room No. 3 followed the price.

"4.6 million." Continue to double.

The people in the VIP room No. 3 fell into silence. Five seconds later, the trader started counting down. Everyone couldn't help but look up at the VIP room, expecting him to continue to raise prices. However, after waiting for a long time, there was no follow-up from inside. Probably He was thinking about whether the other party would continue to double the price if he raised the price again. In this case, his bid seemed to be maliciously raising the price.

Ten seconds later, the wooden hammer fell down after the third countdown, and "The Blood Priest and Thirty-three Female Lambs Go to the Altar to See the Great God" belonged to buyer No. 66.

A transaction originally priced at US$330,000 doubled at the time of transaction and reached a premium of ten times the original price. Is this kind of transaction really worth it? Can the young man who brings the trading items home really sleep? The expressions on many people's faces would be dull to describe with the word "splendid".

It's indeed cool to light up a mountain of banknotes to get a moment of limelight, but once or twice, it should be enough. The trade fair has just begun and you've come down to the spotlight five times in a row? May I ask whether you are the Wind Rider Al'Akir or the Giant King Yom, who likes to control the wind and rain so much?

Probably even the guests in VIP Room No. 3 are thinking about this issue. The Human Skin Book is indeed an alchemy product, and he quoted the price out of interest. For the family behind them, it would cost them several million more to expand their family. The inventory and heritage can be considered a good deal. But if the premium is too serious or they encounter a tough bidder, as they are now, they have to think carefully about whether it is worth it to continue bidding.

In the eyes of these people, the amount in a bank account is just a number, a number that supports the normal flow of the entire family. It doesn't matter more or less. They have a fixed yardstick in their minds when measuring something. , although money is an extraneous thing, it must be spent wisely.

If an item is not worth its due price, they will give up, instead of stubbornly bidding for the so-called 'limelight' and 'temper'. After all, once the numbers flowing in the account are out of balance, it will also cause some short-term consequences to the family. A little trouble, although the standard of imbalance is generally more than nine figures, avoiding this situation always requires a certain degree of restraint and rationality.

Therefore, this also led to the strange scene tonight where the first five items that were dispensable in the hearts of real buyers were all bought by one person with excessive bidding.

What is the origin of the buyer of plate No. 66?

This idea came to almost everyone's mind. Many people wanted to check the background of the young man with a neat suit and a calm but domineering face. But unfortunately, this is the venue of the organizer, and all the information about the guests It's all confidential, unless someone has the guts to go back and post a photo of that young man, and send it out for people to check slowly. But this kind of behavior will obviously cause public outrage in the current environment, and no one would think of it. was photographed on such occasions.

Of course, this will not prevent a group of people from thinking that this young man is here to cause trouble, but now it seems that the organizer, who has always been strong-armed, will not take this issue into consideration - until now, the organizer of the fifth trading item has not made any attempts66 This means that every time the other party raises a placard, the bank account balance hanging behind the number placard is completely enough to support the amount of these five transactions!

The other party really came here to buy the five trading items.

Now it’s the fifth one, what about the sixth one? What about the seventh item? It's impossible for him to buy all the trading items tonight, right? Did buyer No. 66 really think this was a year-end promotion to clear his shopping cart? With a big wave of my hand, I carried all the things that were brought up on stage today and took them home. Whether they were useful or not, they were put in the warehouse to gather dust.

Everyone thinks so, no matter the people in the opera house, the people in the VIP room, or even the original owner of No. 66.

In fact, all of them really thought it through. If there are no accidents, there is a high probability that all the trading items tonight will fall into Lin Nian's hands.

No, to be precise, it should be in the hands of the Kassel College Executive Department.

All alchemical products are dangerous to a certain extent, and all products of dragon civilization should be recycled by the secret party for use or hidden deep. This is the iron law of the Executive Department.

There have been many repeated incidents in history that prove that once alchemical products are excavated and used by interested parties, large-scale riots, panic and even terrorist incidents will inevitably occur. This also represents the danger of dragon civilization.

Tonight, Lin Nian was not maliciously disrupting the order of the transaction or losing his mind. As long as the transaction items were carried onto the stage of the opera house tonight, they were all labeled by the execution department and were not allowed to fall into the hands of any unknown person. Someone. They will also say that your Kassel College has become the world’s policeman, right?

If you really say that, Kassel College seems to be the world's police. If you are not convinced, you can just pick up the knife and chop up the bratty guy holding the '66' number plate. After the chop, there will be a guy wearing a suit and combing silver. The old guy with the head and the whole secret party are waiting for you to chop them off. It won’t be too late for everyone to come back and talk about the World Police once you chop them all off.

Lin Nian's simplest solution tonight could actually be to directly control the field, kill a few people to establish his authority, and temporarily become a terrorist. However, as the trade fair progressed, he keenly noticed some special details and found that flipping the table would also It's not that the best solution just happened, it was just a coincidence that there was a better solution around him today than drawing a knife to rob.

The owner of plate No. 66, Shao Yifeng, is the legal heir of the Black Prince Group and the rich second generation known as Mr. Shao in the world.

The little fat man sat dumbfounded throughout the whole process, watching items being moved down the stage one by one, and then moved up again. Then he was photographed by the boy holding his number plate next to him, so things were moved down again, and new ones continued to be brought up. He It was as if I could hear the echo of the torrent of money pouring into an invincible pit behind the number plate, and my heart felt so cold.

"The Black Prince Group is really rich." Beside him, Wan Boqian couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.


This was the first time Shao Yifeng hated his family for being so rich.

Can Mr. Shao not have money?

Behind Mr. Shao’s distinguished 66 number plate is the company account of the Black Prince Group!

Mr. Shao quietly shed tears in the seat. The company's corporate account generally cannot be used to swipe credit cards for consumption and other activities. But the organizer's approach is very fucking wild. They don't care at all whether your number plate registration account is What type? They just need to know whether you actually have the capital to complete the charity transaction and repay the amount of the party. Once you take pictures and are not prepared to pay, the organizer will always have a way to scrape a thick layer of fat from you. .

The current market value of the Black Prince Group is about 40 to 50 billion. In these years, this level of consortium is already considered a leader. No matter how much money is in the bank account that Shao Yifeng linked to, it is equivalent to linking the entire Black Prince Group. As long as the amount that Lin Nian raises a sign to bid for tonight is within the value of the entire group, the organizer will accept the account and obediently package the transaction items and send them to the downstairs of the Black Prince Group Company. As for the issue of subsequent transfers

It was you, Shao Yifeng, who bought these junk things. What does it have to do with me, Lin Nian? (At least that's what he thought)

Damn it, why?

Shao Yifeng stared at Lin Nian with a look that was somewhere between a father-killing enemy and a sad woman with a gambling addiction. Why were his eyes filled with tears? It was because he loved this man deeply.

ps: There is also

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