"Are you leaving the academy for half a year?"

"It may not be that long, but the estimate is half a year. If it's faster, I'll be back in three or four months."

In the clothing area of ​​the department store, Chu Zihang and Lin Nian sat back to back on the ground, their hands tied together with hemp ropes, and black bags covering their heads, but this did not affect their chat.

"What mission will delay half a year? The longest of the two missions I conducted in the execution department was only a week." Chu Zihang asked.

"That time at the beach?"

"No, another time."

"'A' level mission?"

"'B' level, to solve a smuggling case, it took a long time to investigate and follow the clues, but it only took less than ten minutes to actually close the net."

"My mission this time is a bit special."

There was a 'ding' sound in the quiet department store, and the elevator door not far away slowly opened. Someone in the elevator threw a smoke bomb out. The white smoke quickly filled half the floor, and then several black figures quietly He groped his way out of the elevator, hiding in the smoke and moving slowly.

"Where are the courses in the second half of the semester?" Chu Zihang asked.

"I enrolled half a year in advance and studied with the last freshmen for a period of time. When the time comes to complete the task and review, I should be able to take the exam directly." Lin Nian squeezed Chu Zihang and moved back to avoid being swarmed. I was choked by the smoke coming over.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the smoke and grabbed Chu Zihang's shoulder. Then the two people who were tied together were pulled and forced to stand up. Someone immediately handed over a knife to untie them, but only after they were untied. Halfway through, a bullet suddenly flew out of the smoke, and with the thunderous sound of gunfire, pieces of barrage were fired into the white smoke.

Blood spattered, and Lin Nian and Chu Zihang sat down on the ground again. The person who tried to rescue them was knocked down beside them, but they didn't even look at him and continued talking about their own affairs.

"I will take my sister with me on this mission, so you won't be able to find us for probably half a year."

"Why?" Like everyone who heard the news, Chu Zihang subconsciously asked this question.

"There's not that much of a reason, I just want to take her out to have fun. Why don't you go on a trip at the school board's expense?" Lin Nian lay on his side slightly and took Chu Zihang with him on the ground. He leaned his head back to avoid the crossfire between the two. Bullets were flying everywhere from the crowd.

"The task that the execution department can find you for usually directly represents a risk. You are putting her at your risk." Chu Zihang said.

"I have the confidence to ensure her safety amidst the so-called risks in everyone's eyes. For me, this will be a mission, but for her, it is just a trip to four countries." Lin Young shook his head lightly. .

"You shouldn't have this confidence."

"No, I have to have this confidence."

Chu Zihang stopped talking and fell into thinking. He knew Lin Nian's character and style of doing things very well. All this boy's actions were to protect the most important people behind him, so this time the other party's purpose would be the same. And as a result As a friend, he only needs to know this.

The shooting in the department store gradually ended, and then the exhaust fan started running. The white smoke gradually dispersed, revealing a pile of 'bodies' lying on the ground. They were wearing the combat uniforms of the Kassel Academy and were shot by Frigga bullets. Everyone walked peacefully, but some unlucky ones were covered in red and looked like they had eaten a lot of bullets in the white smoke. They were lying on the ground unable to distinguish their heads and feet.

The security passage of the department store building was opened. Several doctors and nurses in white coats ran in and gave everyone injections. The students lying on the ground also woke up quietly. After looking around, they saw Lin Nian and Chu Zihang. Those who were still tied to the ground couldn't help but have a frustrated expression on their faces, while another group of guys who used various display cabinets as cover turned over and cheered while holding up the guns in their hands.

"The 18th confrontation, the hostage rescue failed, and the terrorist group won." The instructor who had been observing the scene in the corner came out to announce the result of the confrontation. The instructors who came in from the safe passage began to sequence the simulated department store buildings on this floor. Restore the layout and prepare for the next simulated confrontation.

"when are we leaving?"

"Probably tomorrow, it will take a long time before I can come back. Maybe I will go straight to my sophomore year when I come back."

"Did you tell Caesar about this?"

"I've said it, after all, I won't have time to 'guide' you anymore. I warned him not to mess around when I'm not around. Now I'm warning you again. After all, you have a criminal record." Lin Young gently exerted his force. After breaking the hemp rope that bound his and Chu Zihang's wrists, the "terrorist" who was about to come over to untie the rope awkwardly took back the dagger in his hand.

"I know the importance." Chu Zihang stood up.

"No, I don't think you know, that's why I specifically warned you again." Lin Nian turned back and stared at him.

"." Chu Zihang responded silently.

"And, don't let Veleva and the others know about it. If those people know that I'm leaving for half a year, I probably won't be able to go back to the dormitory tonight. I will definitely be dragged to some farewell party by them." Lin Nian paused and reminded. .

Chu Zihang stood up, moved his wrist slightly, and nodded, "Pay attention to safety."

"The training of Group D is over and now it's time for the special group." The instructor wrote something in the record book, looked up at Lin Nian and clapped his hands vigorously, "Lin Nian, it's your turn to play! It's time for you to play!" The old rules from the past. The winner of Group D has also started to prepare. The exercise will start in ten minutes, and the topic is still hostage rescue."

