"It was the last white day in the winter of 1941 in Belarus. When the sun set over the mountains, the sound of hounds barking came through the heavy snow. Those black shadows were like the god of death. They brought inexhaustible burning of fire and death.”

"The wooden door of the wooden house on the snow hill was violently kicked open, and they rushed in. Surrounding the interior of the dilapidated cabin, pots and pans were neatly placed on the stove. The stove had been extinguished for a long time, leaving only an afterglow. The leader The soldiers howled angrily and smashed the picture frames on the cabinet with their rifle butts. Just as they were about to leave, a heavy military leather shoe stepped into the house."

"That was a general, with a low brim of his hat, and white snow falling on the shoulders of his military uniform. His face was as sharp as the bridge of his nose, and the eyes in the deep-set eye sockets were simply igniting. Next, he said .”

"The woman who was hiding alone in the compartment under the wooden house was dragged out of the cabin. She was grabbed by the hair and twisted vigorously. The soldiers cheered and threw her onto the haystack and put the torch in front of her. She was a typical Belarusian, with faded gold hair, good looks but wearing some plaster. She was shouting something, but the soldiers couldn't understand. They just needed to know that this woman was not mute. , so that the cruel joys that follow will be even more cruel."

"Atrocities are happening. The German officer is sitting by the bonfire and looking at his soldiers. The fire is in his eyes, as if it is about to burn, turning the country they invaded into the ignited wooden house behind him. The woman keeps shouting The soldiers didn't understand Belarusian, which they didn't understand, but they didn't care and thought she was begging for mercy."

"The hunter who hunted in the northern canyon came back. He brought the joy of harvest and two jackrabbits with thick fur. He thought that he could make another pair of earmuffs for his wife while he was hungry. As he climbed over the hills, he was stopped by the distant The firelight illuminated his eyes. He raised his head and stood still on the top of the hill, like a stone frozen by snow. He abandoned his prey and ran home wildly, calling her name along the way. Next to the wooden house with flames reaching into the sky, The woman in the pool of blood on the ground was also whispering his name, from beginning to end, never stopping."

".What are you looking at?"


In the Baroque-style library, under the huge glass dome are rows of bookshelves leaning against the walls, stacked on top of each other almost to the roof.

Su Xiaoqiang, who was sitting in front of the wooden table, subconsciously put down the book in his hand. He turned around and saw Lin Nian coming back with a pile of books next to him. The other person sat across the table holding the pile of books and sorted the books into several categories. He looked at Su Xiaoqiang who was holding an old book.

"Ah, I'm not reading anything, just passing the time." Su Xiaoqiang covered the book in his hand on the table. Lin Nian glanced at the cover and saw the name of the book, "Dragon_Slaughter_In_Snow_Field". Translated, it probably means Dragon Hunter in the Snow?

"A very interesting book, a documentary novel, originally written in Belarusian. What you are reading now is a translated version. Someone found a manuscript and notes in a small village in Ukraine, and restored the story after sorting it out." Zai Lin Lin Xian walked out behind Nian, pulled out a chair next to him and sat down.

"Good morning, sister." Su Xiaoqiang was startled and said immediately.

"Good morning, have you had breakfast?"

"After eating, we ate in the cafeteria with Lin Nian." Su Xiaoqiang nodded.

"Have you read the book in her hand?" Lin Nian flipped through some books in front of him and seemed not surprised by Lin Xian's arrival.

"I've read a lot of books in this library, and I happened to flip through the one in Xiaoqiang's hand when I was bored."

"Is it good to read? I just read the beginning, it seems to be about war." Su Xiaoqiang lowered his head and flipped through the pages of the book, "But it's all in English and I can't quite understand it, so it's a bit difficult to chew."

"A revenge biography. It probably tells the story of an old Ukrainian hunter who lost his wife and son during World War II. The person who destroyed his family was an officer in the German army. This officer seemed to have extraordinary abilities. He could lift tanks with his hands and tear them apart with his hands. The grizzly bear, the faithful hunting dog beside the old hunter, was torn to pieces in this way. When the German officer was angry, his pupils would turn golden and scales would appear on his body, making him as frightening as the legendary evil dragon."

"That German officer is a mixed race?" Lin Nian interjected, "However, during World War II, many people with blood did enter the battlefield. The role of mixed races in the war at that time should not be underestimated. Ang Principal Re, I remember also wading in a pool of muddy water."

"In short, this book tells the story of the old hunter who hunted the German officer countless times after his family was destroyed. He kept trying to hunt the German officer against the backdrop of the raging war of World War II, and constantly challenged the doubts with his human body. For the powerful goal of dragons, he rescued countless people who were in trouble due to the war on the way to revenge, and finally even adopted a Belarusian little girl as an adopted daughter." Lin Xian took the book and flipped through it.

"The journey of revenge is arduous. The protagonist suffers constantly, chasing the enemy's footprints like a hound in famine, plague, and cold, hiding in the dark and quietly wiping the bloody shotgun, warming the flame of hatred in his heart.

At the end of the story, he got what he wanted. The old hunter successfully ambush the German officer in a piece of snow for the 88th time. The German officer also turned into a giant dragon when he was forced to a dead end. .

The old hunter used his superb marksmanship and various clever traps to lure the dragon to the stone bridge on the cliff. Finally, he asked his adopted daughter to activate the preset explosives to blow up the bridge and the German officer. The giant dragon fell off the cliff together. "

"Perish together?" Su Xiaoqiang asked.

"No, the ending of the story is a Happy Ending, because after the adopted daughter went around the cliff, she discovered that the old Ukrainian hunter was not dead. He was hiding in the wound of the dragon. The dragon fell to the ground and died, but he who was hidden in the flesh and blood survived. He even gained superhuman strength because of dragon blood," Lin Xian said.

