After Elizabeth left, Angers, who had been sitting deep in the suite, came out and stood beside the ajar door. He gently opened the door and looked outside. In the deserted corridor, there was only a ray of the setting sun outside the window. Come in, there is finally no one else in this hotel now.

"The 'Nibelung Plan' is a unique gift, but it seems that you don't like this gift that can make anyone crazy." He closed the ajar door and walked to the coffee table to sit down. He picked up the glass of gin on the table and took a sip. He spread his legs and turned to look at Lin Nian who was watching the silver car drive down the mountain road by the window.

"After the wind, there will be heavy snow. After the heavy snow, the past will no longer exist, and everything will be covered with a new layer of clothes." Lin Young said in a low voice, "I am beginning to doubt the purity of the purpose we are rushing for."

"Tell me?"

"There's nothing to say. Maybe this is also an inevitable process. After the dragon clan is wiped out, the hybrid race will definitely not be able to stay behind the scenes or be disbanded on the spot. According to the temperament of the secret party I saw today, the moment the last dragon king fell The roar is the horn sounded when the war begins, right? A war started within the mixed race." Lin Nian said.

"You can become a new god by eating the fruit from the tree." Angers said, "The secret parties of the older generation used their lives to delay the progress of the times in the hands of the resurgent dragon clan. The Age of Discovery, the First Industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution, from steam to electricity, and now the third technological revolution, human beings have begun to explore the universe. That is a place that even the dragons have not reached. We have reason to stand on the aerospace plane , in the space station, above the earth, looking down at the group of ancient gods."

The old man shook his head, "That's why today's school board can boldly imagine the composition of a new era after the history of the Dragon Clan is completely ended. The beautiful scenery is too tempting, and many people are worried that they will not live to see that day, so' The Nibelungen Plan appeared. They wanted a conqueror to appear and quickly end the fallen kings, and then rely on the degraded version of the Nibelungen Plan to extend their lives until the ship hits the shore. Landing a chapter in a new era.”

"Is it like Columbus discovered the New World?" Lin Nian said with a low smile, "What will the indigenous people in the New World become? New black slaves?"

"No one wants to see that happen, but sooner or later we will face a choice." Angers said, "I hope that by that day the choice will be in your and my hands. Even if we cannot completely dominate the entire situation, we can still We have a position where we can speak, and to do that we have to have enough merit in the war.”

"Kill more dragon kings and control more inheritance until you have the capital to be on par with the school board." Lin Nian nodded.

"The Laurent family now tends to confront the Gattuso family. The two school directors are secretly competing with each other whether they are on the high table or under the high table. This situation is the most conducive to your development. If you are in the next You have shown enough value in the battle of slaying the dragon, and the Laurent family will support you unconditionally and tie you on the big ship sailing to the new era." Angers said.

"Elizabeth, that girl's intentions are no smaller than anyone else's. She is very smart, smarter than many people." Lin Nian said lightly.

"But she is just a young girl under twenty years old. The age gap between you is probably less than three years, right? This is a very delicate age, for both of you." Angers smiled. .

"Principal, are you sure I heard what you said?" Lin Nian took another look at Angers, and then he remembered that this old guy who looked like a gentle gentleman was actually full of the spirit of a gangster.

"As the president of a university, I am very happy to see my students get married and start a business as soon as possible." Angers shrugged, "In my opinion, Lisa is the most suitable candidate for marriage. Her father died in a political battle. Due to the conspiracy of the plane crash, as the only child she was put in the position of the head of the family, which means that she may have lost the right to choose her own spouse. As long as you are willing to show yourself to get close to her and let her like you a little bit, then She will feel that the love between the two of you is pure and does not involve any political marriage, and things will come naturally and quickly beyond your expectation!"

"I thought you looked at Elizabeth like your own daughter." Lin Nian looked at Angers up and down, as if he was meeting this old guy for the first time.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not teaching people how to deceive a girl's affection. I will probably only say these words to you, because you are the student I like. Compared with other sanctimonious mixed-race family heirs, I'd rather let you take the first step than I should. I'd rather be your parent and come on stage to say a few words about love, youth, and your bright future." Ange said calmly. .

"If Lisa is willing, then she will be married to the entire Laurent family. You know what this means. Get married today, and tomorrow you will be able to sit at the conference table as the husband-in-law of the school director. You shake The bell chokes Frost, and you can even splash him in the face with the prepared champagne, but he can only blow at you and glare at you, but there is nothing he can do to you."

"Sounds very tempting." Lin Nian imagined the scene and nodded slightly.

