"What is the general process for extorting confessions in the interrogation department?"

“Everything you can imagine, and everything you can’t imagine.”

"for example?"

"Do you want me to give an example of the former or the latter?"

"Of course it's unimaginable."

"Do whatever it takes." Schneider stood in front of a cell door and looked at Lin Nian behind him. "There are always different interrogation methods for everyone to break through the psychological bottom line. Before interrogation, we always investigate the person under trial. In his life, find his fear and discomfort points and make breakthroughs."

"What if you want to interrogate me?" Lin Nian stood behind Schneider.

Schneider glanced at Lin Nian and said calmly, "If I want to interrogate you, I will not choose to waste time on you. I will ask someone else to interrogate you."

"It seems that the Executive Department is excused for being hated."

"You have to ask this question." Schneider said calmly, "No matter how hard he is, we can still make him speak. They are still human, and humans will be afraid. If you have information that I want to know, if If you are not willing to hand over the information, I will take you to the room of 'Bury' just now to introduce you to each other, and then tell you that you can stay in the same space for a while."

"I will indeed be afraid. Of course, the premise is that I don't have the ability to resist." Lin Nian nodded.

"I suspect that even if you lose your bloodline and are forced to be locked up with 'Berry', he will be the only one who gets betrayed in the end." Schneider opened the cell door in front of him and walked in expressionlessly.

"Then you really think highly of me. It's almost impossible for ordinary people to fight against dangerous hybrids." Lin Nian followed.

"Really?" Schneider asked flatly, but did not go into further details.

After entering the cell door, the space inside was not as dark and cramped as Lin Nian imagined. The space was very spacious, almost the size of a living room. The interior was completely white, but there was no light source. He only felt that the walls on all sides were emitting a constant light. The light source reminded him of the pure white scene in the movie "The Matrix" when NEO first entered the matrix space.

"Four walls and double ceilings of hardened glass, high-density matrix lights." Schneider walked inside. There was no furniture in the space. There was only a man lying on the ground with his limbs shackled to the glass floor. He was naked and skinny, and even the eyelids of his eyes were was cut off.

"Introducing Morton Lorenz, a German." Schneider stood next to the man and looked down at him. "One of the thugs who invaded Kassel College was raped by a student from the Lion Heart Society before he met you. Captured in head-to-head combat.”

"Sleep deprivation experiment?" Lin Nian asked, looking at the dying man with his eyelids cut off and his eyes blank.

"No, just based on his life experience, we found that he hates light sources. His degraded bloodline has given him the ability to innate infrared night vision. Too strong bright light will stimulate his vision and brain nerves and make him miserable. "It's like wearing night vision goggles and eating a flash bomb." Schneider said, "Wherever he needs to be deprived of sleep, just letting him look directly at the light can make him miserable."

"The light source conditions here can make the umbra of the human body almost completely disappear, and the penumbra is so faint that it is invisible. It is the best interrogation environment for him. At first, we did not restrain his hands and feet, and he tried to tear it with his nails. His skin blocked the light source with blood, and then he even wanted to smear the walls with excrement, so we could only restrict his freedom a little bit."

"What does he know?" Lin Nian was not very interested in the interrogation process, he just wanted to get the results.

"He comes from Chernobyl prison and is a serious criminal in the [Red Zone]. He was arrested by the German branch in a church in Munich in 2003. He likes to hunt devout Christians. He is bloodthirsty and perverted. He has a tendency to transform into Deadpool, and his five senses in the dark can be greatly enhanced by the spirit spirit. That night, he lurked and killed two of our third-year students and a lifelong professor. He was captured by second-year student Lancelot. And captured." Schneider looked at the man, "The reason he was not executed immediately was that he claimed that he had information about the organization of the invasion and the mastermind behind the Dragon King's unexpected awakening, so we spared his life and sent him here. Interrogation Department.”

"But it seems like your interrogation process didn't go well?" Lin Nian's expression didn't change much as he looked at the man's tortured appearance.

"It went well, but it didn't go well either. He also confessed a lot of things during the interrogation, such as the contents of the 'list' that the intruders had, the truth about the 'Commandments' going out of control, and what exactly happened in the Chernobyl prison. thing."

"But he's still not dead."

