"On March 25, the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters announced the implementation of a safety manual. It plans to complete safety awareness education for people in metropolitan areas such as subways and trams by April 25, strengthen law popularization, awareness of the law, and legal awareness, and severely crack down on all illegal activities. to effectively protect the safety of citizens’ lives and property.”

"We, the Osaka Prefectural Police Department, solemnly assure the citizens of all Japan that we will make huge breakthroughs in the four vicious cases in Suita City and Toyonaka City within two months! We also ask all citizens to give us the greatest trust in our Osaka Prefectural Police Department. , cooperation and help! We will try our best to give the general public a safe and worry-free living environment!"

"Director, Director, we are reporters from Osaka Metropolis Daily. I would like to ask, why can the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department give such a confident reply to the high murder and rape rate in the past month? Before this Isn’t the Metropolitan Police Department completely clueless about the personal information of prisoners? Is this another perfunctory treatment of the people by the Metropolitan Police Department? Can we still see you bowing and apologizing on TV, begging us to give you more trust and time? Director, Director! Please answer directly!"

"As far as you can see, in the Tokyo Disney play experience area, on the artificial lake in the second half of the Pirates of the Caribbean project, Disneyland officials staged a rare live-action melodrama for their guests. As you all know See the beautiful princess and handsome prince on the sprig of the 'Black Pearl' having a final duel with the villain who opposes their loyal love!"

"Oh (↓↑)! (The guest's reaction is displayed in the upper right corner of the program)"

"Then now the screen switches back to the scene. It's really amazing, Obao-kun. What do you think of Disney's carefully prepared live-action performance? Where is Miss Sakurako?"

"Eh? Me? I think Disney has always been very good at choosing actors for this kind of real-life princess! Look at that princess, she is so beautiful, she looks exactly like the one in the animation! Especially that Her blond hair seems to glow, what do you think, Miss Sakurako?"

"Ah, so handsome."

"Eh? What's so handsome?"

"Of course he is the prince."


"Yeah, I just saw his face. He's so handsome."

"I repeated it twice. He is really handsome. Do young girls nowadays like this number? Are Kimura Takuya types no longer popular?"

"No matter how you look at it, Daiho-kun, you are not a Kimura Takuya type! (The audience burst into laughter)"

"This is too much."

"But if Yabe Yuyou is there, Daiho-kun still has a chance."

"Eh? Quan-Sang? Is he the actor from "Hot Blooded Laughter"? (Photo comparison was shown on the TV show, and the audience burst into laughter again)"

"Oho-kun has no chance. No matter how you look at this prince, he is still Oguri Shun's type."

"I heard that this pair of princesses and princes, who have never appeared in the public eye, are most likely a preliminary promotion for the next animated film by Disneyland!"

"Ah (everyone suddenly realized it)!"

"No wonder the martial arts scenes are so great. It seems that Disney has invested a lot of money. The coordination is perfect. Even the villains are so handsome that it makes people heart-beat!"

"Does Miss Sakurako also like handsome guys like villains?"

"Ah, I hate it. I like all handsome guys (the audience burst into laughter)."

"So, does Miss Sakurako like me?"

"Yada! (The audience burst into laughter)"

"Minister! I bought some drinks!"

"Why so slow?"

"Sorry for being late but in the end I only bought this."

"What is this? I have never asked you to buy such a thing!"

"Minister. I'm sorry!"

"Performance can be compromised, but Coke? Look at the blue garbage you bought."

"I'm sorry, I'm going to buy a new one now!"

"You want it red! It must be red!"

Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola will never give in! (Advertising slogan)

Outside the TV sales shop, the rainwater on the glass display window was pulled by gravity and fell, leaving traces. TV screens one after another played programs from various TV stations behind the glass. News, TV interviews, advertisements, and comedy variety shows made people laugh. The lurking artists, the mixed sounds of everything floated through the windows and onto the damp and cold streets reflecting the colorful neon lights.

This is Osaka Prefecture, Kyono City, a small city in the North Hanoi region, bordering Jiaoye Mountain to the east.

