After thousands of movements, too many 'coordinates' have been left in the entire sky. These are the conditions for the activation of the word spirit 'Fu Sheng'. In fact, Lin Nian could have done it a few minutes ago, but he But it has not been able to activate this word spirit for a long time.

There is no pity or a ridiculous reason not to win, just because "floating life" is the last and last resort. Just like the mechanical humanoid is always equipped with a self-destruction device, the ever-changing robot beast always has backup hidden energy behind it - this is the same death. of a knife.

The high temperature has reached the plasma state, which means death if you get close. How long can even the temperature-insulating dragon scales of the third degree of bloodshed prevent the extreme temperature of the fourth state? To exchange one's life for victory was the most unacceptable outcome. Lin Nian wanted to live, but he didn't want to die.

He used to say that his biggest wish is to live in a villa on the beach with the people he cares about after the Dragon King is killed, and live a life without worries about food and clothing. So his wish is still the same now. But if the conditions don't allow it, then that Is it acceptable for only one person to live in a villa? But that big house may seem empty in the future, and there will always be an empty room and a person looking out at the sea.

But this is enough.

The blade penetrated deeper, and he took one step further in the flames to embrace the flames and death. His burned retinas were full of desperate and hysterical murderous intent, just to knock down the throne in front of him and reveal the cold but cold person behind him. But a bright future.

"Don't be afraid, Constantine, death is really sad, forever and ever, pitch black, like groping in the dark, reaching out your hands and never touching anything, but at least we can still hold each other's hands while we sleep. hand."

The voice sounded again, coming from the horizon. Constantine stretched out his hand in one direction, his eyes a little dazed because of the anger that penetrated his heart. He seemed to be trying to grasp something but couldn't.

Behind him, Lin Nian moved his sword upwards, slashing all the way up from the middle of the spine, slicing the spine as hard as alloy inch by inch, which contained the most secret nerve fragments of dragons, but soon When he reached the throat, he pressed a hand on the blade of the Zhanma sword. The scales and flesh of his palm penetrated deeply into the blade, but absolute power burst out to hold down the progress of the Zhanma sword.

"I haven't apologized to my brother yet." The boy didn't look back, just looked into the distance and whispered.

His chest was broken open, his spine was cut off, he was bleeding like a dam but he still stood in the air and maintained his throne. The 'Candle Dragon' was not lifted, but the white silk wadding shrank. Many times, the progress of Yan Ling who was about to finish chanting suddenly stopped in front of the chasm. Every step forward was as difficult as climbing to the sky. However, he was still pushing forward persistently and hard. It was only a matter of time before he reached the end.

Lin Nian underestimated the vitality of the Dragon King. Even though he had fought head-on with the next-generation dragons, it did not mean that he truly understood how creatures like the Dragon King existed. There may be many last-generation dragons in this world, and they It represents "power", but it cannot represent "absolute power". Creatures like the Dragon King are born to be absolute, absolutely powerful, absolutely eternal, and absolutely supreme.

Lin Nian destroyed Constantine's first and second hearts, but in the end there was still one missing step, which was the Dragon King's brain, the final third heart.

Constantine held the blade as if he had placed a mountain on it. Power and strength had been completely integrated. That power was the pinnacle of living things. He was seriously injured, the most serious injury in thousands of years, and he was far away from true death. Just one step away, the third violent bloodshed is just like Shutoku Mai said, just one step away, only one step away.

One step is the distance between life and death.

This child never thought about harming anyone. He just wanted to leave here and find his brother. For this, he could use his life to sweep away everything in front of him.

The domain of 'Zhulong' opened up and enveloped Lin Nian. The four basic elements, including the spiritual element, were isolated by the pure fire element. In this domain, he blocked the release of all speech spirits. Then Yang Xu The space around Lin Nian was blocked, preventing him from using 'Floating Life' to escape again.

Every white strand of silk on Constantine's body represents a fatal temperature, but it is well restrained by that powerful force, just like a sealed urn that only explodes at the moment of being revealed. Now the tens of thousands of degrees of heat in the silk wadding has only leaked out to a thousand degrees, but it is enough to bring Lin Nian to the door of death.

'Snap' and 'Time Zero' can ensure that he evacuates quickly before the high temperature, but if he is exposed to this temperature for a long time, even he will die. He knows this, but he still resolutely activates 'Floating Life' (Fusheng cannot be used with Setsuna and Time Zero at the same time), he came behind the Dragon King and gambled everything on himself.

"It's really troublesome."

