Su Xiaoqiang heard the sound of wind and bells, and something cold was touching her cheek, whispering a secret in her ear. She couldn't hear clearly, so she listened carefully. The more serious she was, the more her dissociated consciousness became. She was close to waking up, until she couldn't hold back the throbbing and opened her eyes.

A slightly incomplete moon appeared in front of her eyes, and a corner of the dark sky was vacant, just like a pool of blue on the ice, shining brightly on the black solitary mountain and the castle.

There was a person standing not far from Su Xiaoqiang under the moon, a girl with black hair. Judging from her petite figure, it was not difficult to recognize who she was.

Paco, that woman who was both a nightmare and a puzzle to Su Xiaoqiang, stood on the edge of the top of the bell tower and looked down at the entire Kasai College. On her right, she could see the fire like Norton Hall was burning, and on her left From the side, you can see the stars of fireflies gathering in the Hall of Valor Square. The noisy sound waves everywhere in the academy are softened by the distance and wind, covering the burning academy like catkins.

The two of them are at a high place at the moment, the highest point of Kassel College, the top of the night watchman's bell tower. Their backs are leaning against the huge copper bell, and the white dove is hiding in the tower's pointed head and pecking at its feathers, dark red. The two uninvited guests were reflected in the bird's eyes.

"If you want to push me down from here, I don't recommend you do so, because countless people will always find that I will come out from behind them again after trying it." Paco quietly said to the huge bronze bell attached to his back. Su Xiaoqiang stood up and said.

"If you want to jump from here, I don't recommend you to do so, because no one wants to use you to threaten anyone or achieve a certain purpose. If you just jump off, many people will feel pity and regret for it. Sad." She added after a moment.

Both possibilities were blocked. Su Xiaoqiang stood up straight, looking at the lonely and empty tower in silence. She checked the clothes on her body and confirmed that she was still wearing the black evening dress from the ball, and even had an extra one. The blanket was draped over her shoulders, maybe because she was worried that she would be caught cold by the night breeze at such a high place?

"It's so considerate." Su Xiaoqiang grabbed the blanket on her shoulders and said, feeling the residual warmth on it. There was a lot of confusion and confusion in her eyes, but more of them were doubts and worries.

Worry about yourself and worry about another person. She knows that she is here not because she is valuable. In the eyes of others, all her value is given by another person. This view is very arrogant and selfish, but it is the most real reality. .

"Have you ever heard of the drug theory of love?" Paco suddenly asked.

"What?" Su Xiaoqiang was startled.

“Two psychologists in the United States conducted a cruel experiment. They found a group of poor people who broke up but still loved each other, forced them to see photos of their exes, and used an MRI machine to scan their brains to see which areas Changes will occur. After the experiment, they claimed that they did not get the results they wanted, so they suspended all matters related to the experiment." Paco looked at the burning night scene. Many places in Cassel College were intrusive and intrusive. The looting and arson caused the fire to overflow, and one road after another connected into a shining river of light.

Su Xiaoqiang didn't know what Paco wanted to express, but she cleverly didn't do anything. She just sat calmly in the corner of the bell tower, watching her back quietly and waiting for her to finish what she wanted to say.

"Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University in the United States, learned about this incident and decided to restart the experiment. Although he had no expectations, he made a surprising discovery in a similar experiment. The experiment shows that when people When thinking about an ex, the parts of the brain that are activated are the same as those where drug addiction occurs. So Dr. Fisher defined love as being like taking drugs. He believed that love objects are like drugs, making people addicted and unable to stop. "People who are addicted to drugs will do anything for drugs when the withdrawal reaction occurs, cheating, hurting or even self-mutilation, or even giving up their own lives," Paco said calmly.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Su Xiaoqiang asked softly.

"I don't have anything in particular to say, I'm just talking casually." Paco looked back at this beautiful girl, the breeze lifted her forehead hair, and her brown eyes were as silent as those outside the missing moon. beach black sky.

"What do you want to do?" Su Xiaoqiang asked.

