When Chu Zihang rushed into the gymnasium, he saw Lin Nian slowly standing up from the ground. The black scales on his body melted away like the first snow seeing the sun, and slowly penetrated under the skin like life. The wounds left behind did not bleed but quietly After closing it, the rain washed over the skin and took away all traces.


Chu Zihang took the initiative to take a few steps back and stretched out his hand to stop Caesar and others behind him. When Caesar looked at each other in confusion, he did not take the initiative to get out of the way. Instead, he waited until Lin Nian showed no signs of abnormality before letting go of his hand and walking away. Go in.

He was not sure whether Caesar and others knew the inside story of the bloody incident. If they saw this scene without knowing it, they would probably regard Lin Nian as a monster. He did not want to see that scene.

Caesar jumped over Chu Zihang and quickly walked into the stadium. At a glance, he saw the god squatting in the mud and debris. The white-gold robe was in tatters. His right arm was missing. A rule A round shape appeared on her body, spreading from the right side to the heart.

The god was only injured once from beginning to end, and this injury almost killed him. The whole body was like a piece of ham that had been ripped out. From the front, you could directly see the scenery behind, if it weren't for the fact that some bones and flesh were not still connected. , He has basically been broken in half.

"If I want to kill you, I can only use a surprise attack and kill you with one blow." Lin Nian stood up from the ground and looked down at the gods in the distance in the heavy rain. "This sentence is not for you, but for us. The sniper said that."

"You have a physical body, but you also have some way of evading physical attacks, so it is difficult to actually hit you. All attacks caught by you will be avoided by you, and it happens to be your awareness of murderous intent. You are very sharp. Even if my speed almost crushes you, you can still know where my next knife is coming from and use your strength to avoid my attack." He dragged the long knife to the ground and knelt down to support it. The god of the body stood in front of him, "But you still have to attack. I only gave you the opportunity to fight at close range. If you want to take action, you can only break away from the state of avoiding physical damage and really touch it." When you touch me, you have a physical body in that moment."

Caesar drew out the Desert Eagle, and the four 'A'-level students walked towards the kneeling god on the ground with bated breath. As they approached, they could even see most of the heart in the other's exposed chest, and the heart was still beating. , can things with this kind of vitality really only be pure blood dragons?

She is about 1.6 meters tall and has a thin body. Her frame looks more like a woman than a man. Her appearance is wrapped in white bandages and cannot be observed, but she still has no vital signs due to the loss of nearly one-fifth of her flesh and blood. Death. Was it He who spread the realm that enveloped the entire town?

They have so many questions to ask.

There are only five of the eighteen students of 'A' grade blood left, but they are not completely wiped out. If we kill him immediately, will it end everything like this?

"What the hell are you?" Caesar asked aloud before taking action.

"No need to pretend not to understand, you have spoken to me before." Lin Nian put the knife on the chin of the god who had her head lowered, and gently raised her head, "At least judging from your voice, you are a woman .A very young girl.”

At this time, the god whispered something, but because the voice was too low and they were in a heavy rain, they could not hear it clearly.

"What did He say?" Caesar asked in a low voice.

"Didn't hear clearly." Chu Zihang shook his head.

"Half of the vocal cords are left, so it's pretty good if you can make a sound, right?" The student union girl next to Caesar whispered that the image of the god in front of him was really uncomfortable, and the fragments of internal organs in the exposed half of the chest were still clearly visible. His eyes were bloody and flowed into the soil, staining the surrounding area deep red.

"Then let's say it again." Lin Nian knelt down and got in front of the god.

His move made the hairs of the four people behind him stand up. They couldn't help but raise their guns and pointed them at the god's only intact head. If the other party showed any abnormality, they would shoot.

The reason why Lin Nian dared to be so bold was because when he got close to the god, the tip of the Kikuichi Monjizong sword in his hand also touched the opponent's exposed blood-red heart. At this distance, he could pierce it with just a single hand of the sword. it.

After getting close to the god, a whisper like a mosquito really came to his ears.


That is a Russian sentence. Or in the current era of 1984, it is a Soviet sentence.

Its meaning is very simple. In English, it probably means:


The voice was particularly clear, because at this moment, the god's vocal cords were completely repaired again, along with the injuries all over his body.

In Lin Nian's ears, after the god said these words, the pupils in his eyes that were as steady as flying flames suddenly lit up. Caesar and Chu Zihang raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the same time. In front of him, the chrysanthemum in Lin Nian's hand stabbed the opponent's heart without hesitation.