This small city is located in the suburbs of Osaka. You can reach the boundary of Nara, one of the three major metropolitan areas, by walking over the Kyono City and walking through the cemetery. However, Mt. Kyono is like an airtight wall, blocking the opposite side. All the prosperity and new trends were blocked, and what was left to Jiaoye was a lazy, lazy, yet peaceful and peaceful small town life.

At night, almost no vehicles can be seen on the streets of the residential area. You can only see the shadows of cars passing by under the street lights on the Second Keihan Expressway in the distance. One or two horns sound, and the fleeting white light illuminates the city. The dark shadows of the low-rise houses dragged across the road.

Behind the window where TV programs are playing, the empty and brightly lit TV store is quiet. Every TV on the shelf is playing a program. The noisy TV sound does not increase the popularity of this little shop that no one cares about. On the contrary, it makes the store more popular. The rainy night added a sense of coolness.

At this time, the welcoming bell on the glass door of the store rang.

It was not that customers came in, but that people inside went out. The clerk in the TV sales store, who was wearing a work apron and keeping watch all night, opened the door and poked his head out. The few locks of hair on his head were immediately wet by the light rain at night. He stood at the door. Then he looked at the deserted streets on the left and right sides and sighed. He shrank his neck and hid his head back in the store, and hung the closing sign on the glass door.

The clerk stretched himself, walked into the display window, found the power socket behind the display TV, and turned off the switch. The colorful picture reflected on the display window went out, and the noise of the crowded TV programs also disappeared in an instant. The sound of light rain outside suddenly became louder.

The deserted streets, the stores that were about to close, and the endless drizzle made people feel a little lonely for no reason. When this feeling came to mind, the clerk immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly, giving him the long-lost second feeling. Throw it away. The work in the past few years has long burned away his former middle school soul. If he was still half a brave man before, now his brave soul has been covered by the work apron with advertisements on it. It's sealed.

The clerk put down the power socket, looked up at the window, and then turned around to go out and pack things in the store, but then he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned his head to look outside the glass.

In the reflection of the glass window, in addition to rows of black LCD screens for sale and his dull face, there was also a striking shadow, a white figure.

Across the street that was wet and cold from the light rain, there was a girl sitting at the foot of the white street lamp, wearing an oversized graffiti T-shirt, with short black hair, a delicate and beautiful face under the wet bangs, and lowered eyes. Guang Zheng was staring at the shop assistant behind the window. He couldn't tell whether his mood was sadness or resentment. In short, it just didn't make people feel comfortable.

The clerk subconsciously looked back at the clock hanging on the wall in the store. It was already 11:30 at night. It was really unsettling to see such a girl on the street at this time. It was not because of any uneasy conscience. But I always feel that this girl is very troublesome, just like a tissue wetted by rain. If you touch her rashly, you will only tear something that was originally intact, and make everything impossible to return to the past.

But out of conscience, the clerk chose to take off his employee apron and walk out of the window. He opened the glass door and used his apron to block the light rain above his head. He walked across the street and walked to the girl under the streetlight.

When he got closer, he noticed that the girl was younger than he thought. Her face looked as tender as a high school student or a junior high school student. Because she was squatting, her large T-shirt made her look like a girl. The girl's whole body was completely covered, except for a pair of white sneakers under her feet. The rain had wet the fabric of her T-shirt and stuck to her arms. Fortunately, the clothes were made of heavy cotton, otherwise she would have been soaked like this. In just a few minutes, all the spring sunshine should be gone.

He stood in front of the girl. The girl also saw the feet appearing in her sight. She raised her head slightly and looked at the young clerk. The beautiful face made the clerk feel excited for a moment, but she still held back those thoughts. .

"Arnold, are you okay?" He coughed and decided to try some sexual contact. He held up his scarf and bent down to look at the short-haired girl and asked.

"だいじょうぶ(daijoubu)." The short-haired girl answered quite briefly, her tone was a little weak, but she still tried hard to take a breath to make herself look energetic.

As long as the clerk has a brain, he can see that this girl is not a man at all. She is soaked all over. He sat in the store all night and didn't pay much attention to the situation on the street outside. He doesn't know how long the girl has been in the rain. If he keeps going like this, he will catch a cold sooner or later when the rain dries up. Especially in April, the weather is hot and cold. He bought a lot of medical stocks and just waited for them to rise. He just made money without caring about his health. patient money.