Lin Young said in a low voice. In fact, his voice did not come out because his throat had been roasted and his retinas were burned out. He should not be able to see anything, but in his eyes he could clearly see a golden figure standing in front of him and behind him. The Dragon King towards himself is still alive.

But he was about to die, in the flame heart of the world-destroying Yanling ‘Zhulong’.

This is the limit of three times of violent bloodshed. He seriously injured the Dragon King. This is a great feat that no one has achieved in all eternity. He should be satisfied.

If he was really like this, he wouldn't be Lin Nian.

He looked down at the earth, and in his burnt eyes he saw a few clusters of golden stars in the dark night. They were scattered in every corner of Kassel College, so beautiful. He can recognize every star and pronounce their names. The one in the direction of the library is Lin Xian, the one in the bell tower is Su Xiaoqiang and senior sister, and the one in the church is Lu Mingfei. There are too many, too many names that he can easily The ground spat it out.

Yes, this has never been his alone's war. If the entire Dragon King's battle is a bet played by those behind the scenes, then every chip he holds in his hand now is a bet on his victory. He cannot bet easily because his chips are all he has. But at the last moment, with courage and belief, he spent all his life to put these chips on the gambling table.


"I can't lose. They bet on me to win. So I bet on myself to win," he said, even without making a sound.

A drop of blood seeped out from the surface of the cracked coke, and the blood mist evaporated when it hit the high temperature, but more blood gushed out immediately after, and the blood mist quickly filled the entire area of ​​the 'Candle Dragon', and in In the center of the blood mist, Lin Nian opened his ruined eyes.

It’s just desperate, just desperate. If you can really fight, what if all the liquid in his veins is burned into strength? Constantine can fight until now for his brother, so why can't he finally fight for people who are several times his size?

The genes in the blood, the spiral fragments began to tremble! That was the last elegy before the collapse of the Babylonian ladder.

Lin Nian was already standing at the top of the tower, so what if he looked up at the sky and took another step out? So what if I become Icarus who is burned to death by the sun? If his mother doesn't want him to touch the sea, then he will fill it up! Don't kiss the blazing sun, then he will extinguish the blazing sun! He was only one step away from taking this step that would trample his fate!

The genes of the spiral began to collapse. His hands suddenly cracked the charcoal on the surface and grabbed the sword. He raised his head before the white light of ten thousand degrees touched him. The dark eye sockets were as red as blood. The light bloomed, surpassing the 'Candle Dragon' and shining on the side of Constantine's face.

On the road to becoming a god, he jumped deep and jumped from the broken staircase to the gate standing high in the clouds and mist.

He knew that he couldn't really jump over the chasm of the abyss, and would fall to pieces, but so what? As long as he was close enough to the door at this moment. Take that step and kill the Dragon King in front of you! Keep everything he cares about that can be linked to all good things: sunshine, new literature, bicycles, and the girl bathing in everything.

Even if it was as brief as a flash in the pan, a flash in the pan, he had truly stepped into that realm.

Bloodshed four times.

He opened his mouth and took a deep breath, as if he was pumping the entire world's oxygen into his lungs. A terrifying hollow roar sounded in the thousand-degree air. This breath was like pouring hot oil into an engine. Unparalleled power rose from his arms, and blood mist erupted from the cracks on his body. The huge power began to drive the saber, and the palm that withstood fate began to move upward slowly!

"Come on! Dragon King, let's see whether you bring the end of the world first, or I cut off your throne first!"

A clear, furious roar echoed through the air from the half-repaired vocal cords. If Constantine turned around, he would definitely be able to see the terrifying ghost-like face, as well as the blood-red golden pupils on his face that burned like stars!

Constantine did not look back because he had already made up his mind. He was going to see his brother, just like Lin Nian wanted to protect everything on the earth. For this purpose, both of them boys can destroy everything in their way, even the half-blood king, even the four great kings.

Constantine continued to chant the spirit, as if he was praising something or celebrating his return. The territory of the 'Candle Dragon' continued to expand, its light illuminated the earth, and the lights of Chicago a hundred miles away were also submerged. Countless people in the city took to the streets and looked at the day in the Illinois wilderness. They seemed to hear the holy words in the light, and then they knelt down excitedly on the crowded streets and prayed to the unfounded God for this divine revelation. A scene dedicated to one's temporary piety.

The violent bells rang at the right time, and the bell tower of Kassel College roared like a swan's swan song. This apocalyptic scene shook the eardrums of everyone on the Lonely Mountain.

This is the race against time, the chanting of the 'Candle Dragon', and the four-degree bloody madness in an instant. Will the spirit of words finish chanting first, or will the sword split the Dragon King's head first? Lin Nian didn't know, and neither did Constantine. They didn't care, because in their eyes, they only loved what they loved and burned everything in their lives!

