“It’s not shameful to sell your soul to the devil, it’s shameful not to be able to sell it for a good price.”

On the second floor of Chun Coffee, Lin Nian slowly stirred the coffee in the cup. It was a brand new cup. The coffee in front of Chu Zihang was already cold. Originally, Lin Nian wanted to heat it up and drink it, but Kai Sa stopped it, on the grounds that coffee should never be reheated, as it would destroy the original beauty, otherwise it would be a more beautiful experience to pour it out and encounter it again.

There was a notebook with a leather belt buckle on the table, and the paper bag containing the parchment was placed at Lin Nian's feet. The things fell there quietly, but everyone knew that if Lin Nian didn't let go today, no one would be able to take it with him. Walk it.

"She was too young at that time, and she didn't know that all the gifts given by fate had already been marked with a secret price." Lin Nian said, "Anything easily obtained will first change a person's understanding of himself, and will have consequences. An illusion that one’s talents are super strong, that one deserves all these things.”

"However, nothing can be obtained easily, especially something like this." He put his hand on the notebook and gently touched the grain of the leather.

"When did you arrive?" Caesar turned to look at the glass door downstairs. Sure enough, the welcome bell on the door frame had been removed and placed on the table in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. There was no sound of wind when he came in, at least when he came in No one noticed his trace before speaking out.

Caesar didn't like to think too much, but he couldn't help it. Hybrids were not supermen. They were just aliens that were several times stronger than ordinary people. They were just aliens.

They will be injured and bleed. Their bone density and blood pressure are higher than ordinary humans, which means that their physical fitness is very strong, but they are never stronger than kinetic weapons and sharp knives. If they are hit by a sniper rifle while walking on the road chest, they will still die, and they will still die if they are hit head-on by a car passing by at high speed. Hybrids have never exceeded the category of human beings, which is why to this day, hybrids have been hidden under human civilization and have not taken over the dominant position. Raise the flag of righteousness.

But now it seems that there are still aliens among the mixed race, such as the boy sitting next to them now.

It didn't take more than a week after he woke up from the intensive care unit, and he was already wandering around the college. This was also the first time that Caesar and Chu Zihang saw him after being discharged from the hospital, and the other party just sat next to them. There was a creepy feeling

This is completely an instinct, the instinct to avoid dangerous things, just like an iceberg floating by you. You glimpse the bottomless dark shadow below, and speculate on what majestic picture and light will be hidden under the water. Thinking of that scene, you couldn't help but shudder slightly, and your whole body was filled with awe.

The boy next to them was very different from before. Caesar and Chu Zihang couldn't tell what the specific difference was. They just felt that the hair on their necks stood up as if they had been electrocuted at the moment the other person suddenly appeared. The heart pumping couldn't help but accelerate.

"I heard you guys were discussing interesting things, so I'll be here right away." Lin Nian took a sip of coffee, sipped the bitter taste, smacked his tongue and put down the cup without leaving any trace, "I thought you were going to fight. Get up, but you didn’t expect us to have such a pleasant conversation?”

"If you didn't show up, the atmosphere between us would probably be more harmonious." Caesar lowered his head and glanced at the paper pocket at Lin Nian's feet.

"Everything has a price." Lin Nian turned to look at Chu Zihang, and looked into those shining golden eyes. "When the price exceeds the ability to repay, things will happen that I have never wanted to see. .”

It was very rare for Chu Zihang to avoid Lin Nian's gaze. Lin Nian's eyes were dark brown, almost light black, without any sign of golden pupils, but he simply turned these two academy eyes into each other's eyes. No matter who was there, his eyes would be forced to open three-quarters of the way.

"Let's talk about it. It can be a warning to each other." Lin Nian raised his finger to Chu Zihang and pointed at his eyes.

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, and then spoke, talking about what he had experienced in the past four months.

