Koenigsegg swerved and stopped on the street in front of the Empire State Building. Passers-by on the street repeatedly exclaimed at the violent driver. After seeing the supercar parked on the road clearly, they all held up photos with joy. While taking pictures, Lin Xian stuck his head out and looked at the sky twice. When he noticed the crowd surrounding him, he immediately stretched out his hand, waved it vigorously and shouted, "Everyone get out of the way! Get out of the way! It's not safe here!"

However, her actions were of no help at all. After arriving at the Empire State Building block, the flow of people instantly increased several times. As soon as the pedestrians on the street saw the excitement, they all gathered over and couldn't be driven away no matter how hard they tried.

Lin Xian was opening the car door to disperse the crowd, but when he looked up, he saw two black figures in the sky, followed by a huge amount of glass fragments! She quickly kicked the accelerator and started the engine. The noise frightened the surrounding onlookers to take a few steps back. Koenigsegg spun around and pushed the group further away.

Then, glass fragments fell like rain and hit the ground. Koenigsegg's windows also crackled as if washed by heavy rain. Yes, all the windows of this car are bulletproof glass, Middle East Since the wealthy people spend thousands of dollars to repair a big toy, they naturally won't save money on their own personal safety.

The first thing to hit the ground were two giant masses. One was directly pulled by gravity and flattened to the ground. The other was slowed down by the wall of the Empire State Building, and finally landed heavily on the ground, causing the road to dent and smoke to rise. .

When the attention of all passers-by on the road was drawn to the two abandoned cars, a black figure quietly fell from the shadow of the Empire State Building. It was Lin Nian.

The scene was almost surrounded, and he couldn't land openly. He could only quietly hide in a corner where no one noticed. While looking at the crowd in front of him, he lowered his head and patted some of them, which were a little hot due to friction. The blackened sneaker uppers are produced by the equipment department and are made of silica-based quartz sand fabric, which is wear-resistant and heat-resistant. However, the outer paint is easily scratched off. I feel like I have to go back and paint again after running a few times.

After feeling that the dust had settled, Lin Xian in the car had the time to see clearly that the two giant objects turned out to be Dodge Chargers that had been cut in half with a knife. Half of them had fallen to the ground and flattened into shells, and blood flowed from the iron frame. Slowly dripping down the top, while the other half wrapped in blood vessels was the front half of the car with the engine. The cross-section revealed a scene of blood-red and pale bones inside.

Lin Xian felt terrible when he saw this scene. If this thing was photographed at the entrance of the Empire State Building, it would probably be on the front page of Time Magazine tomorrow.

She opened the car door and got out. Her right hand grabbed a revolver prepared for Lin Nian by the execution department in the storage box. She walked outside the car and fired into the sky. The huge gunshot sounded like an explosion. There was also a deafening sound wave. The whole crowd was so frightened by the shot that they crouched down reflexively. After seeing Lin Xian pointing the gun at them, screams broke out and the crowd dispersed!

"Hiss" Lin Xian immediately dropped the revolver on the ground after firing. Her hands were bloody and bruised, and her wrists felt slightly sprained. Although she was prepared to withstand the recoil, she still I never thought that the recoil of this revolver would be as terrible as a car accident. There is no doubt that this thing is a magically modified toy specially tuned by the equipment department for Lin Nian!

But at this time, she ignored the pain in her hand and turned to look at the half-remaining Dodge Charger. She was surprised to find that all the disgusting blood-red bones in the car had disappeared.

"Move." At this moment, a man's dull voice suddenly sounded in her ears. She turned around and saw a tall, tough guy covered in blood and scars rushing toward her, raising his arms high!

Lin Xian was startled but did not panic at all. He immediately put on the posture of women's self-defense he learned at Kassel College and said it was women's self-defense. But in fact, its real name is Israeli Krav Maga and it is an elective for faculty and staff. Class, everyone who comes out of that college, whether they are teachers or students, must know two tricks to easily subdue a big man, right?

But immediately after, before the man's raised arm even touched Lin Xian, it was penetrated by three cold lights with a scream. The huge kinetic energy caused his body to deflect, and he almost fell. fell to the ground.

Those were three throwing knives, which pierced the man's palm, forearm and arm respectively. The man's right hand was disabled in an instant!

"Diesel!" In the chaotic crowd behind him, someone yelled the man's name. Dominic, who was howling in severe pain, turned his head and saw the boy walking out of the crowd carrying a chrysanthemum and a pair of scorching eyes in the chaotic crowd. Her golden eyes looked at him across the distance.

"Look around you!" Dominic, who was covered in blood, covered his arms and turned back a few steps, shouting and turning around.

Lin Nian also looked around. The streets were now full of people running in the distance, and there were many bold young people holding up their mobile phones and starting to take pictures.

After climbing over the Empire State Building, they have arrived at the truly prosperous business district of the city. On the road that had been previously blocked and dispersed by the NYPD, their superhuman actions were also kept secret because the speed was too fast and it was difficult to capture a clear picture. The Party covers up the past.