In Kassel Academy, the combat members who had not yet evacuated stood in the open space and looked directly at the sun with Caesar as their 'eyes'. Even if their eyes were sore and tears were shed, they did not look away for a second.

Under the lonely mountain, every person who fled turned to look at the light that reached the threshold. They knew that even if they ran away at this moment, they could not escape the doomsday spirit. It was better to stop and take a good look and wait for the outcome to be known.

In the central control room, the black-haired girl clasped her hands behind the three professors, raised her head and stared at the blazing white on the screen and gently closed her eyes. She seemed to be praying, but the object was not to the gods who illuminated the earth, but to the gods. The God Eater behind him.

In the light and bells, the blond girl who had been silent for a long time suddenly chuckled. She looked at the boy roaring at the top of his lungs in the burning light and raised his right hand.

"It's really interesting. You are not afraid of your own death, but some people are. You don't regard your life as fate, but some people regard your life as more important than her own life. Because you are her whole world. , if you die, she will cry for revenge on the whole world." She said.

The black chain in the blinding light fell from the white sky and fell on Elena's arm. She gently stirred the chain and made a clear sound, then turned to look at the bell on the ground that was ringing. bell tower.

The top of the bell tower.

Bathed in white light, Su Xiaoqiang stretched out her hand to the sky, as if to catch the sun. She involuntarily began to think back to when and where she wanted to do this for the first time. Recalling the scene, it was also a morning when the sun was so bright. At the crowded school gate, she inadvertently turned around and saw the boy among the bustling figures. The most dazzling sun in her life was hidden in the school gate. The crowd is like stars towering over the moon, and the place you walk through is as bright as the Milky Way.

She closed her eyes and remained silent for a long time in the trace of memories. The light and wind blew through her black hair. Every bit of heat and every trace of wind had never been so clear. When she opened her eyes, the light had engulfed the figure of the man, and he became the new sun hanging in the sky, just out of reach.

So she opened her hand, pointed it at the sun, and then clenched it gently. Her fist blocked the light and cast a shadow on her cheek, just like she caught a corner of the sun. Although it was only a corner, for her It's like having it all.

But the trajectory of light still stayed in her mind. She couldn't catch it and couldn't catch it all. Some light spots would always escape like lost souls, scattered in the light.

Su Xiaoqiang stretched out her hand toward the sun four times, trying to close it and grab it. Her fingertips and palms were untouched, and the dazzling light spot always kept a little bit of an unreachable distance from her fingertips.

In fact, every girl has had such a dream. They jump on the evil dragon that the knight cannot defeat, kill the dragon with one sword, lift up their red-stained skirts, walk briskly in front of the knight and point at the evil dragon. The huge corpse of the dragon said: Dig out your sword and marry me.

"Now, she handed the sword to your hand." The emperor stood behind the girl, looking up at the chain that only he and the blonde girl could see, and said lightly,

".Then, Lin Nian, just cut it off! The new king's accession to the throne will always be stained with the blood of the old king, and the lamb will sing your name on the red altar. This is a fate we can never escape. .”

The black chain connected to the sun broke with a sudden sound. The blond girl at the broken end of the chain laughed madly and fell from the sky, melting into the golden light and becoming nothing.

Thus, a new royal power came, a new realm was born, and a new throne hung high in the sky.


The invisible realm was released from the boy's body.

The sword broke through the almost indestructible scales of Constantine's palm. In the increasingly high-pitched roar, the blood mist pouring out from the body gathered into the ocean at this moment and drowned the dazzling sun!

"It's now!"

At the same time, a gunshot rang out in the direction of the church, and the blood-red bullets flew into the tide of light and were submerged. At this moment, a bullet aimed at the sniper was fired from the direction of the artificial lake, but just before the bullet was about to hit, it was cut off by a long knife like electricity, and the fatal blow was chopped away in the explosion. Bullet tip!

On the roof of the church, Mai Shutoku's legs were buried in the broken tiles of the roof. White smoke rose from the 'Budou Mithun' sword in her hand. Her golden eyes were bright, and her skin, which had taken off her leather jacket, was covered in Blue-black fine scales.

Lu Mingfei, who pulled the trigger on the rooftop platform, didn't notice the explosion in his ears. After pulling the trigger, he suddenly stood up, dropped the sniper rifle in his hand and looked up at the sky, with only blank words in his eyes. Saw a dazzling golden color.

ps: I found more than 4,000 modifications, and directly added a new chapter 8

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