It was the same night, and only a glimpse of the moon could be seen in the purple sky. The moon became brighter and brighter as it climbed higher. It climbed to a corner of the bell tower and hung lazily, like a white dove revealing half of its white breast, in the forest. When I walked to the end of the stone road in the college, I looked up and saw that the moon was gone, and the white doves were flying high and hiding in the purple sky.

Carrying a bag of fruit, he stopped in front of the courtyard of the attic of the Department of Psychology. The lights in the attic were basically turned off, leaving only a warm incandescent lamp outside the courtyard illuminating the path. He walked in along the path without knocking. I pushed open the door panel, and the smell of disinfectant came from inside.

The former psychology department has been moved to the camp area, and it has been transformed into a temporary inpatient department. Many students who need long-term rest are placed in rooms here, which are quiet at night.

In the hall on the first floor, a weak wall lamp was lighting up the front desk. The third-year senior sister who was keeping watch was lying on the table and dozing off. Suddenly, there was a sound of the door panel squeaking in her ears, and another gust of night wind blew in. The collar in her collar made her wake up and shiver. When she looked up at the door, she saw nothing. The door closed quietly without any gaps. The cold wind seemed to be blowing from a dream, making her unable to distinguish between reality and dream.

Using time zero to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lin Nian walked through the attic hall, took the stairs to the third floor with ease, without disturbing anyone, and walked through the corridor on the third floor all the way in, not deliberately going there. Looking for the house number of the temporary hospital bed, I heard a small, suppressed cough coming from the depths of the darkness.

Following the sound of coughing, Lin Young opened the door softly, but the movement seemed to be too loud, disturbing the girl resting in the room. She sat up on the bed and turned to look at him in front of the door. The two of them looked at each other. They faced each other in the darkness, and the white dove outside the window jumped over the top of the bell tower and illuminated the people in the room.

"Still not asleep?" Lin Nian paused, closed the door, and walked to the bed carrying the fruit.

"I just woke up. I've already slept for a round. I got up and looked for water." Su Xiaoqiang, who was sitting on the bed and wearing a hospital gown, ran his hands through his hair and said, "It's you, aren't you still asleep at this time?"

"I should have told you that my sleep cycle is different from other people's. Two or three hours of sleep a day is enough."

"Did you get enough sleep for two or three hours?" Su Xiaoqiang asked, looking sideways at Lin Nian who walked to the bed and sat down.

"No." Lin Nian put the fruit on the table and leaned gently on the back of the chair.

"Can't sleep?" Su Xiaoqiang found a pillow to cushion his back, and instead of lying down, he leaned softly on the head of the bed and looked at the boy beside him.

"Roughly the same."

"Tell me why you can't sleep? I always thought you were the type of person who doesn't panic when the sky falls!"

"Do you still remember the first time the school organization went on a spring outing when you were a child?" Lin Nian thought for a while and asked.

"I remember, I didn't sleep all night, my heart was pounding, and I would get up in the middle of the night to check whether I had enough snacks, for fear of forgetting something."

"Me too." Lin Nian leaned back on the chair and gently folded his thumbs together and placed them on his legs.

"Then do you know how I fell asleep later?" Su Xiaoqiang was quiet for a while, then suddenly tilted his head and looked at Lin Nian and asked.

"Your parents found out and scolded you so much that you cried yourself to sleep?"

"No, I couldn't sleep because I was worried that I would forget to bring something on the spring outing, so I simply took my schoolbag to the bed and hugged it. Suddenly I felt much more at ease and fell asleep naturally."

Lin Nian imagined the appearance of an excited little girl in a big room who could only sleep peacefully while holding her schoolbag. He couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head.

"If you can't sleep, just find something that can make you feel at ease and keep thinking about it. When you feel comforted, you will naturally relax, and then you can naturally fall asleep easily." Su Xiaoqiang folded his hands on the quilt in front of him and shared his thoughts with a smile. Experience, “If you can’t sleep try this!”

Lin Nian just smiled and said nothing. He sat on the chair and looked at Su Xiaoqiang quietly. Su Xiaoqiang seemed to realize that the boy next to him was familiar with the tips for falling asleep, because that was what he was doing at this moment.

The ward was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere was satisfactory. But after a while, Su Xiaoqiang was about to say something, but suddenly she couldn't hold back and coughed twice. Her relaxed brows wrinkled a little. Lin Nian was waiting for her to cough. After finishing it, he immediately stood up and handed the water to her. He pressed her back with his right hand and watched her drink the warm water. However, while drinking the water, the desire to cough came again, and she suddenly choked on her cough. It's getting more powerful.

"Slow down." Lin Nian could only try to pat her on the back, but the effect was not satisfactory. She bent over the bed and coughed hard as if to cough out all the air in her lungs, and subconsciously grabbed her right hand. Lin Nian held Lin Nian's sleeve, and Lin Nian gently held her wrist.

After about ten seconds, Su Xiaoqiang gradually calmed down his breathing and stopped coughing. There were traces of coughed up water under the bed. There was not much water in the glass, but he coughed up as much as he drank. "I'm going. Not too lucky. Well, I can cough and choke even when I drink water.”