"Instructor, continue to let him be a hostage. He said he wanted to take a rest." Lin Nian nodded and pointed at Chu Zihang. The latter paused and looked at the instructor. After seeing the instructor's agreement, he simply sat on the ground again. , and his hands and feet were tied up again.

He looked up at Lin Nian, who was also looking down at him, "Absolute power brings absolute freedom. But sometimes you have to prove to others that you are indeed worthy of absolute freedom."

He took the protective equipment handed to him by a student running beside him and put it on, and walked slowly towards the safe passage. On the way, he took out two bullet chambers and lightly threw them into the sky. He pulled out the Colt 1851 classic old revolver with both hands and shook it. He filled the bullet nest firmly, flicked it lightly and twisted the bullet nest with his thumb to rotate, then inserted it into the quick-draw holster.

The group of "terrorists" not far away were all taking deep breaths and staring at him intently. Everyone's heart was beating loudly, and the palms holding the gun handle began to sweat, which was immediately absorbed by the gloves.

Lin Nian walked out of the safe passage and was on standby. After the scene was restored, irrelevant personnel left one after another, and the building, which had been decorated as a department store, once again fell into dead silence.

Chu Zihang sat in the middle of the aisle and faithfully acted as a hostage without saying a word. The "terrorists" in every corner were holding their breath and paying attention to every corner.

Where will the ‘S’ class come from? The elevator door was sealed with smoke and pushed forward, or the exhaust pipe was suddenly attacked. It couldn't be that he went around the window and broke in, right?

They have to be so nervous because the 'S' class is the only one that can form a team by itself in simulated confrontations, and repeated records have proven that the opponent has this strength. In countless confrontations with huge disparities in personnel, they often The losers are always the ones with the advantage, but Lin Nian, who is single-handedly, always wins, and there is no defeat to speak of so far.

Just when the "terrorists" were frantically speculating on the 'S'-class plan, the door of the safe passage was kicked open. Yes, the door of the safe passage was kicked open and knocked over a group of dummies in the distance. Then a black shadow flew out immediately after him!

Everyone didn't care about the door panel flying out. They immediately turned their guns and shot at the black shadow. The blood mist from Frigga's bullet instantly enveloped the black shadow in the air, and the black shadow also cooperated very well. He landed and lay motionless on the ground.

At this time, everyone who fired the gun took a closer look and realized that what was thrown out was actually a ball of beanbags?

And then the person waiting behind the door who grabbed the gap rushed in, like a strong wind sweeping in. The speed of this guy was unbelievable. When captured by the naked eye, he could only see a blurry shadow that was so fast that he couldn't even see it. To tell if it was a humanoid, the whistling sound of the swinging arm made people mistakenly think that what passed by was not a living person, but a supercar with a roaring engine and the accelerator pedaled to death!

In four seconds, no, two seconds, less than two seconds, the entire fifty-meter distance between the safe passage and the hostages was shortened to zero!

Before this, almost no one would believe that someone could cross a distance of fifty meters in two seconds without relying on the spirit of speech and only relying on the speed of the body, but the guy who rushed in now did it forcefully.

These two seconds were too fast, and the "terrorists" couldn't even aim their guns at this guy. Only one person with the fastest reaction locked the direction of the hostage in advance and fired two shots. But what is shocking is that the bullets did Blood flowers exploded in the air, but the opponent still didn't stop!

——The physical body intercepted the bullets. These two bullets were exploded before they hit.

Chu Zihang, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly felt that he was being picked up by someone, and then he was thrown out by a huge force and flew away. He remained motionless the whole time, waiting to land, and fell into a ball of soft things. That was it. Zhang was the first to be thrown out of the beanbag!

"Gather the fire——" Someone shouted loudly, but he was silenced before he could shout.

He found that their target had taken a run-up and suddenly jumped high. He jumped like a leopard to a height of more than three meters, almost requiring them to look up. He hung upside down in the air and looked down at the bunker on the floor from an unobstructed angle. Of all the people, those eagle-like eyes reflected the face of each prey.

The six muzzles behind the bunker were slowly drawn out, and they began to aim at Lin Nian in the air. However, before they could complete this series of actions, the two revolvers in the quick holsters were pulled out.

The moment the revolver was pulled out, a total of twelve bullets from the two bullet chambers were poured out almost instantly. Everyone in the department store could only hear a deafening and extremely harsh explosion, followed by six blood flowers. Every corner exploded!

Lin Nian kicked the ceiling and accelerated to the ground. After landing half-kneeling, the revolver was even inserted back into the holster, but the magazine inside was emptied. Six people fell to the ground behind him.

He clapped his hands and stood up, standing just in front of Chu Zihang. He looked at the boy on the lazy sofa and gently pressed the non-existent cowboy hat and said with a low smile: "How is it? He's handsome, isn't he?"

It seems that some people are called "super hybrids" for a reason.


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