Outside the window, the sunset is flying over the western mountains.

The bedside table between the two beds in Ward No. 1201 is filled with carton lunches. This is the hospital’s patient meal. Each dish costs $5. Two patients are happily enjoying today’s dinner.

In fact, when it was close to the meal time, Lin Nian was seriously thinking about whether the mission execution department would provide him with a meal this time, but before he could come up with a conclusion, Helena took his dinner for tonight in one bite, saying it was just a coincidence. We have known each other before, Richard and I hit it off as old friends today, so this meal is all about me.

Lin Nian was immediately moved. He felt that the word "people are beautiful and kind-hearted" was really not groundless. He immediately said that this relationship is good. In the past, most friendships between revolutionary soldiers started with half a piece of steamed buns, so he immediately ordered three dishes. , Helena said again, Richard, you are just growing taller, this is not enough, so with a wave of her hand, the three dishes doubled exponentially, and their bedside table was now filled with a dazzling array of lunch boxes.

This kind of treatment made Lin Nian feel like he was dreaming of going back to Shilan Middle School. When he was eating in the cafeteria in his first year of high school, the little goddess would quietly come over and sit next to him, look at his rice plate, and say this carelessly. Where can I find enough food to order? Did Parkinson, the aunt who cooked the meal, do it again? So he dragged Lin Nian to the food gate and jumped in line to add more food. The students in line were not upset when they saw that the person who jumped in line was a little goddess. After all, in Shilan High School, rich people have privileges, and beautiful women also have privileges. The two combined have greater privileges. Oh my god, but when I saw the expression on Lin Nian who was pulling him behind me, I felt that I needed to add an extra dish of "eat three times and recharge now" at noon.

This caused Lin Nian to look at the beautiful Helena more and more like Su Xiaoqiang who was far away. He couldn't help but find the similarities and differences between the two parties. Money and generosity aside, at least there were some differences between the two in terms of personality. Su Xiaoqiang seemed She is very courageous, and usually has the aura of 'daughters should strive for self-improvement' and 'women should not be inferior to men'.

But Helena gives people a very close-knit feeling. She can hold a pillow and talk to you with a smile. Her birthday gift when she was five years old was a stuffed bear that was bigger than her, and she slept with it every night. Sometimes she hugs the stuffed bear as if she can protect herself from being harmed.

At least Lin Nian still remembers that when he was eating at Shilan Restaurant, Su Xiaoqiang boasted to him that her fifth birthday gift was a new Lego realistic self-assembled brick track train, which contained mountains, water, and a train station. Her house has a whole garage, and the time it takes for the train to circle the track is enough to make a bowl of instant noodles. At the end of the conversation, she specifically asked Lin Nian if he wanted to go to her house tonight to eat instant noodles together. Or, no, play with the track train.

"Richard, did you know? Most people in Hollywood are very superstitious. They will pay exorbitant prices to the famous fortune-telling witches in New York to calculate their career luck and taboos."

"Witch? Do people in Hollywood also believe in fortune telling?" Lin Nian asked curiously as he put a chopstick of chicken fillet into his lunch box.

"The more famous directors and stars are, the more convinced they are, just like my father." Helena took a small bite of broccoli and nodded: "Have you seen 'The Last Tear'?"

"I've seen it. It's a classic. The literature department in our school organized our whole class to watch it." Lin Nian said subconsciously.

"Beta, be careful, don't put your real life into the character." Ryder's reminder sounded immediately in the wireless headset.

Fortunately, it seems that there is such a thing as a literature department in American high schools. Helena did not get suspicious and smiled and said: "In that movie, my father paid a high price for a witch to ask him how to continue to be popular. The witch replied: You have to have pain." There must be tears, necessary sin, and a sinking heart. That’s why he decided to transform from science fiction movies to art films and make that movie.”

"She won an award at the Cannes Film Festival. It seems that the witch is a bit wise." Lin Nian said, "I have actually told fortunes in Chinatown before."

"What do you count? Love or studies?" Helena looked at Lin Nian curiously, her eyes reflecting the sunset outside the window so beautiful that it almost stopped the heart.

"The fortune teller said that I lacked love since I was a child and I grew up with calcium deficiency. I didn't believe him, because if fortune tellers nowadays can do blood calcium content part-time, then all hospitals will close down." Lin Nian said with a smile, Helena I was amused for a moment, and the giggling sound reminded me of the sunny doll hanging in the window. Just looking at it will put me in a good mood.

"Actually, my father also asked the witch to do the math for me." Helena poked a small tomato with chopsticks, revealing her two white feet swinging restlessly under the quilt: "The witch said that I will be very rich in the future, and You will meet a noble person and you will be happy from now on.”

"Then have you met?" Lin Nian wanted to pick up a piece of chicken steak with sugar sauce, but was immediately stopped by the instructor in the headset, and he couldn't help but put down his chopsticks in frustration.

"I don't know." Helena looked at the ceiling with a small tomato in her mouth and sucked the sweet juice: "My mother used to read me many fairy tales, so when I was a child, I always thought that the 'noble man' was my 'Prince Charming'. ', one day I will be awakened from my slumber wearing gorgeous armor and headdress, and will lead me to a happy life in a country with warm seasons."

"Every girl has such a dream." Lin Nian poked at the black pepper sauce steak in the lunch box and put it back into the lunch box without hearing the instructor's voice in the headset.

"So I had a lot of boyfriends at school," Helena said with a smile.

"Pfft." Lin Nian almost spat out the rice and beef he had just eaten.

"What's wrong with you?" Helena turned to look at Lin Nian strangely.

"It's nothing." Lin Nian coughed twice and quickly drank some water.

"Richard, you should be in high school now, right? Are you so good-looking that you don't have a girlfriend in school?" Helena asked.

