Dominic told the whole story about meeting the blond woman, and Lin Nian, who was sitting in the chair, listened quietly.

After the narration, he was now basically certain that this man really escaped from the Chernobyl prison alone. There may be the possibility that the other four people escaped with accomplices, but Dominic was really an exception. He was a Even the prison authorities couldn't think of exceptions.

His luck in escaping from that place accounted for almost 90%. His escape was all thanks to the girl who was guarding the gate. The "commandments" temporarily lifted the suppression on him at that time, and he was able to rely on "Phoenix". "Tou Bai Ling", this Yanling, broke out of the siege and fought his way out of the prison. He found another means of transportation and rushed out of that hell.

"She stayed at the gate until the end and didn't think about leaving with you and escaping?" Lin Nian asked.

"She is being held in the green area because the crime she committed is relatively minor. After cooperating with the prison authorities, her sentence should be greatly reduced. At her age, there is no need to fight for a life on the run." Dominic whispered.

Lin Nian listened and closed his eyes without saying anything, "The files of the Enforcement Department said that you used to work for a terrorist organization, and it was because of this that you were imprisoned."

"They kidnapped my family." Dominic looked at Lin Nian, who had his eyes closed. "They investigated me and knew that my speech spirit is very suitable for committing crimes on the road, and the transportation route of nuclear bomb codes is in bustling and congested cities. The password box is placed On an indestructible vehicle, there was never a so-called 'indestructible' vehicle in front of me. I was their best choice at the time, but I had no reason to help them, so they gave me an offer they couldn't refuse. reason."

"What happened to your family that was taken away now?"

"They are all gone." Dominic's voice was a little low, and he stared at the burning gasoline barrel outside the blinds with his lowered eyes. "My mission failed. The leader of the terrorist organization naturally made the decision to destroy useless tools."

"If she mentioned Paco, then this organization's style is indeed familiar to me." Lin Nian touched his heart and said softly.

"Do you know this organization?" Dominic looked up at Lin Nian, with a hint of astonishment and a hidden flame of revenge in his eyes, "Where are they now? Do they still exist in this world? The secret party did not bring them back later. Did they dig it up by the roots?”

"I'm looking for them." Lin Nian turned his head and looked at the tall black shadow of the building in the distance in the night scene outside the blinds. "This organization is not as simple as you think. There are many forces involved. It will take a day to uproot him. A matter of two days.”

"Then I hope you can do this one day, and send everyone inside to prison before I die of old age." Dominic said in a low voice, "I will personally settle accounts with them inside, and if there is any grudge, Revenge, if you have a grudge, start with that dwarf woman named Paco."

"There will be such a day." Lin Nian said lightly, "I'm also glad that you didn't mention letting you go. You should know that this is impossible. Whether you are voluntary or have some hidden agenda, you are assisting the terrorists." When you were a molecule, you wholeheartedly did things that endangered other people's lives."

"I've said it many times, I don't regret the things I've done." Dominic shook his head and whispered, turning to look at a photo frame on the bedside table, where a group of people were sitting hand in hand in front of a round table with their eyes closed. Praying, everyone had a smile on their face.

"For the important people, I would rather commit those sins. And those who really love me will not change their attitude towards me because of who I am and what I have done, just like the girl next to you, maybe one day .I also hope that you will never have to face that day. At that time, if you need to do something for her that goes against your bottom line, you will probably do it without hesitation like me, because you sacrificed to protect that person. No matter what the price is!" He turned to look at Lin Nian and said slowly, "You and I are actually the same person."

After finishing speaking, the bald tough guy suddenly paused, and suddenly remembered that someone had said this to him before. And that person also said that he and the other person were the same type of person.

Lin Nian didn't know what kind of thinking the man in front of him was sinking into. He was still putting himself in the other person's shoes, but it only took him a moment to come up with the answer he deserved, but he didn't do anything for it. This man became more understanding. He stood up from the chair and turned towards the door. "Everyone has something they cherish. You and I are no exception. We are the kind of people who will risk everything for one person."

