"Dragon writing is a very wonderful thing. It is the mother tongue of mixed races. The most peculiar thing about it is that you are already proficient in it without studying, so you can understand and use dragon writing. The 3E exam is structured around An exam that evaluates the purity of a candidate’s bloodline based on the sensitivity of mixed-breeds to dragons.”

"I have never learned a language before I can use it to understand it?" Su Xiaoqiang, who was sitting on the bed as neatly as if he had returned to Shilan High School to attend classes, looked seriously at the people sitting in front of him on the stacked chairs beside the bed. A young teacher giving a lecture.

"We should look at things in a dialectical way. Convergent thinking means that we should use the method of breaking the casserole to get to the bottom of the problem to get to the bottom of it. The opening chapter of "Dragon Literature" in the freshman year actually records examples related to this issue." Lin Nian. He explained while crossing his fingers and looking at the girl on the bed.

"Ancient Egypt, one of the four ancient civilizations, has a history of more than 7,000 years. It is considered the oldest country in mankind and has an incomparable sense of civilizational pride and superiority. When it changed to the 26th Dynasty, the then Pharaoh Pusa King Meticus I once wanted to prove that Egypt was the oldest civilization in the world, but at that time, conquests could no longer prove the superiority of their civilization, so he suddenly had a whim and wanted to use human beings' most primitive instincts to prove the superiority of civilization. "

"Primal instinct?"

"Human sucking reflex and knee-jerk reflex are human instincts, engraved in blood and DNA. He believes that Egypt is the first civilization born in the world, so every baby should be born knowing Egyptian. If they can By proving this, they can prove to themselves that Egypt is the authentic civilization from which all mankind originated.”

“So he found two babies who could not speak yet and placed them in an open pasture near the Nile River. Only a herdsman raised them from childhood to adulthood. During this period, he ordered the herdsman not to talk to the children. During this period, the entire edge of the pasture was surrounded by The Egyptian soldiers sealed the fence and did not allow anyone to cross the fence and destroy this experiment that was related to the pride of civilization. Surrounded by loneliness, perhaps the two babies had never understood what loneliness was. In that case, they grew naturally. For 2 years, normal babies will naturally call 'mom' or 'dad' when they are ten months old, but they have not said a word in 2 years, and at most they have made animal noises."

"The animals in the pasture have become teachers who teach them how to speak!" Su Xiaoqiang said.

"So this experiment was a failure. After learning his lesson, the Pharaoh changed the experiment location to a desert. This time, the baby only had a wet nurse to accompany him. Any food and clothing needed were sent in by the soldiers every day. , whoever spoke was punished with death, and under such circumstances the baby uttered its first word at the age of one: beccos.”

"beccos?" Su Xiaoqiang repeated the word, "What does this word mean?"

"This question also stumped the Pharaoh, because there is no such word in Egypt. The scholar in the court searched over and over again and finally found that the Phrygian language on the back of the Mediterranean had a similar word, which was pronounced as 'bread'."

"The origin of human language is Phrygian?" Su Xiaoqiang was a little stunned. She had never even heard of the Phrygian civilization.

"Later, the baby's wet nurse reported that an accident actually happened on the child's first birthday. A urn fell from the stove at home, so many people suspected that the sound of the urn exploding was caused by that child's first birthday. After the baby learned it, he pronounced beccos, a word with some explosive syllables, as if to amuse himself, instead of the Phrygian word for bread."

"This explanation is very reasonable. The Pharaoh also recovered a little from his annoyance and ordered no more such experiments, because if he wants to continue the experiments, he must eliminate any sound that the baby can hear as he grows up. This is no different. So we want to make a newborn baby deaf." Lin Nian paused here.

"In fact, according to the pharaohs who ruled brutally at that time, even the pyramids could be built. It would not be difficult to deafen a newborn child. But if a deaf person does not receive any instruction from childhood, he will probably become a mute. At most, he can only make "um" sounds. That was no word or word at all, and the experiment has since been abandoned."

