In the early morning, the sun shone into dormitory 303. Lu Mingfei sat blankly at the desk, his fingers moving on the red dots on his notebook, and he was curled up under the quilt with some dark circles under his eyes.

Fingel, who was on the upper bunk across the aisle, was snoring constantly. The only noise he made could be heard in the entire dormitory. The frequency was rising and falling with the rise and fall of his belly covered with quilts. One could imagine that the conductor in his throat was directing the entire room. The orchestra in the respiratory tract plays a tune.

Lu Mingfei couldn't bear it anymore so he pushed open the window. There was a faint noise of people outside the window, and from time to time there were crackling sounds of burning and the sound of huge objects collapsing. Those who didn't know it thought it was demolition, but in fact they were doing it. The situation is no different from this. After all, any new building needs to demolish the original ruins.

He sat on the upper bunk of the double bed and looked out from the third floor of the window. What he saw was the college shrouded in light black smoke. Even with the sunshine and the remaining green plants, it could not cover up the beauty of the school two days ago. A crisis that almost destroyed the entire academy in one night. A large number of green plants were burnt, leaving behind pitch-black bodies. Gray silica covered every place in the college like heavy snow that arrived early in August. Each of the ancient and majestic buildings was full of cracks or missing arms and legs. .

The worse ones are like the Amber Pavilion with only ruins left, and the better ones are like the church or the Norton Pavilion. A large hole was opened in the ceiling of the former church, and the interior was filled with solidified and cooled lava that was difficult to handle; the Norton Hall of the latter was half burned, and the other half was left unburned after the Lions Heart Club rescued it. The whole thing looks a bit cohesive. The contrast between lushness and withering is an impressionistic art style.

The collapse of a large number of buildings and the ashes of greenery are just small things. The most important and most reassuring thing is that the real core and lifeblood of Kassel College will always be its students and teachers.

Among the ruins, white tents stood up one after another, blooming in the college like white flowers emerging from the ground overnight. In the large camp composed of tents, many students and doctors in coats walked through, and the noise and An aroma hidden in the smell of gunpowder was carried over by the morning breeze from afar, and poured into Lu Mingfei's nose, causing him to sneeze moderately, and at the same time, his stomach trembled at the right time. He groaned, and the current time was displayed on the lower right corner of the laptop on his lap:

2010, August 23, 7:03.

Two days after the Dragon King sniper battle.

It is now seven o'clock in the morning, when normal college students should still be dreaming about Zhou Gong. Breakfast has been served. Dining carts are being pushed in the tent area. The chefs who used to be in the back kitchen of the cafeteria have become... The owner of the mobile food truck, because the original cafeteria has now been filled with solidified magma. I wonder if the Dragon King also knows that in war, logistics must be cut off to burn food and grass. When the college turned into half a volcano, the cafeteria suffered a magma eruption. The blow turned into a scorched earth.

But fortunately, the cafeteria is not the only place where food is stored. The logistics of Cassel College has not been disrupted. In the morning, CC1000 express trains were dispatched from Chicago to supply supplies. Now every truck flowing in the tent area The dining car was filled with a sumptuous breakfast, including free Munich sausages and orange juice, green onion toast, creamy corn soup, as well as limited edition Spanish ham and butter crab paste that were in season in August that were not necessarily available if you had money in the past. Available in unlimited quantities today.

There must be supplies before the war, and there must be carnival after the war, but before the college can't find a place for the carnival, the atmosphere and specifications of the celebration must keep up. Food is probably the best stimulant to arouse emotions.

According to the words of the chef who rolled up his sleeves to reveal the colorful tattoos on his knotted forearms, this is what every surviving student and teacher in this college deserves. Due to his bloodline, he cannot become one of the heroes when the dragons invade. If we have front-line combat power, we can only retreat to the second line and cheer for the warriors to celebrate.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but believe the chef's regret, because when Norma organized the retreat of the "old, weak, sick and disabled", the chef almost carried kitchen knives and pots and pans to fight the intruders. When he was young, the chef was also a fierce man who dared to put dragon meat on his life menu.

In short, under Norma's timely warning that night, except for the combatants who chose to stay and participated in the battle, most of the lower-grade students and professors did not suffer too many casualties. In addition, the pole was inserted in the Hall of Valor Square. The red flag symbolizing victory is still waving on the ruins, which in itself is something worth celebrating.

The Battle of Constantine was won, and the Kassel Academy was victorious.

