"I thought there was no part of me going into the water in this mission." Lin Nian paused slightly and looked at Mance.

This detail of the mission has been discussed more than once at the school board meeting. Whether Lin Nian should be allowed into the water or not? Lin Nian's combat effectiveness on land is undoubtedly obvious to all, but this deterrent effect underwater has to be greatly reduced. .

Underwater battles and battles on land are two different concepts. Let the world champion go underwater to fight a frogman for life and death. There is almost no suspense about who wins and who loses.

The density of water is 800 times that of air. When a bullet leaves the barrel at supersonic speed, it will soon lose its balance and roll after entering the water. The straight forward distance is usually no more than 1 meter. This is why divers are equipped with special equipment that shoots steel arrows underwater. Because of the rifle, being shot underwater as shown in the movie is almost impossible in reality, which also shows the horror of underwater resistance.

The strength that could be used to cut eight carcass by swinging the knife underwater will only be reduced to the point where it cannot even cut the bamboo joints. If you want to fight a dragon in this state, even if you are not a first-generation species, you may be able to lower yourself to a third-generation species. The forest year poses a life-threatening threat, and that's not even counting the effects of water pressure.

The rock formation has to be dug 40 meters deep to reach the Bronze City. If you want to enter, the water depth is estimated to be more than 100 meters. Even professional divers will find it difficult to survive under this kind of water pressure. The physique of hybrids can indeed inefficiency, but It is impossible to fight freely.

"No, it's not even one percent of your strength underwater." Mance told this cruel fact. Lin Nian did not deny it, because this was indeed what he was facing at the moment. The biggest dilemma.

"The Executive Department has a course on underwater combat, but in the teaching, most of the combatants learn locking and joint techniques to make the opponent unable to move and breathe, and then cooperate with the stabbing of the dagger (it turns out that the original work The main cause of Norton's death was Lu Mingfei's 'stabbing' after pulling out the Seven Deadly Sins), but if the opponent is a dragon, I'm afraid the joint skills and daggers will be of no use."

"How is your water quality?" Jiang Peijiu suddenly asked and looked at Lin Nian.

"My sandcastle is very messy," Lin Nian said.

"?" Jiang Peijiu was stunned for a moment.

"If you don't know how to swim, you can only build sandcastles on the beach. Naturally, you will be very good at building sandcastles. On the contrary, if you can swim, you won't have time to play with the sand." Ye Sheng touched his nose and explained that he didn't expect to be 'S'-level. In this kind of situation, it can be unexpectedly humorous and dark humor.

"My water ability is average, compared to seniors Ye Sheng and Yaji." Lin Nian answered again. There are few children who grow up in coastal cities who can't swim, but his water ability is limited to "being able to swim", which is better than "being able to swim". The water monkeys like Ye Shengya Ji are still far behind.

"Ye Sheng, if you team up with Yaji underwater and meet Lin Nian as your enemy, what is your chance of winning in a life-or-death fight?" Jiang Peijiu asked.

"Lingcheng. I just heard that Commissioner Lin Nian kicked the cantilever of the drilling machine to the wrong side?" Ye Sheng wiped the water droplets from his forehead and smiled, his expression was a bit like the soybean sweating emoticon on QQ.

"There is still a strength advantage in close combat underwater, but it is still far behind compared to dragons." Lin Nian said, "Dragons are vertebrate amphibians, and their combat effectiveness will not be reduced too much underwater. , according to the anatomical data of three generations of captured species, dragons are far more flexible than fish even underwater. The most troublesome thing is their size. It is also a huge trouble for those kind of body to hit them head-on and bite them. .But it’s not without the power to fight, provided it doesn’t hit the first-generation species head-on.”

"I have no chance of winning against the first-generation species underwater." Lin Nian said bluntly, "I can only guarantee escape, but cannot kill."

"Can you escape? Having this kind of confidence really reassures me." Mance shook his head, "But the first step when encountering an enemy of that level is to retreat. The Monyach is loaded with torpedoes, but its power is limited. Can it attack it? The damage caused by pure-blood dragons is still unknown, and more advanced weapons cannot be transported in due to local restrictions. But we don’t have time to wait for slow communication over there.”

"You said before that it was my turn to appear after arriving at Bronze City. Did you mean that I would enter Bronze City with Ye Sheng and Ya Ji?" Lin Nian asked.

"Not appearing does not mean entering the interior to explore. You play an extremely important role in this plan." Mance stared at Lin Nian and said, "Your blood."

Lin Nian paused for a moment, looked at Mance and was silent. The war conference room suddenly became quiet, because Lin Nian did not answer Mance's words, and Mance did not continue speaking. Everyone fell into silence, observing this. He remained silent, trying to figure out the meaning behind Mance's previous words.

"Did the principal tell you?" Lin Nian asked.

"Only one person was told," Mance said.

"Do you dare to factor this factor into your actions?" Lin Young smiled, "How bold. At least I haven't even thought about such a thing."