"If you are tempted, I can arrange for Lisa to meet you a few more times, but it depends on you whether you can ask her out to watch a movie or not." Angers raised his eyebrows and said, "But that's it. I am very confident in you, extremely confident, and looking at you now is like looking at me when I was young."

"No, I will not pursue a girl with purpose." Lin Nian shook his head, "I will never take the initiative to deceive a girl's feelings."

"You were all passively deceived. Probably the parents of those girls were always on guard against pigs tampering with their cabbage, so they blocked all the pigs out of the yard, but they never thought that cabbage would be the one to attack first." Angers He smiled and said to Lin Nian, "How many girls are interested in you now? Two? Three? Among the freshmen, I remember that there is also a girl with a royal background from two countries who is waiting for your answer. ?”

"Principal, you make me look like a scumbag." Lin Nian looked a little embarrassed under the old gangster's teasing.

"I don't agree, I don't refuse, I'm irresponsible." Ange rubbed his hands and looked at Lin Nian, his face became more kind. "You really haven't read "Angge" written by the young guys from the 'Hot Team' in the college who wrote about my deeds when I was young. "Hot Spread"?"

"Hey, principal, when did you have a biography?" Lin Nian was even more embarrassed.

"Don't you know? That's such a pity." Angers was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Then let's stop this topic for now."

This old guy forced himself to read his biography, right?

"What do you think of what happened in Baidi City?" Anger changed the topic and brought the topic to business. Lin Nian's expression slowly changed, from distress and helplessness to silence and rigor.

"If what is hidden in the Yangtze River is really the palace of the King of Bronze and Fire, then things will start to get troublesome." Lin Nian thought for a while and said, "In China, even the secret parties would have a hard time getting their hands on it. Right? Let alone any nuclear bombs or missile bombings."

"That's why the school directors urgently need the emergence of a great dragon slayer. The Yangtze River is a very sensitive place. The geographical limitations mean that we cannot prepare too much heavy firepower in the event of a contact war with the Dragon King. If he appears on the sea Or in the desert, we can use the excuse of military exercises to conduct a round of Tomahawk missile bombing or conduct a small-scale 'nuclear test.'" Angers nodded.

"What are the arrangements for the execution department?" Lin Nian asked.

"First make a tentative dive to find the exact site of Baidi City. We will probably consider sending out users of the Exploration Spirit to carry out excavation operations. There may not be anything that requires your presence before Baidi City is found. Now you While he is still recovering from his injuries, it will take some time to recover and return to his prime." Angers said, "Also, I have important arrangements for this dragon-slaying mission against the suspected four kings."

"." Lin Nian said nothing, looking at Ange and waiting for the next sentence.

"You are the first and most important insurance in this dragon-slaying battle, but if you fail, we will need the second insurance."

"Second insurance?"

"I found another super hybrid with 'S' level potential in China." Angers nodded, "When the time comes, he will appear as the second line of insurance."

"Have you found a new super hybrid?" Lin Nian's expression finally changed, and he seemed a little surprised. Probably when Ange found him, the school directors felt similar to him now.

Even students suspected of being 'A'-level are worthy of sending a team of professors for assessment and review, let alone 'S'-level. The entire secret party casts a net around the world to find qualified students and finds 'A'-level Everyone was excited for a long time, but Angers dug out two 'S' levels in a short period of time. People have to suspect that this old guy's speech spirit is not "time zero" but something like "blood". "Jie Jie Luo" is some kind of radar system language spirit.

"If there are no accidents, the next 'S'-level student will enter the academy in your next class. Then I may ask you to be his guide." Anger nodded.

"I don't know what other super hybrids are like, but if they don't agree with me, can I beat them up?" Lin Nian asked the question he cared about most in advance. In his opinion, the better the hybrids, the worse their problems. Duo. Just like himself, the new 'S' class must also be an arrogant person. Lin Nian has never been able to talk to such people.

"Well," Angers, who was holding a gin glass, took out a hand and scratched his brow, "I don't think you have this chance, right?"

"Is he very strong?" Lin Nian twitched his eyebrows and suddenly became interested.

"No, that's not what I meant." Angers shook his head, "Anyway, you will understand what I mean when the time comes."

Lin Nian thought for a while and gave up asking. He leaned against the wall of the blinds and looked at the snow-capped mountains outside the window from the gaps in the leaves. In the corner of the snow, a small flower hurriedly poked its head out from the white snow. The petals are bright red like fire, which seems to indicate that one day in the future, they will burn from the mountain to the bottom. At that time, the entire hillside will be as red as the sea.

ps: 2/6

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