"do nothing."

Su Xiaoqiang was silent for a while and then spoke, staring at Paco and said seriously, "I want to leave."

The words were full of determination, the determination to rather be broken than to be ruined.

She already knew her situation, and naturally knew what she should do now, which was to spread the news that she was still alive. Someone must be working hard to find her, and what she should do was tell that person that she was here. , she is still alive.

"Leave? Okay, then you can leave." Su Xiaoqiang got an unexpected answer.

Paco turned around and looked at Su Xiaoqiang in front of him, "I guess you want to take the initiative to contact the 'Prince', the boy who made you addicted to poison, tell him that you are safe, and let him fight and kill with peace of mind. , I don’t want him to worry about you. But does this really mean anything?”

Su Xiaoqiang looked into the woman's gloomy eyes, and suddenly she realized that the other party was going to say something bad, something that was enough to disturb her will and mind. She shouldn't listen. She should turn around and run away immediately, covering her ears. But this woman seemed to In a sighing tone, she couldn't help but whisper,

".What do you mean?"

Paco looked at the young girl and said softly, "I mean, can you really have any impact on this situation tonight? I mean, your death, your survival, your own existence really Does it have the value it deserves?”

"Value?" She didn't quite understand Paco's words and was a little confused.

"Look." Paco raised her finger and pointed into the distance. Su Xiaoqiang looked in the direction she pointed and found that there was a giant artificial lake next to the Iron Forest. However, she was horrified to find that the artificial lake was actually under the night sky. A dazzling light lit up, and the unstoppable light flowed on the surface of the lake, just like magma about to erupt?

"The answer is no." Paco looked at the academy illuminated by the dazzling fire, "I will let you go, you go through the burning world, find him, and then tell him that you are safe and sound, and then you will be placed in a safe place. This is how the story should be written, and it is so beautiful, right?”

"But your mission is over at this time." Paco said, "All your value is just to make him 'peace of mind', so dry and flat. But what can you do? You are not even a mixed race, You even got into Kassel College by cheating. If mixed-race people are considered an anomaly among the crowd, then how can you not be an anomaly among the aliens after being a mixed-race person?"

"Or do you think you can really help in this doomsday situation? But do you really have this ability?" In the direction Paco pointed to, the artificial lake began to collectively evaporate due to some mysterious high temperature. , a huge amount of white water vapor spread from the lake to all directions, until it covered the entire Iron Forest and spread to the square of the Hall of Heroes. This terrifying vision was fermenting and heating up.

As a result, people in the entire academy began to be attracted by the vision. Even if they were in different places and could not see the entire artificial lake, they could still see the light that was enough to illuminate half of the Iron Forest, just like the sun at dawn. As dazzling as a liter!

"Since you can't do anything, why do you still come to this place?" Paco looked at Su Xiaoqiang and whispered, "Don't you think you are redundant? The value of your existence and your value to him are all So weak, so empty, like a drug addict craving for drugs."

There was no sarcasm or excitement in her tone, only emptiness, and it was this emptiness that made people feel intensely sad, because she was just describing what she thought was the truth.

"You are like an outsider." Paco looked at this beautiful girl in a black evening gown, his eyes couldn't tell whether it was pity or indifference, "Just like the way you are dressed tonight, so beautiful, but flashy, in the real world Before the crisis, you couldn’t even make a beautiful flower and move it, because all it took was a wildfire to catch you and it would burn.”

"Perhaps your only use is to use your body as food to comfort him, to get the interpretation of your own value in sex and desire. In the end, after even the value of sex and desire is squeezed out, you can use your body as firewood. Use your own burning to add fuel to his 'enlightenment', and finally die." She looked back at the water vapor that gradually enveloped the entire Kassel College, and the raging fire that began to spread in the thick fog and said lightly, "There is nothing wrong with you loving him, but it is not enough. Maybe this is what the 'Emperor' wants to tell you."

