Chapter 609 The Enemy of Wutong Forest (24)

"I told you this was a bad idea!"

"You didn't say."

".Then I say it now!"

Lu Mingfei was on the run, shuttling between the garden and narrow corridors of the college. Bullets were flying behind him. Barrage after barrage was intertwined and made the soil fly. Now, both teams from the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union were there. Chase him.

"It's safe in the library. They don't dare to open fire in the library." Ling pulled Lu Mingfei and quickly hid behind a rockery. A barrage of bullets exploded red blood mist on the rockery. This girl was simply If you have eyes behind your back, you can always avoid this fatal barrage at the most critical moment.

"Catch him! Right behind the rockery!"

"The target is blond! I repeat, the target is blond! Wearing a women's fall uniform!"

"Isn't the target a male? Why is he wearing a female school uniform?"

"Hobby? Dressing up in disguise? How do I know, you ask?"

"Is it beautiful? Is the target beautiful?"

"A little bit. What kind of fucking lunatic asked that question just now??"

The voice channel of the Lion Heart Club was in chaos, and the student union was also in chaos. The target was escaping in the college. This was the worst case scenario for them. At the same time, many people were shocked. As expected, there was no 'S' level. It's simple. Being able to escape from the initial siege and search by both sides is enough to show that the opponent's force value is not low.

The people on both sides had given up on capturing the target alive, and opened fire when they met. Anyway, the rules did not stipulate that a sober 'S' level was required to bring back the stronghold. Even if they brought back a "corpse", they would still be awarded victory. In the beginning, there was no The decision to attack Lu Mingfei was only based on the internal intelligence that "the target will not resist". Now that the situation has changed, they have no choice but to hold back.

The distance from the dormitory building to the library is about a thousand meters, neither close nor far. However, Lu Mingfei and Ling did not dare to take the main road. After rushing out of the girls' dormitory building, they were attacked by snipers almost immediately. , including now, we are facing the threat of cold guns all the time.

"Get down." Zero struck Lu Mingfei's legs without any warning. Lu Mingfei fell down on the lawn with an ouch, lying on the ground not far in front of him after he fell. Then a ball of blood mist burst out.

The sniper hiding in the dark fired again, aiming at Lu Mingfei's back, but Zero could always push him to avoid the bullet.

"Thank you, how did you do that?" Lu Mingfei's heart stopped for a moment and then started pulsing violently. He was pulled up by Zero and continued to rush forward with his head high. In such a battlefield where bullets are flying, Escape was something he never dreamed of before, let alone survive forever. If it weren't for the girl beside him, he would have died dozens of times!

"Just feel it." Zero said.

What a feeling.

Lu Mingfei wondered whether there was such a thing as "premonitory perception" among hybrids? In Jin Yong's novels, only masters who have practiced martial arts to the extreme will have such prophetic conditioned reflexes, right? Could it be that the Russian girl next to me is also a master sweeper?

"It feels like no one is chasing me." Lu Mingfei always felt that those fatal gunshots and barrages seemed to be far away from them. Could it be that the two waves of people in red and black clothes were fighting again because of "unequal sharing of spoils" ?

But they haven't even caught him yet, are they so impatient?

While he was escaping, he took a moment to look back, and suddenly his hair stood on end. He saw a shadow jumping out of the dense forest in the distance. He was moving so fast that he couldn't see the shadow clearly as he continuously shuttled through the grass. But what is certain is that after he appeared, there were no more gunshots. It seemed that he was the only pursuer left!

Did this kill all the pursuers behind?

The shadow was getting closer and closer to them. Before Lu Mingfei could think about it, Zero had already led him out of the garden area. In front of them was a sycamore forest road. This area also has special road signs in the college, in Chinese and English. It is labeled "Muspelheim Forest", which means "Land of Fire" in Norse mythology.

The autumn sycamore trees have completely turned into golden flames, and sparks are falling. This is a terrain with perfect sight blocking. After entering, it is basically impossible for snipers to target them. The two rows of sycamore trees can also be used as bunkers to cover them. Escape.

There was a small open space between the garden where Lu Mingfei and Ling jumped out and the sycamore forest. After they rushed into the open space, everything around them opened up. Lu Mingfei took a few breaths and felt something bad in his heart. He felt that he was about to rush into the forest, so he didn't care so much and pushed in with all his strength.