During these four months, he locked himself in the archives of the Lionheart Club for a long time, trying out the bloodline refining techniques in notebooks and parchments in a dark place lit only by candles.

The heavy door of the archives room almost completely separated the inside and outside, because he knew that once he lost control, he would most likely hurt other people in a college full of people, so for the safety of others, he chose to put himself out of the world. In an isolated secret room.

High-intensity experiments and a slight eagerness for quick success once brought his bloodline to the edge of losing control. Thanks to the Executive Department temporarily recruiting him for field missions and knocking on the door of the archives, he was not completely lost in the parchments and notebooks. in knowledge.

He never thought of continuing the bloody experiment during the execution of the mission, but accidents always happened unexpectedly. During normal patrols and casting nets, the enemy's ferocious Deadpool happened to be targeting him for some reason. It caught him off guard and dragged him into the water.

He was almost unable to breathe or struggle in the water. His fear of drowning and his persistence in survival made him make the most dangerous bloody attempt. Obviously, he succeeded. At that moment, he felt that the sea water was immersing him. It was cold, as cold as a raging freezing rain, which chilled his blood inch by inch. When it reached its lowest point, the deepest sorrow in his blood awakened his memory and reminded him of that night. typhoon night.

Cold people always seek the sun because they crave warmth. But no one could hug Chu Zihang, so Chu Zihang chose to hug himself.

Yan Ling·Junyan, this power broke out at that moment. All the chants of Long Wen were omitted, compressed to the extreme and burst out underwater, condensed into a syllable similar to the word "break", 800 degrees The high temperature and shock wave instantly blasted the Deadpool wrapped around him into pieces, but the price was that he was completely comatose and was found on the beach by people from the executive department. Fortunately, he was not swept away by the waves.

After waking up, he inevitably suffered from sequelae, which is exactly what is happening to him now - the never-extinguishing golden eyes.

"Before you have completely mastered the violent blood skills, forcibly rewriting the bloodline will cause irreversible consequences." Lin Nian looked directly into Chu Zihang's golden eyes and said, "It's like a downward spiral slide. You are just getting started. , and just flipped out of the slide and landed on the slides on the lower floors. The price of crossing a large distance is losing control! This is why I hope you are well prepared before coming into contact with these things."

Chu Zihang did not respond, because he was indeed the one who jumped into this matter, but what could he do? If he had not chosen to force the blood to awaken the Yanling at that time, the consequence would not have been that the Golden Eyes would have lost control, but would have directly led to death. The waiter's rations were gone.

"I know what you are thinking." Lin Nian glanced at him, "But I think what I said is not wrong at all, because things like Deadpool have one thing in common, and that is Mu Qiang. They are influenced by the pure-blood dragon clan. The control of the dead is just because they long for the blood of the strong, and the blood in your veins that tried to bleed many times at that time is already toxic. Those poisons are completely like a lure to Deadpool. If you still have it next time If you encounter an enemy like Deadpool and can't find it, I suggest you cut your wrist and bleed it. He will find you in less than half a minute."

Caesar raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Chu Zihang. He seemed to have learned another piece of useless knowledge. This kind of trick can only be played by people who are absolutely confident in their own strength, right? Otherwise, before facing a dangerous thing like Deadpool, cut your wrists and bleed them. When they rush out, your combat effectiveness will probably be reduced due to blood loss.

"This technique of violent blood cannot be abused. This is my opinion." Lin Nian glanced at the two of them, "Because I am its user myself and know what it will bring us and what it will take away from us. .”

"Did he also make you lose control?" Caesar folded his arms and lay back on the chair looking at Lin Nian and asked.

"It made me a little manic for a while," Lin Nian said.

"The others?"

"." Lin Nian stared at Caesar without saying a word.

When admonishing young people, a veteran of the Japanese underworld would always hold out a palm with a few fingers missing, or a shocking scar on the body, to give people a sense of shock and admonishment. Chu Zihang paid for the violent blood with golden eyes The price of losing control, but what about Lin Nian? In a true sense, as a pioneer of the younger generation of violent blood, he seems to have never paid any price for violent blood?