"But everything happens, right?" Su Xiaoqiang said.

She looked at Lin Nian and knew that this boy had always been a talkative type. He had not said as much to her in high school as he did when he played games with that kid Lu Mingfei all afternoon. There must be another story to this story. ending.

"There is also a very rare chance that some unexpected situation will occur, and the result of that situation is not to prove that a certain language is the origin of mankind, but the destruction of one of the oldest civilizations." Lin Nian nodded. Said, "The experiment of Pharaoh Psammetik I caused a lot of discussion after later generations learned about it. This experiment was repeatedly tested by kings in history, including King James IV of Scotland and the Mughal Emperor. Akbar, Emperor Frederick of Shinra, etc. have all done it, and the experimental results they obtained are similar. Babies do not produce any new language, they can only communicate with gestures and make ape-like roars, which is completely indescribable. For words.”

"It seems that experiments have proved that nothing can be born apart from the human collective. Civilization, tools, systems, and of course language, but..." Lin Nian finally said the but.

"But one guy made it work."

"Who?" Su Xiaoqiang was gradually attracted by this story and asked.

"Alexander III, the son of King Philip II of Macedonia, the great emperor who studied under Aristotle, the famous ancient Greek thinker. Being influenced by philosophy since his childhood, he naturally also thought about the origin of human beings and the ultimate meaning. After hearing about the deeds of Pharaoh Psammetik, I naturally began to be curious about the answer to this question." Lin Nian said, "He came to the throne at the age of 20, quelled the turmoil inside and outside the palace, fought against the opposition forces, and unified the whole of Greece. . An accidental encounter after he became the emperor led him to pass a spectacular natural waterfall while hunting, and what was even more coincidental was that he actually discovered a natural cave with a unique cave behind the waterfall. "

"At that time, an idea couldn't stop pouring out of his mind. It was about an experiment on the oldest human language. The Pharaoh's experiment failed because he could not eliminate the sounds that the babies heard in life. But If there is an unlearnable external sound source that can cover up all unexpected sounds, is it possible to complete this experiment and obtain the true original language of human beings derived from genes?"

"So he found the wisest old man in Macedonia at the time and asked this question. After thinking for a moment, the old man did not denounce this as an unfair experiment that ruined the growth of a baby. On the contrary, he found a doctor in the Lyceum Academy of Athens. A student was asked to promise the baby in his wife’s belly to Alexander the Great so that he could complete the experiment, but on condition that the wet nurse who lived with the baby in the waterfall cave must be the mother herself.”

"Alexander also agreed to this request and ordered the mother and father to swear in the name of Aristotle, the only teacher they believed in, not to teach the baby Greek and thereby deceive the monarch."

When Lin Nian said this, he paused and looked at the confused Su Xiaoqiang to explain. "After Alexander the Great ruled Greece, the next question was whether to conquer territories outside Greece. If he made a decision, he would inevitably face the entire territory of Egypt at that time, which was the glorious Persian Empire and ancient Egypt. The later life of Alexander. At that time, Alexander suddenly wanted to do this experiment. It was not just a whim. In fact, it had a deep metaphor. At that time, there were still many unrest forces and opposition voices around him. He needed a reason and a belief due to internal and external troubles. , thereby conquering himself and everyone else to make them believe that he can succeed in the Eastern Expedition. This is similar to 'The Great Chu rises to become the victorious king'. This time the experiment itself is a political method, not a temporary initiative of the monarch! "

Su Xiaoqiang nodded and understood a little, but his expression was still a little strange. He felt like he was in a history class, but his expectation for the story and his patience with the boy still made him concentrate and listen to every word. If it were Lu Ming, If he had come here, he would probably be dozing off with mosquito-repellent incense in his eyes by now.