"Because he has always been unwilling to tell us the information we most want to know, which is the information about the person behind the scenes who directed everything, and even gave us the opportunity to find the main messenger behind the scenes to reach a dialogue. We have asked this question several times, and strengthened He insisted on all the interrogation methods and did not let go. He just repeatedly made a request. Unless we meet his request, we would rather die here than say a word."

"It turns out that he is as strong as he said. He has been without sleep, water and food for three days now. He relied solely on his own blood to support him from sudden death." Schneider lowered his eyes slightly.

"What is his request? That you would rather risk his accidental death than find me?" Lin Nian asked, but he probably guessed the answer when he asked.

"He named him and said he just wanted to give this information to you. He wanted to meet you in person. After all, he didn't even have the chance to be stabbed like that by you that night." Schneider said lightly, "Actually, if there is no special need, I don’t want to see you make such a trip in person. After all, Norma has investigated his background and experience in the Chernobyl prison. His level is not as high as he said he can contact the mastermind behind the scenes. "

"Then you can bring him to me. He won't be able to make any big noise again."

"Let him return to Kassel College? If other students knew that such a sinner was still alive, even if he lived worse than death, it would cause dissatisfaction among many people, right? He would still be dead long ago in everyone's eyes. "It's better." Schneider said, "Although the possibility that he has important information is slim, but now we only have him alive, and most of the intruders are speechless now."

This sentence has the meaning of blaming Lin Nian for being too fast with his sword, but there is nothing that can be done about it. In that case, it is impossible for Lin Nian to still have the intention to stay alive.

"Then no matter what, I'm here." Lin Nian said, also to the man on the ground.

The man's blank eyes, whose eyelids had been cut off, had been staring at him for some time and remained motionless.

According to Schneider, this man's natural vision should not be able to see under such strong light, but he still locked onto Lin Nian's position, perhaps relying on sound or intuition.

Under Lin Nian's gaze, a smile appeared on the thin face of this man who was supposed to be dying and might die suddenly at any time. It was so bright, like the joy of seeing each other again after a long absence, and an inexplicable sense of vitality seemed to come from that long drought. The water welled up in the thin body, gradually filling the withered body, filling the dry body like air.

This phenomenon is not a physiological phenomenon. The dying body is still shriveled, and Schneider's sight has not changed at all. This feeling of 'fullness' can only be clearly felt by Lin Nian in the entire room. .

"Hello, Lin Nian." The man on the ground greeted him hoarsely with a smile.

"." Lin young man tilted his head slightly and looked at the man on the ground.

In a sense, the other party really didn't lie. This guy really gave him the opportunity to have a head-on conversation with the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Lorenz, now that the person you want to see is here, say what you need to say as soon as possible." Schneider said hoarsely, seemingly not noticing anything unusual.

"What I say depends on what you want to know." The man said hoarsely, but his voice was unusually calm. He did not lack the aura of a dying person at all. It was as if he was sitting in front of the two of them in well-dressed clothes. Talk to them politely.

"You said you know the information about the main messenger behind you, and you also know that we never like to fool." Schneider said.

"Yes, the Executive Department never accepts fooling or deception, and will repay with thunderous wrath. But the question now is, is it really just such a simple question that you want to know?" The man stood on the ground. He turned his head and asked.

Schneider was about to frown and speak, but Lin Nian raised his hand to stop him, looked at the man on the ground and said calmly, "Since you failed, why do you show up at this time?"

The man was silent for a moment and suddenly laughed, "But did I really fail?"

"Constantine is dead and you have gained nothing."

"Sometimes the definition of benefit is not limited to personal benefit." The man said with a low smile, "Some people finally make up their minds to start running, some are willing to make noble sacrifices that no one cares about in exchange for glory, and some are seeking the skin of a tiger for greater gain. There were too many things happening that night when the lofty goal was set, and you were just immersed in violence and fighting and didn’t know clearly.”

"Then you can tell me what I missed." Lin Nian nodded, "Yelena said you are good at lying. I want to see if you can fool me."

"I will never lie to you, my dear Lin Nian. I am not like Yelena, a liar who tells lies. If you think about it, have I really lied to you even once since we got to know each other?" the man said, "'Jun Wu Xiyan', you should have heard of this word."