Lin Nian wiped Su Xiaoqiang's mouth with toilet paper, and poured her another glass of water. After seeing her drink it in small sips, he took the cup back, reached over and put his hand on her forehead to compare her body temperature, "No fever or cough." It's so severe, but the disease is not getting better?"

"The doctor said it was acute tonsillitis caused by a heat cold. If it's more serious, the tonsils may have suppurated. I keep feeling like there's a thorn stuck in my throat. It's strange and uncomfortable. I'm going to do aerosol anti-inflammation tomorrow after the equipment and medicine are prepared. No problem. It's not too big, but it's very torturous." Su Xiaoqiang seemed to have exhausted all her strength in coughing, and she lay limp on the pillow. When she turned her head, she saw Lin Nian handing over a sliced ​​pear. At some point, the bedside table was filled with pear peels, and she didn't even see Lin Nian holding the fruit knife.

"I brought you some pears to moisten the lungs, relieve coughs, clear away heat and resolve phlegm. It's time for your body to take good care of yourself." Lin Nian brought the pears to Su Xiaoqiang's mouth. The other party tilted his head and glanced at him, then took a decisive sip. He bit into it and ate it. Although he had a slight fever and cough, his eyes were full of happiness, "If other people knew that the great hero who saved the academy fed me pears, would they be jealous to death?"

"Yeah." Lin Nian thought for a while and decided not to tell him about dividing the pears at noon.

"That's amazing." Su Xiaoqiang said suddenly.

"What's so great?" Lin Nian asked.

"You that night."

"Did you know that your words have strong sexual implications?" Lin Nian asked.

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment, then blushed, "No. You know what I'm talking about."

Lin Young nodded lightly, lowered his head and continued to cut pears, "It's just work. I only did what I should do. Even if I don't do it, someone else will do it for me."

"How did you kill him like this in the end?" Su Xiaoqiang asked curiously, "Isn't that big guy easy to kill? Did you use any special skills in the end?"

Lin Nian thought for a moment and found that it was difficult to explain things like chains in an ambiguous manner, so he could only say, "You can think of it as me learning a new language spirit."

"A new word spirit? Can't there only be one word spirit for a mixed race?"

"There are always exceptions to everything," Lin Nian said.

"Can this new word spirit of yours make waves?" Su Xiaoqiang asked after thinking about it.

".No." Why does everyone struggle with whether he can make waves? Is this really important?

"What is the effect? ​​Can you tell me? I'm a little curious." Su Xiaoqiang scratched his eyebrows.

Lin Nian glanced at her and said, "Forcibly improve the bloodline and give it extremely strong control ability. After the bloodline is purified, it will be accompanied by recovery ability that exceeds the threshold, super-speed regeneration, and extreme environmental adaptability. It is a person who stands in physical enhancement. The peak of the spirit of speech."

"So powerful? Does that mean you won't get sick in the future?" Su Xiaoqiang said unexpectedly.

"Infinite regeneration, of course, also means infinite health." Lin Nian glanced at Su Xiaoqiang, and then nodded, "Although hybrids themselves do not suffer from serious diseases, it can basically be understood this way."

"But it's good that you're okay. I was really afraid that you would be roasted into a dried fish that night." Su Xiaoqiang sighed in relief.

"But speaking of which, Lancelot and the others said that you were on top of the clock tower when they found you that day. Why did you appear there? Weren't you at the Ambo Pavilion with me that night?" Lin Nianche held his hand. The skinned pear flesh asked suddenly.

"Ah, what are you talking about? Didn't you finish dancing that day and you had something to leave? I was a little tired and wanted to go out for a walk. I wanted to see if I could find you. Then the Amber Pavilion exploded. I went to other places." Su Xiaoqiang concentrated When I started eating pears, I started to speak in a whimpering voice, and my voice was unclear, but at least I could hear a general idea.

"Then why do you think of going to the bell tower?"

"There was a power outage and I couldn't find my way. The tallest building in the entire college is the bell tower. I walked over according to the shadow of the bell tower. Then as I passed, I heard gunshots and explosions, which scared me. Tiao thought something terrible had happened, so he simply fled into the bell tower for refuge."

Lin Nian turned his head and stared at Su Xiaoqiang. Su Xiaoqiang noticed that his eyes were also looking at him. After their eyes met for a few seconds, Lin Nian reached out and pinched Su Xiaoqiang's chin. This action suddenly raised Su Xiaoqiang's body temperature to one or two degrees. , her breathing stopped for a moment and she stared at Lin Nian intently, and then another pear was stuffed into her mouth.

"That's reasonable." Lin Nian lowered his head and continued peeling pears, ignoring Su Xiaoqiang's resentful gaze.

"Who do we think we are now?" Su Xiaoqiang suddenly hesitated while biting a pear. When it comes to that night, the dance cannot be avoided. When it comes to dance, who can forget what happened at the end of the dance? What a beautiful moment.

"What's what?"

"It's nothing." Su Xiaoqiang bit into the pear and swallowed it in small pieces, but she found that the boy beside her suddenly stopped talking. She turned around and found that the boy was staring at her.