"If you really encounter this kind of thing, everyone will have their own choices and actions. Your approach is to abandon your principles and bear the sin and price. My approach is to become strong enough and never let myself fall into this kind of situation. Dilemma." He looked back at Dominic, "Maybe other people have other methods, but most of them will pay a price for it, and they should usually be prepared to bear the price, even if the price is theirs. freedom or life."

Dominic stopped talking, as if he had acquiesced to this truth. He leaned against the bedside and watched Lin Nian open the door and walk out. Behind the door, the woman he loved now was also flying towards him, just to catch a few people. More warming time.

Outside the Hot Flash Bar in Brooklyn, Lin Xian sat on the edge of a bench and looked up at the New York night sky. There were no stars tonight. He could only see the searchlights of Manhattan Island in the distance shining in the clouds, and occasionally red anti-collision lights. Through the clouds, it was as if you could hear the loud roar of the turbine jets of the passing planes.

Behind her, Lin Nian walked slowly around to the bench and sat next to it. Only then did she look back at the boy beside her and asked, "Is the problem solved?"

"Absolutely." Lin Nian took the Juyi Monji Zong that was placed on Lin Xian's legs and leaned it upright on the edge of the bench. "Was last night interesting enough?"

It was night when Dominic was in coma, and it was also night when he woke up. This was because he slept in the house for almost a whole day due to excessive blood loss and serious injuries. Blood transfusions and surgeries were performed by doctors at home. Lin Nian did not take him Take him to a regular hospital, because this guy's face has already been on the NYPD's wanted list, and he is too lazy to go through the cumbersome handover procedures between the secret party and the police station.

One day passed, and all the illegal elements in the Hot Flash Bar in Brooklyn were eliminated by the NYPD. Fortunately, Lin Nian showed the relevant documents of the secret party to ensure that the owner of the bar, Letty, was not taken away with him, but after he It is inevitable to undergo interrogation after leaving.

"Last night? It was exciting enough, open enough, but a little laborious."

After hearing Lin Nian's words, Lin Xian just stretched out her hand. Under the firelight, the palm of her hand was still bandaged, and the underneath was covered with blood blisters and scars caused by friction. The wrist part was caused by the reckless use of the revolver modified by the equipment department. The pistol also has some contusions, and it probably won't be able to use much force in the near future.

"Just drive. There is no need to jump out. I will handle it if something happens."

Lin Nian stretched out his hand and squeezed Lin Xian's hand. The latter shrank back in pain. Feeling aggrieved, he stretched out his hand and pinched his face in retaliation. "Do you usually have such exciting games in the execution department?"

"This is the first personal mission without backup and command. Many factors were mixed in to make it a bit messy, but at least the result was good. Even after they were caught, they didn't bring back a single body." Lin Nian allowed himself to grow old. The sister pinched her face and said somewhat vaguely, "The NYPD cleared the block from the bridge to the Empire State Building in advance. The witnesses on the street were temporarily under control. Although it still caused some noise, they were able to use old methods to conceal the past."

"Most of the public opinion in the entire Western countries is in the hands of secret parties. As long as they have enough funds, they can block anything they don't want to spread. This is the power of capital. As long as there is no conclusive evidence, or there are thousands of Just one or two cell phone videos of releasing light and heat-type speech spirits in front of thousands of people won't make a big splash. Now if you search online for last night's events, as long as you search for keywords, you will always get 0 results. Related, any posts and forums discussing related topics will be 404, and the Internet, which is manipulated by capital, will be like an island that separates everyone's communication. How can public opinion be stirred up without communication?"

"It's really like covering the sky with one hand." Lin Xian hummed, but his eyes were still a little sad, "We just drove the car that Capital lent us into the river. Do you think Capital will let us work for them for the rest of our lives?" White labor"

"It shouldn't happen, right?" Lin Nian scratched his eyebrows, "For my sake, the Middle Eastern crown prince shouldn't care about this matter?"

