"What is 1+1?" Yelena asked sitting in front of the little boy.

"2." The little boy replied firmly, but couldn't help but look to his side for the countless times.

Next to Elena and the little boy is a warm burning fireplace. Two cups of fragrant hot milk are kept at a constant temperature by the fire. The pale white sweet water vapor rises from the mouth of the cup, and is reflected on the gray stone of the fireplace. There were shallow marks on the face.

The crackling sound of burning wood sounded in the library, like countless bubbles exploding. It was delicate and dense, and it was inexplicably comforting. Hidden under the crackling sound was the ubiquitous cold wind in the Arctic Circle outside the port. Howling, the glass was covered with frost, and the heavy snow was blown by the wind across the black port area, like silhouettes walking silently one after another. The whistling wind was their noisy footsteps and breathing.

"Hey, pay attention." Elena clapped her hands, attracting the little boy's eyes back, and fell on her plain white face under her blond hair. It might be because of the fire that her snow-like skin looked like The red apples have grown, and they are smooth and smooth, making people want to take a bite.

"A little sleepy." The little boy yawned slightly, exhaling white mist from his mouth. He tried very hard to open his eyelids. The warm fire shining on his face was like hanging weights on his eyelids. The hotter the weight became, the heavier the weight became. My whole body felt limp under the warmth provided by the burning firewood, and I wanted to lie down on the wool blanket with my knees on my knees and curl up together to rest.

"Don't be sleepy!" Elena took a glass of milk and swung it under the little boy's nose. The sweet smell instantly made his eyes widen slightly, and then his cheeks were pulled gently to both sides.


"As soon as it hurts, you will feel better." Yelena let go of her hand and slapped the little boy on the forehead, "Continue to listen to the question, what is 1+2?"

"3." said the little boy.

"Yelena, well, although I am stupid, I am not stupid to this extent," he said again after a moment.

"I know." Elena nodded, "Then let's go directly from kindergarten to advanced class. What is 1+2?"

"It's still 3." The little boy was puzzled.

"No, no, no, 1+2 is now equal to 1." Elena shook her head, "In addition, 15+15 is also equal to 1, and 12+12 is also equal to 1."


"It's up to you to answer me why." Yelena shrugged, "You have to find a way to make these calculations true and make 1+2 equal to 1."

"I don't know." The little boy tried his best to think, but in the end he shook his head dejectedly, "1+2 is obviously equal to 3."

"No, 1+2 equals 1 under certain circumstances!" Yelena emphasized, "Although it seems impossible at first glance, 1+2 can indeed equal 1 under certain circumstances!"

"I really don't know, Yelena, I want to drink milk." The little boy looked down at the hot milk by the fire and swallowed quietly.

"You can drink it after you answer it." Elena took a sip of her own milk, leaving white foam on her lips. She noticed that the little boy was staring at her face, and then she realized and raised her hand to use it. Sleeves wiped.

The little boy thought hard again, but still shook his head in frustration: "I can't answer."

"Hey." Elena put down the milk, "15+15 can equal 1, 12+12 can also equal 1, of course 1+2 can also equal 1, this is the law of nature."

"." The little boy hugged his knees and stopped talking.

Elena had no choice but to scratch her golden hair, sighed, stood up, hugged him gently, and handed the milk into his hand: "Drink."

The little boy took the milk and started drinking it. He was like a ruthless milk-drinking machine. Yelena looked at the little guy with her mouth bulging and her chin held up, and she couldn't help but sigh: "What a little bastard. "

The shadows of the two children in the library were stretched out by the fire on the ceiling. They sat opposite each other quietly, solemnly like the ancient prophecies in the murals.

Genius is bright, everything is at the intersection of light and darkness.

United Airlines flight UA836 to Chicago passed above the clouds. The red beacon light dyed the sea of ​​clouds into a shocking red. The red was mixed with the black in the gaps in the clouds. It reminded people of the Red Beach in Liaoning. In the other three seasons, the sea is as blue as the sky, but in autumn it is dyed red because of the Suaeda grass. It looks like a sea made of blood, which makes people feel awe.