This is an indisputable fact. According to the history of dragon slaying throughout the ages, regardless of the casualties and the price paid, as long as the hybrids successfully nail the dragons to the ground and drain their last drop of blood, then as humans, they will Even if they win a complete victory, even if their homes turn into scorched earth and their relatives melt into the soil, they are determined to have no reason to cry and grieve. Rebuilding and looking forward to the surviving comrades around them is what they should do.

In fact, if you want to seriously compare it with previous historical battles, Kassel Academy's Dragon King sniper battle this time was not just a win, it was simply a huge win.

Although the first group of senior students who faced the battle were seriously injured, the number of 'deaths' that could not be saved was controlled to a limited extent. Under the control of Norma, or 'EVA' and the temporary commander Caesar Garrison, Under the control of Tusuo and the professors stationed in the control room, most of the casualties were controlled to the extent that they could be effectively rescued.

Every injured patient received field rescue as soon as possible under Norma's supervision. There were not many cases of direct death. After all, there were very few unlucky people who encountered the outbreak of Dragon King's 'Junyan' without any obstacles. But if Once there is, you can skip the rescue step directly.

In comparison, the thing that caused the most serious damage to the academy was not the Dragon King, but the man-made disaster before the Dragon King - the invasion of a group of dangerous hybrids.

At least from Lu Mingfei's perspective, three compatriots from the student union died at the beginning of the invasion. Those three white statues are still reflected in his retinas. He has not been able to sleep well in the past two days. Whenever he closes his eyes, he will... Seeing those three figures, there was another burning cross in the sky that they reached out to touch.

The casualties caused by disputes between people are much greater than the Dragon King's rage. This is undoubtedly a rather ironic thing, but not many people care about it now, because the persecutors who inflict pain They had already paid off their sins by greater violence, and their bodies erected in the ruins were the best comfort to the survivors - at least that's what the people in the student union thought. They used stones in the center of the ruins of the Amber Hall Three statues have been erected, and people have been stopping there all the time in the past two days. Rather than resenting the perpetrators, it is better to commemorate the victims. This is probably the best way to commemorate the achievements of the predecessors.

In short, the war was over, if only temporarily.

The entire Kassel College is in a state of ruin. The devastated college will always be rebuilt, and the green trees and lawns that were once everywhere will soon return. According to the people in the equipment department, the college is now covered with plant ash. They are all made of high-purity silica. After this autumn and winter, and next spring, I guess the school’s greening department will have to worry about how to prune the lush green plants.

Lu Mingfei took one last look at the laptop screen on his lap. The Night Watch forum on it still contained posts listing the heroes of that "war night", from the 'S' class who descended from the sky with the 'Seven Deadly Sins', to From Caesar, who directed the students to cross fire with the Dragon King, to President Lionheart, who was sleeping next to the accumulator without any force on the top of the lone mountain, everyone had a highlight moment, and every post on the top list received almost 10,000 likes.

As an outlet for war emotions, the entire forum was ignited, and exciting, brilliant, and funny things and remarks were constantly shared, diluting the sadness. Seniors from all over the world who did not participate in this battle have used these posts to recreate the battle that night. Every corner and every highlight has been pieced together. I wish I could add a Lu Si poem. Lang's "EM20 # 070720" lit up the atmosphere.

Everything proves that things will always develop for the better. At least Lu Mingfei is willing to believe so. At least now he is still alive, surviving the rain of bullets and the anger of the king, and is still alive and well, although who probably I don’t know if he gave the Dragon King the fatal shot and gave the main attacker a perfect assist?

A little frustrated, but not too sad. After all, the feeling of being a hero behind the scenes is still a bit refreshing. Although most people don't know your contribution, there are only a few people who really need to know.

Based on his understanding of Lin Nian, as long as you reveal some clues about some things, the other party can probably deduce the cause and effect. Lu Mingfei was the first to arrive at the scene after firing the shot, which can already explain some problems. , but it was a pity that he did not have the opportunity to discuss these details with Lin Nian.

After the Dragon King transformed into a burning cross in the sky, Lin Nian left the battlefield. No one knew where he went. At least he didn't go back to dormitory 303 to sleep for a while. To be precise, almost no one could sleep that night. After getting sleep, no one could close their eyes with such swelling of blood until the next day.

As for Lu Mingfei, he was worried almost all the time that night whether the foothills of Cassel College would suddenly be surrounded by a group of U.S. Army troops, and whether a group of combat patrol planes would fly past in the sky. The huge momentum of 'Candle Dragon' when it was released on the edge could not be hidden at all. The entire solitary mountain turned into an active volcano and spewed lava into the surrounding wilderness. It even ignited a large sea of ​​violet and Annabell flowers to form a small-scale mountain. fire.

