"The door couldn't be opened, and there was absolutely nothing like a keyhole or door handle found."

Ye Sheng and Ya Ji stood on the bronze door engraved with a vortex shape. Bones were piled on both sides. From time to time, bones fell down and hit the door due to the water flow they disturbed, and then fell silent.

"Maybe it needs the same blood as the previous 'living spirit' to open?" Mance frowned. Regarding the Dragon King's lair and alchemy artifacts, blood cannot be bypassed. In ancient times, there was no so-called fingerprint. , voiceprint, and human face are unlocked. The only identification among dragons is blood. Only blood that reaches a certain threshold can drive these alchemical products.

"Do I need a 'key' to enter the water again? This place is already quite deep into the palace. I'm worried about any accidents when I bring the 'key' in." Ye Sheng said, looking at the closed door.

"Is this how these officers and soldiers were trapped outside the door and unable to enter?" Yaji swam to the door and gently touched the marks of knife and ax chiseling on the door and said, "There are probably mixed races among them. At that time, those soldiers who live for death should not be stingy with their own blood. If you want to open this door, I am afraid that ordinary blood will be unable to shake it after draining the blood from the body."

"It seems we can only take risks. There are no extra test tubes on the ship. Mainly I am worried that after entering the palace, more blood samples will be needed to open the door. I will carry the 'key' with you throughout this operation." Mance stood up. Fengfenghuo started to find the diving suit that he had taken off before.

"Then let's go to the bronze wall and wait for the meeting." Ye Sheng said.

"We and Key will dive in ten minutes." After finishing speaking, Mance began to change the diving suit with the help of Thelma. Suddenly, he looked towards the captain's cabin as if he remembered something and frowned slowly, " Where is Lin Nian?"

"He said he had a stomachache and went to the bathroom." Jiang Peijiu stared at the screen and said without looking back.

".Are you sure?" Mance turned to look at Jiang Peijiu and looked directly at the woman.

Jiang Peijiu turned to meet his gaze, nodded and said, "You can go to the toilet and knock on the door to find him. If he is not there, I will be responsible."

Manston paused for a moment and looked at the young female professor and nodded silently. After a while, he changed into his diving suit and said, "While I am away, the command will be handed over to the first mate and let Lin Nian assist the first mate in completing the task."

After saying that, he walked to the back cabin. After explaining to the lady, he took the keys and quickly walked to the wind and rain deck. He sat on the side of the ship and waved in the direction of the captain's cabin to turn on the spotlight to guide the way to the water.

He is not Ye Sheng and Yaji, who have rich diving experience. Only through the instructions of the spotlight can he reach the mouth of the rock formation without any error under such turbulent currents.

During the storm, the key hidden in the glass cabin in front of the special diving suit suddenly started to cry, and with the constant twisting, Mance, who was sitting on the side of the ship, almost lost his balance.

The old man looked down at Key, who was crying. He didn't know what was going on. He could only knock on the glass cover with his hand to comfort him, "Hey Key, I know it's dark down there, but you didn't cry last time either. ? Just go down with me one more time."

But no matter how he comforted him, Key still cried and kept patting the glass cover with his hand. This inexplicably made Professor Mance feel a little uneasy, as if it was covered with a layer of haze, but this made him more determined to reach himself as soon as possible. The hearts around students are gone.

Selma turned on the bright spotlights on the Monyach. The light shone on the river and dispelled the darkness in a large area of ​​water. Mance, who was sitting on the side of the ship, turned back and glanced at the river. He suddenly stopped. Because he vaguely seemed to see a few black shadows swimming under the river, and something silvery and round-like protruding from the water and swimming by.

"Shark?" Mance didn't turn his head, but the next moment his expression changed drastically. How could there be sharks here in the Yangtze River? The biggest fish here is just the Chinese sturgeon, but sturgeons don't have that silver dorsal fin. Where is the dorsal fin? It is a metal compressed air cylinder that is fleetingly exposed on the water and refracts light to give people the illusion!


In the storm on the Yangtze River, an empty wooden boat was smashed into the water by a level 10 storm. However, there was no one on the wooden boat. They did not try to get close to the Monyach, but used frogmen to avoid it. Radar conducts direct raids.

"Enemy attack! Sound the alert!" Mance turned around and shouted to the captain's cabin. This was a subconscious behavior. The communication had not yet been debugged and connected. He could only warn the people in the cabin, but unfortunately it was due to heavy rain. Because his voice couldn't travel that far.

A soft gunshot sounded hidden in the wind and rain. The metal harpoon with an undercut penetrated from the water and accurately hit Mance who jumped from the side of the ship to the deck. Because he was sitting on the side of the ship He couldn't make a very good evasive action in the first place!