Chu Zihang sat by the porthole and looked quietly at the Red Sea outside the window. It was still three hours before arriving in Chicago on the other side of the ocean. The sky was still dark and the Boeing 747 cut through the clouds above the Arctic Circle like a giant bird. It is also like an icebreaker traveling in the clouds, leaving shallow wounds in the thick clouds.

Everything is cold, and the clouds seem to be frozen. There may be polar bears looking up at them, and there is a dead seal under their feet. The cruelty of nature is unfolding on the ice sheet. They are sitting among the clouds. Passengers on board are like gods passing by. They don’t even bother to look downward, and just curl up in their own warm place and take a nap comfortably.

Perhaps because he thought he was thinking too much, Chu Zihang, who was standing by the porthole, finally slowly withdrew his gaze, calmed down the restless thoughts in his mind, and raised his hand to press the flight attendant call button.

After a while, the female flight attendant walked into the first class cabin, came to his side, raised her hand to reset the call button, lowered her head and asked softly what he needed.

"Thank you for a cup of hot milk." Chu Zihang also said in a low voice to the flight attendant beside him.

"Two cups, two cups of hot milk in total, thank you." Behind the flight attendant, the khaki curtain of the soft sleeper seat on the other side of the aisle was opened, and the passenger inside added with a slight yawn.

The flight attendant nodded slightly, turned around and left. Chu Zihang looked across the aisle at Lin Nian who had just woken up and said, "Did I accidentally wake you up?"

"I woke up a long time ago. I don't know why I can't fall asleep even if I close my eyes. When I heard you order a glass of milk, I suddenly wanted to drink one." Lin Nian glanced at Chu Zihang and said.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

"Why do you ask."

"Usually people wake up early when they have nightmares and are afraid to continue sleeping." Chu Zihang said, "I heard that the human brain secretes hormones after nightmares, causing people to wake up excessively and never fall asleep again."

"Do you often have nightmares?" Lin Nian turned his head and looked at him.

"Sometimes." Chu Zihang lowered his eyes.

"Aren't you going to do it now?"

Chu Zihang did not answer, but Lin Nian quietly got the answer after he came to his senses slightly. He woke up early because of a dream, but Chu Zihang woke up earlier than him. This can only mean that the other party also had a nightmare. .

"I only knew that yawning was contagious, but I didn't expect that dreaming could be contagious," Lin Nian said. "I heard that when two people touch their index fingers together while dreaming, they can connect to each other's dreams and invite others to be guests in their dreams."

"Then who entered whose dream?" Chu Zihang said.

Young Lin smacked his mouth slightly, as if he was asked by Chu Zihang's sharp question, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Sorry." Chu Zihang seemed to realize that he was chatting to death again.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just looking for something to talk about."

But after a while, Lin Nian suddenly said: "Why is 1+2 equal to 1?"

Chu Zihang was silent for a while and then said, "A unit problem?"


"Usually 1+1 is one thing plus another thing, so the answer is 2, but if it's 1 man plus a woman, maybe you can get the answer equal to 3." Chu Zihang thought for a while and analyzed.

Lin Nian was stunned for a while and thought about it carefully and found that it seemed to make sense, so he continued to ask, "Why is 15+15 also equal to 1? In the same way, 12+12 is also equal to 1, and 6+6 is also equal to 1."

Perhaps because the numbers are gradually becoming similar, Chu Zihang's thinking speed was obviously faster this time: "12 hours plus 12 hours equals 24 hours, 15 days plus 15 days equals 1 month, 6 months Adding 6 months equals 1 year? In the same way, 30+30 equals 1 minute.”

"It seems to make sense." Lin Nian nodded thoughtfully, "What about 1+2?"