"Then I hope your reputation is big enough. How about I package you up and give it to Lisa to sleep with for a few nights, so that she can give you a nice word in front of the Crown Prince of the Middle East?" Lin Xian looked sideways at Lin Nian and speculated on this. feasibility of the plan.

"I don't think so." Lin Nian immediately shook his head.

"Then you won't let me pack myself up and give it to the Crown Prince of the Middle East, right?" Lin Xian looked at him with wide eyes.

"Tie a bow or a Chinese knot on the box I'm packing?" Lin Nian immediately lay down on the chair and gave up resisting.

"You're kidding. If you can't let me go, I can't let you go." Lin Xian suddenly reached out and pressed his hand on Lin Nian's unsuspecting belly. The latter immediately shrank forward, and his head was held and rubbed, "So He can fight, he's so handsome, and he can even take me to drift while driving, so where can I find a good brother like you who is such a treasure?"

"No need to look for it, you already have one." Lin Nianfei pulled out the head with all his strength, feeling that his nose was filled with the scent of grapefruit and lemon perfume from the girl, "Why didn't I see that you were so crazy before? It's normal. The girl was already so scared that she took her hands off the steering wheel and covered her eyes during the racing scene, right?"

"A crazy brother has a crazy sister. You are so crazy. If I were not a little crazy, would I be embarrassed to say that I am your sister in front of others?" Lin Xian tilted his head and looked at the boy in front of him, "And in Cassel College You are not the only one who has been nurtured here, our faculty and staff also undergo regular assessments and training, and I can be considered a person from the half-breed world."

"I haven't forgotten this incident, that's why I dare to take you out." Lin Nian shook his head and said.

Judging from Lin Xian's actions of rushing out of Koenigsegg and grabbing a revolver to disperse the crowd, she has already completely accepted the fact that she is a mixed race, and this kind of courage and decisiveness are not found in normal girls. If we say Kassel College is full of beautiful flowers, so this girl will probably become one of them.

"Do you still have the guts to continue traveling with me?" Lin Nian asked her, holding the seat under him with both hands and tilting his head.

"Who is afraid of who? Where are you now? After racing, did you chase the plane and skydive?" Lin Xian sat comfortably on the chair leaning on Lin Nian's arm, "Didn't you dream about it when you were in the orphanage? Will you take me to travel around the world? Now that your dream has come true, I will definitely accompany your sister to the end."

"There's no rush. Now that the matter here has been resolved, we can have a good rest in New York for a while. When the Enforcement Department takes the prisoners into custody in two months, it won't be too late for us to go to the next place." Lin Nian also leaned against Lin Nian. Xian, with the back of his head touching her, was sitting on a long wooden chair.

"Two months later? I thought people from the execution department would be here tomorrow."

"Is there any difference between two months later and tomorrow?" Lin Nian said, "Anyway, it doesn't mean much difference to us. The result will be the same in the end, it's just a matter of time."

"What kind of ecstasy soup did he drink into you, so that you, a cold-faced killer with a reputation outside the execution department, could get away with half of you?" Lin Xian turned his head and looked at Lin Nian's profile and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that his past and his beliefs reminded me of other things." Lin Nian said, looking at the golden flames swaying in the gasoline barrel in the distance.

"If you think it is right, then believe it." Lin Xian smiled and said, "I think what my brother thinks is right will not be wrong, because I taught you, and I know With your character and determination, you will definitely make the right choice before making some trade-offs and judgments.”

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Lin Nian shook his head, "Where do you want to go next in two months? To try cigars and red wine in Havana or to go to Afghanistan to learn how to make a practical AK-47? "

"I have no interest in Afghanistan or Havana. Why don't we go to Tokyo as the next stop?"

"Why Tokyo?"

"Because your girlfriend is in Tokyo."