But from here on, their every move will be recorded by countless cameras and eyes. Once Lin Nian uses his word spirit to do something shocking in the street, such as disappearing out of thin air and cutting off the opponent's head, it is possible that the hybrid will be completely destroyed. exposed to the public.

Dominic took a few steps back and cleverly used Lin Xian as a cover to distance himself. He did not dare to take the girl as a hostage because he knew that if he dared to have even the slightest similar thoughts, the boy's knife fifty meters away would kill him. Cutting off his hands, feet, and neck across space, without caring about the gazes around him.

After retreating to a certain distance, he suddenly turned around and plunged into the Koenigsegg with the door open behind him. The door quickly closed and he successfully seized the supercar!

The next moment, there was an explosion on the road, and a big hole suddenly popped out of Koenigsegg's window! The tough bulletproof glass was penetrated by a throwing knife, and then it flew dangerously close to the back of the head of the man in the driver's seat who lowered his head to light the fire. It continued to penetrate through the bulletproof window on the other side until three people were shot. It was completely submerged in the cement road ten meters away!

Was the explosion just now the sound of a knife being thrown to break the sound barrier?

This thought made Dominic break out in a cold sweat in the car, and he didn't think about whether Lin Nian's hand would be photographed by others. The boy might have kept his hand during the racing before, but just now he After making a move that threatened Lin Xian, the other party became completely ruthless and started to kill him!

The scorching golden eyes outside the car released a tide of pressure, and as the distance between the two shortened, it gradually submerged the man in the cab. With his heart beating faster and feeling suffocated, Dominic grabbed the steering wheel and stepped on it. After turning on the accelerator, Koenigsegg ejected and started, its speed instantly increased, turned and continued to speed towards the road in the distance, barely escaping from the range of Golden Eyes' mental pressure before collapsing!

At this time, Lin Nian also withdrew his gaze, quickly walked to Lin Xian's side, glanced at her wrist and then at the revolver on the ground, lowered his body, picked up the gun and said, "I will drive the rest of the way. "

"But our car is gone." Lin Xian looked at Koenigsegg with only its taillights left in the distance and smiled bitterly, "I shouldn't have gotten out of the car."

"You did the right thing. If you don't get out of the car and use guns to disperse the crowd, it will be very difficult to deal with if the guy's words are recorded." Lin Nian shook his head to comfort him, "Just catch up and he was cut by me. He's fatally injured and can't run far anymore. It's only a matter of time before we catch up with him."

"How to chase? Take the subway? That's cheating, right?"

Lin Xian was still thinking about the rules at this time. Although they fought fiercely along the way and were chased and intercepted by the NYPD, they seemed to abide by the rules and did not even deviate from their route.

"Just find a car." Lin Nian led Lin Xian through the crowd and ran to the street. He looked around and found a Porsche 911 parked in the distance. He ran past and walked to the car window. I lowered my head and looked inside, and found two young white men wearing hats who looked like the rich second generation sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger seat.

"You guys, get out of the car." Lin Nian slapped the revolver on the window and ordered.

"What happened over there just now? I think I heard an explosion." The young white man in the passenger seat didn't care at all, and looked in the direction of the Empire State Building in the distance where the car crashed.

The young man in the driver's seat raised his eyebrows, glanced at the revolver in Lin Nian's hand, and complained to his friend next to him, "Why is it that every time there is a car accident and chaos on the street, someone takes the opportunity to do a zero-dollar rush?" After he finished speaking, Lin Nian looked out the window again, lowered the window and asked teasingly, "Kid, when was the last time you fired a gun?"

Lin Nian grabbed the revolver and shot it into the air. The deafening sound of the gunshot instantly frightened the two young men in the Porsche. They almost hid under the seat. He raised his hand and slowly pushed the cover over his face. hat, looking at the thing in the boy's hand with surprise, wondering whether it was a pistol or a miniature aerial cannon.

"I guess it was three seconds ago." Lin Nian lowered his head and answered the young man's question.

"Copy that." The car door opened.

The door of the Porsche suddenly changed hands. The two young men stood by the car obediently and watched Lin Nian get into the driver's seat. Lin Xian saved time and got into the car directly in front of him and sat in the passenger seat.

Lin Nian pressed the keyless start button and the Porsche 911 ignited. Next to him, Lin Xian seemed to have remembered something and said, "You don't have a driver's license. Do you really know how to drive? I always thought you were joking."

"Can you please return my phone to me? Wait, what did you say?" The car owner came over and was about to negotiate for some rights. As soon as he came, he heard Lin Xian mentioning the driver's license and looked at the driver's seat. boy.

"You don't want to take this car back intact, do you?" Lin Nian glanced at him, reached for his phone from the storage compartment, threw it out of the car window, and stepped on the accelerator, Porsche 911 He sped away, leaving only the young man holding the mobile phone alone and messy in the wind.


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