Lancelot hit the wall.

First his back touched the wall, and then the back of his head hit the hollow wall with a bang. His whole brain was confused. If it had been a solid wall, his afternoon dental appointment would have been postponed, and he would have to go to the brain department for a brain CT first. Check for concussion or intracranial bleeding.

Five seconds was Lancelot's record.

In fact, in the second second, Lancelot was already beaten unconscious. When he was first hit by a bamboo sword on his forehead, his eyes were no longer filled with those burning golden eyes, which were dark. In the middle of the scene, all he could hear was the terrifying sound of wind coming towards him. After blindly blocking a few false moves, he was kicked and flew to the wall, where he fell down.

At this time, Lancelot fell to the ground and could no longer get up. He coughed violently and clutched the clothes on his chest, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs. His eyes were red from choking, and he rolled twice. It failed to relieve the pain, until Mandy couldn't stand it anymore and ran over to give him a hand and help him rub his back.

"Come back next time, there is a one-month buffer period." Lin Nian put away his bamboo sword, glanced at Lancelot and said, "You can watch the battle, but you can't make any noise or disturb others."

People from the Lionheart Club and the Student Union were whispering, and looked at Lancelot from time to time. Their eyes were not contemptuous or derogatory, because this scene was simply not too normal. It was like this for everyone's first time. They didn't know how to lose. Loser, few people can survive the seven-second threshold on their first appearance.

Because the threshold of seven seconds means that you can truly pass two moves with the 'S' class, instead of being instantly defeated. Only those who are truly qualified to fight can stay in this 'club' and learn from each other and grow. Prepare for real combat with real swords and guns when entering the execution department.

"Okay, okay, I didn't get beaten too badly." Mandy dragged Lancelot back to his original position, watching him gradually regain his breathing rhythm and stop coughing, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"." Lancelot has not come back to his senses until now. It seems that he can't believe his tragic defeat. Although he has been mentally prepared for a hard fight, this is not a 'hard fight', it is just an instant kill. There is no strength to fight back.

"It's normal to feel some frustration. Who among the students in the school in the past few years has not been beaten by his junior brother? You are relatively good. Some girls were beaten to tears and even kicked out by their junior brother with a bad face." Man Man Ti looked at Lancelot's confused expression and comforted him, "Don't be in a hurry if you want to join the club. Come back next month."

"Club?" Lancelot had heard this word from the mouth of the student union cadre before, but he was too busy to ask. He didn't even know there was a club here, but he got one inexplicably. Hit.

"You don't know?" Mandy glanced at him, "Then what are you doing here?"

"The Lionheart Club has something to do with him." Lancelot pointed at Chu Zihang, who was not far away and finally got up from the ground to rest.

Looking at Chu Zihang who stood in front of Lin Nian again and held the bamboo sword, his golden eyes were still shining despite being bruised and exhausted to the limit, Mandy finally reacted, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? How could you do it at this point?" Most of us who came here thought we wanted to join the club, and we were still wondering why freshmen came here."

"What does this club do?" Lancelot asked, looking down at Chu Zihang who pounced on Lin Nian again.

"Fight Club, but I prefer to call it Beating Club." Mandy looked at Chu Zihang who was moving and dodging like crazy with his sword, "It evolved from an incident that my junior brother did before. It can be regarded as a real combat enthusiast." The purpose of the gathering place is that there will be more bloodshed during peacetime and no bloodshed during wartime.”

"Do you know the dangerous tasks of the Executive Department? Most of the people here who enter the Executive Department after graduation will face the situation of fighting dangerous hybrids. The most deadly thing about dangerous hybrids is bloodline suppression. In the opponent's golden eyes, You can't even draw out your gun under Lin Nian's gaze." Mandy looked at Chu Zihang who was pacing hard under Lin Nian's golden eyes, but in the end he was kicked in the ankle, whipped out with a bamboo sword and rolled on the floor. Said, "The only way to solve this problem is to gain a lot of actual combat experience and experience fighting when being suppressed by blood. And everyone here is basically of 'A' level blood. If you want to experience this feeling, you can only find The next step up to a super hybrid.”