If you really think so, it would be a huge mistake.

Lin Nian's silence was not because he couldn't find the exact side effects of violent blood to warn the two of them, but because the price of violent blood on him was too special, so special that he could hardly speak out.

After lying in bed for four months and waking up, he found that he had some indescribable symptoms. In addition to abnormal bloodline and strangely high physical fitness, he had tried to have a shallow bloodbath some time ago, but it was that time. The blood made him realize something was wrong.

After a shallow bloodbath, he suddenly couldn't exit this dangerous bloodline refining state.

This was an extremely weird phenomenon that had to be described with metaphors, that is, he turned on the light switch, and then turned around and found that the switch on the wall was missing. This also meant that an incredible fact was happening to Lin Nian.

He has been in a state of shallow bloodshed for 24 hours since the bloodshed until now.

There is no growth of iron scales, and there is no outward appearance of golden eyes, but the physical fitness and bloodline have indeed made an arc leap, and there is no longer a drop in the level. The only good thing is that 'Setsuna' has not been forgotten. On the contrary, 'Time Zero' is firmly engraved in his head and can be switched at any time.

If he starts from a shallow violent blood and continues to advance the depth of violent blood until a complete violent blood, does this mean that his future bloodline will be completely stable at the peak of violent blood?

After Lin Nian had this idea, what filled his mind was not joy, but waves of chills and horror.

If he really encounters a crisis one day and pushes the violent blood to the second or even third degree in one breath, then his bloodline is infinitely close to that of a pure-blooded dragon, but after killing the enemy, he cannot return his bloodline to the normal level. , does that mean that he completely became a new dragon the moment he crossed that threshold?

Violent blood is called a slide into the abyss, but what is now manifesting in Lin Nian is like a divine way to the gate of heaven. There is no way back for both of them, and no one knows what will greet him when this road is completed. What.

This also caused Lin Nian to stop the idea of ​​continuing to try violent blood recently. He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. Even Ange, who taught him the violent blood technique, did not inform him and he could only explore it alone. Pros and cons, but also highly sensitive to the word "violent blood".

After noticing the theme of the meeting between Caesar and Chu Zihang, he intervened without hesitation. Both of them were qualified and capable of coming into contact with this technique alone. He could not stop it and was bound to carry out certain actions. Intervene, at least to ensure that they will not develop truly irreversible evil like you did.

"I will keep the notebook here, and I also left a lot of new things on it before I came, but I have a request." Lin Nian moved his hand away from the notebook, "The bloodline refining technology does not allow you to Anyone who spreads the word in any form, I don’t want a fourth person to know this technique and do something they can’t regret because of it.”

"It feels like a witch association secretly teaching black magic." Caesar said sincerely as he looked at the cover of the notebook.

"You are right, this is black magic." Lin Nian said calmly, "The source of violent blood is further than you think. It was not entirely created by the Lion Heart Society. The members of the Lion Heart Society just It has been restored from history. If this technique really goes back, it may even be older than the history of the Secret Party. Whose hand it was made by is an unsolvable mystery. But I can tell you a piece of information."

"The real pure-blooded dragons know the bloodline refining technology." He glanced at Chu Zihang and Caesar, "They call 'violent blood' the 'Road to the Gods', and embarked on the 'Road to the Gods' 'The person will be their mortal enemy. If the two meet, one of them will die."

"The road to becoming a god." Caesar and Chu Zihang spent some time digesting this word. After a moment, the former raised his head slightly, "In other words, once the owner of violent blood encounters the dragon clan, it will be a life-or-death situation?"

"It's very likely that is the case, but there are also special circumstances." Lin Nian nodded and continued to explain. Since he appeared here, it was necessary to inform the two of them of all the information. "During the period when I was investigating the forbidden book room in the library, I It was discovered that in a very ancient period, there was an 'Presbyterian Council' among the Dragon Clan."