Lin Nian continued, "The ancient Egyptian pharaohs never got the answer in the experiment that would allow Egypt to have its 'destiny', so the Persians invaded and perished. They established the Persian Empire, and even made a 'cat is destroyed' The Egyptians' joke. What Alexander needed at that time was determination, a Macedonian Empire, the Alexander Empire's authentic beliefs for mankind, and a determination to conquer the outside world. That's why the parents were made to swear not to secretly teach their babies Greek. This deceived him and at the same time publicized the matter, letting most citizens know about it and at the same time look forward to the results, which served as a guide for the subsequent Eastern Expedition and the unification of Greece."

"So the oath is false. The baby will speak Greek anyway after walking out of the waterfall?" Su Xiaoqiang suddenly realized that this was really a political maneuver. She was really deceived by this so-called 'experiment' in the first half. It is conceivable that the Greeks in Greece who learned about this at that time were probably looking forward to the outcome of the experiment just like her.

Lin Nian did not confirm Su Xiaoqiang's words and continued, "Then what happened was very simple. The baby and his mother were sent into the cave behind the waterfall by heavy troops. All the items necessary for life were prepared in the cave. In order to prevent the mother from giving birth. After living in a humid place for a long time, she would suffer from diseases. Alexander the Great also specially approved the court physician to take care of his mother's body every day. However, his mother still suffered from arthritis, rheumatism and other symptoms, but she was given daily medical care. The father of food exists, and it is humane for a family of three to reunite every day in a waterfall cave, and it also gives them the confidence to persevere."

Su Xiaoqiang seemed to have a premonition of the development of the story. She knelt on the pillow and gently lifted her knees over the cotton wool like a kitten stepping on milk, waiting for the ending of the story.

"One day after a year, news suddenly came from the cave of the waterfall that the one-year-old child had spoken." Lin Nian said, "The mother and father brought the child with them after a year of isolation. A one-year-old child walked out of the waterfall surrounded by soldiers and protected him. On that day recorded in history, the entire Macedonian Empire fell into silence. The people crouched and watched in silence as the carriages escorted on the road took the child to the main hall. . And the history that follows is a secret that cannot be recorded by the outside world. Records can only be found in the world of hybrids."

"This piece of history was found by the mixed race on a stone slab at the ruins of the Macedonian Empire. What is recorded on the stone slab is that a young son of God was in a magnificent Greek palace. Angels shed light and bathed him, and his His eyes were the sun, and there were wings on his back. The emperor on the throne actually bent down to him to show respect for the 'Son of God.'" Lin Nian said, "There is no written record of this incident, only stone tablets were used as carriers to record it. "

"What does this mean?" Su Xiaoqiang was stunned.

"The ultimate goal of the experiment is to seek the oldest language of mankind, the orthodoxy engraved in the blood. The originally planned ending of this experiment was for the 1-year-old child to walk to the palace and speak a Greek sentence in front of the attention of all Greece. The language could be 'Victory' or 'Greece' itself, or even the name of Alexander the Great, but the latter seems to have a certain sense of imperial decree, but at least it is the original and unchangeable ending." Lin Nian said, "But Judging from the subsequent history of the unification of the Macedonian Empire, the Eastern Expedition, the soldiers' strong faith, and the pictures on the mysterious stone slab discovered by the mixed-race archaeologists, it seems that this experiment has a second ending."

"Second ending?"

"The language spoken by the one-year-old child in the palace was not the 'Greek' that Alexander the Great expected." Lin Nian said, "Similarly, the language was not 'Persian', 'Ancient Egyptian' or even It was any language in the world at that time. What he recited was a language derived from blood. It was a language that humans could not understand or even reproduce. This language was derived from the inheritance of blood and genes, and truly became a biological reflex. an act.”

Su Xiaoqiang suddenly remembered the phone call Lin Nian said to her at the beginning when he introduced the 3E exam, and instantly understood that in the second ending, in the palace of the Macedonian Empire, hundreds of courtiers sang with the children the emperor saw. What language came out.

"That child is a hybrid." Lin Young nodded lightly, "When the hybrid awakens its bloodline, it naturally chants the power of the spirit of speech. The most obvious manifestation of this power in the material world is the mysterious ancient spirit. Language Dragon Wen.”