"One child plus two parents equals one family." Chu Zihang said subconsciously, but he paused for a moment and realized that his answer was too subjective. He shook his head and said, "There are many possibilities for this answer. This is just One of them, if you answer the following questions based on similarities, it should be 1 month plus 2 months equals 1 quarter."

"Maybe this is just one answer." Lin Nian said.

Chu Zihang looked at Lin Nian and seemed to realize that the other party suddenly asked him this question. He didn't have anything to do in his spare time. He wanted to test his brain. It was very likely that this question was related to the nightmare that the other party had. But what kind of nightmare could come to the brain? A sharp turn?

Despite his doubts, Chu Zihang still didn't ask. He turned to look at the scenery outside the porthole and fell into the silence of waiting for milk.

On the other side of the aisle, after asking the question, Lin Nian folded his hands and turned his head to look out the window. The sky in the Arctic Circle was very clean, as blue as the frozen lake. When the blue reached the other side of the sky, another unknown person appeared. Regular puddles, shining with silvery waves - that's the moon. People staring at the moon are like fishermen watching fish through ice water.

Everyone saw something different from the ice pit. Some saw groups of sturgeons, while others saw black whale sharks hiding in huge shadows. There was really no need for them to tell each other what they heard and saw. , fishermen on the ice sheet will nod silently when they meet each other, and will never be rude to peek into the fish bucket in each other's hand.

When the flight attendant delivered the two glasses of milk to Chu Zihang and Lin Nian, the two ended their icy silence. The hands holding the milk were filled with warmth, and the coldness of sleep hypothermia followed. After a mouthful of milk, he was dispelled.

Both of them couldn't help but shiver and exhale. When they heard each other's exhalation, they couldn't help but look at each other with a faint smile on their lips.

"Since I can't sleep, let's talk about some things about admission in advance. Cassel College and other schools have different educational purposes, so the style of study will naturally be different. There are a few points that you may need to pay attention to." Lin Nian finished his drink. Half the milk was placed on the baffle of the seat and held in hands to keep warm.

Chu Zihang held the milk and looked sideways at Lin Nian without saying a word. His focused expression showed that he had been listening.

"First of all, the goal of the college is to slay the dragon. You know this, and you probably already believe it, so I won't go into details. It can save most students from the first crisis of trust in the college. A lucky thing. I have to thank your father for this." Lin Nian looked at Chu Zihang and said, "But before I say it, what happened to you and your father on the elevated road that night must be kept confidential. Don't talk nonsense. If you make a mistake, it may cause you a lot of trouble."

"I know." Chu Zihang nodded, but after a few seconds of silence, he asked, "Is that 'thing' on the elevated road the same?"

"I don't know." Lin Nian said, "He claims to be a god. He says that he is the Nordic god Odin. But in Nordic mythology, Odin is Nidhogg's mortal enemy. But in the education we have received, The oldest civilization in the world has always only had the dragon clan, and there is no so-called Nordic god system, so now Odin’s identity is in doubt and we cannot easily draw a conclusion.”

"Why did He find us?" Chu Zihang asked his biggest doubt.

"I don't know either, but that's why you can't reveal this matter to anyone." Lin Nian said lightly, "We are already deeply involved in this ball of wool. Once the matter itself is publicized, some People will do whatever it takes to sort out this ball of yarn and get the benefits from it, and they will most likely solve the problem by cutting it all off or burning it all down, but don’t forget that we ourselves are still deep in the ball of yarn and can’t help ourselves.”

"I understand." Chu Zihang nodded.

"Since we can reach a consensus on this aspect, it's easy to talk about." Lin Nian also nodded, "Before arriving at Hilltop College, I will share with you some of the rules of survival in the college."

Chu Zihang paused, then immediately sat up straight, turned sideways, his face became serious, and he seemed to be listening attentively.

ps: There is also

ps: 30+30 is equal to one minute! I made a mistake! Stop laughing at me in this paragraph review!

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