"That is to say, everyone present is basically the best group of people in actual combat in the academy." Lancelot reacted, and his expression changed slightly when he looked at the students in the gym.

"The 'S' class is really a good person who is willing to spare time for sparring." Lancelot whispered, looking at Lin Nian in the field with eyes full of admiration and conviction.

"You will know if he is good or not when you are lucky enough to survive ten seconds and pay the dues to join the club." Hearing Lancelot's emotion, Mandy patted his shoulder and smiled.

"Membership fee...?" Lancelot was stunned.

"If you want to be beaten, you have to queue up. After joining the club, you can be beaten at least three times a day, and you will be personally guided by the 'S' class in actual combat. The disadvantage is that you are easy to die suddenly in actual combat. The membership fee is 3,000 US dollars per month. It can be paid online. We support cash, no credit allowed." Mandy said quietly.

"Does 3,000 US dollars allow me to spar with the 'S' class at least three times a day?" Lancelot suddenly raised his head and his eyes flashed with emotion, "The 'S' class is so conscientious!"

"Brother, do you have a brain problem?" Mandy tilted her head and stared at Lancelot and sighed, "Forget it. Most of the people who can come here have a brain problem, and they are so happy to spend money and get beaten."

"But aren't you here, senior sister?" Lancelot looked at Mandy.

"Me?" Mandy paused, with a troubled expression on her face, "Do you think I want to be here?"

"Senior sister." In the middle of the field, Chu Zihang flew out again. Lin Nian turned to look at Mandy, "It's your turn."

"I have a stomach ache."

After being called, Mandy stood up, turned around and left stiffly.

She walked quickly towards the door of the dojo, and suddenly her eyes flashed, and she found that she was back beside Lancelot. Her eyebrows almost flew up in shock. She stepped forward again, only to end up back to the same place in fragments, as if she had never been there before. Just like stepping on it.

Lin Nian stood in the middle of the field and looked at her with his hands folded, the golden pupils in his eyes burning, as if he wanted to see how many times she would try before giving up.

After trying a few more times, Mandy finally accepted her fate and said, "Junior brother, you are so boring!"

Lancelot looked confused and didn't understand what was going on. Mandy turned towards Lin Nian with a look of sorrow and despair, rolled up her sleeves and prepared to die generously with grief and indignation on her face.

"Instead of running away, did you choose to approach me? It seems that you, senior sister, are ready to wake up." Lin Nian said seriously as he looked at Mandy who was walking in front of him.

"You pissed me off! Bad Junior Brother!"

Mandy suddenly let out a strange scream and flew up to give Lin Nian a kick. Lin Nian raised his hand and grabbed her ankle and pulled her back. She fell to the ground in a beautiful one-touch horse!

Lin Nian raised his eyebrows and bumped into him with his knees. Unexpectedly, Mandy nimbly fell sideways and fell flat on the ground in a split-horse position. He then put his hands on the ground and spun around to perform a Crane Spin Kick. passed.

"Are you finally willing to lose weight? Before, it was hard for you to sit up even when you were sitting upright."

Lin Nian stepped back a few steps to avoid this fierce counterattack. Lancelot on the side also looked back slightly, not expecting Mandy to be able to fight unexpectedly.

"Farewell!" Mandy forced Lin Nian back and then turned over and did not choose to attack. Instead, she turned around and continued running away without hesitation, with a clear purpose.


Lin Nian rolled his eyes and caught up with her in three steps. He reached out to grab her shoulders, but the other party fell to the ground and wrapped her legs around Lin Nian's legs. He twisted around and tried to press Lin Nian. Nian fell to his knees.

Lin Nian directly pressed down on her and punched her. Mandy was so frightened that she let go of her legs and rolled away for several meters. The floor was shaken with a loud bang and almost cracked. She avoided this attack. After the punch, she rolled forward again, stood up and ran towards the door without forgetting her original intention.