"What do you mean?" Shuode Aki couldn't help but ask.

"The birth of dragons is always accompanied by the figure of Deadpool. This is because Deadpool longs for pure dragon blood. For them, pure-blooded dragon blood is a fatal temptation. This is why there is a huge gap between hybrids and ordinary people. Deadpool will always give priority to hunting the former. A strong bloodline will attract these aliens." Mance said, "And in front of us is a hybrid with the most attractive bloodline in history."

"My blood has a huge attraction to aliens, although I don't know exactly why." Lin Nian looked at Shuode Aki and explained simply.

But he did not tell the whole story, and Mance understood it well and did not fully tell him the information the principal told him. The blood of 'S' class is indeed very attractive to aliens, including Angers himself. But Lin Nian Differently, the temptation of Lin Nian's blood is captured in "all living things". Through the vice principal's experiment, the addictiveness of his blood is even several times that of Angers.

"After opening the gate of Bronze City, use my blood as bait to see if there are any living creatures hidden in the city?" Lin Nian said.

"The experience accumulated in countless dragon-slaying battles has shown that the sense of smell of dragon-like creatures is extremely sensitive, especially underwater. They can smell the smell of flesh and blood with a concentration of 1ppm in the water and smell it. Ten thousand tons of it They can capture even 1 gram of amino acids dissolved in seawater." Mance said, "If your blood does have that kind of allure, then once it is released, there will be huge movement."

"Then he doesn't have to go into the water. We just need to take his blood sample and give it to Ye Sheng and Ya Ji." Jiang Peijiu said.

"No." Lin Nian and Mance shook their heads almost at the same time. After the two looked at each other, Mance closed his eyes and lowered his head and slightly raised a finger that was wrapped around his arm, signaling Lin Nian to explain himself.

"My blood samples cannot be leaked. This is my bottom line." Lin Nian said lightly.

After the Philosopher's Stone shooting in the small town of Carmel, his blood showed extremely abnormal changes, which made his blood dangerous to the point that even Principal Angers had a special afternoon tea interview, and they also A consensus was reached that no sample should be leaked out before the changes in Lin Nian's body were stable. Not to mention the extreme danger, the biggest trouble was that it would attract suspicion from the school board. Although it was impossible to put Lin Nian into trouble because of this. Although he is labeled as a dangerous hybrid, he will definitely use this matter as a talking point on the conference table to force the Angers party to retreat.

"Understandable." Jiang Peijiu didn't say much.

"It doesn't matter. My word spirit is a 'dustless place'. It can create a vacuum space underwater and support on-site blood collection after injecting oxygen." Mance said.

"'Pure Land'? It's a very convenient word spirit." Lin Nian glanced at Mance because he also had a friend in Japan who had the same word spirit.

"Furthermore, if Lin Nian's blood attracts trouble, Wuchen Land can also protect us from escaping. Lin Nian can even act as a vanguard to cut off our rear - according to his words, even if we meet the first generation species, we can escape with confidence. leave."

"Indeed." Lin Nian nodded and once again stated that he was not joking or exaggerating.

"It's really reassuring to have such a teammate." Selma sat in the corner and couldn't get into the topic. She only exhaled a little now and said sincerely.

"After confirming that there are no enemies in the Bronze City, it is time for Ye Sheng and Yaji to work, find the cocoon and bring it back." Mance said.

"Yes." Ye Sheng and Yaji nodded and said seriously.

"Don't you, the principal, want to be personally present for such an important event?" Lin Nian looked at Mance and asked.

"Everything is still uncertain. The principal's water ability is far inferior to that of Ye Sheng and Ya Ji. He is as weak as you underwater. He is now being held back by a group of 'old friends' in the United States. Or rather, he is I'm holding back those old friends to prevent them from discovering the strange Dragon King's palace here. This is a huge treasure that everyone covets. There must be someone big enough to scare those who want to stretch out. Xiaoxiao can find out what we are doing with his claws." Mance's voice was slightly cold, "That's why I said we don't have much time, so we must hurry up in everything we do."

"So maybe the storm will stop before the launch?" Lin Nian glanced at the dark porthole that was splashed with water. White lightning climbed to the sky beyond the invisible side of the mountain, and thunder rumbled endlessly.

"That's why I asked them to change into their diving suits before coming." Mance looked at Ye Sheng and Ya Ji, "They are the advance team. After we find the gate of Bronze City, we will change into our diving suits and prepare to go into the water."

There was a knock on the door of the combat conference room. Ye Sheng opened the door at Mansi's signal. The first mate braved the wind and rain outside the door and quickly walked in to report, "The drilling rig has been inspected and there are no major problems." You can work at any time.”

"Then start taking action!" Mance nodded and said coldly. The determination in his words was like a hammer smashing a nail into the table. At the right time, a thunder like the blast of a war drum sounded in the Three Gorges.

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