It is almost impossible for this phenomenon not to attract the attention of all walks of life, right? Lu Mingfei even browsed the live video of Chicago that night on Youtube. The southern suburbs of Illinois completely showed the phenomenon of sunrise in the middle of the night. There was also a vague and mysterious sound in the background. The video made everyone look up. It’s a crazy title that goes with “God walks on earth, and heaven only welcomes religious people.” The number of clicks and retweets alone exceeded one million in just a few hours.

But no matter how much Lu Mingfei waited, he was not surrounded by tanks and fighter jets. Cassel College was still so independent from the world. No one came to trouble them. Everything seemed to be forgotten. In a short period of time, There won't be any trouble. He was quite puzzled and unbelievable about this. As for how the academy did it, he could only find out by asking insiders.

But the problem is that no one with knowledge of the matter has taken the initiative to approach Guo Mingfei in the past two days. After the suspension of classes, everyone seemed to be busy with endless things, including post-disaster reconstruction, geological survey and geological survey (a few people suspected The geology of the isolated mountain permanently became a volcano). Even Lin Nian's sister, Lu Mingfei, could see her busy in the tent of the Psychology Department every day picking up students who were suspected of suffering from stress trauma. But Lu Mingfei, he seemed to have been forgotten, without any People looked for him.

It feels like the hero behind the scenes is hiding his merit and fame, but is he hiding his excellence too much? Didn't two people come out to report that he fired that crucial shot, and quietly write him into the top list of dragon slayers? Even when he looked up, he had already thought about it in his dream last night:

[As we all know, there was a dragon invasion in the college not long ago. I believe everyone is familiar with the dragon invasion. You may be surprised why the dragon invaded. The editor is also surprised? Let the editor take you to understand it together!

In the battle of dragon invasion, everyone recognized that the top 1 player was Lin Nian, the ultimate hero who slayed the dragon. However, the editor wants to say that few people knew that there was actually a top 0 player hidden in everyone's mind that night. Out of sight, he made an indelible and huge contribution to this campaign.

Having said this, many people may wonder why everyone doesn’t know about such a powerful person? The editor also feels very strange, this is the main content of our next issue.】


Lu Mingfei's delusion was interrupted like a thunderous snoring sound. He glanced at Fingel, who had his back to him on the upper bunk opposite. There was some helplessness and confusion on his face. If he remembered correctly, this guy was sleeping in the bed. After showing off his power in the Platinum Hall, no news about him came out. In the past two days, this guy was lying in the dormitory like him, as if he had been forgotten by everyone. No one remembered them and felt sorry for their survival. Crying with joy.

Many people left them forever during the Dragon Slaying Battle. Every day, I could see students who were emotionally unstable and crying. However, Lu Mingfei always had an unreal feeling about the passing of these people. The only thing in his impression was the cold and cold words in the statistical bulletin. number.

Maybe only when a familiar person who is truly known and has left a mark in life suddenly leaves, the person involved will feel the suddenness and sadness. As a real senior of Cassel College, there are almost no people in the school. Fingel doesn't know him. Perhaps he is the one who can best understand the sadness of the world after this war. In his current dream, is he also commemorating and saying goodbye to those who have passed away?

Looking at it from this perspective, maybe Fingel, who has been sleeping soundly all the time, is actually the real hero who can hold back his sadness and boredom?

Maybe, just maybe

After being silent for a while, Lu Mingfei scratched his chicken coop-like head, but couldn't get the answer he wanted.

He twitched his nose and smelled the aroma of breakfast outside the window. He turned off the laptop screen and got out of bed lightly. But before he landed, Fingel's confused voice came from the upper bunk.

"Junior brother, here are two pieces of garlic bread, three white grilled sausages, and a portion of soy pork knuckle with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. Huh? Why do I seem to smell Spanish ham and hairy crabs?"

"." Regardless of whether it is tragic or not, there are still heroes. In terms of appetite, this is really a fucking pig. Are you trying to take back the share of your comrades who can't eat this breakfast?

Lu Mingfei thought silently.

Then he took a breath to regain his composure, put on his slippers, opened the door to the dormitory and trotted out, leaving Fingel alone in the dormitory.

"." After a long time, Fingel on the upper bunk gently raised his hand.

Then he scratched his butt, turned over, and continued to sleep.

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