"Superman's power? Is he the Superman I imagined?" Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment.

"It may be many times weaker. It is said that there is a legend circulating in the local area where the original manuscript and diary of this book were found. It belongs to a World War II hero. It looks like an old hunter with a little girl. It is said that he was fighting against the Nazis. He made a huge contribution in the War of Quenching, killing more than 300 German troops who invaded Belarus, and protected many local residents. They also made a statue of this old hunter." Lin Xian picked up the thermos cup he carried with him. , instead of pouring water directly, he unscrewed the lid and skillfully took out a can of Coke with water and placed it on the table.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed Lin Nian looking at her Coke, shrugging and explaining, "Colored drinks are not allowed in the library."

Lin Xian opened the Coke and took a sip and handed it to Lin Nian. Lin Nian waved it off and then handed it to Su Xiaoqiang. She looked at the latter and took it blankly and said, "The hunting and revenge in the early stages of this story can be compared to "Monte Cristo" "Earl" is a revenge novel, but the part of this story that is really meaningful to future generations is actually the ending. Scholars who collected this book into the library discovered that at the end of the book, it was recorded that the old hunter was slaying the dragon. After that, he underwent a 'baptism'. After the 'baptism', the old hunter became a superman-like existence. After studying the traces he left behind in reality, he was surprised to find that there really was such a person in history. He was born as a hunter and possessed An adopted daughter, fighting against the German army, was as scary as a ghost in the snowy fields, and finally seemed to die at the age of 130."

"Is it related to the fact that he hid in the dragon's body and bathed in dragon blood?" Lin Nian asked.

"It's hard to say. It's extremely difficult to hunt dragons, even the fourth and fifth generations. What's more, in an era when thermal weapons were not developed, some people suspected that the old hunter himself was A hybrid, he only awakened from his blood after seeing his wife died tragically at the hands of the Germans." Lin Xian said, "Didn't you hunt pure-blood dragons? Didn't you undergo the process of 'baptism'?"

"If you say it's bloody, no." Lin Nian said, "Real battles often end very quickly. There is no such thing as a back-and-forth where you come and go. The outcome is basically determined by one or two back-and-forths." , the shortest is tens of seconds, the longest is only a few minutes.”

"Is it so dangerous?" Su Xiaoqiang was a little uneasy.

"Don't worry too much. Although his superpower is not great, it is very strong in protecting his life. His characteristic is that he can run fast and can still run away if he can't be beaten!" Lin Xian patted Lin Nian on the shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Lin Nian nodded, as if if you say yes, then that's it, and you won't be making excuses. Anyway, he couldn't make any noise now even if he was holding himself to death. He was born shorter than Lin Xian. He could show off by stealing some bronze and fire or ocean and water spirit spirits from the blonde girl later.

"The book says that bathing in dragon's blood will make you stronger. If you have a chance, try it." Lin Xian suddenly said.

"." Lin Nian paused, seeming to think of something, and turned to look at Lin Xian.

"I heard from Professor Masashi Toyama that Professor Mans Rundstedt has left the school." Lin Xian also looked at him, "...probably soon?"

"It's indeed fast, but you can't rush this kind of thing. I will only go when you need me." Lin Nian nodded without denying it.

"What are you talking about?" Su Xiaoqiang looked confused.

"It's nothing." Lin Nian glanced at Su Xiaoqiang, "Instead of worrying about what we said, it's better to worry about tomorrow's 3E exam. Do you still remember the purpose of our coming here?"

"Didn't you say you want to test the topic?" Su Xiaoqiang suddenly became nervous and lowered his voice, but there was no one in the library now.

"Today is a free day. Everyone will probably go crazy outside and no one will bother us," Lin Nian said.

It is already around seven or eight in the morning, and the library is very quiet. You can only hear the sound of light slowly crawling on the table under the dome. There are some people outside the library, but they are not loud. During the last free day, a group of lunatics from the student union used the church as a stronghold, but no matter how crazy they were, they would not dare to come to the library to cause trouble. After all, many things here are precious treasures of dragon civilization. I won't cause trouble here.

I don't care whether the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union are going to beat each other's brains out today. It's none of Lin Nian's business in the library.

"So, memorize it." Lin Young gently pushed all the erasable-marked books in front of Su Xiaoqiang.

"Memorize? What to memorize?" Su Xiaoqiang was stunned. She had specially prepared arithmetic books and notebooks for answering the questions, but now the other party pushed more than a dozen books in front of her at once.

"Memorize the test questions." Lin Nian said, "The 3E test is conducted in the form of Long Wen, but it is not the English listening test you imagined. Instead, what he pronounces in the phonetics, you will read what he pronounces in Long Wen. The essays are written down exactly as they are, there are ten essays in total, and they are like this for every session."

"The question in the 3E exam is the written expression of the spirit. He will play a fragment of the chanting spirit in the low part of a strong music. If you can identify what kind of spirit he is chanting, then follow the writing You can score by coming down." Lin Xian explained.

"There are 118 kinds of spirits. Those with serial numbers after 88 are unstable. Ratings from 89 to 100 are dangerous, ratings from 101 to 112 are high risk, and ratings after 113 are top secret. Only numbers 1-87 have appeared in previous 3E exams. There are only 87 questions in the question bank. You have one day to memorize these words." Lin Nian said.

"You mean memorizing the question bank?" Su Xiaoqiang's face tightened.

"Memorize the question bank." Lin Nian nodded.

After getting the answer, the girl almost fainted looking at the mountain of books in front of her.

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