When the words 'Jun Wu Xiyan' came out of the man's hoarse throat, Schneider's pupils beside Lin Nian shrank sharply. He almost instantly wanted to look up at the surveillance camera in a hidden corner of the room and spat out the safe word, almost on his lips. Before the shapes and sounds could even spread, the defense mechanism of the entire interrogation department had been completely activated.

The piercing sirens penetrated every corner of the entire bunker space. Heavy alloy doors crashed down one after another to seal the exits. The anti-aircraft machine guns in the corners came out. The metal walls and corridors were all connected to high-voltage static electricity. Even a single Mosquitoes that land on their feet will be instantly struck to pieces by the electric current. At the same time, amidst the shrill alarm, the entire bunker also erupted with the overwhelming screams and shouts of the prisoners who could not suppress it, as if they were worried about this unprecedented chaos. and nervous red light celebration.

However, in this pure white room deep in the bunker, nothing happened. Lin Nian stood there, and the man lay on the ground and was imprisoned in shackles.

"There is no need to be so nervous, Minister Schneider. You have done a good job, but you cannot do your best. If you can do your best every time, why should your students and your health go away from you?" What?" The man looked at Schneider, who was half-hidden with an iron mask, and asked with a chuckle.

"I read about you in the school board's early warning plan." Schneider looked at the man's iron-gray eyes as cold as daggers and hissed, "Perhaps I should call you 'Emperor'?"

"It's just a title. I won't put you on the anti-rebellion list just because you call me 'Lorenz'." The man said.

"You've put yourself in danger, Your Majesty." Schneider's teeth seemed to be biting pig iron, staring at the man coldly.

"Don't get too excited. I'm worried that your blood pressure will make you faint like Professor Manstein." The man shook his head, "Look at the child next to you who is much calmer than you."

Schneider turned his head to look at Lin Nian, and found that Lin Nian, who should have been the most reactive, was so calm from beginning to end, staring at the man on the ground expressionlessly, without any sign of impulsiveness.

"Physical blockade is of no use to him." Lin Nian said, "He just temporarily borrowed the body of 'Morton Lorenz' to talk to us, just like a parasite."

"Parasite?" Schneider's expression was a little gloomy, but after calming down for a moment, he chose to believe Lin Nian's words. However, the blockade of the bunker was still not lifted, because if the 'Emperor' appeared here, whether in the form of a parasite, He is still his true form. He must have his own purpose. Every time he appears, he comes with a very strong purpose. This time he used Schneider to bring Lin Nian under the guise of Morton Lorenz. It is difficult for Schneider not to To guess whether the other party was going to harm Lin Nian.

At this moment, Schneider almost came up with no less than ten ways to use the special characteristics of the bunker to deal with Lin Nian, the troublesome prisoners in the cell, the defense measures controlled by Norma, and even the hidden treasures hidden underground in the bunker that were enough to put Houshan back. An entire alchemy bomb exploded. This made this normally calm man secrete some clammy sweat from his back.

"Minister, if I want to leave, these facilities can't stop me." Lin Nian saw Schneider's worry and said softly.

"The tortured and delirious prisoners, the high-strength alloy door, or the mercury heart alchemy bomb experimented by the equipment department below the bunker cannot stop the new king in front of you. You cannot use these means to kill Constantine. Naturally, there is no way to kill the half-blood monarch who replaced Constantine on the new throne." The man said with a smile.

"So, what is your purpose? You have to say something when you ask me to come. Provocation? Declaration of war? Say whatever you want." Lin Nian said calmly, looking at the man on the ground.

"No matter what I say, before I leave this body, you will stomp on my head with a speed that I can't react?" the man asked.

"Yes." Lin Nian nodded, "You can give it a try now."

"For such an interesting thing, it's better to try it after I say what I need to say, otherwise I believe you will crush this unlucky guy's face when I say the first word 'try it, just try it'" ." The man also nodded.

"Then, let's talk." Lin Nian said.

Under the gaze of Schneider and Lin Nian, he was quiet for a few seconds and then chuckled and said, "First of all, I want to celebrate that the throne has a new owner. Secondly, since the first flame of war has been lit, then let's not let the flame go out. Come down, the blood of revenge will cool down if it remains silent for too long. Let's talk about your next plan, the detailed process of the 'Bronze Plan', and the distribution of Norton's inheritance."

ps: A thirty-year-old military doctor saved me from the pain of picking tonsils: "You still get the same inflammation after picking them." I fell silent for a moment.

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