"Is it like the Presbyterian Church of the secret party?" Caesar instantly thought of the group of directors of Cassel College who were hiding behind the scenes, including his own uncle, Frost Gattuso. That group of people was exactly He exists behind the scenes as the leader of the secret party.

"There will always be a group of truly powerful and respected leaders who are weaving the order of the world. This is true in the human era, the secret party era, and the dragon clan era." Lin Nian said, "The road to becoming a god is never the same. It is the decision of the 'Presbyterian Council' to be allowed, and the dragons who support the 'Presbyterian Council' will regard the hybrids who control violent blood as their mortal enemies, while the other group of dragons who turn a deaf ear to the 'Presbyterian Council' will not care."

"Then it depends on luck, but for hybrids, no matter what kind of dragon they are, they are our mortal enemies, right?" Caesar said softly, "After we meet, it's always a fight to the death, and we can't understand each other at all."

"But I have to tell you this information in advance. Don't tell me that I'm standing on the edge of the critical line. You will resist stepping on it." Lin Nian said lightly.

"It seems like there is something special today." Caesar gently brought the notebook in front of him, then looked at Chu Zihang, "Do you want me to hand-copy it for you?"

"Try not to leave any backups as much as possible. This kind of thing can only be passed on by word of mouth when necessary." Lin Nian said.

Caesar took another look at Lin Nian. Even if Lin Nian didn't reveal his own situation, Caesar could quietly smell the opponent's slight rejection of the violent blood technique.

"If you have any questions, just come to me and ask me. If I have time, I will answer it for you." Lin Nian said, "Don't be brave, I don't want to chop off your heads in the next mission."

Caesar and Chu Zihang didn't say anything, so wouldn't it be possible for them to fight back? This kind of joke could be said by others, but when faced with Lin Nian targeting this boy, they really had no confidence that they could escape from him after becoming Deadpool and becoming three times more powerful.

"Enough." Lin Nian pushed away the coffee he had only taken a sip of. Caesar couldn't help but glance at his cup and then at Chu Zihang's cup. Neither of these two guys seemed to like drinking. The owner of the coffee, all the coffee he ground freshly by himself was wasted. I don’t know how many students in the college who admire the student union president want to have coffee together but regret that they don’t have the chance.

"Oh, by the way, I suggest you not to learn violent blood skills in the near future." Lin Nian reminded.

"You have no time?" Caesar asked.

"I will leave the academy tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Leaving at this time?" Chu Zihang glanced at Lin Nian's bony collarbone under his clothes, "Your body."

"It's not official business of the executive department. You can understand it as a travel tour. The destination is Portofino, a beautiful place." Lin Nian shook his head, "Principal Angers will accompany me throughout the trip. We have booked first class. Air tickets."

"Portofino? ​​It is indeed beautiful there, and it is also my hometown." Caesar, who was drinking coffee, stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the faint snow outside the window. After being quiet for a while, he said, "But this season It shouldn’t be time yet, right?”

Chu Zihang hadn't yet understood what Caesar meant, but Lin Nian had already nodded lightly, "The temporary secretary convened an emergency meeting, and the sealed written documents and Norma's summons were sent to me last night. Maybe there are some things that you can’t help but want to question me face to face.”

"Can I ask more about which school director exercised his power?"

"Director Frost Gattuso."

"This is the first time that a student from Cassel College has been summoned by the school board in person." Caesar paused, as if he expected something to happen, and raised his hand to Lin Nian with a faint smile hidden at the corner of his mouth. Coffee cup, "Say hello to my uncle for me then."

"Will do."

"Will something happen?" Chu Zihang looked at Lin Nian and asked in a low voice.

"It will definitely happen." To his surprise, Lin Nian nodded without thinking, "But I don't know exactly who the accident was."

ps: OK!

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