"Will you get sick if you do this?"


".are not you cold?"

"not cold."

"." The clerk felt like he was chatting to death.

The girl looked at him as if she was thinking about something. She answered whatever the clerk asked her, but the answers she gave back and forth were extremely short and made no progress at all.

"Where do you live? Are you lost? Do you want me to call the police for you?" The clerk finally couldn't help but ask after thinking for a long time.

"No need." When the short-haired girl heard the word "alarm", she suddenly shook her head and slowly stood up from the ground. Upon seeing this, the clerk immediately took a few steps back and watched the short-haired girl walk along the street in the drizzle. After walking for a while, I stood under another street lamp and sat down.

The clerk was stunned. Was he disliked by JK? No way. Although I am not as handsome as the real Disney Prince actor in the TV show, I am not ugly at all. I won’t be regarded as a bad guy by JK who lives on the street, right?

He wanted to walk over and continue talking to the short-haired girl, but he didn't know how he could shamelessly start the conversation after the other girl left him. Just when he was hesitant and entangled, there was a sudden sound at the corner not far away from the street. The sound of footsteps.

At the corner of the street, a young man in a suit and leather shoes wearing a black umbrella walked out with a briefcase. He was probably a workhorse who came home late. As soon as he walked onto the road here, he immediately noticed the girl squatting under the streetlight next to him. , he stopped and slowly lowered his head to look at the soaked girl.

"Sir, did you bring your mobile phone? She seems to be lost and can't find her way home." The clerk awkwardly held up his apron and walked over to talk to the young man, then looked at the ground. Short hair girl.

"I don't need the police to help me, you are annoying." The short-haired girl raised her head and glanced viciously at the clerk, who raised her voice slightly, but she still couldn't help feeling weak after she said the words. She was probably hungry in addition to being exposed to the rain. She was holding her belly, and her whole body looked weak, and her cherry-colored lips were white and purple.

"Look, she's still like this, unwilling to accept help." The clerk took a few steps back and said with a wry smile.

The young man didn't say anything to the clerk. He held a black umbrella and stared down at the short-haired girl for a while and suddenly asked, "Running away from home?"

The short-haired girl looked up at him and found that the man was probably in his twenties or thirties. After looking at her for a few seconds, the young man said again without waiting for her answer, "My rental house is here." It’s three blocks away, a bit messy, and you can stay for a night, but there are conditions.”

"Eh? What? What are you talking about, sir? Eh?" The clerk on the side was stunned. He turned to look at the young man and his expression changed. Why do you ask a female high school student to go home with you for the night? Condition? And what “conditions” were mentioned at the end? What are "conditions"? Is it the condition he had in mind?

"If you want to, come with me. If you don't want to, just stay here and let this clerk call the police for you. It's not difficult for the Metropolitan Police Department to find your home address. If you are sent home by the Metropolitan Police Department, , your parents will probably be very grateful to the people at the Metropolitan Police Department, and repeat what they did to you ten times before." The young man ignored the reaction of the clerk next to him, looked at the short-haired girl and said with a smile.

"How do you know about my family?" the short-haired girl asked.

"I have helped other girls like you." The young man smiled lightly, "I don't mind helping another one."

"Sir, stop for a moment, sir." The clerk's face froze. He realized what the young man was thinking and quickly got up and stood between the short-haired girl and the young man. "Do you know what you are doing?"

The young man looked at the clerk in front of him and tilted his head. Without saying anything, he turned around and walked towards the street in the distance. The clerk also swallowed his saliva and turned his head to look over. He almost thought that he had ruined the other person's good deeds. He was about to start a fight, but he didn't expect that his sense of justice would be so strong, forcing this guy with evil intentions to retreat!

"Let me call the police for you." The clerk turned to look at the short-haired woman behind him. Huh? Where are people?

There was the sound of water being trampled on the roadside. The clerk turned around and saw the back of the white fat T-shirt retreating. He could only stand there stupidly and look at the girl who followed the young man and never returned. .

ps: Take a picture, 4K, continue to make up for the plot details

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