Even the top of the teaching building 900 meters away heard the blast of a sniper rifle. The large-caliber bullet left a large crater on the ground behind the god and raised up several meters of soil.

Ju Yiwen penetrated the god's chest easily, but the feeling of it made Lin Nian's eyes show uneasiness. At this moment, the god also gently pressed his head to his ear and said, it is still the Soviet Union The four Caesars did not understand the language, but the meaning of this sentence directly emerged in Lin Nian's ears.

"I can do this trick too," He said.

The voice he made was indeed a female voice, especially clear and clear, with a hint of teasing.

Lin Nian was stunned, as if he had guessed the identity of the girl under the bandage in front of him, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

The god's whole body radiated light like the sun again, and her near-death injuries returned to their prime in the blink of an eye. The rain fell on her body, and the huge wound that could see the broken heart seemed to have never existed!

Lin Nian knew before that the other party had the ability to regenerate at a super speed, but he did not expect that such injuries could be recovered instantly. This kind of vitality could no longer be called terrifying. It had already reached the level of horror. Even the Dragon King could not possess it. Such repair power!

The current situation was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Lin Nian hugged the god in front of him without thinking. He picked up the chrysanthemum and wanted to crucify him with him on the spot, but he jumped instead. Sora, the god in front of him disappeared instantly.

"Where has He gone?"

The cadres of the Lion Heart Society looked around nervously, but could not find any trace of the enemy.

But where else could He go? The purpose of His coming today was to kill people.

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked back at the teaching building in the distance.

There, the warm light rose like the sun, even the heavy rain stopped, and the light illuminated half of Carmel College, like the rising sun.

"Lin Nian!"

When the two looked back, they found that Lin Nian had disappeared.

Lin Nian ran towards the rooftop of the teaching building almost the moment the god disappeared.

The god in the sniper scope disappeared.

Almost at the same time, without any gap to speak of, Mandy found a warm and dazzling light coming from behind her. The soft light cast her shadow on the sandbag beneath her and illuminated the rain and dew on her blond hair. .

She suddenly held the sniper rifle and turned around to take aim, but her neck was tightly grabbed. She lifted it up from the sandbag and looked into those golden eyes like the ocean. The strong pressure made her breathless. The sea Such vast mental power squeezed her consciousness and thinking, causing all her strength to drain away from her body being dragged on the ground, and rolled down to the hundred-meter altitude below the rooftop along with the rain.

The gods had arrived at Carmel College today to judge four sinners, three of whom had now paid for their sins, leaving one cross vacant for someone to be crucified on.

If those who pursue the murderer are sinners who have turned their backs on God, then there is no doubt that Mandy Gonzalez, the girl who has walked this irreverent path from the beginning, also has her own place on the cross.

Now she is about to replace Veleva as the fourth person to be stabbed to death, and she is nearly a kilometer away from her companions on the rooftop, which is exactly in line with the situation of the king in the Bible, who was lost alone in the eternal ruins. In the trap.

The water vortex gradually condenses in the hands of the gods. It is a high-pressure vortex that pierces the flesh like a nail piercing tofu.

He did not take action immediately, but stared at Mandy silently, as if waiting for something. But under His gaze, Mandy was already almost unconscious and did not make any resistance.

Just when the god was about to penetrate Mandy's abdomen, the door to the rooftop was kicked open. Lin Nian rushed into the scene, but he was too late to stop this scene from happening. He stared at the vortex exploding in Mandy's abdomen. Bleeding red blood yet so powerless.

Fusheng can only reach places he has been to before, but this rooftop is a place he has never set foot on.

At this critical moment, the god suddenly turned his head and looked in a direction in the rainy campus under the rooftop.

The vortex in His hand suddenly collapsed before stabbing Mandy to death.

Lin Nian kicked off a torrential rain and rushed towards the ground. He only heard a sneer in the air, and then the god disappeared in a burst of bright light.

Mandy lost her grip and fell to the ground, almost rolling off the rooftop. At this time, Lin Nian had reached out to grab her arm across a distance of dozens of meters and pulled her back to the rooftop.

He immediately opened her abdomen and found a blood stain on her flat belly. The rain washed away the blood, but found that the wound was not deep, just some superficial wounds.

The vortex stabbed a '1' on the wound.

ps: 2/5

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