"Get through."

Mance was holding on to the railing with both hands on the side of the ship. At the same time as the drilling machine broke through the rock formation, the lightning and thunder were like the "sign" before the evil ghost appeared in the horror movie. A huge whirlpool appeared on the river surface, and the thunder and lightning appeared on the river. Under the illumination, you can see the rapid flow of water and a faint whine.

Because of the turbulence of the river, the whirlpool does not appear to be unsettlingly black, but has a large amount of white foam accumulated on the surface. Only in the center can you see the extremely deep black set off by white, and even the light of lightning It can't even illuminate its interior.

Ye Sheng and Yaji looked at the turbulent whirlpool at the railing. As divers, they often saw this normal natural phenomenon, but it was common but it didn't mean that they wouldn't have a strange feeling about it. The fear between them is like the innate phobia of giant objects in human beings.

Every time they see a whirlpool, they will feel a sense of fear. The lingering fear always makes people feel that there is some indescribable horror waiting for them in the depths of the black whirlpool.

Jiude Aki suddenly lowered his head. The back of his hand holding the railing was pinched by Ye Sheng. Ye Sheng looked at her and said, "Are you okay?"

"What can happen to me? Stop thinking about it." Jiude Aki exhaled softly. She didn't know when she subconsciously held her breath before Ye Sheng paid attention to her again.

"The plan is very thorough. Professor Mance has led many execution missions. As long as you trust him, nothing will go wrong." Ye Sheng said, and then he gently turned his head to look at the rain on the deck not far away. The boy walked over, "What's more, we have strong reinforcements now, so nothing will happen."

"According to the animation we have over there, what you said counts as raising a flag." Shutoku Aki calmed down a little, and the momentum of the vortex on the river began to shrink. It seems that the space below the rock layer has been opened up. It has been filled. Judging from this speed, the underground should be 90% filled with water, leaving only a tiny space for the vortex to occur.

"Swimming up is a great thing, coming up is news, but I don't think we two are so lucky." Ye Sheng checked his diving clothes.

"Do you still remember the last dive into the Somali Sea?" Aki Shutoku asked, looking at the shrinking whirlpool.

"Why did you suddenly mention that time?" Ye Sheng paused while packing his diving suit.

"The instructor threw coins into the water for the last time and asked us to look for them competitively. It took me half an hour to find no trace of the coins. When the cylinder was about to reach its limit, I found you still searching underwater. You almost died that time When you were down there, your instructor lost his temper and said you were too eager to win," Aki said.

"Whoever finds it can be accepted as a real student by the instructor. Which underwater student doesn't want to have such an honor?" Ye Sheng thought for a moment and said, "In every training before, you found the coin and won. Can’t you let me win once too?”

"Let's forget it this time. I have a bad feeling. I can't think of anything." Aki said.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Ya Ji didn't answer. Ye Sheng turned to look at her and found that the big girl was also staring at him, with an extremely serious look in her eyes. This made him stop the movement of his hands. He didn't know what to say, so he could only scratch lightly. He ruffled his hair that was wet from the wind and rain.

"If you really encounter something strange, just retreat. There is no need to be stubborn to complete the task. Bronze City is here and will not run away. There is no need to risk your life." At this time, Lin Nian's voice came from two sides. Someone rang not far away, and he braved the wind and rain and walked to the two of them, "Senior Aki said it right. Maybe you were looking for coins during training. Coins are dead objects and will not escape, but 'cocoons' are different. , maybe it can really run with its long legs.”

"Do your best. But this is contrary to the party constitution of the executive department. Shouldn't the interests of slaying the dragon be the first and the individual second? When we took the oath to join the executive department, we all recited the oath of dedicating everything to Commissioner of the great cause of slaying the dragon." Ye Sheng turned around and looked at the "junior" who was several years younger than him walking over without any restraint, smiling and chatting like an acquaintance.

They were indeed acquaintances. Strictly speaking, that time in New York was the second meeting between him and Lin Nian. The first time they met was at the "Red House" in the small town of Carmel, using the "snake" to connect Lin Nian was deeply impressed by his outstanding performance in the huge realm of speech and spirit.

"You have put a lot of effort into this dive?" Lin Nian saw that Jiang Peijiu had already walked towards Professor Mansi, but he had no intention of going there in advance and planned to stay here with the pair who would be responsible for the dive. Say a few words together.

"I had to stick to the river bank for a while. What's more, this mission seemed to have been planned half a year ago. We were on the watch list before being selected for the mission, and we were subjected to various training projects. "Ye Sheng said with a bitter smile.

"Are all men and women in the executive department matched?" Lin Nian glanced at Jiude Aki and looked at her a few more times. Neither he nor Ye Sheng paid much attention to it. After all, the diving suit outlined the girl's figure. It stands out, and even a boy can't help but look at it twice.

"Not necessarily, it's just that Aji and I got along best when we were training. Underwater work requires tacit understanding and compatibility. Aji and I have been in the same class when we were in the academy, so..." Ye Sheng was sidetracked. He turned his head and stopped explaining.

"If I remember correctly, it's senior Shutoku Aki, right?" Lin Nian reached out and shook Shutoku Aki's hand, "We met in New York before. I remember you said that you were specially recruited to the headquarters in Japan?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"The surname Jiude is very rare."

"Have Commissioner Lin seen anyone else with this surname in Japan?" Aki vaguely guessed what Lin Nian meant.