"What?" Lin Nian suddenly sat up straight, and the atmosphere of deep brother-brother love he had created disappeared in an instant. He turned to look at Lin Xian, with an expression like a black driver staring at a naughty child.

".I said your girlfriend is in Tokyo, your online dating girlfriend." Lin Xian looked at him and said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Nian finally couldn't sit still. "Don't smear my innocence out of thin air. What kind of online girlfriend? Su Xiaoqiang and I are not dating online at all, and she should be preparing for the college entrance examination now. Why? Maybe to Tokyo?”

"What Su Xiaoqiang, uh, are you and Su Xiaoqiang still in contact?" Lin Xian looked at Lin Nian strangely, and suddenly sighed with emotion in his heart:

"Niannian, my sea emperor"

"Poseidon is a piece of shit." Lin Nian was keenly aware that this word was not a good word, "Japan? Online dating? What on earth are you talking about? Who told you these things?"

"That girl named Sugi, Uesugi, Uesugi." Lin Xian raised his head and finally remembered, "Fingel sent me her photo, and I asked him to say hello to her for me. , I introduced myself as your sister. Don’t tell me that the girl is really pretty, you are quite tricky when it comes to girls, so that’s up to me.”

"Have you said hello to her? When did it happen?" Lin Nian suddenly felt bad.

"During the four months when you were sleeping," Lin Xian said, "your senior brother kept making side comments on some of your habits and hobbies. I felt something was wrong and asked him about it, only to find out that he was temporarily helping you chat with your online girlfriend. , all asked for her."

"And you answered everything? What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Lin Xian scratched his cheek and looked like it was nothing at all. He probably knew from Lin Nian's reaction that he had misunderstood something, but he was still prepared to make the same mistake again and again, "Don't you want to meet me when I go to Tokyo this time?" Meet someone?"

"I" Lin Nian choked, because he really didn't know what Fingel said to the girl who loved to wear a witch costume and a yellow-skinned duck on PSN when he pretended to be him. In the eyes of that girl, their Where has the relationship reached? Damn it, Fingel is a bitch, he will have to be chopped off one day!

"Anyway, I think she is looking forward to meeting you. Hey, there are no girls who don't look forward to meeting my brother." Lin Xian shrugged.

".You want me to die, don't you?" Lin Nian no longer knew how to explain to Lin Xian the special nature of this girl Eri Uesugi. But in case the Sheqi family misunderstood that he was interested in this girl, he would always You won't let him, a super hybrid, represent the secret party and get married to the little monster from the Japanese branch, right?

Suddenly, for some reason, this inexplicable idea suddenly appeared in Lin Nian's mind, and it was like a poisonous snake that came out of nowhere and bit him.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xian asked curiously, seeing the horrified look on Lin Nian's face.

The car chase didn't scare him, so why did this kid scare himself into this state?

"It's nothing." Lin Nian shook his head and tried to throw away the idea, "Can we not go to Tokyo at the next stop?"

"If you don't go to Tokyo in spring, why don't you go in winter?" Lin Xingxuan asked, "I'm still waiting for your online girlfriend to take us to see the cherry blossoms."

You really want your brother to die, right?

Lin Nian was so full of complaints that he could only stare blankly at the girl dangling her feet on the bench, laughing happily, and finally he could only sigh.

Tokyo is just Tokyo. Why did you go around in a circle and go back to that place?

But if he goes to Tokyo now, some things will be different now.

In the darkness where the flames of the gasoline barrels could not illuminate, Lin Nian's palm hanging on the edge of the bench slowly squeezed tightly and rubbed it gently. In the palm of his hand, the tiny black sword and shield scales quietly rubbed together and produced gold and iron. The light sound of fighting was like the inaudible scream of the iron horse hidden in the palm of your hand.

It seems that he still has a bad debt to settle with some people there.

ps①: 5K, not available yet.

ps②: Long Yi needs to set the stage beforehand. It is normal that the plot does not involve the main plot. After all, Lin Nian will not be on the road to save the world and slay the Dragon King every day.

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