The blood is red, and the blood dripping from the mouth of the severed limb is like lingering rain, falling in a low and long wailing sound, falling endlessly, red constantly, gathering on the ground to form a unique dark shadow. The red mirror reflected the frightened eyes of everyone in the opera house, and the knife in the boy's hand was reflected in the eyes. The blade reflected the people walking out of the second floor again.

She walked out of the darkness again in the light of the sword. Her steps were slow. The mercenaries holding down their guns looked at her, like teeth that had been hollowed out, numb. The petite woman's unchanging expression was reflected in the light. When looking at his face and eyes, the cool waves contained within still blew through the entire scene like the wind, causing a frightening ache in the numb cavities.

Paco looked dull and walked down the blood-stained stairs. No one dared to point a gun at her anymore. Now is the time for adults to talk. Children should play with their toy guns in the corner instead of putting them to death. Pointing guns at adults and making ridiculous and meaningless threats.

Lin Nian watched Paco walk all the way to the infield of the opera house. When her feet stepped on a pool of blood on the floor, blood spattered until her trousers were stained red, she stepped on her own body and appeared on the final stage tonight.

"Why don't you go and eat Xiao Xiao's liver and intestines if you are so diligent in stealing your food?" Lin Nian said suddenly beside her.

"Who is the locust, who is the thief, and who is Xiaoxiao?" Paco obviously understood the boy's sarcasm and passed by Lin Nian. His expression was fearful but not nervous, as if everything was still under control, walking slowly Walk down the aisle to the stage.

"Hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities to act, and committing banditry, what else can this be but Xiaoxiao?" Lin Nian asked. He walked behind Paco, his pace was neither hasty nor slow, and he held the sheathed chrysanthemum in his hand. He didn't show any intention of getting out of his sheath, "You could have escaped. Kamaitachi didn't find you, and I most likely couldn't either, but you are still standing in front of me now."

"You planned the entire trading party and attracted all kinds of monsters and monsters, but in the end, what did you get? This is the only thing I didn't understand tonight." Lin Nian said, "But now I can understand that you Isn’t the reason why you chose to appear instead of running away when the situation got worse is that the real purpose of your organizers has not yet been achieved?”

"That's smart, but unfortunately I don't have any candy for you." Paco said.

The organizer hiding behind the scenes finally appeared, but in a very subtle way. Paco's two previous resurrections from the dead turned what was supposed to be a 'suppression' into a 'negotiation'. She took advantage of her irritability. The mercenaries told Lin Nian that there was no point in killing her and imprisoning her. No matter how strong Lin Nian's skills were, or how fast Setsuna and Time Zero were, it would be of no use to her. She would naturally be able to die twice. Die a third time.

Lin Nian wanted to know more, so he could only calm down and talk to her for a few words, find out the secret of Paco's resurrection from the observation, and then really arrest her.

"There will be no eunuchs and no gangsters in the world. We were born to respond to the world and come to save it." Paco stepped onto the stage step by step. The spotlight fell on her body, as if she was covered in silver. Wearing new clothes, he turned to look at Lin Nian and said expressionlessly, "Tell me, the final winner tonight, what do you want to know? As the toughest person, you are entitled to get part of the truth."

"Who are you? What is the purpose of holding a trading party? What is the connection between the leeches in the jar and 'eternal life'?" Since Paco asked Lin Nian to ask, Lin Nian also asked his question very simply. But he didn't expect to get an answer either.

Paco stood on the edge of the display table in the center of the stage. Paco looked calmly at the shadow behind the display table until the red-haired girl hiding behind became embarrassed and slowly moved out and stepped aside. She stood satisfied again. Behind the display stand, he pressed his hands gently on it, looking at Lin Nian who was also on the stage through the giant leech jar: "Answer your answer, in return will you let me leave here?"

"The Enforcement Department never makes deals with criminals. We only deceive criminals, get what we want after gaining the other party's trust, and then shoot them in the head." Lin Nian said.

"It's so cold-blooded." Paco smiled coldly, "Everything that appeared here tonight will be confiscated by you, right?"

"Calling ordinary people to collect items related to dragon civilization, this alone is enough to blow your head several times." Lin Nian said lightly.

"But I'm curious where these things will end up after you confiscate them?" Paco stretched out his hand and pressed it on the top of the jar, staring at the yellow and green leeches inside.

“Everything will naturally be under the strictest supervision,” Lin Nian said.