The dark diving suit was torn and burst into bright red blood. The shot was aimed at Mance's back, but it hit the back of his left shoulder because of the rocking of the ship. The barbed harpoon penetrated from his left shoulder, and then burst out with a huge force to pull him back!

The opponent did not use the noisy underwater rifle, and wanted to conduct a tactical surprise attack without alerting other people on the Monyach!

There was no time to sing in "The Dustless Land". The time it took for Mance to react and finally give the warning when he discovered the frogman was less than five seconds at most. If he hadn't glanced back at the river to determine the direction of the spotlight, now He was already a corpse and was dragged into the river together with the "key"!

"Damn it!" Mance's eyes turned red immediately, and he sat down on the deck. He leaned against the side of the ship and resisted the pull of the hooked harpoon on his shoulder. Blood could not stop flowing from the wound. After shooting out, the harpoon barbs penetrated into the flesh and squeezed deeper. In the blink of an eye, you could see the white bones in the twisted flesh.

He leaned against the side of the ship, raised his hands, and pulled the rope connected to the harpoon in reverse to avoid further injury. He could not be pulled down. Once he fell into the water, the other party would not only have the opportunity to surprise the Monyach. , and you will also get the "Key", the only treasure that can open the alchemy door in the Dragon Tomb!

In the captain's cabin, Thelma turned on the spotlight and turned to look at the empty deck when the operating platform debugging signal came across. She was stunned for a few seconds.

Professor is so anxious? Are you going to dive now?

Then a thunderous gunshot and the broken glass in the captain's cabin abruptly interrupted her trance. She lowered her head suddenly and screamed out reflexively,

"Enemy attack!"

Two gunshots rang out again on the deck. The rope connecting the harpoon was interrupted by the underwater pistol in Mance's hand. After losing the tension, he rolled down on the deck. The rain washed away the gurgling blood, and his forehead was covered with blood. With bulging veins, he resisted the numbness of severe pain and blood loss and bent down and rushed to the front cabin. At the same time, he let out a blast that was no less than a gunshot and opened his words!

The black figure on the side of the ship turned over to the deck, and with a kneeling shooting posture that was too standard to fault, he resisted the amphibious rifle in his hand and aimed at the sprinting Mance's back. The long and narrow warhead had enough penetrating power in the series of explosions. The rifle bullet that shot the man straight through the heavy rain spiraled away, and after hitting the field that opened up behind Mance, dazzling sparks popped up!

The chant of Dustless Land was successful, and large bullets turned into copper cakes and bounced around the deck.

Mance opened the door of the cabin and fell to the ground. Everyone in the front cabin stood up in shock after seeing the blood gurgling from under Mance. The staff near the door prepared to help him, but Mance But he pushed him away. After the dust-free land was released, another round of bullets came in from outside the door and hit the wall deep in the cabin, causing ash to fly everywhere.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Mance roared with swollen veins, and the people on the side closed the cabin door tightly and twisted it.

Looking out the window, one after another frogmen in black diving suits climbed from the side of the ship onto the deck. The searchlight was immediately hit by a bullet and lost its light source. Through the flash of lightning in the sky, we could see each of them in the darkness. The people's eyes are golden, like fireflies still bright in the storm. Under the guidance of the leader's gestures, these frogmen holding rifles are pressing towards the cabin in a triangular tactical attack posture!

Thelma rushed out of the captain's room and saw the instructor lying on the ground bleeding profusely. She rushed over like crazy and pulled off her sleeves to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, but the hole in her back was blocked in front and was not there. There was blood everywhere, and the amount of bleeding was so shocking that it made people feel chilled.

"Penetrating injury, the harpoon was ripped off by me when I was escaping." Mance's face was pale, but he had lost more than 1,000ml of blood in less than a minute, and now he had symptoms of an elevated heart rate and cold limbs.

"Selma, get out of the way!" The first mate rushed out of the captain's cabin, grabbed the first aid box, threw it with a shovel, and knelt in front of Mance. He quickly took out the biomedical foam produced by the equipment department in the medical box, and sprayed a large amount on it. On the penetrating injury, the morphine component in the foam entered Mance's blood circulation and quickly took effect to slow down the pain. The flow of blood also slowed down but did not stop immediately. The large area of ​​foam was dyed red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mance basically lost his fighting ability because of this shot. Fortunately, it did not penetrate the abdominal cavity and damage the internal organs. This kind of injury stopped the bleeding in time and did not cause death on the spot. However, the subsequent battle also became a drag on the wounded. .

But Mance didn't care about the comfort of his injuries or the safety of the Monyach at all. He shouted directly to the captain's room, "Warn Ye Sheng and Yaji underwater! Our actions are being monitored! Someone is rushing to the captain's room." They're coming!"

ps: 4/6

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