"Sun. Golden Eyes?!" Su Xiaoqiang understood why the baby's eyes on the stone slab were two-wheeled suns, and where did the light shed by the angel come from? It was precisely because of the unique sun that the ministers and even the king bent down. The mental intimidation of the mixed race was just like what she had experienced from Lin Nian.

"You are an emperor of a country with internal and external troubles, and at the same time you are ambitious. How would you react if a son of a god appeared in front of you? And if at this time someone suggested that there are more gods in the world Son of God and the people chosen by God, how will you react?" Lin Nian said lightly, "On the stone slab, on the side of the Son of God, there is an old man holding a scepter without bending over. Instead, he stood upright and hid in the shadows, watching everyone quietly with the attitude of a kind mentor."


Lin Nian did not explain, but continued, "Not only one such stone slab was found in Macedonian ruins, but later stone slabs recorded that in a temple-like building, an emperor wearing a crown screened the sons of God. The chosen one, the kind mentor sat beside the throne and listened to the guidance of the angels, leading the emperor to find people chosen by God one after another, and completed an unrivaled army of God."

"Why is this old man such an important role not written in the history books? There should be some records left." Su Xiaoqiang hesitated and asked.

"There are records, and they are very colorful. To this day, everyone still remembers him, praises him, and even remembers him. His name in history is Aristotle." Lin Nian read out an incredible name for him. Su Xiaoqiang opened his eyes wide, "He who was supposed to have died in 322 appeared in the 322nd year and was faithfully recorded on the stone tablets. His appearance was exactly the same as the kind and wise old man on the stone statues. This is why archaeologists found him in the 322nd year. I immediately recognized the old man’s identity.”

"Aristotle was a mixed race?"

"You probably won't be too surprised by this fact if you think about his "Metaphysics", "On the Soul", "Animals" series and other works. There are too many mixed-race characters in history who have left their names but are unknown to the public. , he is just one of them. Do you still remember who selected the 'Son of God' in this experiment?" Lin Nian said lightly.

"The wisest old man in Macedonia, Aristotle?! The parents of the 'Son of God' were his students and his students' wives," Su Xiaoqiang said. She seemed to pause as if she suddenly understood something. "At that time, he He should have died a long time ago."

"Dead by committing suicide by throwing yourself into the sea?" Lin Young shook his head lightly. "The 42-year-old Aristotle was summoned back to his hometown by King Philip II of Macedonia. He was hired by King Philip II to serve as the 13-year-old Aristotle. The teacher of Alexander the Great at the age of 18 taught him moral, political, and philosophical thoughts. The interesting experiments of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs on the origin of human language have been lost for a long time. The only ones who know about it are those who have a deep understanding of history and any philosophical matters. Great Confucian. Then this great Confucian just happened to tell the young Alexander the Great."

"When Alexander died, the Athenians attacked Aristotle and convicted him of impiety. Socrates was also sentenced to death for this crime. Of course Aristotle did not believe in gods. He only believed in the power of his own blood. , and wanted to create an ideal political system and country based on it. It just so happened that the emperor who had the best chance to conquer Greece and surrounding areas was the student who had been influenced by his teachings since childhood. He was a mixed race, and as a mixed race, he had no doubt I can live until that day..."

Su Xiaoqiang became a little creeped out. She originally thought that this story was just an experiment, and then gradually thought it was a political method. Until now, it has become a conspiracy of a philosopher and thinker. Perhaps it cannot be said to be a conspiracy, because his The purpose does not conflict with anyone's. Alexander the Great's purpose was to conquer and unify, and he only helped the other party. The country established after the unification and conquest was still the country of Alexander the Great. Aristotle only cared about the country's ideological and ideological orthodoxy, and perhaps theirs. The living environment of this type of people. A win-win outcome.