"Don't think too much. You're the biggest one when you're sick. It doesn't matter what you think between us." Lin Nian cut another piece of pear and fed it to him, and his voice became much calmer.

Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly and quickly bit off the pear in Lin Nian's hand. He made a fist with his right hand and pulled it down on the hospital bed to cheer and celebrate. Then he took a breath and started coughing. Lin Nian could only He immediately patted the back of the girl who had only been in joy for three seconds to help him calm down.

"Do you think there will be any big changes?" Lin Nian asked, placing his hand on her back.

"I don't know. But I just know that I can finally listen to Jay Chou's "Quiet" with a normal heart!" Su Xiaoqiang lay back and gently pressed Lin Nian's hand in the pillow.

Lin Nian didn't take away his hand, he just looked at her sideways, as if he didn't quite understand what this had to do with Jay Chou's song.

"You actually forgot about this, how heartless are you?" Su Xiaoqiang glanced sideways at the silent Lin Nian and snorted.

"You have to give me some tips, I need to remember a lot of things every day."

"Last year, we had a dinner with classmates at a hot pot restaurant."

"Oh." Lin Nian remembered. With three key words, he dug out the scene hidden in the corner of his memory.

The aroma of the hot pot base and the carbon dioxide of Coca-Cola seemed to linger in front of his nose, as well as the smell of the girl's perfume that day. He remembered it so clearly.

"Who knew the background music was so appropriate at that time, it almost made me cry. Fortunately, it went by quickly, otherwise it would have been really embarrassing." Su Xiaoqiang whispered.

"At that time, you suddenly said that you were leaving. I felt like the sky was falling. How could it be possible? Things were obviously going so smoothly. At worst, if you refused, I would have just tried it again. But you suddenly said that you When I was about to leave, I suddenly realized that this seemed to be my last chance."

"The address and information of the college need to be kept confidential. You should know this, so I couldn't tell you too much at that time." Lin Young said in a low voice.

"Well, I know now, but at that time I just felt that you were finally tired of me, which was quite sad. That night I went back and listened to the song from the hot pot restaurant. After listening to it over and over again, it seemed a bit pretentious. Afterwards, I also felt that it was a bit pretentious. It’s funny, but every time I hear someone play that song, it annoys me to death.”

"When a sad person listens to any song, it feels like he is singing about himself."

"Later, you came back once. Remember that dinner party. I was excited all night, but I was also a little afraid that you brought a foreign girlfriend back. People say that foreign students are open to foreign students. You are not very proactive in the first place. Man, luckily not many people harass you in Shilan Middle School. What if you go abroad and a large group of girls pester you? I really couldn’t sleep that night, and you didn’t reply to me when I sent you a text message.”

"At that time, I had no signal on the plane and landed in the early morning. After landing, I encountered some things on the elevated road and was delayed."

Lin Nian was peeling pears and feeding them to Su Xiaoqiang while chatting with her. Originally, when he was sick, he should rest and talk less. But today, Su Xiaoqiang was very talkative, as if he had let go of the pressure for too long, too long, and had been restrained for a long time. The chatterbox suddenly stopped exerting force and bounced open.

Next to Lin Nian, she began to talk nonchalantly about things at Shilan Middle School, things at home, and things she was waiting for. She talked about them in a long and detailed way, just like a sketch assignment with every detail. Things are so interesting and vivid, but the way they are connected with each other is unusual. Word A contains word B, which leads to word B, and word B contains the lead of word C, which leads to word C. It is endless. Absolutely.

Lin Nian was originally ready to interrupt, but then he simply stopped talking. He just leaned quietly on the chair and peeled pears. The moon outside the window climbed over the top of the bell tower, jumped over the mountain and hid. Su Xiaoqiang kept talking in the room. , eyes slightly bright like a new moon.

She had rarely chatted with Lin Nian for so long. She had always been afraid that she would annoy the boy, so her words were always in the form that minimalism dreamed of. But tonight she became a supporter of maximalism. Use the pencil of words to embellish those repeated details, and want to draw white flowers as a border on all the things that happened between the two people in the past. Lin Nian just listened, then nodded, handed her a water glass, fed her fruit, and stopped in front of each of her paintings.

The college outside the window was quiet, but there was a party in the attic room, and every word was a fireworks of memory.

"It's time to go to sleep." After a long time, Lin Nian looked at the time on his phone on the table and said.

It was late at night, and the moon had climbed high. Su Xiaoqiang's words seemed to have been screwed on a valve, and the things that had been cut off could no longer be connected. She was a little confused, but as if she thought of something, she was relieved and satisfied, and she let go. Original worries. He raised his head and saw Lin Nian's face close at hand, as well as the last piece of pear meat handed over.

She opened her mouth to bite the last piece of pear, but was blocked by something else warm. The hand that was pressed on the pillow behind her also gently held her, making her lie down on her back in a daze. My body is still a little warm and soft, I don't know if it's because of illness or friction, but my skin has a colorful warmth, and the temperature of the ocean surface continues to rise when they fit together. The sea is invisible, incomparable, and stunningly beautiful, and so are their emotions now.

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