The club members on the side looked at Mandy's playing style thoughtfully, and no one showed contempt, because they all knew that even though Mandy played very embarrassingly, she had indeed survived seven or eight games with ease. Seconds have passed. Even if he is knocked down now, ten seconds have passed. When encountering a dangerous hybrid, it is the most correct idea to run away if you can't beat him.

"Junior brother, please let me go! I told you that my graduation internship was in logistics, not field service! There is no need for anti-beating training!"

Mandy ran and screamed like a pig, but she was kicked by Lin Nian and fell to the ground. She fell to the ground and rolled over her shoulders to relieve her pressure. Still unable to fight back, she continued to run around in the field with her head in her arms. .

Every time Lin Nian sped up and pounced on the guy, he was prepared to be beaten. He used his strength to roll around on the ground, and was beaten everywhere like a rolling gourd. His hand was so slippery when he grabbed his wrist. It was like touching a loach. This urinary guy actually applied cooking oil on his wrists in advance!

Lancelot on the sidelines could only look at Mandy with his mouth twitching in the crowd. His golden hair was draped behind his back and was as flat as a flying flag, but this guy just managed to hold on for ten years. In seconds, he doubled his previous record.

But in the end Mandy was caught by Lin Nian, who grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to the ground. Her back was so painful that she begged for mercy, "Lost! Lost! Lost!"

"Eighteen seconds." The student who was keeping time said as he looked at his watch.

Many people in the entire club showed admiration, and a few even clapped.

"." Lin Nian also let Mandy go with a headache. The guy got up and ran, rolled to his seat and sat down neatly, whistling and looking away.

At the end of the month, this golden retriever senior sister will have to report to the executive department to go out for internship. It is worth mentioning that her internship time coincides with her birthday. He also changed his ways during this period. I want Mandy to have some ability to protect herself, but it seems that the other party is not very interested, or the skills are all focused on escaping. Whenever she fights with him, she will oil her soles. Unless she uses joint skills, it is really difficult to catch her. easy.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad to continue like this, but taking a few steps back and running away if you can’t fight is at least a wise choice. At least Lin Nian’s golden eyes widened to intimidate her, but she didn’t even look at her. It's quite amazing that he completely ignores the mental suppression of the 'S' class while running away.

"It's up to you." Lin Nian sighed. He sincerely hoped that Mandy could save a few more hands and successfully avert danger during the internship. This was the only thing he could do.

Chu Zihang, who was resting on his stomach outside the court, got up again. Just as he was about to walk into the court, Lin Nian waved to him and said, "You can come here first today."

"I can continue." Chu Zihang whispered, his hair was completely wet and shiny with sweat, and his whole body was as steamy as if he had taken a bath.

"I know, but before that you go and take care of your affairs." Lin Nian glanced at Lancelot beside Mandy. It was obvious that he had been distracted and heard their lowered conversation.

Lancelot also stood up at this time, looked at the scarred Chu Zihang and nodded. The latter was silent for a while before putting down the bamboo sword in his hand and walked towards the door of the corridor.

"You, come up."

When Chu Zihang and Lancelot walked out, Lin Nian also pointed at the gymnastics director of the student union. The other person stood up excitedly. The ministers beside him sighed, as if he wished that he, a woman, could be beaten first.

The gymnastics director flexed his muscles and quickly walked into the venue. He bowed respectfully and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he lit up his golden eyes with all his strength and prepared for the next one-sided ravage. But at this time she However, he found that Lin Nian did not rush over with a deliberate punch like before, but turned to look at the two figures leaving the door.

"President?" The gymnastics director tried to shout.

"Oh, sorry."

Only then did Lin Nian come to his senses. He turned his head and launched a roundhouse kick that sent the female minister's hands flying into the air. He flew backwards three meters, and was forced to do a backhand jump to stabilize himself. His body was distorted, and when he stood up straight, his arms were all red. It hurt so much that tears almost came out, but his taut face was still very determined.

"." He really shouldn't have reminded him, the gymnastics director thought to himself as his hands were numb and he looked at Lin Nian who was walking closer with a grimace.

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