Lin Nianxin said that it was indeed a foreign education. In China, if a girl openly said that a boy was good-looking, it would be tantamount to confessing and pursuing a signal.

"No, I don't have a girlfriend." Lin Nian shook his head: "I was influenced by my grandfather in Chinatown, so I have always been very conservative in this regard."

"That's right, you Chinese boys are indeed very conservative." Helena tilted her head and didn't find it strange.

"What did you mean when you said you had many boyfriends? Didn't they fight when they were together? Or did you mean they didn't know each other's existence?" Lin Nian tactfully phrased his words.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I mean, I've had a lot of boyfriends." Helena changed the tenses in her grammar from present tense to past tense.

"That's not surprising. You are also very beautiful. You are among the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. It is normal to have a boyfriend." Lin Nian breathed a sigh of relief, and his impression of Helena returned to normal.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend now." Helena carefully took away a piece of hair that was dyed at the corner of her mouth: "I'm single now."

"Then there must be many boys pursuing you, right?" Lin Nian avoided the girl's sight.

"Well, a lot. About half of the boys in our school have written love letters to me." Helena smiled.

"Who doesn't like girls who are versatile and beautiful? I like them too."

"Richard, do you like me too?" Helena's eyes lit up: "Then we can date."

"Pfft." Lin Nian vaguely heard the "Wow" from the senior specialists in the headset, as well as the cheers of a certain idiot: He is indeed an 'S' class, he can easily do things that we can't do!

"I thought girls like you would have very high requirements for choosing a mate!" In the ward, Lin Nian looked at Helena with wide eyes.

"If it were a boy like you, our girls' mate selection requirements would be lower than Greece's immigration threshold." Helena covered her mouth and let out a laugh like silver wind chimes.

"Greece is preparing to launch a policy of "foreigners purchasing real estate and receiving EU residence within three years." If you buy a house for 250,000 euros, you can get a residence permit." Ryder explained this joke to Lin Nian through the headset, which was only understood by the upper class circles: "Also, you can consider being her temporary boyfriend, which will be beneficial to mission operations. In some missions, the commissioners will be willing to sell their lust in exchange for human peace."

What a "sacrifice of lust in exchange for human peace." Lin Nian was confused by Ryder's unrestricted persuasion. He forced himself to calm down: "Helena, is this how you agree to the boys who pursue you?"

"Yes." Helena seemed to be full, wiped the corners of her mouth, lay on the pillow and held an apple: "My mother taught me this."

Lin Nianxin said that boys all over the world lack a mother like you in their crushes. If the mothers of girls all over the world were like your mother, the United States would probably not be far away from family planning.

"My mother said that if I was born in an environment where I was sought after for a long time, my outlook on life might change in some bad ways." Helena took a bite of the apple, and the red peel matched her fair skin. The face is in stark contrast.

"So your mother's suggestion is for you to accept those favors directly?" Lin Nian couldn't understand Helena's mother's brain.

"Yes." Helena nodded: "As long as you accept the pursuit of those boys and agree to date them, you will really know what kind of people they are after a while, and then compare them with what they said before dating. Understand how hypocritical their words are, and after experiencing this kind of thing repeatedly, you will be able to turn a deaf ear to all the pursuit, because you will know how false and unrealistic those words are after uncovering the truth."

Lin Nian was stunned for a moment because he couldn't refute this theory for a while.

"Richard, what kind of person do you think I am?" Helena asked suddenly.

"What kind of person?" Lin Nian fell into silence.

pretty? Can play the piano? Can dance? Prominent family background? Excellent grades?

No, Lin Nian didn't know why he felt that these were not the criteria for evaluating a person. He couldn't answer Helena's question, so he chose to avoid it.

"I have no idea."

"I'm glad that you, Richard, didn't judge me rashly." Helena looked at Lin Nian for a while and showed a relieved smile.

"I just don't know." Lin Nian shook his head.

"Do you know how I ended up breaking up with so many boyfriends?" Helena's fingers gently traced the smooth skin of the apple.

"Yes." Lin Nian once again corrected the other party's tense usage.

"Yes, yes." Helena couldn't help but laugh, hit her head with an apple and stuck out her tongue: "Every time I interact with a boy in school, I deliberately mess up."

"A bad thing?" Lin Nian was puzzled.

"Just do some things that bad girls do, such as being willful, coquettish, high-minded, arrogant and so on." Helena said with her fingers: "Those boys will break up with me and be disappointed after putting up with me for a few weeks. I said: Why are you such a person! Then I will ask them: Then what kind of person do you think I should be?"

Lin Nian was stunned for a moment.

"They are always speechless at this time, because they have never understood me, so they impose all their wishes and self-conceited good things on me, and ask me to abide by them. They don't understand me at all. I may be A beautiful bad guy may also be a witch with a sinister heart." Helena said: "Everyone only sees me as beautiful and thinks that I am a perfect person, but I am not the perfect person they expect. , I will also have shortcomings, I may also have a bad temper. I hate those people who only judge everything based on the surface."

"Then do you think I am a good person or a bad person based on my appearance?" Lin Nian pointed at himself.

"I think Richard you are a good person." Helena said without hesitation.

"But you said you can't just go by the surface." Lin Nian smiled bitterly.

"No, it's the feeling." Helena said: "You gave me a unique feeling, so I believe you must be a good person."

"Thank you." Lin Nian didn't know what to say for a while.

"How about it, Richard, do you want to think about it?" Helena put down her apple and looked at Lin Nian expectantly.


"It's about dating." Helena said, "This way you can know what kind of person I am, and I can also know what's good about you."

"I" Lin Nian looked at Helena's face and fell into a dilemma. In his sixteen years of life, he had never experienced such a straightforward and unique request for a relationship.

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