"Then look carefully. This is the seat He has specially prepared for you, and it is everything He wants you to see. Think about it, in the doomsday in those dreams and the despair that follows, maybe you can find yourself Where the real value lies, where the real meaning of your life should be."

In Paco's vague words, Su Xiaoqiang vaguely heard the sound of whales.

It is so ethereal and transparent, hidden in the sea of ​​fog that can be seen with the naked eye.

This is a mountain peak. Where does the whale's cry come from?

She didn't know that the whale's cry was so lonely that she couldn't help but shiver, and a strong uneasiness and sadness surged in her mind?

On the bell tower, Paco faced the night wind and looked at the sea of ​​fog that covered everything. His eyes were fixed on the looming fire in the fog, and his eyes were full of awe-inspiring coldness.

Not only Su Xiaoqiang, but also the students in the entire college heard that whale cry. From the depths of their blood, they felt the horror of desolation. It was the trembling and sadness from the heart. Just a cry without words told the story of the two thousand years. Too much waiting and loneliness.

Something is coming.

Strong signals were transmitted rapidly to the minds of every mixed race. Their adrenaline began to secrete, and violent uneasiness surged in the cerebral cortex, as if there was an overcurrent. Everyone's golden eyes were lit up, and in the darkness They looked neatly in one direction like a pilgrim - the source of the pressure that far exceeded the 'commandments'.

By the Iron Forest Lake, in the artificial lake shrouded in thick fog, the lake bed has completely dried up. The ground is as dry as a drought and has cracked vein-like patterns. Blood is really flowing under the cracks, but the blood is not there. It exudes extremely high temperatures and is filled with flowing hot magma. And when the magma accumulates to a limit, an eruption is naturally a matter of course.

That supreme power rose from the ground, like a hidden dragon rising into the abyss.

First everyone heard the roaring sound, and then felt the ground shaking. The academy was built on the mountainside. Such violent shaking could only cause the entire mountain peak to shake, the rocks collapsed and rolled down, and the trees swayed like chaff.

In the square of the Hall of Heroes, students by the pool were shocked to find that the water in the pool was shattered and spilled to the ground, but was instantly evaporated by an incredible high temperature!

"Down here! Down below!" Someone seemed to suddenly realize something, pointing at the ground like crazy and yelling.

On the bell tower, where the view was widest, Su Xiaoqiang covered her mouth and looked at the scene in the distance in disbelief.

A huge black shadow rose from the ground. He smashed through the mountains and rock formations, and raised the dry ground of the artificial lake. After reaching the critical point of extreme tension, the earth collapsed. Along with the black shadow rising into the sky, Dancing lava and burning shards of earth.

In the roaring explosion, the black shadow left everything behind, broke through the ground, broke through the thick fog, and rushed into the sky in one breath! He became a blazing "sun" rising in the east, rising from the ground, flying all the way under the dark sky, and then suddenly opened its flaming wings in the night sky!

Meteor shower-like lava fragments slid from the air in all directions, like blooming red fireworks. The unparalleled "power" and "domain" instantly enveloped the entire lonely mountain, causing all creatures who saw him to lower their heads.

The shrill roar that spanned two thousand years finally sounded. He reached the top of the sky, and then burst out all his rage and loneliness in one breath!

The bronze bell in the bell tower rang loudly, spreading throughout Kassel College!

In the lonely bell, the strong wind set off by the black shadow in the sky blew away the dense fog everywhere in the college. The scorching fire swept every corner of the entire college. The big wings of the sky drew a new sun, and the flames and The bronze throne was recast in the sky, and the light illuminated the shocked and dull faces of every student.

All of this reveals a shocking fact.

Norma's announcement was delivered to the entire Kassel College, which was shrouded in majesty and flames:

The enemy is identified as "Constantine, the Lord of Bronze and Fire".

Dragon invasion! Dragon invasion! Dragon invasion!

——Constantine, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, confirmed to be awake.

The battle of the four kings to slay the dragon has officially begun.

ps: There may be more, but at night

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