"No, no, no, no." Paco shook his head and stared at the giant leech in the jar, "Only this thing won't do it. The ice cellar is indeed a good place, and the alchemy mercury matrix is ​​also very deterrent. But it is the only thing that is not qualified to keep it. .”

Both Wan Boqian and Lin Nian's expressions were confused. Paco had already made people suspicious when she called out Lin Nian's name. Now, the word "ice cellar" came out of her mouth. It was obvious that the other party knew about Ka. Searle College exists and has a certain in-depth understanding of it.

In Lin Nian's memory, the underground ice cellar of Kassel College was probably a place like a nuclear arsenal, hiding dangerous alchemical items from all over the world - this is well known in the college, but the specific defense measures of the ice cellar A mercury pool imitating the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor was used to construct an unbreakable alchemical matrix, but few people knew this confidential information.

It happened that Lin Nian's authority was 'S' level. He was lucky enough to read the confidential information about the ice cellar and learned about these secrets. After inhumane defense measures such as electrostatic fields and laser channels, he finally sealed the collection of living alchemical mercury. The matrix is ​​the real killer move, but why can Paco tell the most critical part of defense in the ice cellar in one word?

"Because some of us have gone in." Paco answered the doubts in the eyes of Wan Boqian and Lin Nianshui very simply, "In the words of the 'Emperor', it is simply a garbage dump. Useful and useless things are all stuffed in. , the fakes and genuine ones are even mixed and placed in a set, so that their real owners will probably laugh out loud when they see them.”

"It's not a funny joke to enter the ice cellar privately. Just based on what you said just now, if being bitten to death is true, then you and the forces behind you will be enough to earn the unrelenting hostility of the entire European secret party." Lin Nian said calmly.

He didn't ask in depth about the existence of the word 'emperor', because after chatting too much with people who like to play riddles, he felt that most of the time he asked the other person, he would only guess a riddle for himself.

"Are you making enemies of the entire European Secret Party? It sounds very challenging, but if you want to make enemies, you have to know who your enemies are." Paco said with a faint smile, "The one ten meters to my left belongs to your school. The lackeys under the Board of Trustees are filming my face with a button camera and uploading it to your college's secretary 'Norma' database for facial matching in the suspect file, but I am still not hiding, I am showing up openly. Being in front of you means that I am not afraid of you finding out who I am."

When Wan Boqian was named out of the school board of directors, Wan Boqian's expression changed slightly, but Lin Nian's expression remained unchanged. He was not surprised that Wan Boqian was a member of the school board of directors. This task should have been carried out by him alone. Later, Wan Boqian and the middle-aged man who claimed to be the logistics department of the executive department were forced into the school by the school board of directors. They had nothing to do with the group of powerful school directors.

"Please don't get me wrong. Pointing out the ice cellar in your college is not a demonstration to the European secret party behind you. I am just stating one fact and using another fact to bring authority and reliability to the fact I want to state. Sex." Paco said lightly, "Your ice cellar is not qualified and will never have the opportunity to store something like this in front of me."

Lin Nian's eyes returned to the giant leech in the jar. In the end, the topic returned to the original point, the eye of the storm tonight, transaction item No. 22.

"'Eternal life', 'gift'. No matter what it is called or what gimmick it is, mixed race and ordinary people will be attracted by your sweet words. It is impossible for you to hope that I will believe your nonsense like them." ?" Lin Nian looked into Paco's eyes through the jar.

"Why can't you believe it?" Paco said calmly, "Why do you think that the school board sent spies to intervene in this task to monitor you? With Hilbert Jean Angers' guarantee, no one in the secret party dares to do anything to you. Get suspicious and they come to you for other things that should be taken for granted.”

Lin Nian finally frowned, his expression changed slightly, and he looked at Wan Boqian.

Wan Boqian didn't reply to Lin Nian's gaze, she just lowered her head in silence and avoided looking.

Seeing his reaction, Paco nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone is here for the same purpose. Why do you think those old guys on the school board are immune? They are like hyenas, always looking for fresh flesh and blood. Chase and intercept!"

"What is the real use of leeches?" Lin Nian asked.

"It involves very complicated alchemy and bloodline." When Paco started to speak, she noticed that Lin Nian raised his hand to tell her to shut up. She paused and realized that the other party did not ask her at all. She looked back and was stared at by Lin Nian not far away. The girl chuckled for no reason and shut up.

After a few seconds of silence, Wan Boqian finally spoke and revealed some secrets that she was not supposed to know.

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