"Can I ask Mai Shutoku, who is your senior?" Lin Nian slightly raised his head and looked at Aki's pretty face, but it was too different from the female ninja in his impression.

"That's my sister." After hearing the name, Aki Shutoku was stunned for a while before answering. Ye Sheng, who was standing beside him, was slightly stunned as if it was the first time he knew that his partner had a sister.

Lin Nian looked at Shutoku Aki's expression that didn't look fake. Compared to the female ninja who was as sharp as a famous samurai sword, the big girl in front of him looked more like a gentle and quiet little flower. The difference between them was so great that it was surprising. There's no way to tie it together.

When Lin Nian heard the name Shuutoku Aki for the first time, he was completely unable to connect the person in front of him with the female ninja he saw at the auction. Later, after finding out that the surname Shuudoku was not a common surname, Lin Nian Only then did I gradually remember this, and felt that there seemed to be something in common between the two of them, but it was not clear.

Now that he had the opportunity, he asked about it. He wanted to start with Aki Shutori to see if he could dig out the power behind the female ninja named Mai.

"Are you in close contact with your sister?"

"Have you met my sister? I haven't seen her for many years. After I left that school, she seemed to have dropped out of school because of some things, and I couldn't contact her anymore." Jiu Deya Ji shook his head gently and said.

"Have you never thought about seeing each other again?"

"The relationship between me and her is actually not that good because of the 'sister' connection."

"You have a sister? This is the first time I know about this. I have never heard you say it before. But it is always good to contact family members. After all, they are blood relatives. If she knows about this mission, she will probably be very happy. I care about you and pray for you. The professor has called us over." Ye Sheng seemed to see that Shuode Aki didn't really want to talk about this issue, so he changed the topic very appropriately.

Professor Mans waved from a distance, and the engineering staff also lifted the double-fixed drilling rig cantilever from the water. The wet drill head was even steaming. It was the high temperature caused by high-load work, even with the river water cooling alloy. The manufactured drill bit is also on the verge of burning out, and the overall wear is really terrible. It is estimated that if there are more rock formations one or two meters deep, the drill bit will probably be replaced and the construction period will be delayed.

"The water flow has been balanced, and the rock channel is in stable condition. Norma calculated that the probability of collapse is negligible. Ten minutes of preparation time, and then proceed with the dive operation." Mansi looked at the three people coming and said coldly, "Every unit It's already on the way, and you are the most critical link. If you have any questions, ask them now. I don't want to hear someone's request to use the toilet on the wireless channel for a while."

"Only Ye Sheng would make such a low-level mistake." Aji couldn't help but chuckle.

"Everything is ready." Ye Sheng shook his head and looked at Mance with serious eyes.

"The Maritime Safety Administration of the Yangtze River Channel informed us that the wind may rise to Level 10 tonight and the rainfall will reach 200 mm. Our relevant registration with them is a fishing tugboat. They want to send out helicopters to rescue us and suggest that we abandon the ship." Selma from Rain reported that her mission's observation of all surrounding conditions provided unaffected conditions throughout the mission.

"The Monyach is a warship, not a tugboat. Tell them that we don't need rescue. Just use the excuses we prepared. The ship is loaded with fish. If we are discovered, we will be in trouble. We can't let them know. What are we doing?" Mance said.

At the same time, Ye Sheng and Yaji also arrived at the designated area where they were preparing to dive. The staff connected the traction ropes and communication lines to their backs, and the other side was firmly secured on the winch. In case of any accident, the diesel The mechanically powered winch can quickly recover the two of them.

Mance picked up a screen and looked at Ye Sheng and Yaji in the distance. The two met their eyes and pressed a secret button on the back of the diving suit. The body monitor hidden inside the diving suit started working. The wavelength of a person's heartbeat appeared on Mance's screen, and the real-time heart rate in the upper right corner was changing.

"The heart rate is normal, a heart rate of 30-50, normal." Mansi nodded. Lin Nian stood beside him and glanced at the data on the screen. The heart function of the diving duo had improved during countless dives. It is much stronger than ordinary people, and the heart ejects blood strongly. This heart rate can only be achieved by professional athletes.

"How long can their oxygen bottles stay underwater?" Lin Nian asked.

"It's a cylinder, not an oxygen cylinder. The gas filled in their cylinders, except most of the nitrogen and helium, only has 40% oxygen content. But this value is more than ordinary cylinders. Nitrox diving can Let them stay underwater for longer. The estimated activity time was one hour, but the actual time did not reach the expected time," Mance said calmly.

"How long they can stay underwater during this mission depends on the situation. The depth of the dive and the intense movement will cause the use time of the gas cylinder to decrease. After they confirm the entrance to the Bronze City, we will dive and execute the 'Open the Door' ’ step, then replace them with new cylinders, and restart the timer from one hour to extend their activity time as much as possible.”

"It seems that everything has been omitted." Lin Nian nodded. Professor Mance showed the demeanor of a true veteran of the Executive Department. Perhaps before becoming a professor, this old man also had a period in the Executive Department. Brilliant achievements?

The passage was opened, and many staff on the deck began to rush to the rear cabin after stabilizing the drilling machine. They were quick and calm. The moment the vortex appeared, everyone on the ship entered the state. It was like the vortex opened a hole, and from here The invisible hourglass was rotated from the beginning, and every minute and every second affected the outcome of the mission.

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