But at this moment Zero pulled him again, and a bullet flew past his neck and exploded on the ground, blowing up several sycamore leaves.

This was the third time and the last time they avoided the secret sniper's attack. After the sniper's failure, he pulled the frightened Lu Mingfei into the sycamore forest and disappeared without a trace.

The sniper in black combat uniform lying on the top of the loft in the distance gently raised his head and left the scope and pressed the headset, "They are coming in."

"Didn't you even succeed?" The people in the private channel were a little surprised. "It seems that the new 'S' class is also a worthy opponent."

"No, there's nothing particularly eye-catching about the 'S' class. What's more than that is the girl next to him. Every time she and the target enter the best sniper point I preset, she will take evasive actions one step ahead." Sniper He sat up and held the sniper rifle in his hand and said, "I am a natural sniper. She completely understood my sniper psychology. I even deliberately extended the shooting time for the last shot and she expected it."

"New student?"

"She should be a new student, otherwise she would have been poached by us or the Lionheart Club a long time ago." The sniper said, "If you are interested, just ask her in person? You should be in place now, right?"

"Well, I saw them." The person on the voice channel said, and then stopped speaking.

In the sycamore forest, he put down the communicator in his hand and held the command knife and looked at the two figures running in the distance. The sycamore tree fell on his shoulders and was almost the same color as his hair, standing in the middle of the road. It seemed to be fixed there like a boundary monument, giving the visitor a huge sense of pressure and couldn't help but stop his running pace.

"Is that a person in front?" Lu Mingfei stopped, breathing a little erratically, and looked blankly at the figure in the distance standing in the middle of the road holding a hunting knife with an exaggerated blade. The most attractive person was the sycamore leaf. Her golden hair was much more dazzling than the golden color on Lu Mingfei's head. What was more attractive was her good breasts that even the combat uniform could not hide. Lu Mingfei felt that if this guy changed into women's clothes I think the bra will burst.

"Lu Mingfei?"

The blond man locked his eyes on Lu Mingfei and was stunned for a moment, then suddenly seemed to understand something. He stared at the blond hair thoughtfully and muttered in a low voice, "It is indeed beautiful."

Lu Mingfei froze for a moment, unable to speak. He stared at the man in fear. The blond man shook his head to dispel the strange thoughts in his mind and announced himself, "Caesar Gattuso."

Ling, who was beside Lu Mingfei, stopped slightly, staring at the blond man in the distance. He stopped for the first time, as if he was sizing up something. After calculating, she held on to Lu Mingfei's sleeves and straightened her arms. He walked towards the blond man in the distance, as if he was ready to charge.

"First-year student?" Caesar's eyes fell on this "interesting" girl and he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Anyone who has nothing to do with it is asked to be eliminated."

Zero didn't stop, and Lu Mingfei didn't dare to say anything. His life was basically handed over to the girl next to him along the way. Now that the enemy was facing him, he could only follow the other party. When he reached ten meters, Zero suddenly accelerated and then jumped!

This attack made the blond man holding the hunting knife frown slightly, because this kind of jumping attack was unwise. The flaws were too big. Being in the air meant that you couldn't change your moves. Rushing towards him without a weapon was tantamount to being independent. It hit Dick Lado's blade.

But when the two were close to each other, Zero suddenly grabbed Lu Mingfei's clothes from behind and threw him towards Caesar. Her strength was actually enough to throw an adult man directly out!

This behavior was completely unexpected by Caesar. If he wanted to raise Dictado, he would definitely hurt Lu Mingfei who was thrown over first. This would mean that he would lose the "first move". He would never be hurt if he expected that he would not be hurt. In the case of Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei was used as a weapon. In the theory of first, first, this Russian girl is now in an absolute first mover status.

But Caesar did not choose to avoid it. He raised his hand and pressed directly on the chest of Lu Mingfei who was thrown over. A soft but unquestionable force burst out and pushed Lu Mingfei back completely! Zero stepped on Lu Mingfei's foot and used the force to fly up, kneeling with his legs and knees towards the 1.8 meter Caesar's shoulders and cutting them off like knives with his hands!

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