"Alexander the Great then completed the unification with overwhelming momentum in 335 BC, and quickly launched the Macedonian army to conquer the East a year later in 334 BC (the BC chronological figures are calculated backwards). All the way, they were unstoppable and gained The Macedonian soldiers who have mastered the oldest language of mankind are almost unstoppable. At that time, the tactics Alexander the Great relied on to conquer the world were the phalanx and 'multiple arms combat.'" Lin Nian said, "A group of people who control the language spirit And maybe alchemical soldiers."

"How did they find so many hybrids back then?"

"On the stone slab, a group of 'sons of gods' gathered in the temple. Later generations studied the layout and style of the temple. The most similar place to the Greek architecture at that time was the Lyceum Academy in Athens. There was a temple called Apollo nearby. Temple, so we boldly guess that the first gathering place for mixed races existed in the form of a college. Therefore, Cassel College is not really the first mixed race college, and the real founder of the academy is not Menike Cassel. It's Aristotle." Lin Nian chuckled a little when he said this, "Any student who Aristotle deems qualified will be summoned to report to the temple and let the disciples in his college take care of it in Awa. Bloodline screening was conducted in the Luo Temple. At that time, it was a supreme honor to enter that college. No one would refuse the notice from Lyceum College. And their screening method was also recorded. What was painted on the stone slab was an angel on the top of the temple. Psalms were recited, while the sons of God prayed devoutly and grew wings on their backs.”

"Hymn. Dragon text!" Su Xiaoqiang understood and understood what Lin Nian meant. "The 3E exam uses the form of playing dragon text to determine the identity of hybrids?!"

"Those with blood were secretly transported to the palaces of the Macedonian Empire for training, and those without blood were purged out to ensure that the selection process would not be known to anyone unrelated. This tradition has been passed down from ancient Greece to the present, and this is also the origin of the 3E exam. "Lin Nian whispered, and he looked at Su Xiaoqiang, "In the past, hybrids were selected as soldiers. Their meaning was to gain victory and glory. The same is true for the current hybrids. Each one selected will bear a mission and wait for us. It’s the same war that a soldier must embark on, but the object and battlefield are different.”

Su Xiaoqiang was startled and looked at Lin Nian in disbelief, "Will I die if I fail the 3E exam?"

"No, it won't. But your memory will be wiped and sent away from Kassel Academy. You will not remember anything about this place, and a brand new memory will fill your brain." Lin Nian said.

"I don't want to have my memory wiped." Su Xiaoqiang whispered.

"I don't want to see such a scene." Lin Nian said, "That's why I'm here tonight."

Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lin Nian with some confusion.

"Do you think Alexander the Great didn't have any thoughts after meeting the Son of God?" Lin Nian said, "No one can resist the qualities of the mixed-race bloodline that are far beyond ordinary people. In terms of just one vitality, there are countless What an emperor dreams of. The average mixed race can live to two hundred years old without any disease or disaster. Our current principal is an example, Hilbert Jean Angers, whom you should have seen in the interview letter. , he was born in the fourth year of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. He was the original member of the Lion Heart Society. He met the existence of the suspected Dragon King in the Mourning of Xia. He later participated in World War II and has lived to this day. He is already 130 or 40 years old. He is an old guy, but his body is still so strong that he can jump up and chop off the heads of dragons. This vitality is something no emperor can refuse."

"Like Qin Shihuang's quest for immortality?" Su Xiaoqiang said subconsciously.

"No, what Qin Shihuang seeks is not longevity, but something else. He is the Dragon King himself, so naturally what he seeks cannot be lifespan, but something about the ultimate at the bottom of the root of the original tree of life in Kabbalah, which is also what the black emperor wants. Coveted things. It's too early to say this now." Lin Nian shook his head, "Alexander the Great is just an ordinary person, not a dragon and not a hybrid. When Aristotle summoned the hybrids, didn't he also Ever dreamed of becoming one of them and being inspired by God?”

"He wants to be a mixed race." Su Xiaoqiang said.

"The only person who can help him is his best friend, his mentor, the teacher Aristotle who helped him build an invincible army." Lin Young said in a low voice, "Do you know where Alexander the Great died? "

Su Xiaoqiang shook his head. Her history was good, but not good enough to remember such unpopular knowledge. Only someone with a photographic memory like Lin Nian could explain it all in an orderly manner.

"Babylon," he said. "He died in Babylon."

"This is also the end of this story." Lin Nian said, "In later generations, he was paralyzed for six days before death, so medical scientists concluded that he died from Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder. But in fact, this is just a hypothesis. Some say he died of poisoning, while others say it was a secret assassination. The reason for this mystery is that no one has touched his body, making the incident itself an unknown. Puzzles that humans can understand”

"What's the answer to the puzzle?" Su Xiaoqiang posted directly. She held her breath and stared at the boy until he knew he could give her an answer.

"On the last stone slab discovered by archaeologists, an emperor lay on the top of a high tower. Under the protection of a kind old man, angels took away his soul." Lin Nian said.

"...He went to heaven?" Su Xiaoqiang was paused, as if he couldn't accept the answer.

"Think carefully about what that tablet means. I can give you a hint. Before he died, his close friend Perticus asked him to appoint an heir. He said vaguely: Let the strongest inherit." Lin Young said softly.

Tower, soul, inheritance.

"You mean?" Su Xiaoqiang suddenly shuddered.

“Folk rumors say that the so-called strongest man is the strongest soldier in Alexander’s army named Ptolemy. After fighting, the ministers wanted to take his body back to Macedonia and bury it with the old king, but he suddenly snatched the body while it was being transported, held a grand funeral for him in Egypt, and then pretended to be Alexander's heir." Lin. Nian said.

"He succeeded.?"

"Perhaps, this is the end of the story, but it is also the beginning." Lin Nian said, "I hope he succeeds. If he succeeds, it will be the most successful bloodline rewriting in the true sense for mankind, and it will continue his future trust. Lemi dynasty.”

"You hope he succeeds." Su Xiaoqiang suddenly raised her head, because she suddenly understood why the boy chose this night to tell her this long story. These bizarre pasts, ups and downs of conspiracies and myths It was just a foreshadowing, allowing her to gradually understand everything the other party wanted to do.

But when she raised her head to look at Lin Nian, she was suddenly stunned, because she found that the person sitting in front of her was no longer the boy, but an inexplicable blond girl, looking at her faintly under the light of the lamp. .

She was very beautiful, so beautiful that she lost her ability to think when she looked at the other person's golden sun-like eyes. She only felt that her eyes were engulfed by the light like a burning sea wave, and her consciousness drifted further and further away.

"It seems you have made up your mind."

The blonde girl looked at the girl on the bed who was sleeping gently on the pillow.

Standing beside him, he nodded slightly and said nothing.

"The bloodline is not unchangeable," the blonde girl said, "but the price to pay is high. I can't do it yet. I can't turn her into a mixed race."

"What Aristotle could do but you can't."

"Aristotle is not a hybrid, but a dragon, an ancient dragon with a very pure bloodline. His wish is to create an ideal garden through human means and return to the era of dragons. This is also the case for many dragons today. I'm also doing something. If you want to truly rewrite this girl's bloodline, perhaps only a real dragon can do it. At least it's far from what I can do now." The blonde girl said, "If you insist on doing this, I You can also think of another way, but it is absolutely impossible to do it before the 3E exam.”

".I don't expect her to become a mixed race." He said, "It's always been like this. This time I just need to give her a reason to integrate into the world."

"It should be simple to just help her pass the 3E exam, but just like the history you mentioned, I need to make some subtle changes to her soul. Can you accept this? After all, she is Your beloved girl." The blonde girl moved the silky black hair hanging on the bed, letting it fall gently between her fingers.

"Do people really have souls?" he asked quietly, looking at the girl on the bed.

"If people don't have a soul, who am I?" the blond girl looked at the boy and asked quietly.

He didn't answer the blond girl anymore, and the blond girl just shook her head slightly in boredom. She looked back at the girl on the bed and reached out to touch her forehead, realizing that it had reached the depths. That was enough to touch the soul. Garden of Eden.

ps: 8K

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